ToseekapositiontoutilizemyskillsandabilitiesinITIndustrythatoffersprofessionalgrowthwhilebeingresourcefulandflexible. PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY
● 7 yearsofhands-onexperienceinSoftwareIndustryas Business analyst/ERP Consultant/Coupa Consultant/Technical Writer
● Software analysis, Requirements elicitation, Documentation and support,Maintenance and Enhancement of Client applications, Handling Change Requests & Tickets.
● Involved in complete ERP software project Implementations.
● Excellent hands-on experience in Project management.
● GoodknowledgeandexperienceonSDLC,STLC,Bug LifeCycle.
● GoodworkingknowledgeinAgileScrumprocess.
● Excellent Theoretical knowledge with SQL .
● Impeccableclienthandlingandleadershipskills.
● Innovativeandexceptionallycreativetofosterideasthatimpeltheorganizationtowardsaresult-oriented direction.
● Comprehensive problem solving abilities, good verbal and written communication skills, willingness to learn/Teach, Team facilitator,goal oriented and a team player.
● Ability to work in a team environment or independently.
● Hands-on experience inManualtestingandattendingScrumCeremonies.
● Tools: Redmine, Jira,MSVisio,MS Office Suite(Word, Excel, PowerPoint), Figma, Service-Now & Draw.io, EDMS(D2). CAREER PROFILE:
Working for Birlasoft (C2H- Globaltech Prosolutions) asBusinessAnalyst/Coupa Consultant fromOct-2023 toTillDate
Worked for GenPact India Pvt.Ltd. asBusinessAnalyst/Coupa Consultant from Apr-2022 to Aug-2023
Worked ForExcelBusinessSolutionsPvt.Ltd. as Coupa Analyst /ERP ConsultantfromNov-2019 to Mar-2022.
Worked forTataConsultancyServices(C2H- CoreIntegraconsultingServices)As ERP Business analyst from June-2018 to August 2019.
Worked for Prasanna technologies as Associate Business analyst from Feb- 2016 to Mar-2018. EDUCATION:
B.E in Electronics and Communication -The Oxford College of engineering, Bangalore Karnataka. May 2011 - June 2015.
Diploma in Electronics and Communication -SJM Polytechnic Chitradurga, Karnataka. Apr 2007 – Nov 2010. CERTIFICATIONCOURSE:
Business analyst course at Softgen Infotech, Bangalore (Nov-2015).
Chat-GPT, Agile: Internal certification- GenPact (Apr -2023)
Power BI : Tech Mahindra Foundation (Pursuing)
Project: iScala, Coupa:
Title: iScala Version 3.2 & 3.5 (Inventory, sourcing,Contract, User Management, P2P, O2C, Financial Services). Coupa (Inventory, Sourcing, Orders, Contracts, Spend Management, Finance, SCM, CRM) Role: Business Analyst/ Coupa Consultant.
Clients: Galderma And Birlasoft.
Duration: Apr-2022 to TillDate.
Environment: Requirements Elicitation and analysis, BRD Preparation, Change management, Co- ordination/Support Application Team, Technical Consultants, Involved in UAT Conduction, Post implementation support.
Project: IEMS + Coupa;
Title: ERP software (Orders, Inventory, Procurement, Spend analysis, User Management, Excise P2P, SCM, O2C Management, HMS,Finance)
Role: Coupa Analyst/ERP Consultant.
Clients: Excise department of Bihar (BSBCL).
Duration: Nov-2019 to Mar-2022
Environment: Requirements Elicitation and analysis, BRD Preparation, Attending Scrum Ceremonies,End to end training on user interface and functional areas of software, UAT, Post Implementation support and Integration with Coupa.
IEMS is ERP software useful in Automate the Excise Process to computerize every process of work-flow to mitigate hardship of the Public and Excise Officers in maintaining proper records of the Excise related activities.
Project: TCS-iON:
Title: Cloud ERP software (P2P, SCM, O2C, MRP,BOM,HRMS, and Finance) Role: ERP Business Analyst.
Client: Hardware Manufacturing Companies.
Duration: June-2018 to August-2019.
Environment: Coordination between clients and development team, Requirement Gathering, BRD,UAT, End to end training and guide the clients on using software, Client handling, Support to Clients, Project Kick-off. Description:
TCS-iON is a cloud based ERP software useful in Automate the Procure to Pay, Order to Cash and HRMSOperations to computerize every process of work-flow to mitigate hardship of the Hardware Manufacturing Organizations officials in maintaining proper records of the Production related activities. Projects:
Asset Management Software,
Title: SAP ERP software (Inventory, Finance, HRMS and Configuration, Asset management) Role: Associate Business analyst.
Client: KPTCL
Duration: Feb-2016 to Mar-2018.
Environment: Coordination between clients and development team, Requirement Gathering, Gapanalysis,End to End training on functional areas of software, BRD, Client handling. Description:
Energy-sync software is an SAP ERP application useful in order to mitigate the hardship of the field and Technical officers and accounts officers in maintaining proper records of the Work related activities,Purchase related activities and Human resource management, Warehouse, Budgeting and Finance related activities are handling in this software.Asset management software is an application useful in order to mitigate the hardship of the field and Technical officers in maintaining proper records of the Work related activities, Purchase related Activities. Overall Responsibilities:
● CoordinatingwithInternalandexternalstakeholders.
● RequirementsElicitation&convert gathered requirements(User Stories) intoBRD,FRS, DFD’s.
● Involved inunderstandingtheRequirementsandFunctionalspecificationswithScrumTeam.
● Creating Prototype Structure with the help of Architects to showcase to clients using Figma Tool.
● Sign-Off (Approval)fromClient’sSME andinternalteamheadonBRDandFRD.
● ProvidingBRD/FRD toproductownerforBuild theSoftware
● Involving in Manual testing with Test engineers within Scrum Team, attending to Scrum Ceremonies
● Providing training toclientsonUserinterfaceandfunctionalareasafterBug-free Software is released from internal team.
● Guide the clientinimplementing the software & conducting feasibility check.
● Performing Demo training sessions &User acceptance test (UAT) behalf of clients.
● Taking care of CR/NF’s based on Severity and Priority.
● ProvidingPost ImplementationSupport.
● Handlingthecomplaints&ChangeswiththehelpofProjectManagementtools.
● Once the change is implemented to Live Environment, Preparation of Release note document, User Guide and save same to Repository. PERSONAL PROFILE:
Name: Veerabhadrappa R
Date of Birth: 14-04-1992
Languages Known: Kannada, English, Telugu andHindi. PWD Status: Locomotor Disabled.
I hereby declare that theinformation furnished above is true tomyknowledge. Place: Bangalore Veerabhadrappa