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Asset Management Matter Expert

Kuala Lumpur, 50000, Malaysia
February 18, 2025

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Pedro A Restrepo


Houston, TX-Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia ************@*****.*** HP: +1-281-***-****-+601******** At the helm of PETRONAS' Structural Geology division, my role capitalizes on my specialization in seismic interpretation and advanced structural geological solutions. With a focus on global exploration and production, we have conducted over 200 technical QC Prospect Evaluations, greatly enhancing the company's strategic positioning in multiple basins. Multidisciplinary Geoscientist with 30 years of experience across more than 60 basins, specializing in structural geology, exploration, and asset management. Demonstrated success in finding oil and gas reserves in Colombia, Vietnam, and Malaysia. Subject Matter Expert (SME) in Structural Geology and technical leader with a proven ability to mentor teams, drive creative problem-solving, and deliver strategic vision. Recognized for making high-impact contributions to exploration projects and advancing subsurface mapping technologies.

Skills and Tools

• Geoscience: Basin Modeling, Structural Geology, Seismic Interpretation, Mapping (complex environs), Exploration Strategy, Technical Assurance.

• Management: Technical Teams, Assets and Divisions. Worked in small independent and large organizations, Private and State owned.

• Teaching: Integrated Geoscience Courses. Excellent communication abilities. Classroom and Field.

• Software: Move, Kronos, Structure Solver, QGis, Global Mapper, Petrosys, Petrel, ArcGIS, Kingdom, GeoX, Landmark, GeoX, Trinity

• Languages: English (fluent), Spanish (native), Indonesian (intermediate). Education

Ph.D. in Geology, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ (1995) – GPA: 4.0/4.0 M.Sc. in Geology, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ (1992) – GPA: 4.0/4.0 B.Sc. in Geology, Universidad Nacional de Colombia (1989) – Top of Class (Summa Cum Laude) Achievements

• Proven Oil and Gas Finder. 3.2 Tcf of gas discovered in Malaysia and 5 Tcf in Colombia., 250 MMBO Vietnam.

• Structure mapping for reserves certification of the Pyang 5 TcF field in NW Papua New Guinea.

• Developed and implemented new exploration strategies at Ecopetrol, resulting in the discovery of 5 Tcf of gas reserves and the reactivation of offshore exploration. As a result of the strategic actions production increased from 538KBOD to 1MMBOPD in 6 years, forestalling oil imports in Colombia.

• Successfully led the technical evaluation and risk management for $1.8B M&A opportunity. Initiated the internationalization of Ecopetrol.

• Chairperson: EAGE workshop on New Discoveries in Mature Basins, Kuala Lumpur 2024. More than 100 industry participants and 32 papers presented.

• Distinguished Talent Visa granted by the Australian Government. Experience

Petronas Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Nov 2021 – Present Head of Exploration Geological Solutions- Structural Geology

• Lead-Subject Matter Expert (SME) for global exploration and production, providing critical structural geology support across multiple basins. Have conducted over 200 technical QC Prospect Evaluations

• Introduced new structural geology and basin modeling technologies to increase turnaround time efficiency of subsurface evaluation in a more integrated approach.

• Collaborated with cross-functional teams to optimize exploration workflows and incorporate advanced structural geological solutions to optimize prospect de-risking ahead of drilling. Oil Research Limited Sydney, Australia Jun 2017 – Aug 2021 Chief Geoscientist

• Directed technical assurance for a portfolio of over 37 prospects in Papua New Guinea, including mapping the largest drillable prospect in the Oil Search Exploration portfolio (Eastern Fold belt).

• Structural mapping towards certifying the Pyang 5TcF gas field as part of reserves redetermination and company valuation.

• Collaborated with cross-functional teams to optimize exploration workflows and incorporate advanced structural geological solutions to optimize prospect de-risking ahead of drilling. Murphy Oil Corporation Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Nov 2014 – May 2017 Senior Geological Advisor-New ventures

• Evaluated over ten Exploration opportunities towards portfolio buildup in Southeast Asia, focused on - deep water Sarawak, Sabah, Malaysia and Cuulong - Vung Mai basins, Vietnam.

• Evaluated and captured block 15-2 Vietnam with 2 BBO undeveloped resource and exploration upside. The latter secured Murphy's operation in Vietnam. Mubadala Petroleum Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia & Bangkok, Thailand Nov 2014 – May 2017 Chief Geologist-Interim Exploration Manager

• Technical Lead of a team of 8 geoscientists working on the SK320 exploration block. 3D seismic acquisition and interpretation and drilling of one appraisal well and four exploration wells. Pegaga Gas discovery with 3.2 TcF resource and 30 km from pipeline, securing Mubadala operations in Malaysia.

• Oversaw the PM324 Saujana-1 High Pressure-High Temperature well ($192M), successfully guiding the joint venture (Shell and Petronas) to plug and abandon the well, avoiding significant penalties. Lundin Petroleum Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia & Singapore Aug 2006 – Dec 2010 Senior Geologist

• Led seismic interpretation and prospect generation across seven exploration blocks and four exploration wells, supporting successful exploration initiatives in Southeast Asia. Cempelut and Janglau gas discoveries, Malaysia.

Shell International Houston, TX May 2005 – Jul 2006 Geological Advisor

• Costal swamp Niger delta near field and explorationportfolio rejuvenation. Conceptualization of deep plays in Neger delta (published-Geological Society of London, 2017). Ecopetrol S.A. Bogotá, Colombia Jul 2003 – May 2005 Vice President of Exploration

• Spearheaded exploration transformation during the privatization of Ecopetrol, a 6,000-employee, integrated Oil & Gas company with 500 MBO production capacity and 2 refineries. Managed 110 Staff, $250 MMUSD budget, 22 Exploration Blocks, 34 JV Partners.

• Drilling 14 Operated wells in a turn-key participation alliance with Nabors Drilling, 1550 km, first 3D marine data acquisition and first deep seismic survey offshore Caribbean (14000 km).

• Pioneered the reactivation of Offshore Exploration and drove Ecopetrol's international expansion, leading to 3 major gas discoveries (approx. 5 Tcf).

• Oversaw a strategic shift that re-attracted major international companies (Exxon, Shell, Anadarko, Rubiales) as joint venture (JV) partners.

• Led M&A evaluations, including assessing Encana’s assets in Ecuador, and formed a strategic JV alliance with Petrobras.

• The fundamental shift in strategy and increased efficiencies in operations resulted boosting production from 538 KBOPD to 1 MMBOPD and mitigating oil imports. Conoco Houston, TX & Jakarta, Indonesia Aug 1996 – Jul 2003 Senior Geologist-Structural Geology SME

• Subject Matter Expert (SME) in the evaluation of over 35 global exploration opportunities, specializing in structural and new venture evaluations.

• Directed a key prospect mapping project in West Natuna, Indonesia, resulting in a successful farmout to Premier Oil.

• Conducted structural mapping for the multi-Tcf Suban Field in Sumatra, Indonesia, supporting seismic data acquisition for resource determination and development planning. Exxon Houston, TX May 1995 – Jun 1996

Senior Geologist

• Conducted subsurface mapping and fairway delineation of the Peruvian fold belt and foreland, providing valuable insights into high grading open exploration acreage (Sub Andean Team). Publications

1. Jaswal, J.S., Sherkati, S., Restrepo-Pace, P.A., Domzig, A. and Nik A Asiss, F. 2024. A New Insight on the Structural Evolution of North Luconia, Deep Water Sarawak. APGCE Conference and Exhibition. Kuala Lumpur.

2. Restrepo-Pace, P. and Naar, J. 2024. Old School-New Tools’ in NW Borneo Exploration Portfolio Rejuvenation. AAPG International Conference and Exhibition. Oman. 3. Restrepo-Pace, Pedro Alonso. 2024. Mature Basin Exploration: There is a Method to Madness. EAGE New discoveries in Mature Basins. Kula Lumpur.

4. Mahoney, L., Furnass, M and Restrepo-Pace, 2021. Application of LiDAR for hydrocarbon exploration in logistically and geologically challenging environments: examples from the Papuan Fold and Thrust Belt, Papua New Guinea. Australian Geoscience Exploration Conference. Brisbane. 5. Pedro Restrepo-Pace, 2019. Beyond Geometry: 2D Structural Thermo-Kinematic Models of the Papuan fold and Thrust Belt . AAPG Conference and Exhibition Port Moresby and Houston 2020 6. Pedro Restrepo-Pace, Mike Szczepaniak, Keith Bradey and Subash Chandra, 2019. Technical Progression in Tackling the Papua New Guinea Fold Belt : A Fit for Purpose Tool-kit, a Learning Curve and the Persistence that Led to Success in One of the Most Challenging Surface and Geological Settings. AAPG Conference and Exhibition, Buenos Aires-Argentina. 7. Pedro Restrepo-Pace, 2019. Beyond Geometry: 2D Structural Thermo-Kinematic Models of the Papuan fold and Thrust Belt . PESA Newsletter Aug-November/2019 8. Pedro Restrepo-Pace, 2017. Proterozoic Basement, Northern South America Basement Tectonics and Implications for the Paleocontinental Reconstructions of the Americas. In Northern Andes Regional Geology, Fabio Cediel (editor) In publication, Springer_Verlag 9. Pedro Restrepo-Pace, 2017. ‘Ductile vs. Brittle' – Alternative structural interpretations for the Niger Delta. In Passive Margins, Ken McClay (editor). Geological Society of London Special Publications. 10. Restrepo-Pace.P.A., Dalrymple, M. and Morley, R. 2015. Finding New Exploration Targets in ‘Mature’ Petroleum Basins Offshore Thailand: All About Nuance. AAPG International Conference. Istanbul, Turkey. 11. Robert J Morley, Tony Swiecicki and Pedro Restrepo Pace, 2015. Correlation across the South China Sea Using VIM Transgressive-Regressive Cycles. AAPG Asia Pacific Region Geosciences Technology Workshop, “Tectonic Evolution and Sedimentation of South China Sea Region,” Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia, May 26-27, 2015. AAPG.

12. Spuij, Roland & Restrepo-Pace, Pedro & Soeteber, Angela. (2014). New Play Concepts and Innovative Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Re-vitalizing Exploration in the Gulf of Thailand (GoT). 10.2118/172098-MS.

13. Restrepo-Pace_, P.A., King, S., Jones, R., Goulder, C., Chim, Y.Ah and Russell, C. 2010. The Penyu Basin Revisited: The Abandoned Mate of the Malay-Natuna Basins. PGCE Conference. Kuala-Lumpur, Malaysia.

14. Hamilton, Robin1, David Steele2, Colin Grant3, Pedro Restrepo-Pace1, Larry Garmezy1 (1) Shell International, Houston, TX (2) Shell Houston, Houston, TX (3) Shell International Exploration and Production, Houston, TX. Identifying New Material Hydrocarbon Plays. The Challenge and an Approach. AAPG Annual Meeting April 1-4, 2007, Long Beach, California 15. Pedro Restrepo-Pace (EPT-RXR), Jack Filbrandt & Kehinde Ladipo (EPX-G-XNTC) with contributions from Fidel Onichabor & Scott Gagen (EPX-G-XNEF) & Pascal Richard(PDO-DSC93s). Structural styles in Deltas: The Niger Delta case Global Exploration Newsletter Vol. 2, No.6. October 2006 16. Camilo Montes, R. D. Hatcher, and P. A. Restrepo-Pace. Tectonic reconstruction of the Northern Andean blocks; oblique convergence and rotations derived from the kinematics of the Piedras-Girardot area, Colombia (in) Tectonophysics (April 2005), 399(1-4):221-250 17. Dolan, P, Burgraff, D., Soofi, K, Restrepo-Pace, P., Fitzimmons, R, Aydemir, E., Senneseth,O., Strickland, L. Challenges to Exploration in Frontier Basins – The Barbados Accretionary Prism. AAPG International Conference: October 24-27, 2004; Cancun, Mexico

18. Pedro A. Restrepo-Pace, Fabio Colmenares, Camilo Higuera, and Marcela Mayorga.2004. A fold-and- thrust belt along the western flank of the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia; style, kinematics, and timing constraints derived from seismic data and detailed surface mapping (in Thrust tectonics and hydrocarbon systems, McClay,) AAPG Memoir (2004), 82 598-613

19. Morley R.H., Morley H.P and P. A. Restrepo-Pace. 2002. Unraveling the tectonically controlled stratigraphy of the West Natuna Basin by means of the paleoderived Mid tertiary climate changes. In 29th IPA Proceedings. 1.

20. Montes,C., Restrepo-Pace, P.A. and. Hatcher, R.D. 2002. Three-dimensional structure and kinematics of the Piedras-Girardot fold belt; surface expression of transpressional deformation in the Northern Andes (in the circum-Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean; Hydrocarbon habitats, basin formation, and plate tectonics) AAPG Memoir (2003), 79 849-873

21. . Pedro A. Restrepo-Pace. 2002. Barbados accretionary prism geometry, structural controls, kinematics and mass balance calculations (in 16th Caribbean geological conference; abstracts, Anonymous,) Program and Abstracts of Papers - Caribbean Geological Conference (June 2002), 16 101 22. Coral, M.G., McClay, K., Comrie-Smith, N. and Restrepo-Pace, P.A. 2000 Structural analysis of inversion structures in the Belanak area, West Natuna Basin, Indonesia (in AAPG international conference and exhibition; abstracts, Anonymous). AAPG Bulletin (September 2000), 84(9):1413 23. Pedro A. Restrepo-Pace and Mike Unger Structural framework and inversion kinematics of the Bawal Graben, West Natuna Sea; implications for sediment dispersal and HC migration (in AAPG international conference and exhibition; abstracts, Anonymous). AAPG Bulletin (September 2000), 84(9):1481 24. Pedro A. Restrepo-Pace and Mike Unger Structural framework and inversion kinematics of the Bawal Graben, West Natuna Sea; implications for sediment dispersal and HC migration (in AAPG international conference and exhibition; abstracts, Anonymous). AAPG Bulletin (September 2000), 84(9):1481 25. Camilo Montes, Robert D. Hatcher, and Pedro A. Restrepo-Pace .Three-dimensional geometry and kinematic modeling of a transpressional fold belt in central Colombia (in Geological Society of America, 2000 annual meeting, Anonymous,) Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America (2000), 32(7):506

26. Pedro A. Restrepo-Pace, K. H. James, and Tomas Villamil. Fold and thrust belt hydrocarbon plays along the eastern margin of the middle Magdalena Valley, Colombia (in AAPG international conference and exhibition; abstracts, Anonymous). AAPG Bulletin (August 1999), 83(8):1336 27. Pedro A. Restrepo-Pace, Fabio Colmenares, Camilo Higuera, Marcela Mayorga, and Jairo Leal. Fold and thrust belt along the western flank of the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia; style, kinematics and timing constraints derived from seismic data and detailed surface mapping (in AAPG international conference and exhibition; abstracts, Anonymous,)AAPG Bulletin (August 1999), 83(8):1336 28. Tomas Villamil, Pedro A. Restrepo-Pace, and K. Svela Campanian-Oligocene evolution and tectonostratigraphic development of northwestern South America (in AAPG international conference and exhibition; abstracts, Anonymous,) AAPG Bulletin (August 1999), 83(8):1344 29. Pedro A. Restrepo-Pace Field assessment of true stratigraphic thickness, stretching, shortening structural style and kinematics of the Eastern Cordillera, Colombia (in The role of geological fieldwork in hydrocarbon exploration and production). Cambridge Arctic Shelf Program, Cambridge, United Kingdom (1999) 30. Tomas Villamil and Pedro A. Restrepo-Pace Stratigraphic and structural constraints on Campanian- Oligocene tectonostratigraphic development of northwestern South America (in AAPG international conference and exhibition; abstracts, Anonymous). AAPG Bulletin (October 1998), 8(10):1979 31. Pedro A. Restrepo-Pace, Fabio Colmenares, Camilo Higuera, Marcela Mayorga, and Jairo Leal. Fold and thrust belt along the western flank of the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia; style, kinematics and timing constraints derived from seismic data and detailed surface mapping (in AAPG international conference and exhibition; abstracts, Anonymous,) AAPG Bulletin (October 1998), 82(10):1956 32. Pedro A. Restrepo-Pace, Fabio Colmenares, Camilo Higuera, Marcela Mayorga, and Jairo Leal.Fold and thrust belt along the western flank of the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia; style, kinematics and timing constraints derived from seismic data and detailed surface mapping (in AAPG international conference and exhibition; abstracts, Anonymous,) AAPG Bulletin (October 1998), 82(10):1956 33. Pedro A. Restrepo-Pace, Joaquin Ruiz, George E. Gehrels, and Michael Cosca. Geochronology and Nd isotopic data of Grenville-age rocks in the Colombian Andes; new constraints for late Proterozoic-early Paleozoic paleocontinental reconstructions of the Americas Earth and Planetary Science Letters (August 1997), 150(3-4):427-441

34. P. Restrepo-Pace, J. Ruiz, and M. Cosca. Geochronology of basement uplifts in the Colombian Andes and evidence for terrane transfer from NW South America to southern Mexico in mid-Paleozoic time (in AGU 1994 fall meeting, Anonymous,)Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union (November 1994), 75(44, Suppl.):199

35. P. Restrepo-Pace, Joaquin Ruiz, and M. Cosca. Basement of southern Mexico; a transferred terrane from NW South America in Acadian time (in Geological Society of America, 1994 annual meeting, Anonymous,) Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America (1994), 26(7):340 36. P. A. Restrepo-Pace. Petrotectonic characterization of the Central Andean Terrane, Colombia. Journal of South American Earth Sciences (January 1992), 5(1):97-116

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