John Anderson Pidgeon, Jr, D.Ed.Min.
LCDR, USN (ret). Nickname: “Sandy ”
(h) 703-***-**** (w) 703-***-****
Disabled veteran (>70%)
Current clearances: TS/SCI/ Current full lifestyle polygraph. Back-ground re-investigation adjudicated March 08 in SCATTERED CASTLES. Re-investigation adjudicated in DISS/JPAS 14 DEC 2020.
-Doctor of Educational Ministry (D.Ed.Min) in Applied Apologetics – The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, KY., May 2020.
-Master of Religious Education (MRE), Liberty University. (60 credit hours), 2017.
-Graduate Certificate in Strategic Intelligence (PGIP), Joint Military Intelligence College (now National Intelligence University), Defense Intelligence Agency, (42 credit hours), 2006.
- B.A. Rhetoric and Communications, University of Pittsburgh, 1983
Recent/Present Civilian Positions
- 13 SEP 2021 – present – DoD - DTRA Counter Threat Reduction (CTR) Mission Integration and Strategic Engagement Operations manager. Responsible for regional desk officers and regional divisions’ integration with other DTRA entities as well as facilitating OSD-Policy discussions. Recently was Proliferation Prevention Program Security and Interdiction Subject Matter Expert. Responsible for oversite of security programs sponsored by CTR. Responsible for interagency security cooperation and programs to counter the spread of weapons of mass destruction including chemical, biological, and nuclear precursors and weaponized materials.
- 01 MAR 17 – 01 AUG 2021 – DoD – DTRA-(formerly JIEDDO/JIDA/JIDO) OI-OPTK Lessons Learned Strategic Debriefer. Responsible for debriefing and gathering lessons learned for immediate assessment and solution discussion of improvised threats. Responsible for debriefing personnel and DoD units returning from deployments for the most recent contextual information on enemy tactics, techniques, and procedures as well as materials. Responsible for Interagency coordination for lessons-learned and for assisting other agencies in creating their own programs. During the pandemic, was responsible for constructing quantitative surveys and qualitative interviews and assessing problems as well as providing guidance including those from the “deckplate” to SES level.
- 01 MAR 15 – 01 MAR 17 – DoD – JIEDDO/JIDA/JIDO J-3 Continuity of Operations (COOP) SME. Developed and coordinated emergency management plans for the organization and in parallel with the new parent command, Defense Threat Reduction Agency.
- 01 OCT 12 – 01 MAR 15 – DoD - Special Operations Subject Matter Expert for the Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization (JIEDDO) in Crystal City and Reston, VA. Responsible for daily operations and analysis for this rapid acquisition program in the defeat of improvised explosives made from commercial fertilizers and chemicals. (Home Made Explosives – HME Task Force-J-5). This includes extensive weekly coordination and VTC at TS/SCI level with the interagency including Commerce, Treasury, DoD, State, CIA, FBI, ATF, NSA, NGA, and DEA as well as coalition partners Australia, U.K., Canada, and New Zealand. Responsible for Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP), Contingency planning, and Operational reporting in J-3
- 15 OCT 11 – 01 OCT 12 – Commercial - Strategic Advisor to EXDEL and Camber Companies as a consultant on a variety of unclassified topics from demilitarization of ammunition to FEMA advisement to advising on engagement with OCONUS indigenous populations for business development.
- 15 OCT 10 – 15 OCT 11 – Interagency - Contract to the US Government working as a counter-insurgency advisor on various bases in Afghanistan. Required to advise and assist in various environments with various indigenous, coalition, and interagency personnel. Participated in HUMINT with tribal elders and other indigenous personnel to form a strategic operations picture.
- 01 AUG 09 - 01 JUL 10 – Commercial - Technology Management Company/Daedalus Special Services LLC. Director, Maritime Support Services and Maritime Marketing. Responsible for directing anti-piracy operations and maritime security consulting. Recruited, trained, equipped, and deployed anti-piracy teams that successfully defended against multiple pirate attacks off Somalia, the Gulf of Aden, and the Nigerian Gulf (Gulf of Guinea). Required to interface with the indigenous population for coordination of activities.
- 23 APR 08 – 30 JUN 09 – FBI - Training and Intelligence Specialist to the FBI Critical Incident Response Group/Personnel Recovery Coordination Group. Responsible for training FBI LEGAL Attaches, FBI Support personnel, their families, and other personnel going abroad with Personnel Recovery Training and Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection Training. Responsible for developing, from scratch, a program for FBI Intelligence Analysts on Personnel Recovery/Hostage/Kidnapping operations overseas. This three day course also includes introduction to National Technical Means, Interagency operations, and intelligence tools. I developed this course at zero cost to the FBI. Assisted in developing Personnel Recovery tracking infrastructure and recovery tools. Responsible for overseas security assessments for FBI LEGATs.
- 01 SEP 06 – 23 APR 08 – Interagency - Contract for Personnel Recovery for the Central Intelligence Agency. Details can be furnished during interview. Position required operational oversight and training US and foreign personnel and coordination with foreign military entities for full spectrum personnel recovery and POW/MIA assistance
Past Military Positions and Experience:
- 01 AUG 04 – 01 SEP 06 - Advanced SEAL Delivery System (ASDS)/SOF operator interface coordinator, acquisition and support, PMS-399 SOF Undersea Mobility, Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington Naval Yard, D.C. Responsible for the acquisition of, and upgrade of, SOF operator interface systems and ISR tools for the ASDS as well as advising on the Dry Deck Shelter (DDS) System and Submarine/SPECWAR lockout spaces and interfaces on the LOS ANGELES-Class (688), the VIRGINIA-Class (774), and Former Trident Ballistic missile submarines (converted to SSGN): USS OHIO, MICHIGAN, GEORGIA, and FLORIDA. These will carry 156 Tomahawk missiles and 66 SOF operators and maintainers as well as ASDS, DDS, SDVs, and Combat Rubber Raiding Craft.
- 01 APR 02 to 01 AUG 04 – Title 10 Detailee to the Central Intelligence Agency for Personnel Recovery Operations. Position required training US and foreign personnel and coordination with foreign military entities for personnel recovery. Selected as the first Chief of Personnel Recovery Operations Branch, Special Operations Group, Special Activities Division for this agency which established it as a new Branch. Responsible for hiring the best in the Personnel Recovery field as well as managing a 2 million dollar budget which I created and implemented. During this time, PR operations were then implemented at other agencies including FBI, DOS, and other organizations for which we managed Interagency dialogue and cooperation. Responsible for training and oversight of personnel going OCONUS for operations. Responsible for ensuring recovery mechanisms within DoD and the Interagency and indigenous personnel are in place. Responsible for oversight and intelligence tasking for MIA personnel in coordination with the POW/MIA Office and JPRA when requested. More details can be furnished upon interview.
- 17 JAN 97 to 01 APR 02 – Assigned to the Advanced SEAL Delivery System Platoon ONE – selected as first SEAL Co-pilot and Department Head for this DOD Acquisition Category 1D USSOCOM “ Flagship Program”. This was the first combatant dry submersible built in over 50 years. Responsible for developing operator interfaces, ISR systems, vehicle operations, developing and executing lock-in/lock-out operations and SOP ’ s as well as operating this combatant submersible; security and counter-intelligence of the program; developing test-briefing criteria; organizing testing briefs and de-confliction of Northrop-Grumman/NAVSEA agendas, and personally executing nearly 1000 hours of high risk in-boat/in-water and dive testing. I arrived when the program was still a wooden-mockup until its last test in the deep-water dive series off Oahu, Hawaii.
- 17 JAN 95 to 17 JAN 97 – Assigned to Commander, United States SIXTH Fleet (3-Star) as NAVSPECWAR Plans and Exercises Officer, aboard USS LASALLE, Gaeta Italy, from NAVSPECWAR UNIT 10 in Rota, Spain. Responsible for fleet schedules, exercise generation and coordination of all assigned SEAL Platoons to the Carrier Battle Groups, the Amphibious Ready Groups, as well as NAVSPECWAR mobility assets of Dry Deck Shelter-equipped Submarines, MK-5 high speed boat detachments, RHIB detachments, Patrol Coastal Ships, SEAL Delivery Vehicles and SEALs aboard designated and configured fleet submarines in coordination with the COMSIXTHFLT Peacetime Engagement policy. Qualified Fleet Watch Officer during the Bosnia intervention. Responsible for SPECAT (special category) counter-terrorist exercise generation, planning, and coordination. Responsible for all face-to-face exercise coordination with NATO countries of USEUCOM, France, and Partnership for Peace programs with Albania and Romania. Also was backup to the senior SEAL on the staff for SPECWAR/SOF operations, notably the O’Grady shoot-down/rescue and “EBRO 33” downed French aircrew clandestine rescue attempt. Was assigned collateral duties as Albania “Partnership- for-Peace” Program officer, including starting the Albanian Reconnaissance Company using PFP monies and formed it as a UN peacekeeping unit, which did security and de-mining operations in the Balkans.
- 17 FEB 94-17 JAN 95 - Assigned to SEAL Team EIGHT as HOTEL PLT OIC – this was a composite platoon of the most experienced operators in the team for the Haitian boat interdiction operations and reconnaissance operations off of Haiti for the subsequent landings 14 SEP 94. Was the first U.S. Officer ashore in Cap-Haitien and the first to make contact with the military and police, as well as the infamous “attachés”. Also responsible for establishing, training, staffing and deploying small counter-drug mobile training teams for counter-drug programs in the Caribbean in coordination with foreign militaries and law enforcement entities. Responsible for intelligence collection with host nation police/military forces in HUMINT and Imagery, inclusive of FORMICA operations.
- 01 NOV 91 to 17 FEB 94 – Assigned to SEAL Team EIGHT, Little Creek NAVPHIBASE, VA., as ALPHA PLT OIC from JAN 92 to FEB 94. Workup included deployment to the Western and Southern African countries of the Ivory Coast, Senegal, Zimbabwe, Malawi, and Botswana for BIODIVERSITY anti-poaching operations, counter-smuggling operations and training. Subsequently deployed with COMPHIBRON EIGHT aboard USS SHREVEPORT from AUG 93- FEB 94. Highlights included reinforcement/reconnaissance operations for Operation RESTORE HOPE in Somalia after TASK Force RANGER disaster. Executed combined exercises with SPECWAR counterparts in Spain, Turkey, France, Italy, and Egypt.
- 01 MAR 91 – 01 NOV 91 – Defense Language Institute, Monterey, CA. French language immersion training.
- 20 DEC 88 – 01 MAR 91 – Assigned to SEAL Delivery Vehicle Team TWO, Little Creek NAVPHIBASE, VA; assigned as CHARLIE Platoon OIC. Developed SOP’s for the MK-9 SDV for classified operations. Assigned for 6-month deployment to Commander, SIXTH FLEET, as SDV/DDS liaison officer/assistant SPECWAR planner which required weekly planning with foreign militaries to conduct joint exercises and operations. Upon first reporting to the team, I was assigned as Detachment leader for a project against an environmental terrorist organization to protect the D-5 ballistic missile tests off Florida from the USS NASHVILLE and USS TENNESSEE. Responsible for training/operations of SEALs and SPECIAL Boat TEAMs and interface with SUBLANT staff with highly scrutinized ROE. Was also selected for counter-mine swimmer operations in tests in Puerto Rico for one month. P/T 1099 Position: Owner/Operator of SPECIAL WARFARE SOLUTIONS, LLC. We specialize in Maritime Special Warfare, Foreign Internal Defense, Counter-Insurgency, ISR operations, Unconventional Warfare, Maritime Security, Personnel Recovery operations, Submersible operations, anti-piracy operations, low-level source operations, and advising on strategic, operational, and tactical planning. We also have extensive experience in human engineering/interface, and physical training. We also can do referral work in Personnel Security Operations, Special Technical Operations, and have contacts in many other fields worldwide. We can find what you need. Have worked with many different government agencies recently for Personnel Recovery Operations, such as the FBI and Dept of State. STRONG INTERAGENCY BACKGROUND.
31 JUL 86 – 20 DEC 88
– Officer Candidate School, Newport, Rhode Island;
- Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL Training, Coronado, CA – Class 151;
- Advanced Over- the-Horizon Maritime Operations;
- MK-15 UBA (mixed gas) Operators class;
- Basic SEAL Delivery Vehicle (wet submersible) training;
- U.S. Army Airborne Training, FT. Benning, GA. 1099 positions:
- Developed Vessel Security Plan for the SBX-1 radar- platform home-ported in Honolulu, HI.
- Surveillance instructor and role player for DoD and Interagency (various part-time).
- Part-time Swimming Instructor for various clients/military recruits
- Teacher/Advisor for MARSOC Assessment and Selection Course
- Consultant to The Kiski School, Saltsburg, Pa for Leadership Course development.
- Private Firearms Trainer for civilians.
- Volunteer - Security Operations Officer for McLean Bible Church.
- Vice President – Great Falls Freedom Memorial
Highest Annual Operating Budget Administered: $2,000,000.00 ; Highest Material Value Oversight – in excess of 650 million for ASDS Program for Vehicle, Peculiar Support Equipment, and Facilities..
Maximum number of Personnel supervised: over 100 including civilian contractors. Highest Asset Accountability: $600 million – Advanced SEAL Delivery System with support assets and support building.
Navy Officer Billet Codes (NOBC) held:
- 9291 Naval Special Warfare Executive Officer
- 9293 SEAL Officer
- 9294 SEAL Delivery Vehicle Operator
- 9295 Advanced SEAL Delivery System Operator
- 9279 Officer-in-Charge Combat position
- 2181 Operational Test and Evaluation
- 9065 Staff Operations and Plans
- 7910 Engineering Liaison Officer
- Other significant military training:
- US Navy SERE School (level C Wartime)
- SEAFOX/SWCL Coxswain training
- SDV Advanced Operator training (3 months)
- SEAL Tactical Training (4 months)
- 637-class SSN Escape Trunk operator for swimmer operations.
- Helo Cast Master, Fast-rope Master, Rappel Master
- Airboat Coxswain and Instructor (for operations in Africa), Panther Airboats, Cocoa Beach, FL
- Laser Safety Officer (CAT III)
- Qualified MK-15, SCUBA, and LAR 5 Operator and Diving Supervisor
- MK-8, MK-9 SDV Diving Supervisor
- Hyperbaric Chamber Operator/Supervisor (First Class Diver’s Course)
- US Army Foreign Weapons Training
- BSR Tactical Vehicle Evasion Driving Course
- Overseas Security Awareness Program (FBI Driving/Counter-Surveillance)
- Overseas Security Awareness Program (CIA Contracted Driving/Counter-Surveillance)
- Advanced SEAL Delivery System Operator training (3 months – assisted in developing the course as first operator).
- FBI Weapons qualification on Glock (.40SW) and M-4
- Shaw Shooting School for Tactical Pistol/Shotgun/Submachine-gun (SIG-Sauer P226, MP-5N, Remington 870)
- Advanced Denial and Deception/Counter-Intelligence
- Joint Personnel Recovery Agency (JPRA) 101- Intro to Personnel Recovery
- JPRA 301 – Joint Rescue Coordination Center Operations training
- JPRA 303 – Non-Conventional Assisted Recovery (NAR) Operations
- SV-91/93 (contracted course) (Peacetime Governmental Detention/Hostage)
- JPRA 240/241 Reintegration De-briefer and Team Leader Courses
- FBI – Intelligence Support to Personnel Recovery – (Instructor)
- Defense Acquisition Training 101
- Simplified Acquisitions Course - Program Protection Course
- Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration (ACTD) Manager’s Course
-Military Decorations – Bronze Star (1), Defense Meritorious Service (1), Meritorious Service Medal (1), Navy Commendation (5), Navy Achievement (1), Combat Action Ribbon (2), and 18 other ribbons/awards/medals for campaigns and actions for Somalia, Haiti, Iraq, and the Global War on Terrorism.
Previous Civilian Experience and Education –
-01 JUN 83 - 31 JUL 86 - Teacher/coach at The LINSLY School, Wheeling, W.VA. Responsible for teaching sections of 7th, 8th, and sophomore English classes. Responsible for coaching Varsity swimming team – went from 3-7 previous year before my arrival to 7-4 during my first year as well as being Ohio Valley Champions all three years. Responsible for boarding students weekend activities. Assistant track coach – Ohio Valley Champions 1986. Coached local YMCA Swimming Team and ran summer school camp advertising.
- 30 AUG 82 – 01 JUN 83 – Graduate Assistant coach for University of Pittsburgh Men’s and Women’s swimming Teams. Finished one-half of the M.A. in Educational Administration.
-28 AUG 78 – 30 AUG 82 – Student/athlete, University of Pittsburgh, B.A in Rhetoric/Communications. Co-Captain, Men’s Swimming Team. Four time Eastern Champion and record holder in the 200 yd breastroke/400 yd Individual Medley. 5 time NCAA DIV I qualifier. 1982 MVP; 1981 Eastern Intercollegiate Swimmer of the Year. Trained in the summers for the Pittsburgh Aquatic Club – Six-time AAU/USA Swimming National Championships qualifier. Finished 14th at the 1980 Olympic Trials in the 200m breaststroke. Ranked 36th in the World. 1981 USA Nationals finished 12th in 200m Breastroke/20th place 400m I.M. 1982 USA Nationals/World Championship Trials finished 15th place in 200m breastroke.
-SEP 73 – AUG 78 – Student/Athlete – The KISKI School, Saltsburg, PA. Head Prefect (Head of Student Government), 1977-78. Co-Captain, swimming team, 1978 Prep-School All-American, 100 yd breaststroke.
-Family Status : DOB – 30 SEP 1959, Saltsburg, (Greensburg-hospital), PA - married to Suzanne Elizabeth Pidgeon since 17 JUN 1983; son, John Anderson Pidgeon, III “ Jack ”, 31; daughter, Elizabeth Alden Pidgeon, “ Ellie ”, 25.
-Univ. of Pittsburgh Varsity Letter Club Distinguished Athlete – 2012
-The Kiski School Athletic Hall of Fame – 2018
-Kanawha Valley (WV) Swimming Hall of Fame - 2001
- References furnished upon request.