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Support Services Security Clearance

Kings Park, VA, 22151
February 12, 2025

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Scott E. Thomas

SUMMARY: Over ** years of engineering, contract, and program management experience. Specializing in process improvement, data integration, technology integration, technical evaluation and analysis, to increase business performance, mitigate risk and resolve challenges. A proven leader and self-starter, as a corporate liaison with government and industry, I have demonstrated experience in the use of innovative technology products to deliver quality solutions to various industries in the commercial sector as well as federal, state and local governments.

Current Active Secret Security Clearance

Experience includes:

· Program/Project Management · CPIC

· Budget and EVM analysis · Design Budget/Contract Design Management

· OMB Circular A-76 Consulting · Operations Management

· Requirements Management · Research and Development


22nd Century Technologies IncI, Arlington, VA

Department of the Navy (OPNAV N16) March 2024 – Present

Provided CIO strategic support services to ensure N16 IM/IT priorities and objectives were fully articulated, synchronized, and leveraged across all IT programs and functional levels. Supported the Enterprise Support Information Technology Command Information Office (ES IT/CIO) to ensure software development and operations provide authoritative IT system solutions.

Captured Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for MyNavy HR IT portfolio programs.

Provided resource identification and integration support services to ensure Fleet and MyNavy HR budget priorities and objectives were fully articulated.

Analyzed program and system costs, benefits, risks, and return on investment information.

Analyzed historical reference containing all IT-related budget documents, spreadsheets, briefs, directives, policies, and papers for past POM cycles.

Provided program and budget support for MyNavy HR IT portfolio, and related initiatives for the MyNavy HR CIO and N1.

Reviewed documentation for IT funding requests and Investment Review Boards (IRBs).

Analyzed execution year spend plans.

Prepared and reviewed programming and budgeting documentation.

Provided analysis of obligation and expenditures regarding IT projects and established benchmarks.

Supported all phases of the IT budgeting process and the DoD acquisition process.

Analyzed historical, current, and future program financial needs to determine impacts due to shortfalls.

VTG, Arlington, VA

Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy (DASN) February 2023 – February 2024

Support the Research, Development and Acquisition (RDA) Wartime Acquisition and Sustainment Support Program (WASSP) team located at the Pentagon, in Arlington, VA. Assist the government with strategic evaluation of Sustainment and Supply Chain-related issues. Support developing strategic plans for Sustainment Supply Chain improvement initiatives. Additionally, assist the government in the coordination, collection, consolidation, and analysis of information contained in various databases and information collected during data calls for Sustainment and Supply Chain. Specifically in support of the Wartime Acquisition and Sustainment Support Plan, WASSP efforts.

Provided executive-level assistance in program planning, scheduling, document development, edit and review, to include preparation of point and talking papers, executive summaries and executive correspondence for ASN(RD&A), Chief of Naval Operations (CNO), Commandant of the Marine Corps (CMC), SECNAV and Secretary of Defense (SECDEF).

Provided support for government Program Reviews and other program level meetings, to include preparing presentation pre-brief reviews, coordinating the meetings, and sending out invitations and taking meeting notes.

Assisted in strategic planning and development of strategic initiatives, business practices, and recommend acquisition and business process improvements.

Conducted research for special studies and analyses by coordinating, collecting, consolidating and analyzing information contained in various databases and information collected during data calls.

Provide liaison functions with DON, DoD and other agencies and organizations.

Synchron LLC, Arlington, VA

Department of the Navy Naval Operations (OPNAV) February 2022–January 2023

Provided professional Requirements Manager support services to OPNAV N96. Participated in activities for the modernization of legacy, current, and future integrated combat systems, above water sensors, surface ship weapons, air and missile defense systems, undersea warfare systems, training, interoperability and Joint and Coalition initiatives for the LCS class utilizing schedule and performance/technical aspects of current, future, and interrelated programs.

Interfaced directly with PMS 505 in PEO LCS and the fleet for LCS Fleet introduction and sustainment issues and options while representing N96.

Generated briefs, talking points, issue papers and other work products on program issues for Flag level audience.

USFalcon Inc, Arlington, VA

Department of the Navy Naval Operations (OPNAV) October 2020 – February 2022

Provided professional Requirements Manager support services to OPNAV N96 (Surface Warfare) for Program Requirements and Resource Sponsor activities for the Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) program, Fleet introduction issues, ship maintenance and modernization processes.

Assisted in developing innovative and-integrated enterprise solutions for the (LCS) mission requirements using associated concepts, policies, requirements processes, and program guidance.

Worked independently with broad tasking to provide expert level JCIDS and PPBE support.

Held regular interactions with senior leadership internal and external to affiliated organizations.

Technical and Management Resources, Fairfax, VA

Department of Homeland Security (DHS) July 2018 – September 2020

Supported the CIO and oversight bodies to facilitate meeting strategic and operational Information Resources Management (IRM), Information Technology planning, and the Enterprise Architecture by integrating the agency's IRM plans, strategic and performance plans prepared pursuant to the Government Performance and Results Act of 1993, financial management plans prepared pursuant to the Chief Financial Officer Act of 1990 (31 U.S.C. 902a5), acquisition under the Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act of 1994, and TSA's budget formulation and execution processes.

Supported the TSA OMB Major and Non-Major Investment Business Case development process, and reviewed TSA’s Business Case submissions to ensure compliance and currency with all related laws, regulations, and guidance

Responsible for leading and setting agenda for the review and approval of major information technology capital investments.

Lead established oversight bodies to help satisfy the requirement to establish and maintain a capital planning and investment control process that links mission needs, information, and information technology in an effective and efficient manner.

Reviewed and made recommendations on: IT Strategic Planning; IT Enterprise Architecture; IT Investment Plans; IT Investment Portfolio; IT Security Planning; IT forums for increased collaboration and inter-agency communications; IT Risk Management Planning; and IT Annual Spend Plans and Budget submissions.

Responsible for the review and approval of information technology capital investments and establishing standards and made decisions to ensure strategic objectives for information technology are met.

Prepared final Business Case scoring, improvement reports for all annual submissions, and corrective action plans outlining corrective actions taken and corrective actions outstanding that impacted TSA OMB in order to receive passing score on all Business Case submissions.

Affinity eSolutions Inc., Vienna, VA

National Guard Bureau (NGB) Joint Staff October 2017 – July 2018

Supported NGB Joint Staff (J6) to advance Capital Planning and Investment Control (CPIC) and Portfolio Management (PfM) through IT investment analysis and providing policy recommendations to improve strategic planning integration, IT investment performance evaluations and alignment to DoD IT initiatives.

Involved in developing a National Guard Information Technology Portfolio Management (NG IT PfM) Manual.

Facilitated the development of an annual DoD Portfolio IT Portfolio Repository (DITPR) analysis report.

Developed reports detailing how the NG JS can ensure proper DITPR compliance.

Engaged in the development of gap analysis reports for DoD PfM Policy and NGB PfM Policy.

Lead development of a Joint IT Requirements Analysis process report.

Supported development of NG JS IT investment report.

Developing plans to streamline IT investment processes.

Developed a proposal for a NGB-wide investment review board charter.

Analytic Solutions Inc., McClean, VA

Naval Operations Fleet Readiness Integration May 2017 – September 2017

Directly supported the Integration Branch, Fleet Readiness Division of the Office of the Chief of Naval Operation (OPNAV N83).

Performed financial management, analysis, presentation, organization, and coordination function for the support of the Divisions overall missions.

Provided financial execution, data management, analysis, reporting and audit support to the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Fleet Readiness division of Naval Operations (OPNAV N8).

Responsible for requirements generation to provide budget execution, reporting, data management solutions, and audit readiness measures to optimize the allocation and execution of limited financial resources.

Supported OPNAV budget execution by providing in-depth financial analysis & detailed reports using the Program Budget Information System (PBIS).

Provide guidance and support to OPNAV during reviews, and assisted with establishing internal control mechanisms in response to audit findings.

Provided detailed analysis of civilian personnel budget execution data, and reporting trends.

Provided execution variance analysis to leadership.

Significance Inc., Annapolis, MD

STARS/SABRS Policy and Governance October 2016 – April 2017

Responsible for the preparation of Systems Change Requests (SCRs) via analyses of functional requirements, emerging technologies, in response to audit corrective action planning (CAP), policy changes (or other Laws and Regulations),

Support/participate in Change Management and Software Development activities.

Developing, staffing, promulgating, and executing policies, practices, and governance in the use of financial information systems and procedures and processes to be implemented to assure that Systems Integration/Data Integrity (SIDI) services will be delivered consistently.

Facilitated development and maintenance of a Task Order Management Plan describing the technical approach, organizational resources, and management controls to be employed to meet performance and schedule requirements.

Department of the Navy, Headquarters U.S. Marine Corps, CIO Division, Command, Control, Communications and Computers (C4), Policy and Governance

IT Portfolio Management (CPIC) October 2010 – May 2016

Responsible for providing policy, governance, and management subject matter expertise and leadership on issues related to the execution of Chief Information Officer strategy and requirements generation.

Ensured policies, processes and governance of USMC IT portfolios results in synergies between programs in support of Joint, Naval and Marine Corps warfighting concepts and IT capabilities.

Responded to audits and data calls of IT investment management and compliance. Tracked requirements and solutions via Microsoft access database tools. Developed performance standards for reviews and audits. Formulated acceptance criteria for deliverables.

Performed and coordinated quality assurance activities for program reviews, audits, compliance, and quality control inspections. Established and assessed performance metrics for IT investments.

Prepared budget and spend plan data for large programs and complex projects in order to prepare future budgets. Utilized financial management processes (PPBE) and Capital investment plans.

Developed program documentation to support OMB CPIC requirements including OMB-300 submission. Maintained IT cost, schedule, and performance data, Program Risk and Earned Value Management figures for USMC IT investments and compliance with pertinent policy and guidance. Utilized investment performance criteria to assess the effectiveness of IT investments to provide capabilities that support mission requirements.

Web Business Solutions Inc., Stafford, Virginia

IT Portfolio Consultant July 2009 – October 2010

Responsible for providing acquisition support to HQMC C4 Network Plans and Policy Division, IT Governance, Policy and Administration (ITGPA) Branch.

Participated in Federal, DoD, and DON processes, identifying new and relevant business best practices, developing input for internal policy changes, and guidance for release. Provided analyses and advice used to inform overall portfolio strategies.

Supported USMC CIO in the execution of its role and responsibilities as the Chair of the USMC IT Steering Group (ITSG) and responsibilities associated with owning the USMC IT Portfolio management and Capital Planning and Investment Control (CPIC) processes and efforts. These activities focus on assessing IT/IM initiatives and prioritizing IT investment.

Conducted value-risk assessments of IT initiatives based on criteria developed and approved by the ITSG and CIO, as well as managing and maintaining the ITSG SharePoint website. Developed Microsoft Access database tool to track and maintain portfolio of investments.

Collaborated with DoD/DoN/Marine Corps IT governance organizations, overseeing execution of the Clinger Cohen Act (CCA), and other regulatory mandates with assessments of inputs regarding new and changing regulatory reporting requirements.

Supported POM activities in accordance with DoD Planning Programming, Budgeting and Execution (PPBE), overseeing execution of the CCA, and other regulatory mandates with assessments of inputs regarding new and changing regulatory reporting requirements and lead the development of detailed OMB Business Cases for Exhibit 300s.

Provided project management controls for data management, decision assessments, requirements management and planning for certification of IT solutions. Developed procedures and policies to promote CIO governance and IT portfolio management and capital planning for the USMC and to transition an immature CPIC program to a more mature and standardized governance process.

Enterprise Information Services Inc., Vienna, Virginia

Senior Analyst August 2008 – June 2009

Responsible for providing analytical budget, costing, and program management support to the Program Manager for SP 22, and SP 24 within the Strategic System Program (SSP) for integrating all phases of Risk Management and Program Support.

Provided direct support to the SSP Office for Launcher, and Navigation Branches in Risk Management and Program Management. Served as IPT lead for Test Facility acquisition and construction. Responsible for Risk Management training, planning, identification, assessment, controlling and mitigation plans and actions using Microsoft tools including MS Access.

Worked with project engineers and management to set-up risk management programs for SP22 and SP24 SSP branches. Updated and modified Risk Management Databases to reflect risk management and risk mitigation techniques.

L-3 Communications, Arlington, Virginia

Principle Program Analyst May 2003 – August 2008

Provided direct support to the PMW 750 Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) Ship Platform Integration Managers ensuring proper implementation of Earned Value Management (EVM) standards for the procurement, integration, implementation, and installation of operational equipment on various new construction Navy platforms utilizing MS access and other Microsoft tools.

Responsible for providing analytical budget, costing and program management support to the Program Manager for Total C4ISR Integrated Product (TCIP)/Design Budget Process within the Space and Naval Warfare System Command (SPAWAR) for integrating all phases of IT modernization for LHA and LHD Class Amphibious Assault Ships.

Visionary Integration Professionals, Alexandria, Virginia

Senior Analyst/Consultant March 2002 – March 2003

Provided OMB Circular A-76 cost comparisons and competitive sourcing consulting services to the Department of Transportation (DOT) Maritime Administration (MARAD) and Department of Department of Justice (DOJ).

Consulted to the State of California Employment Development Department (EDD) to develop a Capital Planning and Investment Control (CPIC) process to implement Capital Project Investment changes to increase business performance, mitigate risks, and resolve challenges for implementing IT solutions for business intelligence and data integration, human capital management, technology integration, and operations.

Titan Systems Corp., Arlington, Virginia

Senior Program Analyst May 2000 – March 2002


Instrumental in the development of military technology and successfully facilitated the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) using a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) with Lockheed Martin Corp. in transitioning a valuable military technology to a commercial product.

Established criteria to be applied in undertaking investment in information systems, including criteria related to return on investment and specific criteria for comparing alternative information systems investments.

Received letter of appreciation from Assistant Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV) for supporting the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) in the development and commercialization of a military Information Technology system.

Authored and submitted a Symposium Paper to the American Society of Naval Engineers (ASNE) and presented the paper at the ASNE “FLEET MAINTENANCE SYMPOSIUM.”

Newport News Shipbuilding, Arlington, Virginia

Project Engineer May 1994 – May 2000


Managed Aircraft Carrier Engineering Services (ACES) contract worth over $50 million

Project manager of a 100,000 man-hour level of effort contract for the development, tracking, management, and implementation of a Reliability and Maintainability (R&M) program as applicable to CV, CVN65 and CVN68 Class aircraft carriers involving writing Test and Evaluation (T&E) procedures and logistics support

Received “Program Managers Award for Excellence” from the Aircraft Carrier Program Office for design and construction support of USS Harry S. Truman (CVN 75)

Simplified and redesigned work processes to reduce cost, improve effectiveness, and make maximum use of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) technology

Projects included: database support, costing, engineering, Analysis of Alternatives (AOA), Return on Investment (ROI) standardization and Capital Planning

Maintained quality control of ECPs to accurately reflect the systems to be installed by monitoring them from initial submission, through the technical review cycle, to Change Control Board (CCB) approval or disapproval

Leadership Management Inc., Jacksonville, Florida

Training Consultant October 1993 – May 1994


Implemented and evaluated personnel and management development training programs for large and small organizations.

Developed tailored programs to meet the specific needs of the organization ensuring performance goals were appropriate.

Provided operations management; business processes identification and definition; requirements gathering; solution engineering; quality assurance; cost and schedule tracking and reporting; team building; and deliverables management.

Bartlett Nuclear Inc., Berwick, Pennsylvania

Health Physics Specialist 1993


Certified Health Protection Level 2 and Rad-worker for commercial plants

Prepared radioactive waste for shipment while coordinating work groups to comply with Federal and State regulations (DOT, NRC, and OSHA)

Supported maintenance activities and provided radiation and contamination controls by inspecting and surveying for contamination and radioactive materials

Coordinated and implemented decontamination activities of plant equipment and work areas

Westinghouse (Savannah River Operations), Aiken, South Carolina

Reactor Supervisor/Training Specialist 1989 – 1993


Developed training manuals for Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) and Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER)

Maintained and managed capital assets in excess of $25 million

Certified Level 1 and Level 2 Instructor/Training Developer

Held DOE-Q Clearance

Northern Industrial Services, Albany, New York

Technician July 1989 – October 1989


Implemented procedures for the operation and installation of new system under the cognizance of the Department of Energy (DOE)

United States Navy

Engineer December 1982 – December 1988


Graduated Naval Nuclear Power School

Attained the position as a work center supervisor of 40 personnel during a complete 4 year shipyard overhaul

Developed and implemented a new maintenance program for main engine room Planned Maintenance System (PMS) after major shipyard overhaul

Qualified Engineering Watch Supervisor (EWS), Quality Control Inspector (QCI), Enlisted Surface Warfare Specialist (ESWS), and Nucleus Fire Party Team Leader


Nuclear Engineering Technology (BS) – University of the State of New York


Winner of Federal Laboratory Consortium Award for Excellence in Technology Transfer

Received “Chairman’s Model of Excellence” from Newport News Shipbuilding President and CEO

“Program Managers Award for Excellence” from the Aircraft Carrier Program Office for design and construction support of USS Harry S. Truman (CVN 75)

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