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Medical Center Primary Care

Honolulu, HI
100,000 per 12 months
February 11, 2025

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BARBARA G. Melamed, Ph.D. A.B.P.P.

American Board of Professional Psychology

Diplomate Certified in Clinical Health Psychology

Department of Psychology/Behavioral Medicine

Honolulu, HI 96859

Phone: 808-***-**** • Cell: 914-***-****


Recent Post -Graduate Participation


Participant in Program on Negotiation Executive Education Course at Harvard Law School, Cambridge,Mass. 2019

Graduate Certificate U.H Matsunaga Institute for Peace & Conflict Resolution, 2014

Ph.D., University of Wisconsin

Major clinical psychology; social and personality development; psychophysiology. 1969

Clinical Internship, Veteran’s Administration Hospital, Brecksville, Ohio 1968

M.S., University of Wisconsin 1967

B.S., University of Michigan honors and distinction in psychology; Magna Cum Laude 1964

Academic Appointments:

former Adjunct Professor at John Burns School of Medicine, Univ/ Hawaii Dept of Complementary and Integrative Medicine 2010 - current

University of Hawaii, Department of Psychology 2009 – Present

Clinical Affiliate Professor and Senior Lecturer

Tripler Army Medical Center, Psychology, Director of Training -Clinical Health Fellows. 2010 – 2011

Mercy College, N .Y. Professor and Program Director: Clinical Internship Coordinator.

Defined and got NYS Bd. of Trustees Approval for Family Therapy program & licensure. 2001 – 2010

Yeshiva University Albert Einstein College of Medicine, N.Y.; Dean and Professor,

Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology; Director of Behavioral Medicine Clinic 1989 – 2001

University of Florida; Professor, Director of Adult Clinical Services Depts. Of Clinical Health Psychology, Psychiatry and Community Dentistry: Founder of Behavioral Medicine

Clinic-Interdisciplinary. 1978 – 1989

Served on the Research & Grants committees at University of Florida and Case Western Reserve University.

Previous appointments at Medical Schools with Consultation responsibilities to students and faculty: (Tenured in all positions).

Dean at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Grants and Management with Dean Purpura; appointed in the Departments of Epidemiology and Social Medicine; joint appointment in Pediatrics with regard to developmental grants in conjunction with Developmental Psychology at the Graduate School of Professional Psychology.

Case Western Reserve University: Psychiatry, Pediatrics, Dental and Rainbow Hospital, School of Nursing.

Curriculum. Development of Physicians, Residents and Interns: Case Western Reserve U.

University of Florida: Departments of Psychiatry, consult with Oncology; Neurology; Pain, Health Psychology Shands Teaching Hospital (tenured) Albert Einstein College of Medicine: Epidemiology and Social Medicine, Psychiatry and Psychology (tenured).

Tripler Army Medical Center Credentialed.

Member of Executive Committee for Tripler Army Medical Center; University of Hawaii Medical School; Veterans Administration and Queens Hospital (2010).

Lectured at Northeast Ohio Pediatric Society; Served on DSMIV committee with the American Pediatric Association in Childhood Disorders; Lectured at the Ohio and NY Associations of Dentistry and in Netherlands on Disability. I represent Yeshiva University on the National Research Council Committee for the Study of Research-Doctorate Programs in the United States (1992 – 1994).

Served on the American Psychiatric and American Academy of Pediatric Task Force on the Revision of the DSM IV for primary care medicine. guide for Research Support and the Foundations section of the publication. This involved seminars and collaborations with various heads of agencies, Foundation presidents and CEO’s of corporations, as well as federal government program leaders.

Recent Invited Addresses International (2009 – Present

Mediators Beyond Borders International, Dec3-9, Bali, Indonesia;; 2015 Bucharest, c date: American Board of Professional Psychology, Bd. Certified Licensure since 1990

CURRENT updated since 2014

Upcoming Lectures: Stop Killing Our Kids at School. American Psychological Association, August 4, 2022

Media Influences on Shootings and Suicide. American Psychological Association.

Mediators Beyond Borders International: Nov.3-10.2019 Environmental-Climate Change & Ilnesses both medical and mental.

Talk Story: Strategies to Bridge Cultural and Generational Gaps in Conflict Resolution

March 12, 2018. Ali’iolani Hale’ Hawaii State Supreme Court.

Multilateral Negotiation: Tools of Conflict Resolution and Prevention March 13, 2018

Global Health: Bridging the U.S. and Asia in Fighting Cancer, May 5, 2014, UH CC.

Bringing Collaborative Problem-Solving and Civil Discourse to the Resolution of Major Complex Public Policy Issues and Conflicts – May 7, 2014.

Sponsors – Hawaii State Bar Association ADR Section; Accord 3.0; ACR Hawaii; Mediation Center of the Pacific.

Science Café/Curing Mesothelioma: Presented by Dr. Wong, UH CC. sponsored by the Academy of Science, Hawaii. April, 3014.

2014 Diversity & Disabilities: Hawaii Psychological Association, April, 20.

4th Annual Global Cyber-Conference on Dispute Resolution April 23, 2014, Alternative Dispute Resolution Center of Hawaii.

2014 Annual Veterans Conference: Responding to Student Diversity: Understanding Service-Members. University of Hawaii-Veterans organized for Dr. David Lassner, Interim President. University of Hawaii.

Cyber Conference on Cultural/Context and Research. April, 2014.

Joint Research Fact Finding: Richardson School of Law, April, 2014.

Hepatitis B Virus and the Prevention and Control of Liver Cancer, March, 2010 Queen’s Medical School.

Translational Cancer and Medicine Symposium: Preventive and Therapeutic Opportunities in Gene-Environment Interaction and Immunotherapy. Queen’s Medical Center, Feb., 2014

Editorial positions: demonstrated ability to assist with scientific writing.

Associate Editor, Health Psychology 2003 – Present.

Editorial Review Panels: Illness, Crises and Grief; Journal of Internal General Medicine; Clinical Psychology Review.

Medical Care 1994 – Editorial Board.

Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings; 1992 – Present.

Past Associate Editor: Health Psychology.1989 – 1997.

Journal of Experimental and Behavioral Therapy current; Journal of Health Psychology (Associate reviewer).

Visiting sabbatical appointments:

University of Hawaii, Sr. Lecturer Dept. of Psychology, Clinical Studies 2009 – 2010

University of Wisconsin and Summer 1977 – 1978

Max Planck Institute for Psychiatry, Munich, Germany 1986

University of Tubingen and Children’s Hospital, Germany 1984

Behavioral Medicine workshops in Milan, Rome 1979

London Maudsley Psychiatric Institute, Anna Freud lecturer Hempstead Clinic 1976

Behavioral Medicine workshops in Trondheim, Sweden 1975


NYS Licensure Psy10221; Hawaii Psychology: License #1105 Psychologist

American Professional Insurance Trust- Liability Insurance and Attestation for continued Board Certification in Clinical Health Psychology.

Board Certified in Clinical Health Psychology

Current Founder & Director of Behavioral Medicine Associates LLC

Panels with funding implications:

National Institutes of Mental Health, Study Panels and Review of Training Programs; N.Y. Arthritis Foundation; HIV/AIDS adhoc panel; National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Medicine Panel on Deployment and Redeployment of the Armed Forces: Posttraumatic stress disorder; Veteran’s Administration Panel on 16 site National Centers for Posttraumatic Stress Disorders; Reviewer for U.S. Army American Biological Sciences review of breast cancer research; GEKO project for the creating a scientific/lay database for internet access in cancer research developments. NIH Site Visitor on Mental Health Training Programs including Yale University, U.C.LA. and Irvine, California Clinical Psychology programs.

Task Force of the American Medical Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics for the development of the DSMIV for Mental Health Disorders in Children and Families for Primary Care Physicians.

Scientific Reviewer: Microbiological and Immunological Sciences; National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. Health Behavior and Prevention Review Committee; Special Emphasis Panel HIV/AIDS; Chronic Fatigue Syndrome; Unexplained Illnesses, Chemical Sensitivity, Agent Orange and Birth Defects. Served on IRB at Mercy College, NYC.

Nursing Research Center National Institutes of Health for Child and Adolescent Health. This panel was particular for helping Nurses who desired to become funded researchers.

American Agency for Health Care Policy Research, policy guideline setting.

Pain and Acute Pain Management. Candidate for US Prevention Task Force for Health.

VA John Burns School of Medicine and Tripler Army Medical School panel on prevention of PTSD executive committee of leaders, served as Director of Training at TAMC, Honoluolu, Hi.

National Awards

2018, Elected as one/100 Peace & Social Justice Activists, Pacific

Mediators Beyond Borders International, Nov.2019- Bali, Indonesia Environment & Climate Change

Mediators Beyond Borders International Trainee in Bucharest, Romania 2015

Women Peacemakers

Mediators Beyond Borders International Trainer Womens Peacemaking Institute,

Jakarta, Indonesia.,July, 2016

President of Society of Health Psychology at American Psychological Association.

Chairwoman of the Advisory Board of the Gandhi International Institute of Peace Honolulu, since 2009.

Board of Directors: Association of Conflict Resolution, 2017-2020.

American Psychological Association Distinguished Research Award in Pediatric Psychology; Fellow Status in American Academy of Behavioral Medicine Research;

American Psychological Association President, Division of Health Psychology; Master Lecturer: Health Intervention: Science and Health Collaborations. Phi Beta Kappa, J. Angell Award. National Council of Christians and Jews Brotherhood Award.

Research Funding (approx. 5 million dollars in direct costs, not including over $20 million raised in conjunction with my Board of Governor’s at AECOM).

Continuous from NIH; NIMH; NIDR: and private foundations including the Cleveland Foundation; University of Florida, Gatorade; Small grants; NIMH and Mercy College for Development in Posttraumatic Stress Disorders post 9/11; Preparation of Children and Families for Medical Procedures; Chronic Illness-Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Arthritis;

Served as First Responder 9/11/2001 at Mercy College students/staff lost immediate family members and research evaluation on 589 individuals from NY and Boston Flight which was driven into WTC / S. Tower Data published with comparison to traumatic after effects of Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans, La. Published : Violence In Our Own Backyard,

Elected as Board of Director

National Association of Conflict Resolution 2017-2021

Gandhi International Institute for Peace, 2009-current Chairperson of Advisory Committee

Biofeedback and mindfulness certification Board: Assn of Brain Research, UNESCO

Co-author: Peaceabling Curriculum used in countries experiencing war (Mediators Beyond Borders Internationa (MBBI).

Other interests and vocational interests:

Member and consumer of Pacific News Media and the Honolulu Museum School.

Scuba Diver- certifried and explored Australian Barrier Reef

Videography, Photography and Documentary Producer (areas: surgery preparation; dental implantology, Virtual reality approaches to reducing combat stress in returning soldiers..

Member, Michiko Okada Wellness Center.

Fisherwoman: Always looking to preserve natural restoration of coral reefs

Participant in local Science Café, once/month at JJs Bistro Organized by Dr. Garth of UH Astronomy

World Traveler: Womens Jounrey to Vietnam & Cambodia

MBBI Intl. Congress, Bali, Indonesia (2020)

Montreal, Educational Travel: China and Korea

Likes: Adoption of Nizhny Novgorod, Russian orphan, now 27 years old: efoster mom to Sam Piseth at Aloha Learning Center in Phnom Penn, Cambodia, and Socheata efoster daughter 11 years old. Grandparenting Gen Kobayashi .

Recent Publications:

Barbara G. Melamed (2022) Stop Killing Our Kids at School. Journal of Child and Adolescent Health (2022) Volume 6, Issue 4

Barbara G Melamed. “Returning from Battle: Misgivings and Forgiveness”. EC Psychology and Psychiatry 11.6 (2022)

Melamed, Barbara: (2020) Self-Care For You and Yours: Connect Trauma Psychology News Vol. 31 Summer Issue.

Melamed, B. G. POW: PEACE OVER WAR, Rushmore Press (2022)

BOOKS in progress:

Melamed, B. G. Aging Sucks…Unless Atmosphere Press, in press.

Melamed, B.G. (2021) COVID and Personal Factors Contributing to Uncertainty, Anxiety, Suicide and Posttraumatc Stress. Journal of Psychology and Psychiatry In Press

Melamed, B.G.(2018) Xenophobia: Fear for Security) Journal of Depression & Anxiety Science Forecast, (1)1,1003.

Special Issue: Strengthening our Soldiers (SOS) and Their Families: Contemporary Approaches to Wartime Problems. Editor Barbara G. Melamed. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings (2018). with Colonel Carl Castro, DoD CEO research, now at USC.

other publications upon request and google scholar and email me for reprints: *******@*********.***





Research Development

EARDA – Mercy College

2002 – 2006

Psychological consequences of World Trade Center Disaster

National Institutes of Dental Research

Funded 7/1/87 ($682,069)

1987 – 1992

Renewal behavioral research, dental training

National Institutes of Dental Research (HEW)

($335,000) (P.I.)

1982 – 1987

Behavioral medicine training grant

National Institutes of Research (HEW)

($158.717) (P.I.)

1984 – 1986

Behavioral approaches to pain dental responses in pedodontics

University of Florida Gatorade


1986 – 1987

Computer assisted assessment emotional responses

National Institutes of Dental Research (HEW)

($250,000) (P.I.)

1980 – 1983

Behavioral approaches to pain in children

National Institutes of Research (HEW)

1975 – 1977

Reduction of dental pain through peer modeling interaction of patient: multidimensional fear assessment

Biomedical Support Fund Dean, College of Health Related Professions

1977 – 1978

Surgery preparation

Cleveland Foundation ($13,147)

1973 – 1975

Film preparation of children about to undergo surgery

National Institutes of Health General Research Support Fund ($3,300)

1974 – 1975

Cardiovascular control and bio feed-back

National Institutes of Health General Research Support Fund

1972 – 1973

Physiological habituation in systematic desensitization

Clinical -Research Training in Psychology and Behavioral Medicine; and VA grant under Ben Natelson, M.D. and Dr. John Ottweiler grant on Unidentified Medical Disorders-post Gulf War.

Research Advisor on University of Florida: Grants Management Office

Institutional Research Board member, University of Florida, Case Western Reserve University.

Co-Investigator or Consultant:




National Cancer Institute


1999 – 2001

Epigenetic Model of Adolescent

Substance Abuse (T. Wills, PI)

National Institute of Health

(Consultant; Natelson P.I.)

1995 – 1996

Social Support in Couples

with Chronic Fatigue and R.A.

National Institutes of Health (HEW) ($338,826)

Modification ($651,475)

1983 – 1987

1987 – 1992

Fear, Mental Imagery, Cognition and Control

Co-Investigator National Institute of Health (Consultant; exposure to HIV+ patients

Sadowsky, D., P.I.)

1990 – 1994

Increasing dentists’ voluntary Health

Arthritis Foundation

($32,000) (Co-Sponsor)

1987 – 1990

Perceptions of social support in

rheumatoid arthritis patients and their support providers

National Institute of Dental Research

($2,000,000) (Co-Investigator)

1988 – 1992

Timing of treatment for Class II

malocclusion in children

Also Served as Research Scientist on the NIH Small Business Grant Panel

Dean of Yeshiva; Developed a Board of Governors; Created Philanthropic funded centers for suicide prevention; pre-marriage; neurosciences; Assisted Office of Research Support at all Universities where employed. Responsible for over 8 million dollars at University positions for training of students.

Appointments to NIH, NIDR, National Eye Institute, AIDS/HIV; Institute of Allergies & Infectious Diseases; Mental Health Training Grants.

Current participation in NGOs

Planning committees: Institute of Violence, Abuse & Trauma (esp. military and PTSD tracks).

Mediators Beyond Borders International

Board of Directors, Gandhi International Institute of Peace

Institute of Violence Abuse and Trauma

International Association of Brain Research and Education


Childrens’ Global Education: served in Badia during War

Ceeds of (Founded by Maya Soetoro.Ng.

International Brain Research Association (UNESCO)

Stop Children’s Cancer

Association of Conflict Resolution, International & Hawaii Conflict Resolution Alliance

Armed Services Communications & Electronic Association

International Brain Research Education Association, Kaimuki Tai Chi

Television and Media Activities

BBC Discovery Channel: Cultural Relevance of Snakes

NBC Today Show: Bryant Gumbel Issue of Pain

NBC Today Show: Meridith Vera, Friends and Money

Wrote New Articles for Jane Brody, NY Times: Fears & Treatment

Worked behind the scenes with PBS Dan Sagalyn: VA & War Issues

Co-author Trauma Informed Peace-Abling Curriculum now being used by UNESCO


Bruce Cuthbert, Ph. D., Current Dircctor, National Institutes of Mental Health.

6001 Executive Blvd., Room 7123, MSC 9632

301-***-****, ********@****.***.***

The Division of Adult Translational Research and Treatment Development (DATR) plans, supports, and administers programs of research, research training, and resource development aimed at understanding the pathophysiology of mental illness and hastening the translation of behavioral science and neuroscience advances into innovations in clinical care. and co Investigator with

Peter J. Lang, Ph.. Univ. of Florida, Center for Emotional Center of Excellence, (352-5483

Jerris Hedges, MD, MPH.MMM

Dean of John Burns College of Medicine

University of Hawaii

Interim Director of the Cancer Center



Melba Stetz. Ph.D. Former Lt. Colonel former Research Directorat Tripler Army Medical Center. Current Director 808-***-****

Biofeedback Therapy Hawaii - Biofeedback - Kailua, Hawaii ;

President Peter Salovey

President of Yale University

New Haven, CT 06520


Maya Soetoro-Ng

Director of Outreach & Global Studies

Univ. Hawaii Matsunaga Center for Peace & Conflict Education

****@************.*** 808-***-****

Peter J. Lang, Ph.D.

Graduate Research Professor, Director for Center of Emotion and Attention, Department of Clinical and Health Psychology, University of Florida, Box 100165 Health Sciences Center, University of Florida Gainesville, FL 32610 Tel, 321-***-****

Dr. Terry Shintani, M.D. J.D. Harvard Nutritionist

Department of Complementary & Alternative Medicine Honolulu 808-***-****

Associate at private practice Behavior Medicine Associates.

Dr. Leslie Lieberman

Professor Emeriita at and European Union Visiting Scholar 321-***-****

Faculty of Medicine, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2010 – 2014

Professor Emerita at University of Central Florida


Robert Hail, Rotarian and Director of eGlobal


University of Hawaii Institute of Matsunaga, Institute for Peace & Conflict Education mentors:

Louis Chang, Esq.

Peter Adler,Ph.D.

Bruce Barnes

Katherine Bennett

David Chandler, Ph.D.


Melamed, B. G. (2022)) POW: Peace Over War Rushmore Press 2022

Melamed, B. G., & Siegel, L. (1980). Behavioral medicine: practical applications in health care. New York: Springer Publishing Co. Book was selected as one of Ten Best Behavioral Books in 1980. Alternate Selection for Basic Books Behavioral Science Book Club.

German translation - Stuttgart, Berlin, Koln, Mainz: Kohlmanner, 1982.

Italian translation - Milan: Rafallo Cortina, 1983.

B.G. Melamed, K. Matthews, D. Routh, B. Stabler and N. Schneiderman (Eds.),1988 Child health psychology. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Articles in Peer-reviewed Journals (over 110 available upon request).

Lang, P.J. & Melamed, B.G. (1969). Case report: Avoidance conditioning therapy of an infant with chronic ruminative.

Recent Special Issue:

Guest Editor, Barbara G. Melamed, Ph.D. “Strengthening Our Soldiers (SOS) and Their Families: Contemporary Psychological Advances Applied to Wartime Problems”Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, June,2011.

Earlier Reprints and collaborative research.

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