Siddharthan Madhavan Nair
E-mail:***************@*****.*** Mobile: 993*******/ 996-***-****
Address: E/103, Vrindavan Garden, Yashwant Viva Township, Nallasopara Vasai Link Road, Vasai(E) 401 209
To productively use my legal expertise & contribute to the growth of the organisation.
MBA from Institute for Psychotherapy & Management Science, Mumbai-2007
LLB from Mumbai University- 1998
Bachelor of Arts (B.A) from Mumbai University- 1993
oExposure in legal aspects of real estate transaction, advising to minimise the legal risk, legal due diligence, acquisition of land, plot, advice on to day to day legal affairs, Drafting Legal Document related to acquisition & Lease of land, plots etc., Agreement, Title Clearance, Stamp duty, Registration, Litigation in various Courts, briefing of Council, Sr. Advocates & Solicitors.
oCoordination with Advocates, Solicitors attending courts.
oIf required appearing on behalf of Company before Judicial as well as Quasi Judicial Authorities.
oRegistration of flats in registrar office.
oLiasoning with Govt/Semi Govt. department like Registration office, City survey office/ Talatti office, etc.
oExcellent Communication Skill- Oral and Written
1. Presently working with Adani Realty as General Manager, since 1st August 2023.
2. Worked with Lodha Group as AVP legal, leading Legal team (litigation and non litigation) in Dombivli, Nilje office from October 2022 to March 2023.
January 2022 to Sept 2022 was independently practising
Designation: AGM-Legal
Duration: January 2008 – October 2021
Key Responsibilities:
oIn all transactions responsible for driving title diligence, litigation check, corporate diligence, negotiating term sheet, deal analysis and structuring, undertake complete documentation including Joint Development Agreements, Development Management Agreements, Share purchase Agreements, Shareholders Agreement, Property Management Agreement, Framework Agreements, Sale Deeds, Lease Deeds, Financing Agreements, Power of Attorneys, Memorandum of Understanding, Security Creation Agreements including Mortgage deeds, Deed of Hypothecation, and Guarantees.
oEnsure the preliminary and detailed due diligence is completed covering all aspects w.r.t prospective acquisition in a timely manner, highlighting all legal risks to all stakeholders
oParticipate in negotiations along with deal teams on agreements with landowners/ joint developers/ joint ventures, borrowers, lenders and undertake complete documentation including Joint Development Agreements, Development Management Agreements.
oResponsible for deal structuring, negotiation and execution including term sheet, legal due diligence, documentation & regulatory aspect
oResponsible for Legal risk management including litigation strategies /exits and dispute resolution thereof
oSound knowledge of Real Estate Laws.
oWorks towards definitive documentation for the formation of strategic partnerships on a JV to implement projects
oEnsure standardization of all necessary legal documentation, develop standard guidelines for regular contracts
oParticipate in establishing the standards of compliance and evaluation for project acquisition
oEnsure that legal queries raised by the customers are addressed in a time bound manner and develop mitigation plans in the event any customer raises a legal notice against the organization
oProvide support to internal functions in the areas of brand protection, logo protection and intellectual property rights protection
oAssist in instituting proper systems to enable monitoring and ensuring legal compliances in the Company
oProvide support to external legal counsel in terms of all necessary information in matters related to litigation
oExtensive briefing of and co-ordination with External Counsels handling Litigation matters at various Legal forum
oIndependent handling of Litigation at various Legal Forum District Court, High Court
oStrategizing handling of Litigation at various Legal forum
oSettlement of issue of and Litigation
oTo appear on behalf of the company as and when required if necessary before Judicial and Quasi Judicial Authorities Drafting and Vetting of Various documents viz. Conveyance, Agreement etc.
oAcquisition, Legal due diligences, title, Term sheets, drafting / wetting of Development agreement, Conveyance, Agreement for sale, Undertaking, Indemnities, Power of Attorney, MOU, Assignment Agreement, handle the legal aspects of Tenant Re-Development, Society Re-Development, Slum Re-Development, SRA Projects, Agreement for Alternate Accommodation, Term sheets, Litigation briefing of Council, Advocates & Solicitors, appear before the Statutory authority.
oResponsible for the Company legal affair which includes company Real Estate Documentation, operational legal aspects, litigation supports.
oMaintaining Judgements/ Orders records.
oAdministration work, maintaining Legal MIS, Litigation MIS, Billings of Advocates and Counsels.
oFind and Interpret the Acts/ laws/ Provisions/ Policies/ Schemes.
oDeal with legal cases: Prepare case synopsis, legal replies, prepare law suits in consultation with Advocates.
oCoordinating with the clients for providing them legal advice on various issues.
oInteracting Coordinating with solicitors and advocates.
oMaintenance of MIS/Records/Documents/Statutory Records etc: Filing / Updating the Records from time to time.
4. Organisation: NAIK & ADVOCATES
Duration: July 2000- Dec 2007
Key Responsibilities:
oAcquisition, Due diligence, Drafting of property documents like Leave and License, Sale Agreement, Mou, Affidavit, Deed of sale, and also administrating the registration and franking of the same.
oDrafting Mortgage Deed, Title Certificate, Lease Deed, Etc., Vetting of Property and other Documentation.
oFinalization of Documents Finalization of Legal Agreements: Consult with Legal Experts / Negotiation with concerned authorities (landlords/appropriate Govt. Bodies etc. and obtain necessary approvals etc and scrutinizing it thoroughly.
oFind and Interpret the Acts/ laws/ Provisions/ Policies/ Schemes.
oDeal with legal cases: Prepare case synopsis, legal replies, prepare law suits in consultation with Advocates.
oCoordinating with the clients for providing them legal advice on various issues.
oInteracting Coordinating with solicitors and advocates.
oMaintenance of MIS/Records/Documents/Statutory Records etc: Filing / Updating the Records from time to time.
Skill Sets:
Soft Skills: A good team member and leader with ability to adapt to any environment.
Computer skills: M.S.Office (Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint etc).
Languages Known: English, Hindi, Marathi and Malayalam.
Awarded with BEST BUDDY AWARDS in 2016 & 2017
Awarded DINE WITH THE STARs 2017
Awarded DINE WITH THE STARs 2019
Successful Completion of the Outbound Team Building Camp at Polad.