Xiomarrah Libra Sisco
CO, 80214
The Urban Farm, 10200 Smith Rd, Denver, CO— HYPE
● Completed seed-to-harvest work for produce production, to be distributed at no cost to food pantries in Denver
● Responsible for structural maintenance including construction and repairs of animal shelters and fencing
● Managed daily livestock care for +100 animals including poultry, cattle, goats, sheep, rabbits, and horses
● Performed integrative pest and weed management
● Irrigation installation, troubleshooting, and operation for 1 acre vegetable garden and hydroponic greenhouse
● Constructed a Greenhouse for raising seedlings during winter to prep for spring planting
● Site maintenance including trash collection and cleaning.
● Ensure safe handling and proper utilization of hand-powered tools, motorized equipment and spray equipment
Make a Chess Move-MACM, 2015 E 26th Ave, Denver, CO 80205— MACM Participant
June 2022- September 2022
Jimmy Johns, 3467 W 32nd Ave, Denver, CO 80211 — Crew Member
September 2023- September 2023
My employment for Jimmy John’s didn’t last due to moving, I did manage to pick up a couple skills as working cash registers, keeping up on stocks, keeping the work environment clean, and making sure every customer had an enjoyable meal, and a wonderful experience. During my time there I also learned a couple of valuable lessons for future opportunities like for example I’ve learned to adapt to my surroundings, I’ve learned to push through challenges, also to keep going even if it’s tough. My time at Jimmy John’s was short but it also brought me resilience, perseverance, dedication, and determination.
DSST: Cole High School, 3240 Humboldt St, Denver, CO 80205 August 2020 - November 2022
● Track & Field, Rock climbing, Reading Club, Creative Arts, Top Reader in Grade Level
Communication Skills,
Thrives in multiple work
conditions, Strives for
Excellence, Solution Focused
Problem Solving,
Power-Tool Proficiency,
Beginner Level Agricultural
and Horticultural
Knowledge, Basic Animal
Husbandry, Physically Fit,
Social Engagement,
Understanding of pH
Balancing for Various Flora
Marcus Hart
Program Facilitator
City and County of Denver
Ernest Ray Daniels II
Program Facilitator
City and County of Denver
Jeffrey Doan
Program Facilitator
City and County of Denver
Michelle Graham
Executive Director
The Urban Farm
DC-21,1690 N Williams St, Denver, CO 80218 - Senior YR December 2022 - Present
-Construction of a Seedling Greenhouse
-Built a fence from the ground up to keep out vermin.