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Health Care System Administrator

Florence, NJ, 08518
March 18, 2025

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Pega Architect




•Over 15 years of experience in IT Industry and around 9+ years of experience in PEGA. Analysis, Design, Development of BPM applications using PEGA v8.x/7.x/6.x

•Sound exposure to PEGA architecture, Inheritance and Rule Resolution

•Designed PRPC flows using Assignments, Utilities, Decision, and Advanced smart shapes.

•Hands-on experience in using PEGA PRPC frameworks for reuse, using Connectors & Services for integration, PRPC tools such as PAL, Tracer, Security Model, Access Groups, UI Portals, Log Analyzer.

•Implemented business rules using Decision Rules and Declarative Rules.

•Hands on experience in delivering Pega CPM programs involving Onshore/Offshore models.

•Implemented Reusable Components by using Pega.

•Domain knowledge in Insurance, Health Care, Banking.



BPM, Web Technologies and Operating System.


PRPC V8.x/V7.x/6x.

Technologies Spécifications

Java/J2EE, .Net and C.

Scripting/ Languages

HTML, JavaScript, VB Script and XML.

J2EE Spécifications

Servlets, JSP, JDBC, Web Services (SOAP/RESTFULL), EJB, OOPS, Hibernate, Struts.


Oracle, DB2 & PostgreSQL.

Operating System

Windows XP/2003, Linux and Unix.


•PRPC CSSA - certification Senior system architect.

•PRPC CSA - Certified system architect.

•ServiceNow - Certified System Administrator (CSA)

•Microsoft Certified Professional in Visual Basic.

•AWS Cloud Practitioner Certification

•Clearence: SECRET.

•Batchelor’s in science from Osmania University, India.


Role: Pega Architect (Contractor) Nov’21 to Aug’ 24

Client: DoD, MD

Role: Pega Architect

Project: NBIS (National Background Investigation Services)

The National Background Investigation Services (NBIS) is the federal government’s one shop stop IT system for end-to-end personnel vetting – from initiation and application to background investigation, adjudication, and continuous vetting. NBIS is one consolidated system designed to deliver robust data protection, enhance customer experience and better integrate data across the enterprise.

Still in development DCSA assumed operational control and responsibility for NBIS from the Defense Information System Agency (DISA) on October 1,2020 NBIS will build upon and replace a suite of legacy background investigation IT systems, decommissioning them in stages through 2023.

•Developing change requests and enhancements.

•Implemented workflows are part of day-to-day business operations, the workflows are crucial to success of the system, especially considering the PEGA guardrails.

•Case design: Stages configuration, Flow Design and Flow actions.

•Creating custom Activities using various standard methods of PRPC like RDB methods, Obj-Methods, Property methods.

•Defects fixing and resolve post-production issues

•Participate in Technical Reviews of new and existing business applications

Project: FAW/GAM June’19– April’21

Client: DOJ, DC

Role: Pega Architect.

JustGrants is streamlined, end-to-end grants management system. Which will provide applicants with an improved user experience throughout key parts of the grants management lifecycle. Modernize and improve the functionality of the grants management system, JustGrants will replace (GMS) OJP, OVW & COPS Office.

•Extensively worked on Notifications for sending Email and Web Gadgets

•Created Validations rules for Business rules.

•Worked on Split Join and Split for each shape in application.

•Worked on Case designer and built the Steps and Stages of case lifecycle within Pega

•Designed Workflows for how a Case should operate

•Worked on Queue processors and Job Schedulers.

•Involved in testing and troubleshooting the issues of application using PRPC tools like Clipboard, Tracer and PAL.

•Created Paragraphs to be used within Sections of an application.

•Created Notifications for Case Stage transisitions and Approvals and Rejections.

•Worked on Surveys and Configured Question page.

•Worked on case attachments and categories.

•Worked on Access Roles, Privileges in Pega Security.


Project: Patient Search-COC/Interface Pening Aug‘18– Jun’19.

Client: Quest Diagnostics.

Pega Architect.

The Agent Desktop (ADT) application is being developed and deployed in response to a need by Quest Diagnostics to streamline the work assigned to the Customer Care Representatives (CCR), and better manage client and patient data. This data is currently housed across a number of systems and in a variety of formats and needs to be accessed via a centralized application easily accessible by CCRs. This is required to facilitate the retrieval, addition, and modification of data (as needed) in a timely manner.

•Key Responsibilities:

•Case design: Stages configuration, Flow Design and Flow actions.

•Creating custom Activities using various standard methods of PRPC like RDB methods, Obj-Methods, Property methods.

•Design UI based on day-to-day Business requirement.

•Had Troubleshoot technical problems and conducted analyses for efficient program/application solutions which support client business processes and functional requirements.

•Involved in testing and troubleshooting the issues of application using PRPC tools like Rules Inspector, Clipboard, and Tracer.

•Creation of Rules for Validation, Integration rules like Rule-Connect-SQL using methods like RDB save, RDB Open, RDB list, Creation of Work Objects, assigning to Operators

•Had Troubleshoot technical problems and conducted analyses for efficient program/application solutions which support client business processes and functional requirements.


Project: Collections Mar’17– Jul’18.

Client: Bank of America

Pega Architect

A single unified platform with everything you need to build or modify enterprise apps fast. Used to

Create Workflow applications. This App structure for collections is that we will have a single application called WAVE that will support collections. CRCFW is the framework layer and CRC is implementation layer.

•Key Responsibilities:

•Implemented workflows part of day-to-day business operations, the workflows is crucial to success of the system, especially considering the PEGA guardrails.

•Case design: Stages configuration, Flow Design and Flow actions.

•Creating custom Activities using various standard methods of PRPC like RDB methods, Obj-Methods, Property methods.

•Converting complex business rules in to PRPC decision tables, decision trees. Reviewing of the existing.

•Service levels and Validations.

•Reporting rules: Report Definition and Short Cuts.

•Agents Configuration, Both advanced and Standard.

•Involved in testing and troubleshooting the issues of application using PRPC tools like Rules Inspector, Clipboard, and Tracer.

Project: IWM Mar ‘16– Feb’17.

Client: Care First (BCBS)

Pega Architect

Owing Mills, MD

At Care First., Health Plan management system has integrated functionality to automate all aspects of a health plan's and provides advanced support for Eligibility / Enrollment, Benefit Administration, Billing, Care Management, Claims Management.


Health insurance, Blue Cross and Blue Shield, dental plans, Medicaid, pharmacy benefits, vision insurance, affordable coverage, optical plans, life insurance, health plans, Medicare supplement insurance, and employee benefits

•Key Responsibilities:

•Development using PEGA Rules Process Commander V 7.1 according to the Business Requirement. Automate the processing of sale crediting and compensation processing to improve the operational efficiency and productivity

•Implemented various PRPC components like Decision tables, Decision Maps, Declarative expressions, Constraints, and Indexes etc.

•Created product rules and migrated zip files from development to QA, UAT & monitored performance when regularly.

•Involved in developing UI Screens, Activities, and correspondence.

•Work experience on Design and develop user portals using Smart Dispute Framework

•Working on SOAP and REST

•Developed Validation Rules and Integration rules pertained to Rule-Connect- and Rule-Service.

•Designed UI using Rule-HTML-Harness, Rule-HTML-Section rules.

•Developed and Integrated SLA (Service level Agreements) in the workflow for setting goals related to work processing. When rules, Decision tables, Declare Expressions and flow action.

•Developed Data tables and worked with PEGA database.

Project: LOANS Oct’14 to Feb’ 16

Client: Capital One

Pega Architect

Wilmington, DE

At Capital One., Designed and application which is used by the Bank to process, manage the home loans, disputes, and fraud cases. The flow of this application includes all the adjustments, reversals, charge back. The sources for the Cardholder data are CAMS (Card Holder Management System) and for the transaction data, it is Payment Manager System.

Roles and Responsibilities:

•Interacted with Developers, Users, Project Manager to understand the business process, identify enhancements and gather Business Requirements.

•Design and development of the application based on the business requirements.

•Involved in designing the Class structure and development of process flows, Flow Actions, and UI.

•Involved in Implementation of Decision tables, Decision Map-Values and Declarative expressions.

•Extensively used SOAP UI to map the request and response parameters and analyze the error codes to resolve the issues with MSP service calls.

•Implemented the functionality for the user to be able to spread the loans and be able to push the worked cases to a different work basket. Also used SLA to route the case to the specified work basket.

•Involved in debugging application using Pega Tracer tool, performance testing using PAL tool.

•Worked closely with other developers on development challenges and resolved them.

Project: ARC (Accounts, Risk & Credit) Mar‘12– Sep’14

Client: Federal Reserve Bank

Pega Architect

Philly, PA

At Federal Reserve Bank., ARC (Accounts, Risk & Credit) is one of the crucial and sophisticated applications of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia. The application handles all the United States along with assisting other private banks managing their cash/credit business. Federal Reserve Bank 12 districts in the country. ARC application is designed to work uniquely for each district to address their financial needs and enables them to do business with local banks in the region.


•Developed new intent tasks for Rescheduling, notification process, Cancel Authorization, Create Service Request, and Cancel Service Request.

•Involved in rules management & associated export & import tools (Rule set and Rule set Version).

•Created properties and data models for the classes.

•Prepared the User Interfaces (section, Flow action and harness), portal representation.

•Created rule for Validation using Obj-Validate, Edit-Validate, Function and when Rule

•Coordinated with offshore team and played a key role in understanding the requirements

•Involved in Bug fixing, Unit testing and Performance testing using PAL.

•Involved in fixing the bugs that came up during unit testing using tracer and Clipboard tool and be on Production support.

Project: Credit Card Processing Jan’ 07 - Feb’ 12

Client: FDMS (First Data Merchant Services)

.Net Developer

New York

•Analyzed and processed new accounts for Credit, Debit and Check Guarantee

•Fulfill all requests made for all type of cards.

•Reviewed important reports prepared on every day, weekly, monthly and yearly basis.

•Provided log of files for credit card accounts validation.

•Involved in preparation of A&D (Analysis & Design), HLD (High Level Design), LLD (Low Level Design) and FCM (Functional Code Modification) documents throughout the SDLC.

•Work involved extensive usage of HTML and VBScript for client-side validations.

Project: Scientific Publishers Feb’ 03 – Dec’ 06

Client: Nature America

.Net Developer

New York

•Deep understanding of Dot Net development procedures and .Net remoting.

•Proficient in Web Services AJAX HTML XML/XSL and JavaScript.

•Maintained and updated code for various Dot Net applications.

•Prepared system analysis reports and support documents

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