** ********** **., ******, ** 06231; **********@*****.***; 419-***-****
Inspire others through accountability and strategic thinking while being an ethical contributor.
Professional Experience
AFLCMC/WVB VC-25B “The Next Air Force One”; 17 DEC 2023 - Present
Supervisor: Jon Bell; 312-***-****
Program Control (PC) Integrated Product Team (IPT) Lead; NH-1101-03; 40 hrs/wk; Salary: $128,691
Program Manager for the WVB division in the Presidential and Executive Airlift Directorate (WV) portfolio; a $5.3B ACAT-1D program to replace the Presidential Aircraft Fleet.
PROGRAM SUPPORT: IPT Lead directing the workload of two government and five contractor personnel while providing various human capital support to 125+ VC-25B personnel. Leads strategic messaging, risk management, schedule, taskers, Management Internal Control Toolset (MICT), SharePoint, and completes strategic workforce planning for civilian, military, and contractor workforces. Provides breadth and depth of analysis and expertise to implement innovative ideas.
TALENT MANAGEMENT: Conducted a program office needs assessment and developed an intern transitional framework allowing the new, incoming junior workforce to understand the greater mission of the VC-25B program. Framework includes a several week structured daily work plan that permits interns the capacity to receive in-depth training and mentorship that has aided in high job satisfaction.
COLLABORATION: Regularly engages with the program office Senior Materiel Leader (SML), Deputy, Branch and Functional Chiefs, IPT Leads, WV FOG, WLO Operations Management, 88th ABW, DP, SAF/AQQM, various contractors, and other entities as required. Works with SAF/AQQM to answer various taskers for HASC, SASC, HAC-D, and SAC-D, gaining approval from the Senior Materiel Leader (SML) on Congressional, Staffer Day, and Immersion Briefs. Works with center of excellence regarding succession boarding.
INNOVATIONS: Used Microsoft 365 apps to create a fully customizable anonymous suggestions form and a power automated cloud flow for the SML so personnel could submit vital feedback in an unidentified manner, allowing leadership the ability to manage change and promote positive relationships within their workforce. Additionally, assisted the SML in his record filing plan by providing two in-person trainings for the workforce and initiated and led two administrators in completing a comprehensive file clean-up project.
ACQUISITION: Manages the cost, schedule, and performance of the Presidential Fleet Management Tool (PFMT), a Gov Cloud web application that several IPT’s use for various modules. I oversaw the project and led a first-year intern through the initiation, planning, execution, and monitoring life cycle phases. I created a PFMT Modification Request template, requiring all enhancements and modifications to be boarded through leadership. Savings in 2024 were $40,454 and anticipating a 15-20% savings from the scheduled $1.6M in this new performance period.
SCHEDULING: Program Manager for the VC-25B Schedule Risk/Health (SRA/SHA) Studies, Analyses and Reports (SAar) Clin working directly with the contractor, Team COLSA, and is responsible for attending weekly tag-ups, accepting finished products from the contractor, reviewing and distributing those products, and acts as a liaison between WVB’s Senior Leadership and the contractor. This effort provides Senior Leaders with the products required to support government decisions regarding the assessment of the VC-25B Integrated Master Schedule (IMS).
INCREASE READINESS: Identifies problems and thoroughly researches issues, gathers relevant information, and interfaces with subject-matter-experts to obtain realistic resolution options to mitigate problems for stakeholders. Led a rebalancing effort to meet bogey reduction of personnel to return Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) funded positions back to the center. Created Direct Cite Authority (DCA) funded positions for Acquisition, Engineering, Logistics, and Intel as a strategic way to retain the workforce, while still giving positions back to the center.
AFLCMC/WLO Operations Management; 5 DEC 2021 – 16 DEC 2023
Supervisor: Deborah Webb; 312-***-****; Reason for leaving: Changed career fields.
HR Chief; NH-0343-03; 40 hrs/wk; Salary: $105,587
Human Resources support for the Mobility and Training Aircraft Directorate (WL) and Presidential and Executive Airlift Directorate (WV) including 2.6K+ personnel, 195 programs worth over $85B, spanning 45+ locations.
PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT: Supervised three HR Management Analysts. Directed workload, regularly quality controlled actions, and provided technical advice on human capital utilization and resource planning, solving complex manning issues. Team submitted Request for Personnel Actions (RPAs) and awards, developed Position Descriptions (PDs), managed the financial disclosure filing lists, routed Manpower Change Requests (MCRs), created Org Charts, facilitated drug testing, answered questions regarding performance management (AcqDemo, DPMAP), employee relations, compensation, and other various cradle to grave HR actions.
STENGTHEN OUR TEAM/HIRING TIMELINES: Created a Vacancy Tracker tool that combined official civilian vacancy data with operational status in a Power BI dashboard and briefed Senior Leaders weekly. Decreased average days vacant from 132 to 106 days by having my team conduct an analysis of the 12 oldest vacant positions. Six positions were filled, four were deleted, and two continued to stay vacant but had significant justification as to why they were staying on a management hold.
OPERATIONS CROSSFLOW: Effectively communicated with two Program Executive Officers, the Front Office Group (FOG), several Functional Offices, 11 Acquisition Divisions, two Support Divisions, and other areas as necessary. Team created over 20 instructional guides that were clear and consistent driving the speed of decision-making across the functional and program offices. Conducted a brown-bag training event to 348 supervisors to educate them on the role of the Directorate HR team.
INNOVATION PARTNERSHIPS: Provided human capital support by delivering essential resources to ensure mission success. A 7600a reimbursable financial agreement was worked between AFRL and AFLCMC to move Agility Prime from Research & Development to a sustainable program office. Worked with the SML to create and fill 6 positions (AQ, FM, PK, LG, EN). These personnel were able to award contracts, provide program management services, conduct engineering coordination, and complete logistical planning.
POSITION REALIGNMENT: Team worked an Organizational Change Request (OCR), realigning 76 positions within the C-17 and C-5 program offices, vacating and moving the positions from WPAFB to Robins AFB. Aligned the positions quickly, which allowed leadership to meet the agreed upon OCR timeline and significantly decreased the number of days positions were sitting vacant.
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: Routinely operated HR Systems (DCPDS, RMIS, & CHRIS) and applied established system requirements and procedures.
Department of Veterans Affairs; 14 MAR 2021 – 4 DEC 2021
Supervisor: Carrie Tipton; 740-***-****; Reason for leaving: Took a promotion with the Air Force.
Human Resources Specialist (Compensation); GS-0201-12 step 06; 40 hrs/wk; Salary: $92,923
Aligned under the Compensation Center of Excellence Unit with full responsibility over all Network pay schedules, salary surveys, retention incentives and other pay incentives.
ADVISORY SERVICE: Utilized various reports from multiple HR sources (i.e. HR Smart, Pyramid, VSSC, etc.) as well as external third-party salary survey data to analyze current state and submitted recommendations to leadership regarding pay flexibilities, competitiveness, and potential strategies for ensuring sufficient levels of staffing in critical occupations.
PAY PRACTICES: Conducted valid wage evaluations, ensured the integrity of comparable data from reliable sources were utilized as evidentiary support of establishment/update/continuance of compensation considerations. Monitored and recommended action on all pay limitation areas. Analyzed and implements laws, regulations, policies, and guidance within compensation administration.
COMPENSATION WAGE ANALYSIS: Established, reviewed, and revised Network-wide locality pay schedules, Title 5 and Title 38 special rates schedules. Collaborated with facility designee (i.e., pharmacy executive, nurse executive, etc.) and solicited the views of union representatives, if appropriate, regarding the identification of survey data and job matching processes. Served as the HR Technical Advisor for pay determinations regarding Network-level physicians, dentists, and podiatrists.
PROGRAM MANAGEMENT: Managed participation of programs such as the Student Loan Repayment Program (SLRP), Education Debt Reduction Program (EDRP), Retention, Relocation, and Recruitment (3Rs) incentives, and any associated Network-wide advisory boards.
COMPLIANCE: Advised leadership regarding annual regulatory compliance requirements to achieve correct compensation results, avoid unnecessary costs, settle claims against the Government, and foster an understanding of statutory compensation entitlements, regulations, and court decisions. Reviewed survey data, pulled employee pay data, analyzes the impact of changes on existing staff and created recommendations for leadership to consider in making a final determination.
Air Force Materiel Command; 03 JAN 2021-13 MAR 2021 (Wright-Patterson AFB, OH)
Refer to work experience from APR 2018-MAY 2019. Invoked return rights from an overseas assignment due to the pandemic. Briefly worked this prior position while onboarding with the VA.
Regional Health Command Europe (RHC-E); Regional Personnel Division (G1); 7 JUN 2020-02 JAN 2021 (Sembach, Germany);
Supervisor: Mona Merta; Overseas DSN 314-***-****; Reason for leaving: COVID-19 Pandemic.
Human Resources Specialist; GS-0201-12 step 6; 40 hrs/wk; Salary: $77,969 + Living Allowance
Critical business partner of Senior Command Staff. Developed and implemented human capital initiatives in support of the mission in the theater. Served as a principal HR advisor providing authoritative guidance to local HR offices with a serviced population of 2,050 civilian personnel.
ALIGN STRATEGY: Provided management advisory services to program managers and collaborated on significant issues to establish criteria, formulated projects, and assessed program effectiveness. Researched a variety of classification opportunities regarding medical, technical, and professional positions. Worked with the Front Office Group to get the Brigadier General classification training and supplied him with PD upgrades that he was delegated authority to sign.
AQUIRE TALENT: Identified gaps between the workforce of today and the Region’s workforce needs of tomorrow. Developed strategies to address organizational needs and assessed the effectiveness of the organization’s structure. Managed all RPA’s that facilitated hiring, position & organizational restructuring, and movement and rotation of personnel.
POLICY DEVELOPMENT: Monitored current trends and new proposed business practices to support policy changes. Updated the Delegation of Authorities, Overseas Tour Extension, and Telework policies. Co-write a civilian hiring policy that affected Regional Health Command and three subordinate commands, encompassing over 2,000 overseas employees. The policy increased morale as it allowed all eligible employees the ability to apply to open positions, ensuring the command was not circumventing merit system principles or engaging in prohibited personnel practices.
BUILD READINESS: Ran weekly RPA tracker and monthly manning strength reports to brief leadership on manpower figures. Kept a civilian gains/losses spreadsheet and helped in/out-process Military personnel. Worked MEDCOM taskers and ensures workflows were being routed properly to the three subordinate commands. Followed up with questions and made corrections prior to final submittals.
COMPENSATION: Served as an advisor on special pay-setting for Physicians and Dentists Pay Plan (PDPP) and pay issues to include permanent change of station (PCS) and relocation assistance. Worked with liaisons to resolve civilian pay issues, interfaced with the Civilian Personnel Advisory Center and other DoD offices to ensure pay information was correct.
DEVELOP TALENT: Reviewed and analyzed proposed servicing changes by HQDA elements and MEDCOM for special or reinvention personnel programs and made recommendations regarding impact on servicing capacity, staffing levels, alignment of resources, and impact on provision of service. Developed recommendations and presented completed projects for implementation.
DRIVING TRUST: Contact with MEDCOM, RMC, OTSG, Key staff and leaders both internal and external to the organization, USARNG, USAR, consultants, as well as employees, representatives of private concerns, attorneys, and/or the general public, in moderately structured settings. Conducted an on-site training at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center for the Civilian Personnel Branch and Administrative Officers. Discussed various topics including policies, processes, and the support they could expect as their advisor at headquarters.
Army Kaiserslautern Civilian Personnel Advisory Center; 12 MAY 2019-6 JUN 2020 (Kaiserslautern, Germany)
Supervisor: Maurice Shoots; DSN 314-***-****; Reason for leaving: Took a position at Headquarters.
Lead Human Resources Specialist; GS-0201-12 step 6; 40 hrs/wk; Salary: $77,197 + Living Allowance
Delivered effective OCONUS HR services by utilizing a wide range of HR practices, regulations, and principles to provide comprehensive classification/recruitment and placement. Served as a Subject-Matter-Expert and lead a team of five incumbents ranging from GS-5 to GS-11.
LEAD DUTIES: Coached, facilitated, and mentored three staffers and two assistants. Regularly quality controlled staffing actions and USAStaffing job announcements. Provided technical advice on personnel management programs. First-line leadership contact for complex issues.
STAFFING-RECRUITMENT & PLACEMENT: Advised management on CONUS and OCONUS recruitment strategies, sources, and special programs, recruitment, relocation, and retention incentive programs for medical positions. Provided guidance on merit system principles, prohibited personnel practices, and highly complex, command-wide HR policies based on regulations.
CLASSIFICATION: Provided position management and classification support to assigned organizations under various personnel systems. Applied a thorough understanding of classification principles, and concepts to interpret and adapt classification standards/guides to secure sound classification on positions.
SYSTEMS: Routinely operated systems (CPOL, DCPDS, USAStaffing, eOPF, AutoNOA, BOBI, FASCLASS, ASARS) and applied established system requirements and procedures. Pulled reports to track personnel changes. Processed realignments and discussed mission changes with the Commander.
OVERSEAS: First-level reviewer on Living Quarter Allowance (LQA) and Post Allowance (PA) submissions. Sent PCS orders for approval, completed Return Rights and Transportation Agreements. Provided guidance on Overseas Tour Extensions (OTEX) and Tour Curtailments.
PRE-EMPLOYMENT: Initiated all PSIP background investigations, including Childcare Background Checks. Coordinated drug testing and physicals throughout CONUS and OCONUS locations. Verified credentialing, privileging, and education accreditation for medical professionals.
PERSONNEL ACTIONS: Applied principles, provisions, laws, regulations, practices, and techniques of staffing, classification, and recruitment in order to prepare and process SF-50 request for personnel actions. Determined appropriate authorities in compliance with established Federal, OPM, DoD, and Army regulatory guidance.
USASTAFFING: Built assessments, vacancy announcements, certificates, and applicants by using USA Staffing to recruit/fill vacant positions, promotions, reassignments, etc.
TRAINING: Conducted staffing training for Hiring Managers, Administrative Officers, and Staffing Team on a regular basis. Discussed various hiring authorities, background investigation processes, LQA/PA, and other miscellaneous concerns or questions.
SPECIAL PROJECTS: Conducted a two-hour training for a group of 18 supervisors including: Strategic Recruitment Discussion (Recruitment Strategies, Appointment Types, Priority Placement Program, Incentives, Position Requirements) and Referral & Selection (Cut-Off Score, Timeline, Selection Process, Pay Setting, Job Offer, In-processing).
Air Force Materiel Command; 02 APR 2018-11 MAY 2019; (WPAFB, OH)
Supervisor: Kimbra Ferree; 937-***-****; Reason for leaving: Took an overseas assignment in Germany.
Human Resources Specialist; GS-0201-12 step 06; 32 hrs/wk; Salary: $92,923
Provided timely, thorough, and accurate HR recruitment, placement, and affirmative employment concepts, principles, regulations, programs, and practices.
TALENT MANAGEMENT: Provided comprehensive management advisory services on recruitment & placement, reorganization, relocation, retention incentives, and classification. Troubleshot and resolved difficult HR problems. Applied functional expertise, judgement, and analysis to complete intricate tasks necessary to execute personnel programs.
MANPOWER: Interpreted and applied civilian human resources principles, provisions, laws, regulations, practices, and techniques of staffing, classification, and recruitment in referenced United States Code and Code of Federal Regulations. Determined appropriate authorities in compliance with established OPM, DoD, and AF regulatory guidance.
OPERATIONAL AGILITY: Selected appropriate staffing method; located, interpreted, analyzed, and applied qualification standards to determine qualified candidates for referral. Recommended selection of candidates for vacancies, promotions, details, and reassignments in consideration of skills, qualifications, and requirements. Expert in EHA/DHA hiring authorities; evaluated the use of new hiring authorities and presented management with an implementation approach on how to improve time-to-hire metrics.
INTERNAL PARTNERSHIPS: Lead special initiatives, studies and projects, and affirmative employment activities. Created three instructional guides to help staffers understand how to document an audit trail, run a batch print in DCPDS, and access files in eOPF.
HIRING TIMELINES: Built assessments, vacancy announcements, certificates, and applicants using USA Staffing to recruit/fill vacant positions, promotions, reassignments, etc. Reviewed pre-employment documents to ensure candidates met appointing requirements. Conducted job analysis for a variety of occupational series and grades. Reviewed the classification of position descriptions to ensure accuracy and makes changes as necessary. Provided assistance on Federal Employees Group Life Insurance (FEGLI), Federal Employee Health Benefits (FEHB), and Thrift Savings Plan (TSP).
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: Routinely operated systems (DCPDS, USAStaffing, eOPF, etc.).
Defense Logistics Agency; 10 JUL 2016-01 SEP 2017 (DSCC, Columbus, OH)
Supervisor: Roger Lee 614-***-****; Reason for leaving: To care for my child.
Human Resources Specialist (HR Development); GS-0201-11/12; 40 hrs/wk; Salary: $76,470
Provided technical support in all aspects of the DLA Learning Management System (LMS).
ADVISORY SERVICE: Worked with Senior Leadership on a wide variety of acquisition, retention, training, motivation and use of the civilian workforce regarding LMS trainings (HRD programs). Developed and delivered training on LMS functions and processes by using job aids, user manuals, tutorials, and Excel spreadsheets.
DATA INTEGRITY: Identified an execution plan for 22 data elements. Coordinated with various program managers during the comprehensive investigative studies. Coordinated data for reports and evaluated criteria to measure and improve program effectiveness. Initiative increased the confidence in LMS metrics and reporting, improved the user’s experience, and supported the audit readiness initiative.
COMMUNICATION: Advised Senior Leadership on a wide variety of human resources issues and communicated and coordinated the best possible solution to achieve strategic mission goals and objectives. Briefed DHRS-DS Director monthly and briefed J1 SES in June 2017. Led three feedback sessions to solicit solutions based on employee survey results. Used the findings to generate multiple solutions for leadership to implement including a stronger recognition program that increased morale, and a wide variety of available trainings to give supervisors resources to help lead their workforce.
ORGANIZATION SKILLS: Created detailed Plan of Actions and Milestones Plans (POAMs), flowcharts, newsletter articles, and closeout reports.
REPORTS: Ran various reports to track progress status bi-weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly, and on an as needed basis. Coordinated with management to formulate strategic planning and direction.
COLLABORATION: Coordinated with IT on complex issues related to integrating systems locally and resolving system malfunctions. Cleared a backlog of reports that allowed used to run reports in a matter of minutes versus hours that it used to take. Updated system capabilities to meet customer needs. Served as program manager for assigned workforce development programs that had DLA wide impact. Coordinated testing and implementation of new LMS commercial cloud-based system.
HUMAN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT: Super User for the DLA Learning Management System focused on Individual Development Plans for DPMAP, Competency Assessments, and 360-Evaluations.
CUSTOMER SERVICE: Troubleshot Tier 2 helpdesk tickets. Assisted with complex and high-level support questions and inquiries. Analyzed and resolved complex system problems with tight deadlines.
Administrative Office of the United States Courts; 28 JUN 2015-08 JUL 2016 (Thurgood Marshall Federal Judiciary Building, Washington, DC)
Supervisor: Kimberly Broden 202-***-****; Reason for leaving: Relocated to Ohio.
Human Resources Specialist (Staffing); 0201-Pay band 2C-17 (GS-12 Equiv); 40 hrs/wk; Salary: $78,010
Status Candidate based on 28 U.S.C. 602, Public Law 101-474
Administered a comprehensive human resources program for over 30,000 employees of the Federal Judiciary.
STAFFING: Processed hundreds of Requests for Personnel Actions electronically in HRMIS and via paper for Law Clerks including new hires, rehires, terminations, transfers, promotions, retirements, and benefit elections. Performed studies regarding strategic downsizing.
ADVISORY SERVICE: Provided management advisory service on complex and often controversial issues with court staff on items including manning requirements, performance improvement plans (PIP’s), discipline, adverse actions, grievances, employee counseling, pay issues, and data integrity.
COMMUNICATION: Interacted with leadership for the purpose of explaining human resources issues, solicited support, and encouraged feedback and suggestions to improve human resources management. Applied Human Resource Development plans by reviewing workload studies, regulatory guidelines, and directives. Analyzed the specialized skills required in order to meet mission readiness.
PROGRAM MANAGER: Along with the Director of Compensation, planned, established, and administered training and development requirements for customers at local court units. Materials included individual developmental plans, troubleshooting system issues, policy interpretation, and clarifying regulatory guidelines.
TECHNICAL ADVICE: Worked directly with IT on complex issues related to integrating systems locally and resolving system malfunctions. Updated system capabilities to meet customer needs.
Defense Civilian Personnel Advisory Service; 1 MAR 2010-27 JUN 2015
1 MAR 2010 – 26 MAR 2011 (Wright-Patterson AFB, OH); 27 MAR 2011-15 NOV 2014; (Travis AFB, CA); & 23 FEB 2015-27 JUN 2015 (Mark Center, Alexandria, VA)
Supervisor: Karl Fendt 571-***-****; Reason for leaving: Took a non-traveling position.
Human Resources Specialist (Compensation); GS-0201-11 step 3; 40 hrs/wk; Salary: $67,971
Maintained and implemented a competitive compensation for DoD civilians to ensure competitiveness and internal equity.
PAY PRACTICES: Developed Wage Rate (WG/WL/WS) Schedules for 45 Military Installations across the country and created yearly DoDEA Overseas Educators pay schedules; domestic travel 50%. Interpreted Federal pay practice laws and regulations and interviewed private sector companies.
TEAM LEAD: Created PowerPoint presentations and facilitated compensation trainings. Reviewed several employees’ data collection submissions, made team assignments, completed analysis on private sector wage data, and completed biennial wage changes from beginning to end.
COMPENSATION WAGE ANALYSIS: Analyzed compensation data and labor contracts in Microsoft Access, Excel and Word to generate pay line consistencies and prepared written reports. Formulated organizational change requests to current DoD policies for each survey area and briefed management. Audited reports, ensuring wage information was accurate.
PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT: Created, monitored, and facilitated an interagency mentorship program with the GS-14 Division Chief. Mentored and counseled several co-workers to support their personal and professional development.
BUDGET SAVINGS: Completed a yearly cost comparison/benefit study and promptly identified issues. Created innovative and cost-efficient budget strategies to ensure cost effective travel. Contributed to an overall savings of 15%-2013; 30%-2014.
Eurand - Specialty Pharmaceutical Company; APR 2008-FEB 2010
845 Center Dr., Vandalia, OH 45377
Human Resources Coordinator; 40 hrs/wk
Human Resources support for a global company with more than 500 employees with an annual revenue of more than $100M.
RECRUITING: Developed recruiting solutions from business objectives to find and place ideal candidates for professional, scientific and senior level positions. Participated and organized job fairs, scheduled over 700 interviews including travel arrangements and interview itineraries, completed several hundred new hire orientations and personnel transactions. Created various strategies to attract and retain employees.
STRATEGIC INITIATIVES: Collaborated with the General Manager and upper management to document strategic site goals and objectives from 19 key departments. Aligned human resource initiatives with business objectives and reported monthly, individual and company results.
CONSULTING: Conducted employee onboarding, investigations and held several one-on-one meetings with employees to discuss items such as employee benefits, performance reviews, work schedules, terminations and other various issues. Provided advice on developmental needs.
Jan’25 $2904 & 40 hr time off award; Jul ’24 $382; Feb ’24 $500; Jan ’24 $2,359 & 32 hr; Jan ’23 $2,453; 32 & 4 hr, Sep ‘22 - $500; Dec ‘21 - $2,091; Oct ‘20 - $500, Jul ‘20 - $1,400, Jul ‘19 - $1,185 & 36 hr; Oct ‘18 - 8 hr; Mar ‘17 - $200 & 8 hr; Jun ‘14 - $1,252; Jun ‘12- $650; Jun ‘11 - $900
Education & Certifications
Central Michigan University: Master of Science in Administration; Major: HR, 3.9 GPA; Aug 2013
Wright State University: Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Dual Major: Business Management & Human Resources; June 2008
SHRM-Senior Certified Professional: Certified May 2015
Defense Civilian Emerging Leader Program: Lead Self, Teams, & Projects levels; Sep 2014
Leadership Education and Development (LEAD) Certificate Program: OPM’s Leadership Education and Development Certificate Program, Project/Team Lead level; Sep 2014
Professional References
Col Chadwick Steipp (Deputy PEO – AFLCMC/WL)
Phone: 937-***-****; Email: ********.******@**.**.***
Deborah Webb (OM Chief – AFLCMC/WLO)
Phone: 937-***-****; Email: *******.****@**.**.***
James Salyer (Deputy Program Manager – AFLCMC/WVB)
Phone: 937-***-****; Email: *****.******@**.**.***