Mr. Nickolay NM. Downey
Philadelphia, Paiaias- = 7a ennai
nickahiclowmey 15 gmat L com ae Ga
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‘“GQmonths aft com pany Aviver ew teckpers on
> Excellent communication and uitecpersona ckills as Sthnese ace,
. Enyow workivg on a Team wa bury, £y ck. pace A eonVitoumell
-k Experienco
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Drive c Mock person “se Pits) PA ane
N\ade complenys. deliveries avd pick UPS an Phila. aud Suburban er
Land scaping / Ground person Slaca - 8/2083
* OpersteA Powe T aqui pmeril ac WeWers, edger, cutlerc awd
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*remeved Aebric tran properties.
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clean pendet class C, deivec’s \icense .
Wecer expert MW toals and catety
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preressional cet feat, for bewy a £ lagg er Cert) Pin,
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