Kathleen Jaramillo ******************@*****.***.***
PO Box 230 Citizenship: USA
Vallecitos, NM 87581
Disability: yes Veteran? No
Cell 505-***-****
OBJECTIVE: Would like to expand and further diversify my skills to benefit the mission of my employer. Additionally, my husband who has worked hard all his life would like to retire, I can help him do that if I have not only a job but a career to support both our goals.
I am a highly diversified employee with numerous skills and abilities along with the willingness to learn new skills and build on current ones. I have been in customer service and success roles in all my current and most recent positions plus integrated into my roles in prior positions. It has always been a part of my passion to help customers both internal and external. I am familiar with partnerships, grants and agreements and co-operative work with stakeholders. Even if you don’t see a skill listed in my Resume/CV there is good chance I have worked at it or at very least can learn it.
Customer Service and Success
Critical thinker
Mission objectives and support
Mitigating churn
Southern New Hampshire University
2500 North River Road
Manchester New Hampshire, 03106
Was enrolled in Southern New Hampshire University Online program, pursuing a BA in Anthropology. Have credit to request my AA, I had put school on hold due to my husband’s illness, I do hope to return to school when I can adapt a schedule with work. Current GPA 3.95
Facilities Coordinator Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center non-profit hybrid remote/part time seasonal
Manage facilities for remote retreat center
Organize projects
Hire staff, on board/off boarding and coordinate volunteer duties
Supervise Facilities staff and volunteers, Train staff and volunteers
Schedule staff for operating season and work with Executive Director, Kitchen Lead and Retreat managers to find a supportive schedule.
Order supplies and coordinate their delivery to the center
Coordinate opening and closing of the center each season and additional projects to be done off season.
Support retreat participants (customer service/sensitive client service) with needs during retreat sessions.
Complete permit applications for government entities that cooperate with the center.
Help with fundraising
Grant applications
Available onsite during opening, closing, and at least once per month during season and when critical needs, issues, emergencies arise.
Environmental Protection Agency
1595 Wynkoop St
Denver, Colorado
March 24,2024 to present
GS-0501-11-01 Financial Management Specialist
$80665.00 annual, 40 hours per week, full time permanent
Supervisor: Davionn Johnson 303-***-**** Contact me first please
This is a customer facing role. I am a Financial Management Specialist now with the EPA in the Mission Support Division. The EPA made a GS (pay scale and rank) upgrade and remote work opportunity I could not refuse. So I left the Forest Service to work for the EPA. Despite the title I am working with employee (customer) accounts and management on the Region 8 Financial Ops under Mission Support Division. The primary role is supporting employees (internal customers) and Directors with their time and travel and site-specific accounts. In this position and others, I used KPI’s to study metrics and analyze data. I have used a variety of CRM, HRIS, SaaS such as Microsoft products, JIRA, Salesforce,People Plus or paycheck 8, QuickBooks, SAP products such as Concur to name only a few. Also incorporate IoT along with social media platforms. In pay role functions, we pull missing time and attendance reports, Leave reports and comp and overtime reports. Check for discrepancies in time and leave reporting, inform employees and supervisors when there are corrections that need to be made. Work with employees to help them make any corrections. We guide them in appropriate time coding and leave application. We research time sheets and leave audits reports to determine the best course of action for making timely corrections and fixing timesheets with high exceptions.
For travel we are the FATA travel arrangers and do the booking and travel arranging for the employees that
are traveling based on their requirements. Research and complete authorizations and travel booking through Concur. Afte trip completion we complete the Vouchers for reimbursement and analyze issues with the varying travel situations. This job requires analyzing, researching, using metrics, and working with many databases and Microsoft applications. Also requires customer service and management for customer success as I am providing customer support via email and Teams or by phone, and managing their account through each process, each trip or each pay period. Both being a self-starter with time management, organizational skills and critical thinking is a must. Must be able to think outside the box, find solutions to unique problems while still serving customers timely and with quality output. Additionally, while being able to work interpedently is critical, one must also be a team player and able to work as a team to assist other teammates for full support of the mission.
Reason for looking for a new job: policy changes on telework/remote within EPA would have me needing to relocate to Denver which I cannot at this time. I need either remote work or hybrid work if close to home. I can travel, however, for training, meetings and conferences.
Detail Temporary Promotion, Staff Assistant /Executive Assistant
Remote Position for USDA Forest Service, Washington Office
Supervisor: Kristine Davidson, Chief of Staff for Chief Financial Officer
Yates Building, Washington DC
From Dec. 7th, End date March 2023
GS-301-11-1 Staff Assistant
$ 66,750.00 starting Annual salary. 40 hours per week.
Was accepted for a 120-day detail/temporary promotion as Executive/Staff Assistant for the USDA Forest service Chief Financial Officer. Also provide additional support to the Associate Chief Financial Officer while their position is vacant.
Duties include but not limited to:
Scheduling for the CFO (Chief Financial Officer) and ACFO (Associate Chief Financial Officer), is large part of my daily activities (90% or more). It is challenging and requires critical and strategic thinking as I look for opportunities in the calendar to schedule meeting requests. This also requires ability to network and coordinate as there are other key personnel’s schedules involved as well.
Analyzing daily emails requests for an indication of the priority as well as key people, time needed and timeframe. Determine if briefing papers have been provided or might be needed and most critically if a signature by the CFO might be needed.
Requests also come via Teams or occasional by phone, I need to analyze the information I am given and ask appropriate questions so I can determine the nature of the requests and course of action.
All forms of meeting requests do require attention to detail.
Inform supervisor or CFO of any urgent requests.
Work with our CFO OPS Team to create Virtual meetings and All Employee Calls. This requires coordination, intricate Teamwork, and planning. We work as a production crew developing the run of show/scripting, timing and securing speakers. We also work with ASL (American Sign Language) interpreters so our virtual meetings are 508 compliant. Team work is critical to success of these meetings.
Self-starter, work well individually with little supervision but due to the nature of this position I still work closely keeping my supervise appraised of any emails or requests that are sensitive in nature or may require a signature or urgent response.
Use tools such as Outlook calendar and email, excel spread sheets and One note to keep track of requests, events, personnel and groups. Other databases are also utilized such as FMMI, Pinyon box, SharePoint, Teams, One drive and Mercury. I still use Concur to secure travel for my executives.
Travel arranger for my CFO, ACFO and COS as well as still assist other employees with travel needs when asked.
Assist with onboarding employees and other HR functions as assigned.
Train and mentor new employees.
Supervise trainees’ development and progression.
Supervise projects as requested.
Create and track correspondence in the Mercury correspondence database. Follow processes and protocols related to official correspondence.
Create job aides and SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) for our deputy area.
Alert supervisor to breaches in protocols or standard processes.
Make recommendations for processes and bring attention to alternative ways of doing things. Provide supporting refences, documentation or data to inform recommendation ideas.
Customer service:
oProvide customer service though scheduling meetings and taking in documents.
oProvide customer service by crafting email correspondence and replying to requests or inquiries. Both internal and external.
oProvide customer service to travel customers who still reach out to me from my permanent duties.
I use my over 20 years of records management, data analysis, project management, administrative skills and supervisor skills to support the mission and this position.
Forest Service
ASC Budget & Finance
Travel Operations Branch
p: 505-***-****
4000 Masthead St. NE
Albuquerque, NM 87109
From October 24th (official hire) Nov. 7, 2021 start date- March 23, 2024
Supervisor:Kelly Ortiz, 505-***-****
GS-0501-09-3 Financial Analyst
$57,009.00 starting annual salary, 40 hours per week Ending salary $ 64,000 annual
This is a customer facing role. Returned to the Forest Service after a hiatus in private sector work as an Administrative Officer and Executive Assistant, which had its own unique challenges and opportunities. I developed extensive new skills and abilities. Although my title is financial analyst and I do conduct the duties of the financial analyst positions description I am tasked with so much more. Customer Success in the primary focus of the position.
I work in the travel operations branch for our employee and invitational travelers travel needs. I work on the travel help desk answering calls from employees from all job types analyzing the requests and interpreting needs. I provide counsel and assistance on proper preparation of travel documents, understanding and following our FTR (Federal Travel Regulations), other regulations related to travel and in some cases human resources and budget. I work with travelers and their supervisor and sponsors to ensure guidelines are followed and traveler are properly reimbursing for their travel expenses and per diem. I help them to ensure travel documents are completed correctly and assist them with technical issues related to the travel program and related databases. Our travel program is associated with other databases we use to conduct business. The travel program, application can sometimes be challenged to work with
Along with these duties I have other work rotations that I am responsible for such as working with rejected documents and deobligated funds, creating traveler profiles and giving access to job codes in the travel system. Knowledge of how budget and obligation function is very important to this aspect of the job. I handle hundreds of sensitive documents and personally identifiable information with strict adherence to the guidelines for handling of these important documents. I know the importance of confidentiality. I am trained in records management and can supply recent training that applies to the position I hold, as well as the one I am applying for. In prior roles I have worked with budget object codes, SF-52, Workplan, Correspondence and all the duties of an executive assistant, project or program specialist or administrative officer. I still use those skills in my present position. I have called attention to departures of policies and procures in my current role and other positions I have held. I have reviewed and interpreted regulations and manuals as I do in the current position. I am always researching. A large portion of my current job is sleuthing out issues, sorting out what the employee is needing or asking, and how to direct them if I am not able assist. Interpreting if they are not following regulations and how to address it with them or guide them to the correct path. I have worked closely with supervisors and been a supervisor and had the duties of an Executive Assistant or Administrative officer where I keep my Chief Executive Officer/Owner or Director, District Ranger or Program Manager up to date on all aspects of their business, projects and employees or customers status. I do this in my current role although in a different capacity as the needs are more diversified. I am a Point of Contact for our long-term detailers in travel status. I have a certain amount of responsibility to assist the detailed employees in their travel, not just booking and reservations but understanding policies, procedures and guidelines because they have different and longer-term travel needs than the occasional traveler. I not only help them with their expenses and travel documents but in understanding what is appropriate as far as expenditures and what we cannot do per Federal Travel Regulations or related policies. I am frequently analyzing and interpreting the Federal Travel regulations and apply them to travel situations. I am there for our detail travelers when they have issues or questions, and this sometimes includes after hours assistance. I will do this after hours help for any traveler but for detailers or our invitational travelers such as the Wild Land Fire Commission or even critical incident traveler, or any specialized situation is important that I be available to them when it is urgent. In this way I am serving the Forest Service mission.
Much of my work includes working independently and using my own judgement in choosing, interpretating or adapting guidelines and regulations. I report to supervisors when I discover issues in our processes or efficiency and effectiveness of work operations. I make recommendations on how to improve of correct these. Or I may share how we have adapted to situations that were not specially outlined within the guidelines. I also utilize the knowledge of our team to assist me with complex issues. We work collaboratively sharing knowledge and ideas.. Beside other computer applications mentioned in other parts of my resume I have also learned the use of the Concur (ets2/gov trip, e-gov travel) system, The financial database known as FMMI and many other included but not limited to: EEMS database, eOPF, B & F help. Along with Teams and Zoom which I already had experience using is still needed, plus others communication programs are also used.
I was asked to be the travel arranger for a Congress appointed Commission. We were directed by the United States Congress to arrange and reimburse their travel and I was one travel agent selected for this important The Wildfire Mitigation and Management Commission is looking into how the Forest Service manages their prescribed burn operations and wildfire suppression. This Commission has a very important mission, and I am proud to be selected as a travel arranger for twelve of their members. I was selected for positive feedback on my customer service and abilities to navigate the travel program. I prepare travel and accommodation and itinerary and even coordinate security arrangements as necessary. Only two other co-workers were given this privilege.
I have current Records Management training and Appropriations training plus many other required and administrative trainings, some are listed near the end of this resume. Please note I have also taken on business and leadership college level courses.
I can write briefing papers and decision memos and disseminate information from external and internal stakeholders. Review and monitor requirements for reporting and certifications. I can brief our Chiefs and Directors on vital information and recommendations.
I have years of experience (over 20) in data management, file system and correspondence and can handle sensitive information. I can prioritize agency issues and put focus on these priorities keeping in mind current and future implications of these issues basing them on environmental, market and industry trends. I do utilize these skills in my current position and build on them.
I also train employees in the duties of this position.
I have received two cash awards while in this position.
Jaramillo Land and Cattle Co.
PO Box 230
Vallecitos, NM 87581
Rudy Jaramillo
May 2010-Oct 24. 2021. Still active part time 2 -8 hours volunteer not salaried (family business)
Salary: $7000.00-$90,000 annual- 40 hours a week OR more
Partially customer facing role. Self-employed on family ranch and heavy equipment/ forestry business. Also, have contracted in various capacities with the Forest Service and forestry contractor working with or for the Forest Service. These include stand exam inspector, driver on fires, sawyer and tree marker and consultant.
Along with ranch and contracting duties: I am the Administrative Officer/HR/ Bookkeeper/ Customer Success Manager/Client Point of Contact, data entry person, web designer and actively involved all aspects of business management for our ranch business, heavy equipment/forestry business. This means I process paperwork and keep accurate accounting for Government grants and contracts as well as other contracts and the taxes associated with these. I independently analyze and apply established methods or procedures for accounting. Although I love teamwork and am a great team player the singular nature of this position leaves me working with little or no supervisor and individually responsible. I do not mind this and enjoy the challenges it often presents in which I use critical thinking, attention to detail and ability as a self-starter to work thorough challenges.
I write contracts for our business entities and tailor them to the type of work being performed. Analyze and vet the prospective contractors or vendors to be certain we are getting not only a fair price but quality work with integrity. I use QuickBooks but I also create my own spreadsheets for some data as QuickBooks does not have a good way to track certain line items. I not only document progress of project thorough accounting and documents but I often record progress through photographs and maps. These are all filed hard copy as well as a database and may seem redundant, but is a security measure should something be damaged or lost. It is good to have this type of tracking for reference purposes for a variety of reasons, including similar purposes (projects) in the future, training examples or audits.
Some of my skills were acquired while working at other jobs such as Support Services Supervisor, Supervisor for the county weed program, Night Audit, and Project Coordinator among a few. Others I have learned on my own over the years by on the job experience and through researching or taking courses (some course obtained through the NACPB) or more recently some college courses. Years of experience has prepared me for the work I do. It is critical for accurate accounting when working with government contracts and grants, but is truly important for being a responsible and profitable business owner.
Currently we are not handling any Government grants but in prior years we had a Collaborative Forest Restoration Project Grant (2010-2014).Worked co-operatively with tribes and other stake holders. This required creating budget line items to track payments/expenses and income from the grant. As well as tracking volunteer time and payroll for employees, working with contractor forms and payments. Reading and [ correctly] interpreting a Request for Proposals document that was many pages in length. Other requirements of the grant after its acceptance and implementation was completing and submitting annual reports timely for the grant’s four-year period. This was critical for compliance. I also arranged travel for workshops and meetings related to the grant for myself and Project Coordinator. Grant taxes were also more complicated. I took over the taxes for everything, especially the grant taxes when our CPA at the time made a serious error. This grant also required an annual operating plan along with reports and a business plan which I am responsible for writing with the CEO contributing his input.
Office management and Administrative Officer duties: These duties can go hand in hand or overlap with the bookkeeping duties and HR tasks.
I am also responsible for updating or amending our business plans to meet changing dynamics within the businesses.
Human Resources Specialist/Director duties:
Besides what is listed above for HR general tasks. As position needs occur, if a position does not have a classification, I am responsible for preparing those. Although it can be necessary to have input from the CEO or staff area that has the employee need. I source documents from experts in the subject matter when needed to identify major duties and functions within our entities to be sure we are securing the appropriate need. A vacancy announcement is then prepared and when enough qualifying candidates are vetted the referral list is given to the appropriate staff area or supervisor.
Security of all files, electronic or paper copy is taken seriously, and personally identifiable information is protected. I have established protocols that I learned when working for the Forest Service and for other employers. If I do have assistance, I require anyone working with personnel files to receive training via an online course. There is an HR Training Center site I like to use along with Fred Pryor and Compliance online as a few I look to. I also incorporate my own job aids for our specific work policies and procedures. This can be for external customers as well such as contractors and subcontractors.
When problems arise, I use my knowledge to identify and, in some cases, research the situation to work through the problem using appropriate and proven methods and protocols. This sometimes takes ingenuity, tact and critical thinking to resolve an issue. It also can mean working with sensitive situations and again using tact and understanding to work thorough it and gain a desired outcome. These are only a few tasks and skills used in our HR program, there are many different situations, and it can be dynamic and ever changing so I adapt as required. I am used to challenges when working with people from all demographics and cultures as I have over the years, and I enjoy it.
I supervise both people and projects in this position. I supervise daily from 1-10 employees or contractors. I easily spend over 50% of my time supervising along with all other duties.
Travel Coordinator/Arranger: I work with travel approvals and securing third party billing when necessary for travel. I source the best prices for lodging, meals, transport and other necessities by using my memberships and travel websites such as AARP, AAA, booking.com, hotels.com, Expedia etc.
Ranch work includes maintenance or repair of ranch fences, buildings, and structures. Working cattle, and herding cattle by foot, horseback, or ATV. Feeding cattle, general care of livestock and riding the range on horseback. Putting up and taking down laydown fence and managing range pastures for best management practices. Also assisting with engineering, construction and maintenance of earth dams/stock tanks, roads and trails on ranch and allotment (those that are approved and NEPA cleared on allotment). As well as irrigation ditches, culverts and bridges on ranch and allotment. Conduct basic (private use/unofficial) Archaeological surveys of projects that require disturbance of soil or soil removal prior to heavy equipment work. Average of 3 sites per year.
Involved in:
Hay production including operating tractor and baler.
Heavy equipment work includes operation of backhoe, Frontend loader and dump truck as needed.
Spotter for bulldozer, backhoe and feller buncher.
Providing basic labor for all projects.
Reason for leaving I will continue to work when possible (evening/weekends) to assist with ranch operations however we need a steady income. **My husband hopes to retire from the ranching/ contracting due to health conditions- leaving me free to focus on a career***
Various Positions within the Forest Service -off and on from 1992-2011, when not working with the Forest Service also worked in Night Audit Kootenai River Inn and Casino, Gallery Hostess and Administrative Assistant- K Haynes Gallery, Noxious Weed Program Superintendent-Bonner County, Project Manager-Hunter Communications, Customer Success Manager-Sunpro Solar
Note: Any gaps in prior employment are due to seasonal lay off or business closed.