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Financial Management Hrs Per

Montross, VA
July 23, 2023

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Lisa J. Rich-Sutton

*** ******** ****** ****

Hague, VA 22469

Cell: 804-***-****

Email: ********@*****.***

US Citizenship


**/**** ** **/****, 40 hrs per week: Title: Financial Analyst, BowHead Company, Dahlgren, VA

Provides financial, labor, non-labor and contract management, advice, assistance and recommendations to the budget department. Duties entail managing the planning, programming, budgeting and execution of the budgets. Receive and submit funds for services and products. Duties require a strong customer service support background.

06/09/19 to 05/2021, Hrs per week: 40, Management Analyst, GS-0343-13/6, Operations, Commander, Navy Installations Command (CNIC), Washington Navy Yard, Washington, DC 20374.

Supported financial management, contract/government requirements, technical writing, Navy Correspondence System management, classified correspondence, as well as policy development and implementation, and information technology across the Operations Integration (N3) program areas. The program areas which I supported in listed duties are Fire and Emergency Services, Port Operations, Air Operations, Force Protection, Safety and Occupational Health, Future/Current Operations, Emergency Management, and Operations Integration.

Provided financial, manpower and contract management, advice, assistance and recommendations to N3 Program Directors and Regional Program Directors. Duties entailed managing the planning, programming, budgeting and execution of the budgets.

Prepared briefs and documentation for N3 Program directors, CNIC senior leadership, DoD, and other Federal Agencies on budget programs/correspondence.

Participated in standard and streamlined studies supporting the Fire and Emergency Services, Port Operations, Air Operations, Force Protection, Safety and Occupational Health, Future/Current Operations, Emergency Management, and Operations Integration programs.

Planned, developed and conducted studies and analyses of substantial scale and impact concerning all aspects of current and projected N3 Operations Directorate programs for effectiveness and efficiency in achieving planned goals and objectives through applied statistical analysis and program inputs. Prepared supporting documentation for presentation of CNIC requirements.

Performs a wide variety of analytical and evaluative work related to program operations, management, organizational efficiency, and productivity. Develops performance measures for contract programs and advises senior management and staff on their use in program activities. Develops reports on performance measures and performance data in relation to CNIC.

Analyzes and evaluates (on a quantitative or qualitative basis) the effectiveness of CNIC program operations in meeting established goals and objectives.

Develops new and modified program policies, regulations, goals, or objectives to meet new or modified program requirements to include developing evaluation plans, procedures, methodology, and data required for use in the management and direction of new and modified programs and conducts interagency coordination and collaboration to optimize program requirements.

04/28/19 to 06/09/19, Hrs per week: 40, Management Analyst, GS-0343-11/10 Council Review Boards, Washington Navy Yard, Washington, DC 20374, Supervisor: Michael Stokes, 202-***-****.

Responsible for the planning, programming, formulation, and financial assessment of the Council of Review Boards (CORB) budget.

Provided technical expert within CORB for all financial matters and prepared short and long-term budget estimates.

Prepared and reviewed CORBs’ monthly, quarterly and yearly budget reports for all board presidents and the director.

Provided and written presentations during the monthly budget meeting in clear and concise manner.

Served as approving official for the SECNAV CORB government card holders.

12/10/18 to 04/2019, Hrs per week: 40, Program Analyst, GS-0343-9/5 Smithsonian Institution, The National Museum of African American History and Culture, Washington, DC 20560, Team Leader: Fatima Elgarch, 202-***-****.

Perform analyses of significant aspects of Office of Curatorial Affairs’ programmatic operations and issues. Works with the OCA staff and museum in gathering background materials needed for reports to other offices throughout Museum and SI. Edits reports and analyses from OCA staff for consistency. Provide advice and assistance to supervisors and managers in terms of the regulatory procedures and requirements. Performs analytical, evaluative and administrative work associated with line and program activities. Coordinates staff efforts to ensure that deadlines are met and materials provided for assignments. Trouble-shoots for supervisor by identifying potential problems in projects and administrative functions. Accomplish work in accordance to policies and procedures of the SI.

Managed, coordinated and inspected organizational projects and programs through research, audits, and studies; recommended solutions and analyzed findings related to audit activities; and developed reports, memoranda and correspondence to brief stakeholders on audit activities.

03/08/15 to Present, Volunteer, Financial Advisor, Galilee Baptist Church, Montross, Virginia, 22520, Supervisor: Joseph Haden, 240-***-****.

Assisted in the formulation, execution, commitment and obligation of the church budget. Provided financial advice on budget line items approval and distribution. Assisted in decision making on budget line items to fund, adjust and reprogram. Other duties entailed assisting with educational program and organization programs.

05/26/96 to 03/07/15, Hrs per week: 40, Administrative Officer, GS-0341-12/9, Department of Defense, Corps of Engineers, Washington, DC 20314, Section Chief Supervisor: Robert Bank (Retired) – 301-***-****

Served as Special Assistant and Administrative Officer at the Corps of Engineers(COE) to the Chief and Deputy Chief of Engineering and Construction Division (E&C COP), South Atlantic Division Regional Integration Team (SAD RIT) and South Pacific Division Regional Integration Team (SPD RIT).

Managed the administration and execution of the planning, budgeting, financial accounting, personnel management, records management, security management space utilization, contracting, and procurement, automation, and management information systems development, internal review and resource management, including allocation of manpower and force management requirements. Primary credit card holder. Processed and reconciled monthly spend plans and invoices from vendors.

Reviewed, researched, and analyzed electronic data files. Performed information and data management activities. Reviewed, researched, and analyzed data models and lead teams.

Performs financial management, accounting, and budget execution duties for funding within organizations; Establishes and maintains financial management and budget program accounting systems and controls, and ensures accuracy of budget, program, and execution data across multiple appropriations/funding sources; Defines program and project priorities, participates in integrated teams; Discerns competing priorities and reprograms funding as necessary in order to ensure proper funding strategy within appropriate regulations, policies, and/or guidance and coordinates with multiple agencies to ensure proper acceptance and execution of funding.

Performed and advised on work of the phases or systems of budget administration.

Presented and defended budget estimates before authorities reviewed and evaluated budget requests, control, and report of obligations and expenditures.

Analyzed and recommended costs and benefits of alternative methods of financial management of organization’s programs and administrative operations.

Responsible for financial management, from implementation and daily execution consisting of oversight controls to reviewing, evaluating, measuring and tracking status.

Advised managers on the full range of HR functions and assists management in fulfilling their human resource management responsibilities. Advise management in the development of criteria to determine knowledge, skills, abilities and other characteristics necessary for the recruitment and placement of well qualified candidates in internal or external competitive staffing actions. Provided advice to managers on future staffing strategies as well as constructing adequate position descriptions for their subordinate staff. Advised managers on complex placement issues including reduction-in-force and transfer of function. Responded to questions and complaints from employees and job applicants as a result of the hiring decisions made. Provided expert guidance to supervisors to resolve employee relations questions or problems. Provided workforce analysis support to the Directorate and high-level managers such as recruitment and staffing strategies, time and attendance, payroll processing, merit pay, performance management, position management and position classification. Reviewed and made recommendations towards the development of new and existing program policies and procedures. Developed and tracked metrics to measure progress and accomplishments of program goals. Regularly utilized personnel and budget automation systems for analytical studies of programs and operations. Developed and maintained reports for management for reports on issues relating to workforce management.

Knowledge of qualitative and quantitative analytical and evaluation methods and techniques to identify and advise on programs, initiatives, and problems involving OMB and Congressional requirements and statutory regulations.

Experienced in information technology, financial reporting, accounting, acquisitions, and human capital and perform and conduct risk based assessments for the organization.

Provided policy, manpower and procedural recommendations to senior/executive management. Performed analytical management advisory services on various personnel and manpower programs.

Experienced in performing budget and financial management work. Knowledge of budget and finance principles, practices and methods to perform budget execution, formulation, financial reporting and internal control functions. Gathered and managed statistical data needed for financial reporting, reviewing the accuracy of budget and program data, monitored obligations and expenditures, and compiled budget requests.

Managed and assisted in the preparation of budget estimates and justifications; interpreting OMB directives and circulars; reviewed and edited office budget submissions for accuracy and conformance with procedures and guidelines; negotiated budget funding amounts, timing, and changes; made corrections in accounting and other management system deficiencies; provided financial management advice in the development and enhancement of financial systems; and analyzed regulations, legislation, and policies to identify their impact on budget, finances and operations.

Prepared data for inclusion in budget reports and schedules; entered budgetary information on various forms, schedules, and reports; monitored obligations and expenditures throughout the annual operating budget execution phase.

Determined estimates for funding needs and allotments; provided solutions to identified budgeting problems; and recommended solutions and adjustments to accounts for changes in funding levels.

Applied concepts, principles, practices, laws, and regulations of the federal budget process to formulate and consolidate service level budgets and justifications, execution, cost analysis, and manpower management; experienced with budgetary activities of Departments' organizational elements in order to review, edit and approve budget requests submitted by offices; and applied and compared cost-benefit rations of alternative budget and program actions to determine cost-benefits.

Reviewed and approved travel authorizations, travel vouchers, credit card and purchase requests and ensured overall compliance with Federal Travel Regulation and internal policies and procedures.

Reviewed financial data using analytical tools; modeled, managed and analyzed financial data; and developed financial analytical reports to present data to management.

Prepared monthly funding for funds within budget portfolios and ensured that all budget transactions entered into the financial and business accounting system are allocated.

Recorded all transfer and allocations data in the financial and business accounting system (Corps of Engineers Financial Management System).

Analyzed to ensure that all data entered into the accounting system uses the correct document types and that budget entries are correctly reflected on monthly reports and in the financial and business management.

Worked with directorate budget analysts to analyze appropriations legislation and helps program managers to determine new data needs.

Monitored all funds to ensure that no overspending has occurred at the budget.

Analyzed all incoming program change proposals, spending plans and allocation requests for technical correctness, conformance with reprogramming requirements and current policies.

Reviewed supporting materials submitted by the field for adequacy and accuracy, compliance with policy, logical scheduling, and conformance with stated directives of the service.

Developed Engineering and Construction Division, Corps of Engineers annual budget requests, justifications, and re-estimates to Congress, including drafting strong supporting narratives, tables, and graphic displays.

Prepared a variety of written documents such as budget justifications, decision memoranda, agenda items, analytical reports and policy documents for the Chief and Deputy Chief, Program Managers, the budget office and senior management officials with the purpose of turning complex data into high level information appropriate for a wide variety of audiences.

Managed the budget formulation, presentation, and execution for a multi-faceted that included the application of budgeting and financial management laws, regulations, policies, preparing budget estimates, tracking obligations and making comparisons to the operating budget, reviewing budget justifications in support of budget submissions, preparing and reviewing monthly status of funds reports, and coordinating information for briefings and Directorate meetings.

Experienced with working with agency and departmental program staff to coordinate the exchange of programmatic information, and to respond to hearings and programmatic inquiries. Have the ability to review and edit congressional responses, and prepare briefing books and hearing materials.

Developed cost-benefit analysis of proposed budgetary and program actions and advising leadership and program managers of the most advantageous course of action.

Performed a wide range of technical, administrative, and analytical duties connected with the formulation, justification, presentation, execution, and review of the Agency appropriations (Operations and Maintenance, Defense-Wide (O&M); Research, Development and Military Construction (MILCON).

Provided oversight of and support for a full range of budget functions, applying an expert knowledge of budget and program principles, policies, procedures, concepts, standards, terminology, financial management, and business operation systems to execute assignments and projects, resolve issues, and provided financial analyses for managers.

Reconciled spend plans to actual fund activities to match the accounting system during the execution year.

Reviewed and analyzed budget estimates and requests for allotments submitted by managers for accuracy of technical treatment and format, mathematical accuracy, adequacy of supporting narrative justification, and conformance with Corps of Engineers budgetary policy and guidelines.

Identified, researched and presented budget issues resulting from initial analysis of program resource requirements to include issues involving content, format, presentation implementation strategies, program development issues, and policy analysis matters.

Maintained budget oversight, control and accountability to include budget formulation, execution and justification of appropriations: operating financial systems for recording of accounting transactions and processes; management of program funding using financial reports, budget estimation and execution; and presenting guidance to senior officials and program budget staff members on appropriated funds.

Managed preparation, formulation and execution of budget using program knowledge and analytical tools while working with appropriate internal and external offices.

Managed the planning, preparation and evaluation of the development and implementation of methods and procedures for preparing budget requests and related supporting documentation in assigned areas of responsibilities and related supporting documentation.

Routinely reviewed, analyzed, consolidated and revised budget estimates, justification statements and budget execution plans submitted by agency components; analyzed, interpreted and applied complex legislative, policy and regulatory decisions to develop budgetary plans, policies and guidance; analyzed budget execution for a national-level program organization and made recommendations to senior leaders on resource reallocation to modify the plan or programmatic actions to bring spending in line with the plan; independently analyzed and compared budgets and programs.

Trained customers on budget tools; reviewed, analyzed and overrode financial errors in the financial system of record; initiated quarterly budget execution reviews; performed trend and variance analyses; prepared and managed/assisted in the preparation of various forms, report and schedules.

Skilled with reviewing budget estimates, allotments, allocations and allowances ensuring accuracy of technical treatment and format, mathematical accuracy, and adequacy of support.

Skilled in communicating orally and in writing with agency program office staff and others both internal and external to the agency. Communicated effectively both orally and in writing; and provided consistent customer service in a consultative and solutions-based environment, through proactive outreach and issue resolution.

Extensive experiences in applying budgetary methods, practices, procedures, regulations, precedents, and policies; formulating, presenting, and/or executing multi-year forecasts and requests to cover substantive agency programs; preparing official reports; reviewing, analyzing, consolidating, and revising budget estimates, justification statements, and budget execution plans; and making recommendations concerning the acquisition, use, or availability of funds for programs based on detailed analysis and consideration of program requirements.

Served as a budget analyst for Engineering and Construction Division and Integration Teams. Held responsibility for duties in all phases of the budget process including budget formulation, justification, execution, and budget presentation in order to support the Corps of Engineers mission.

Served as the expert on budgetary and financial management issues and activities.

Managed and prepared a wide variety of financial reports, balance sheets, and recommendations required for potential revisions to policies covering significant financial management issues.

Provided advice, initial estimates, and initial fiscal prioritization information, as well as, technical and reference assistance to program managers in the development of budget requests and support documentation.

Utilized oral and written communication skills to prepare a wide range of documents for and communicate with both technical and non-technical audiences, as well as, provide advice, guidance, and information to Corps of Engineers highest management, DOD, OMB, and Congressional staff.

Performed various budget functions involving formulation and justification of budgets for Engineering and Construction Division in the Budget Formulation Branch, Resource Management Division, and Directorate for Financial & Business Operations.

Formulated requirements for individual activities/functional areas based on an analysis of activity budget estimates, historical expenditures, projected workload, and approved funding. Analyzed and projected current year and out-years requirements.

Performed a full range of administrative functions for the Chief/Deputy Chief with continuing responsibility for ensuring the office function of the Division are carried out as effectively as possible.

Knowledge of procedures, regulations, ad policies pertaining to programs and functions of the Division and the Directorate, Responsible for formulating, obligating and executing financial documents in the Corps of Engineers Financial System (CEFMS). I am sole person responsible for issuing and monitoring funds in CEFMS. I am responsible for operating accounts. I formulate, execute, and approve budget actions and documents. Those documents consist of travel orders and vouchers, Miscellaneous Interdepartmental Purchase Request (MIPRS), Credit Card Purchase Request, and Contractual Purchase Request. I am the sole person for making purchases using the office credit card.

Managed, applied and developed workload based on required standards of organizational manpower levels. Conducts studies of organization efficiency and productivity, and recommends changes or improvements for the organization, staffing, work methods, and procedures. Analyzed information requirements to develop program or administrative functions including systems specifications, data gathering, and analysis of systems evaluation methods.

Knowledgeable and manage program guidance and oversight of Field Operations in completed range of Civil Works(CW) funded activities; program implantation practices/processes that advice changes in policies and guidance. Organized budget reports and plans in organization for coordination of annual program to ASA (CW), OMB and Appropriations Committees of Congress and experience of qualification as a Program Manager are comprehensive skills in managing major programs, a wide range of applications that exemplify quantitative methods for the assessment and improvement of programs.

Maintained comprehensive knowledge of a broad range of administrative regulations and precedents applicable to the program managed as planning, organizing, and directing teamwork in program defense program requiring substantial resources of changes in established programs that I closely worked with are the Corps Design Awards, Dam Safety, Geospatial Data, Guidance Update Maintenance Program, Technical Excellence Network, and Organizational Memberships.

Other web-based systems I have obtained knowledge of are Corps Water Management System, Automation system used by USACE to facilitate the storage, analysis, display and dissemination, of water resources data supports to all Corps water resources management decision making of regulations, flood control, navigation, hydro power, water quantity, environmental, recreation, irrigation, fish and wildlife and other resource objectives of the Corps water resources infrastructure. Knowledgeable of Design Review Checking System (DrCheck), a working tool developed by USACE to facilitate and document the review of engineering and construction products and projects. DrChecks is an analytical tool for USACE; include the customers and contractor, there are other users. The system is utilized by other federal agencies including NAVFAC, GSA, VA etc. The USACE share of operations and support of value and quality.

Starting position was an Administrative Management Specialist and promoted to Administrative Officer, GS-12.

10/01/1995 to 05/26/1996. Hrs per week: 40. Administrative Management Specialist, GS-0301-9. Department of Defense, Corps of Engineers, Washington, DC 20314-1000, Supervisor: Kisuk Cheung, 202-***-****

Responsible for the management of the Division to include extensive knowledge of principles, methods, and techniques of personnel management and with minimal supervision, performs specific tasks or group related for answering routing correspondence; programming and executing operations, approving documents based on available funds such as: travel orders, printing forms, Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request (MIPRS) Modification Obligation Documents (MODs), Funding Authorization Documents (FADS), verification of work codes and appropriations. Provide support to Division personnel on: preparation request for personnel descriptions, performance standards, awards submissions and personnel regulations. Reviews performance standards and appraisals and recommends guidelines for timely development.

11/25/1990 to 10/01/1995, Hrs per week: 40, Management Analyst, Department of Defense, Corps of Engineers, Washington, DC 20314-1000, Supervisor: Herbert Kennon, 202-***-****

Duties included making recommendations and managing administration operation, and actions to resolve e critical or unusual situation administrative operations of the Division, Participates in resolving appropriate administrative solutions. Consults with supervisor on unique or unusual nature to include: coordinating information related to program goals, studies, professional training needs, workshop data sources, analyzing, and compiling related data using ADP system to include data base storage and retrieval, manpower and financial data requesting elements, assisting Chief, Deputy Chief and Special Assistance on assigned projects involving selecting appropriate methodologies of factual data through a combination of surveys, collecting documents, interviews, and analyzing the results statically to establish a final report.

07/22/1990 to 11/25/1990. Hrs per week: 40, Program Assistant, Department of Defense, Corps of Engineers, Washington, DC 20314-1000, Supervisor: Edward East,


Performed specific tasks or group related task including coordinating request concerning program goals, studies, professional training needs, sponsored conferences and workshops. Assisted in the preparation Command Management Review (CMR) presentations which included collecting information and making slides. Identifies data sources, analyzing and compiling related information for systems to include data base storage and retrieval. Provides current information for elements. Assists Section Chief in analyzing and answering private Architect-Engineer (A-E) firms requesting information and professional contracting procedures. Utilizes suggestions from Section for analytical reports from appropriate sources to answer A-Es involving policy issues.

04/09/1987 to 07/22/1990. Hrs per week: 40 Secretary/Stenographer, Department of Defense, Center of Military History, Washington, DC 20314-1000, Supervisor: Edward J. Drea, 202-***-****

Tasks included: verifying correspondence for accuracy and clarity for records; schedule travel, completed travel orders, ordered supply cards, prepared time cards, maintain branch files in accordance with MARKS (Modern Army Records System); assist and employ stenography skills, maintain branch calls and greeting visitors; inventoried top secret file safes; support office procedures; assisted in training staff members on equipment; revise and format inquiries authored by historians. Prepare hand-written drafts from rough draft to final to ensure corrections, grammatical errors. Types memos, letters; disposition form publications; information papers; discussion papers, fact summaries; forms and draft correspondence for personnel. Type reviews until edited and revised to final copy consisting of appropriate pages and long term projects.

07/01/1986 to 04/09/1987. Hrs. per week: 40, Secretary/Assistant, Riggs National Bank, Universal Branch, Washington, DC, Supervisor: Alice Hardy, 202-***-****.

Tasks included greeting and assisting customers, supervisors and tellers, receiving calls, assorting mail, reporting decline loans, assist in verifying and coding deposit forms; assisted in closing accounts; doubling and monitoring tellers daily work; to Chex System when misused; ordering supplies; went on business visits, collated, and filed correspondence; cashed and distributed checks, analyzed and reported lost and stolen banking correspondence. Prepared correspondence from rough to final form including letter of graphic notes, signature cards, decline loan formats, requisitions for credit and debit forms; direct deposit applications; large currency and cashflow affidavits.


Medical Billing and Coding Diploma

Penn Foster University

July 2017

Strayer University, Master’s of Business Administration Degree,

Master’s Degree Graduate, GPA 3.9 – December 2009

Strayer University, Bachelor’s of Business Administration Degree

Bachelor’s Degree Graduate, GPA 4.0 – December 2007

Graduate of Rappahannock Community College (RCC), Business Administration,

Associates Degree, GPA 3.70

Classes completed at RCC:

Intro to Math, Intro to Micro Software, College Composition I & II, Business Services, Business Orientation, Algebra, Sociology I & II, PreCalculus, Accounting I & II, Geography, Statistics, Biology I & II, Principles of US History I & II, Religion of the World, Public Speaking, Health, Music, Introduction to Business and Developmental Psychology.

College Courses - Strayer University

Courses completed:

Business Ethics, Principles of Finance, Fundamental of Money and Banking, Business Law I, Writing for Business, Economic Issues, Business Policy, International Business, Environmental

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