Aimee Leist
!,unbury, OH *****
,&.uthonzea ! o work in the US for any employer
Work Experience
The Food Trutlr DepoU - Delaware. OH
july 2019 to August ;,02 1
• Worked in a fast paced environment (bar/dining estabtlShment)
• 25 years of customer service experience serving cust.omers and making alcoholic beverages
• Maintained safety of the bar and cuSI omer
, Worked graduation. wedding receptions. birthday parties and concerts (music events)
• Performed opening and closing duties
Customer Service Representative
Rumplre Waste & Recycling - Circlev,lle, OH
September 2013 to January 201 5
• Managed customer accounts
• Greeted customers
• Resolved customer issues
• BOOked appointments for clients
• Handled reservations
• Worked in t he inbound call center
• Collected ano documented orders
• Responded to inquiries and Issues
• Responsible for troubleshooting applications
In coll19i1e now In Medical Assisting
South University _Savannah Online - Savannah, GA
September 2071 to Present
College Degree In Medical Assisting
Independence University - Salt Lake City. UT
November 2020 to July }O} I
Certification In Phlebotomy
Phlebotomy Training Specialists - Columbus, OH
August 2019 to Odober 2019
High school diploma In Oertt Typist 1 & 2 and other- Business classes Lancaster High School - Lancaster. OH
August l ':l91 to lune 1994
• Typing (10+ years)
• Management (6 years)
• Negotiation (10+ years)
• CRM Software (10+ years)
• Cold Cal!ing (2 years)
• Venipuncture (Less than 1 year)
• Anatomy Knowledge ( 1 year)
• Infection Control Training (1 year)
• Ptlysiology Knowledge (1 year)
• EMR Systems (1 year)
• Vital Signs (1 year)
• Phlebotomy (Less than 1 year)
Certificate of Service Excellence - Rumpke Waste and Recycling July 2014
• For receiving a compliment from a customer on Excellent Customer Service. l. 07(1/2014 July - September 2014
2. 02/26/2014 January - March 2014
3 . 01/22/2014 January - Ma rch 2014
4. 01/2 7/2014 October - December 2014
Certifications and Licenses
Certified Phlebotomy Technician (CPT)
October 2019 to Octot>er 2021
• Phlebotomy overview, tourniquet tying
• Venipuncture, supplies, procedure
• Test Tubes. Panels & Profiles. and Special Handling, Hands on
• Anatomy & Physiology, Infect.ion Control, Hands on
• Protect.ions and Precautions. GIOSS&y
• Successfully completed the testing and hands on requirements set forth by the board of directors and subject matter experts of the National Association of Phlebotomy Technicians. Record of Achievement for- Infection Prevention & Control (IPC) August 2021 to Present
•tt-.tfth l mN·~,u~ l'H)IJ1 4lll. !Wiped It) lt'dm h W lo Ck'l.e<t . lf"\oC)l.ifid .,11;1 _..rN;; twm • •, e'l-g,tth' f I n lth thteat this l'K'lps 10 kflQW how to beln<J iiblf' lo 111fo,m tJl4l putlli< t it.1, m.11(,f'II 0-.tM/Jf',t Bute Uf9 Support (ISLS), (CPR And AEO) Program
~- )01'1 to ) I
Soccf!'SSfully completed the cognitive and <,;1,.ill'i evaluatiOO'.; in .tGCOIC1.lfKe w,tt, thF.,. urr\OJI""" o! t:tw- >-1.!'drt Assooation.
Cer:tiflc:.itte of Completion
'>E'p(f>>f JO}O to Plf:!>ent
Succ essfully completed Opioid f ducat,on for Noo-Cllnical Start anCI Lay Responaers by ttw; Ame<-•c• fieart AsSO< 1at,on
S,,,premt>er / 0 20 !O Sf'ptf ~, JO]O
Soccestulty compteted lhe American ~art Ass,xial,on and t he Amt'f'k a n lllf'dtca1 Assooat,oo s
rw;J Accur.Ky: HP M@asurf'ment
Blooclborne Patttovens Certificate
.¥YJdf / I ro P,, . r
'.,u(c~ part,nl)<ltf'd In the Hf'artwv 8looc:lbOfTM! Patt\OQfflS COU1'54' tly ttie 1'menca" H...n A.SY.Xiat IOf1
O,. 1 ;~ iucu I ' Dr Po . 1
Rich Workman - Genera.I Manager
CXt<>be, 13. 2020
To Whom It May Concern,
I am writin9 this rewmmendation on behalf of Aimee Leist I wish to expre,s rny gratitude for her many 1ttributes that arr; employer would find d11~irable,n
.. n ~mployee. Those include:
<;trong work ethir.
R .. tiable
'(ou should ttrongly <.onside, having hot on your 1.eam Shr,,, a rlol,9htf1,I perwn .r,nd a plea~u,e H, wnr~ with .
P,r;were! r.h Worli,~- yo,v r\,.,
·,11 l'•1HJ·r· 8\n,:I fJ;-l :1w1,r•·. <>I I •l'.I IJ l~> /40 ') /' I '.liltlll