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Quality Engineer Intern at Lumentum

Hayward, CA
February 09, 2021

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Gaurang Suki

Hayward, CA-94542


Motivated and dynamic computer science graduate interested to work in a collaborative and cross-functional environment. Skilled in front-end technologies, software engineering infrastructure and have experience working as a Quality Engineer. Core competencies include Algorithms, Web Programming, Database Management. WORK EXPERIENCE

• Quality Engineering Intern at Lumentum LLC (May 2020 - March 2020) As a Quality Engineer at Lumentum, I was a part of several projects. Worked on migrating Quickbase supplier metrics to JIRA and created interactive dashboards. Developed python script to extract supplier data from Box and further create charts in Tableau. Also, helped Lumentum suppliers to get on board with the new system in place and solve their problems.

• Teaching Assistant for CS201- C++ programming course. (Jan 2020 - May 2020) Responsibilities include preparing study material for lab, grading assignments, and quizzes, assisting students in programming lab and solving their doubts.


• Languages- Python, Java, C++.

• Libraries- NumPy, Pandas, Spacy, Matplotlib,

sklearn, Seaborn, OpenCV, TensorFlow,

Keras Beautiful Soup, etc.

• Databases- MySQL, MongoDB, Firebase,

• Web Technologies - HTML, CSS, JavaScript,

Flask, React.js, Express.js, Node.js etc.

• Tableau, Jira, AWS Jupyter Notebook, Android

Studios, etc.


• Portfolio Website

Developed a static portfolio website using HTML, CSS,and JavaScript. Demonstrated the use of flexbox and grid for positioning of different elements. Used JavaScript and DOM to change the theme of the website. Also, the theme of the website is stored in the browser’s local storage using JavaScript. Further, hosted the website on Amazon S3. Visit Website

• Animal Vehicle Collision Detection

Developed an android application using computer vision to detect animal vehicle collision using deep learning, OpenCV, TensorFlow. Developed a web service in Flask to collect path data from image. The application predicts which animal it is and where it is heading.

• Smart Health Monitoring System

A smart health monitoring system was developed which tracks various health parameters such as heart rate, oxygen level, and temperature. A web application was build using Flask, MySql used as a database, and various charts were displayed using Highcharts.

• Hindustan Tours – A React Application

Design and developed web application using React as front-end technology with Node.js server and Nedb a document-oriented database. Iteratively deployed the application and managed source code on GitHub.

• Docbot Medical Consultancy Chatbot using Deep Learning Approach A medical chatbot that communicates with the user and take appropriate action based on user queries such as disease identification, medicine recommendation, symptoms of a particular disease etc. Used spacy, pandas, TensorFlow and deployed the App on Telegram with the help of Telegram Bot API.

• ETL operations on Bart Station and California Pension data Automated the process of scraping data from Bart Station and Transparent California Website over Secure Socket Layer using Beautiful Soup. Transformed data into MySql relational database using stored excel sheets using pandas.


Master of Science in Computer Science at California State University East Bay August 2019– May 2021 Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering at Savitribai Phule Pune University July 2015 – June 2019 RESEARCH PAPERS

• DOCBOT: A Medical Consultancy Chatbot Using Deep Learning Approach. Published in Technical Journal of The Institution of Engineers India.

• Smart Implanted NFC Based System to Expedite Medical Treatment. Published in IJPAM 2018.

• Textual Content Moderation Using Supervised Machine Learning Approach. Published in the proceedings of ICINC 2019.

• Proposed IOT Approach to Ameliorate Traffic Conditions. Published in IJIRCCE.

• A Lucrative Model for Harnessing the Power of Social Media. Published in the proceedings of ICCPS.

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