W****** Sahiwat
with a background tn pharmacy work an
fotcalaral activities Strong work thi and atention to deal ensuring onto i
tor, vent n Urdu, Conwlted to delivering quality Fesuls and adapting io diverae work camonee
TOP Yield, livestock manag
grea ets ommunicator, facilitating clear and concise inter
sity ta adapt to changing work CDVITONMNLS and learn new say
sires rer etl, ensuring accuracy In tasks and maintaining high standards of qual
: d Development
@ Adaptabili
«Record Keeping
Pharmacy Manager
© Implementing customer-centric services, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyal
© Gonducting regular staf training programs to enhance product knowledge and maintain hi qual
© Gollaborating with healthcare professionals to provid te information and facilitate patent
Farm Manager
Green Acres Agriculture, Sahiwal
© Directing farm operations for 19 years, including crop planning, cultivation, and harvesting activities
4+ Implementing sustainable agricul ment
al practices, optimizing crop yield and livestock manaj
® Collaborating with agricultural experts to stay updated on innovative farming techniqui
+ Managing ateam of farm workers, prov
iding guidance for daily tasks and maintaining @ pr
Farm Supervisor
Golden Harvest Farms, Sahiwal
* Supervised day-to-day Be
lay farming activitie and harvesting. a
ect Pining activities, including planting, cultivation, anh
+ Implemented effec
fe Dest control eT
© Collaborated with aria Haures*© protect crops and ensure a he!
Aprleuhural eo i ae:
ina méaltants to introduce advanced farming prac
ord of rop production, e pment maintenant
xPenses, and eq)