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Software Development X-Ray

Fremont, CA, 94538
September 13, 2024

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Siddharth Maddali, Ph.D

Computational scientist/engineer

Fremont, CA




Independent Fremont, CA, USA

– Scientific Consultant Feb 2024 – present

KLA Corporation (KLA-Tencor) Milpitas, CA, USA

– Research Scientist Nov 2022 – Jan 2024

– Developed methods for sensitivity enhancement in semiconductor wafer inspection processes.

Argonne National Laboratory Chicago, IL, USA

– Staff Scientist Oct 2019 – Sep 2022

1. Led the computational development and worked on the first demonstration of the X-ray MR-BCDI imaging technique. 2. Led the design of future imaging experiments at DoE facilities with physics-based signal processing techniques. 3. Led the multi-scale X-ray diffraction imaging approach for materials in difficult-to-access environments. 4. Raised $900k seed funding for computational R&D and novel microscopy infrastructure. 5. Proposed, executed novel proofs of concept in materials research (US, France). 6. Published work in high-impact scientific journals, mentored junior researchers, organized/chaired international workshops.

– Postdoctoral researcher Jan 2017 – Sep 2019

1. First demonstration of multi-scale, high-energy coherent diffraction imaging (HEDM) of 3D materials.

National Energy Technology Laboratory Pittsburgh, PA, USA

– Postdoctoral Researcher: ORISE Fellow May 2016 – Nov 2016 1. Developed guidelines for machine learning-driven materials discovery of novel, function-optimized alloys.

Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA, USA

– Graduate teaching/research assistant Aug 2009 – Feb 2016 1. Dissertation on mining meso-scale materials physics from high-energy synchrotron data. 2. Created HierarchicalSmooth: mesh smoothing software for physical interface networks. 3. Taught mechanics & electromagnetism to undergraduate science majors.


Ph.D, & M.S., Physics (Dissertation area: materials science) Pittsburgh, PA, USA

— Carnegie Mellon University Aug 2009 – Feb 2016

M.Sc, Physics Chennai, TN, India

— Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT-M) Aug 2007 – May 2009

B.Sc, Physics, mathematics, electronics Bengaluru, KA, India

— Bangalore University June 2004 – May 2007

Technical skills

– Science: Geometric/Fourier optics, microscopy, X-ray science, condensed matter/materials physics, electromagnetics, mechanics, statistical physics, semiconductors, experimental design, quantum sciences

– Math/computation: Linear algebra, imaging/reconstruction, signal processing, inverse problems, simulations, statistics, probability, FDTD (meep), RCWA, computational geometry, differential equations, machine learning/deep learning/CNNs

– Software: Python scientific stack (numpy, scipy, matplotlib, scikit-learn, pandas + more), Matlab, Linux, git, bash, LATEX, HPC/par- allel computing (mpich), GPU development (PyTorch, Tensorflow), C++, Docker, Qiskit

– AI/ML: Applied statistics, machine learning, deep learning for computer vision and imaging in science

Awards & Grants

1. ANL LDRD Research grant: Coherence-enhanced dark-field X-ray microscopy (Role: PI; $930,000). 2. ANL LDRD Research grant: detecting critical microstructural processes with AI (Role: PI; $100,000). 3. Oak Ridge Institute for Science & Education (ORISE) post-doctoral fellowship (2016). 4. Indian Institute of Technology Madras Academic Merit Scholarship (2007 – 2009). 5. IIT Joint Admission to M.Sc (IIT-JAM) All-india rank 5 (out of ' 4000) (2007). 6. Bangalore University undergraduate rank 5 (2007).

Professional Activities & Outreach (Full CV link)

– Editorship: Crystals special issue: Synchrotron Studies of Materials

– Select invited talks: The Minerals, Metals, Materials Society (TMS), Advanced Photon Source.

– Society membership: American Physical Society, Materials Research Society, TMS.

– Select peer review: US Department of Energy, American Physical Society, Optica.

– Select workshop organization: Advanced Photon Source User Meetings.

Select publications (Full CV link)

1. Maddali, S., Frazer, T.D., Delegan, N. et al, Concurrent multi-peak Bragg coherent x-ray diffraction imaging of 3D nanocrystal lattice displacement via global optimization, npj Computational Materials 9, 77 (2023). 2. Wilkin, M., Maddali, S., Hruszkewycz, S., Pateras, A., Sandberg, R., Harder, R., Cha, W., Suter, R., & Rollett, A. Experimental demonstration of coupled multi-peak Bragg coherent diffraction imaging with genetic algorithms, Phys. Rev. B, 103, 214103.


3. Maddali, S., Allain, M., Cha, W., Harder, R., Park, J.S., Kenesei, P., Almer, J., Nashed, Y., & Hruszkewycz, S., Phase retrieval for Bragg coherent diffraction imaging at high x-ray energies, Phys. Rev. A, 99, 053838 (2019). 4. Maddali, S., Park, J.S., Sharma, H., Shastri, S., Kenesei, P., Almer, J., Harder, R., Highland, M., Nashed, Y., & Hruszkewycz, S., High-Energy Coherent X-Ray Diffraction Microscopy of Polycrystal Grains: Steps Toward a Multiscale Approach, Phys. Rev. Appl., 14, 024085 (2020).

5. Kandel, S., Maddali, S., Allain, M., Hruszkewycz, S. O., Jacobsen, C., & Nashed, Y. S. G., Using automatic differentiation as a general framework for ptychographic reconstruction, Opt. Express, 27(13):18653–18672 (2019).


English (fluent), Hindi (fluent), Tamil (intermediate), Telugu (intermediate), Marathi (intermediate), Kannada (intermediate), French


Curriculum Vitae

Siddharth Maddali, Ph.D

Computational scientist/engineer

Fremont, CA



Links (clickable in PDF):

Google Scholar arXiv ORCID Researchgate Web of Science Scopus


1. Ph.D (physics) Carnegie Mellon University, 2016 2. M.S (physics) Carnegie Mellon University, 2011

3. M.Sc (physics) Indian Institute of Technology Madras, 2009 4. B.Sc (physics, mathematics, electronics) Bangalore University, 2007


1. Scientific consultant 2024 - present

2. Research Scientist, KLA Corporation (KLA-Tencor) 2022 - 2024 3. Staff Scientist, Argonne National Laboratory 2019 - 2022 4. Post-doctoral researcher, Argonne National Laboratory 2017 - 2019 5. Post-doctoral researcher (ORISE fellow), National Energy Technology Laboratory May 2016 - Nov 2016 6. Graduate Teaching/Research Assistant, Carnegie Mellon University 2009 - 2016 7. Intern, Physics department, National University of Singapore May-Jun 2008


1. Computational methods: Inverse problems, phase retrieval, holography, wavefront engineering, signal processing, opti- mization, data science, deep learning, high-performance computing, algorithms, scientific software development, quantum computing

2. Optics/imaging: Scattering theory, computational electromagnetics, microscopy, X-ray science, inspection/metrol- ogy/detection/sensing, spectroscopy, dynamic light scattering 3. Physics: Materials characterization, light-matter interaction, crysallography, interfacial dynamics, time-resolved phenom- ena, photonics, metastructures/metamaterials


= link to abstract

– Invited

1. Advanced Photon Source Scientific Computation Seminar, Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont, IL (March 2022)

2. Materials Science Division Colloquium, Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont, IL (October 2021) 3. Workshop on Advanced Probes & Data Analytics for Enabling Single-Pulse Imaging under Dynamic Conditions, Santa Fe, NM (August 2019)

4. The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS), San Antonio, TX (March 2019) 5. LANS seminar series, Mathematics & Computer Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont, IL ( Sept 2018)

6. Department of physics, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA (May 2018)

– Contributed

1. Gordon X-ray Science Seminar, Easton, MA (July-August 2019: seminar & poster; July-August 2017: discussion leader)

2. Coherence: International workshop on phase retrieval and coherent scattering, Port Jefferson, NY (June 2018) 3. Materials Research Society Spring Meeting & Exhibit, Phoenix, AZ (April 2018) 4. The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS), Orlando, FL (March 2015: Poster) 5. Materials Science & Technology (MS&T), Pittsburgh, PA (October 2014: seminar; October 2012: poster)

– Misc. (co-author)

1. The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) 2023, San Diego, CA, 2023 2. The American Physical Society (APS) March Meeting, Chicago, IL, 2022 3. The Materials Research Society (MRS) Spring Meeting & Exhibit, Phoenix, AZ, 2018 4. The American Physical Society (APS) March Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 2017

Awards & honors

– Oak Ridge Institute for Science & Education (ORISE) post-doctoral fellowship (2016)

– Indian Institute of Technology Madras Academic Merit Fellowship (2007 – 2009)

– Indian Institutes of Technology Joint Admission to M.Sc: AIR 5 (2007)

– Bangalore University undergraduate rank 5

Research grants

– ANL LDRD 2019-0042: Finding Critical Processes of Deformation in Structural Materials with Artificial Intel- ligence

Role: Principal investigator

Funding: Argonne Laboratory-Directed Research & Development (LDRD) Period: 1st Oct 2020 – 30th Sept 2021 (1 year)

Amount: $100,000

– ANL LDRD 2021-0012: Coherence-enhanced dark-field imaging for structural heterogeneity in materials Role: Principal investigator

Funding: Argonne Laboratory-Directed Research & Development (LDRD) Period: 1st Oct 2020 – 30th Sept 2023 (3 years)

Amount: $900,000

Professional activity & outreach

– Society membership: American Physical Society (APS), the Materials Research Society (MRS), the Minerals, Metals

& Materials Society (TMS)

– Peer review: US Department of Energy: Basic Energy Sciences (BES), Philosophical Magazine, Computational Materials Science, New Journal of Physics, Optics Letters, Crystals Research & Technology, Journal of Applied Physics, Physical Review {Letters, B, X}, Optics Letters, Journal of Applied Crystallography, Integrating Materials & Manufacturing Innovation

– Organization:

1. Workshop (Session chair): Dark field x-ray microscopy for mesoscale phenomena in ordered materials at APS-U : APS/CNM Users Meeting, Lemont, IL, USA (May 2022)

2. Workshop: Advances in Phase Retrieval Methods for High-Resolution X-ray Imaging, APS/CNM Users Meeting, Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont, IL, USA (August 2020) 3. Workshop: Advanced Probes and Data Analytics for Enabling Single Pulse Imaging Under Dynamic Conditions, Santa Fe, NM, USA (August 2019)

– Training: Multiphysics simulations with the MOOSE (Multiphysics Object-Oriented Simulation Environment) Framework, Idaho National Laboratory

– Editorship: Crystals special issue: Synchrotron Studies of Materials

Technical reports

1. R. Pokharel, C. Bolme, J. Bohon, A. Mandal, D. Pagan, F. Hofmann, S. Maddali, A. Rack, Advanced probes & data analytics for enabling 3-D imaging under dynamic conditions, LAUR-19-31832, Los Alamos National Laboratory, 2019.

2. N. Krishnamurthy, S. Maddali, A. Verma, L. Bruckman, J. Carter, R. French, V. Romanov, J. Hawk, Data analytics for alloy qualification, NETL-PUB-21550, National Energy technology Laboratory, 2017.


Name Relation Organization E-mail Phone

Dr. Stephan Hruszkewycz Supervisor Argonne National Laboratory +1-630-***-**** Dr. Robert M. Suter Ph.D advisor Carnegie Mellon University - Dr. Anthony D. Rollett Collaborator Carnegie Mellon University +1-412-***-**** Dr. Marc Allain Collaborator Aix-Marseille Univ/Inst. Fresnel -


[1] K. J. Harmon, T. D. Frazer, P. Donahue, C. G. Carr, Y. Liu, A. Popescu, W. Cha, S. Maddali, S. M. Haile, Y. Cao, and S. O. Hruszkewycz. Operando ceria strain evolution via bragg coherent diffraction imaging (in preparation), 2024.

[2] S. Kandel, S. Maddali, X. Huang, Y. S. G. Nashed, C. Jacobsen, M. Allain, and S. O. Hruszkewycz. Imaging extended single crystal lattice distortion fields with multi-peak bragg ptychography. Opt. Express, 32(11):19594–19610, May 2024.

[3] S. Maddali, T. D. Frazer, N. Delegan, K. J. Harmon, S. E. Sullivan, M. Allain, W. Cha, A. Dibos, I. Poudyal, S. Kandel, Y. S. G. Nashed, F. J. Heremans, H. You, Y. Cao, and S. O. Hruszkewycz. Concurrent multi-peak bragg coherent x-ray diffraction imaging of 3d nanocrystal lattice displacement via global optimization. npj Computational Materials, 9(1):77, May 2023.

[4] Z. Xu, Y.-F. Shen, S. K. Naghibzadeh, X. Peng, V. Muralikrishnan, S. Maddali, D. Menasche, A. R. Krause, K. Dayal, R. M. Suter, and G. S. Rohrer. Grain boundary migration in polycrystalline -fe. Acta Materialia, 264:119541, Nov 2023.

[5] M. O. Hill, P. Schmiedeke, C. Huang, S. Maddali, X. Hu, S. O. Hruszkewycz, J. J. Finley, G. Koblmuller, and L. J. Lauhon. 3d bragg coherent diffraction imaging of extended nanowires: Defect formation in highly strained ingaas quantum wells. ACS Nano, Nov 2022.

[6] M. J. Wilkin, S. Maddali, S. O. Hruszkewycz, A. Pateras, R. L. Sandberg, R. Harder, W. Cha, R. M. Suter, and A. D. Rollett. Experimental demonstration of coupled multi-peak bragg coherent diffraction imaging with genetic algorithms. Phys. Rev. B, 103:214103, Jun 2021.

[7] S. Kandel, S. Maddali, Y. S. G Nashed, S. O. Hruszkewycz, C. Jacobsen, and M. Allain. Efficient ptychographic phase retrieval via a matrix-free levenberg-marquardt algorithm. Opt. Express, 29(15):23019–23055, Jul 2021.

[8] N. Bertaux, M. Allain, J. Weizeorick, J. S. Park, P. Kenesei, S. D. Shastri, J. Almer, M. J. Highland, S. Maddali, and S. O. Hruszkewycz. Sub-pixel high-resolution imaging of high-energy x-rays inspired by sub-wavelength optical imaging. Opt. Express, 29(22):35003–35021, Oct 2021.

[9] S. Maddali, P. Li, A. Pateras, D. Timbie, N. Delegan, A. L. Crook, H. Lee, I. Calvo-Almazan, D. Sheyfer, W. Cha, F. J. Heremans, D. D. Awschalom, V. Chamard, M. Allain, and S. O. Hruszkewycz. General approaches for shear-correcting coordinate transformations in bragg coherent diffraction imaging. part i. Journal of Applied Crystallography, 53(2), Apr 2020.

[10] P. Li, S. Maddali, A. Pateras, I. Calvo-Almazan, S.O. Hruszkewycz, W. Cha, V. Chamard, and M. Allain. General approaches for shear-correcting coordinate transformations in bragg coherent diffraction imaging. part ii. Journal of Applied Crystallography, 53(2), Apr 2020.

[11] S. Maddali, M. Allain, P. Li, V. Chamard, and S. O. Hruszkewycz. Detector tilt considerations in bragg coherent diffraction imaging: A simulation study. Crystals, 10(12):1150, December 2020.

[12] S. Maddali, J.-S. Park, H. Sharma, S. Shastri, P. Kenesei, J. Almer, R. Harder, M. J. Highland, Y. Nashed, and S. O. Hruszkewycz. High-energy coherent x-ray diffraction microscopy of polycrystal grains: Steps toward a multiscale approach. Phys. Rev. Applied, 14:024085, Aug 2020.

[13] Y. Cao, D. Sheyfer, Z. Jiang, S. Maddali, H. You, B. X. Wang, Z. G. Ye, E. M. Dufresne, H. Zhou, G. B. Stephenson, and S. O. Hruszkewycz. The effect of intensity fluctuations on sequential x-ray photon correlation spectroscopy at the x-ray free electron laser facilities. Crystals, 10(12):1109, December 2020.

[14] S. Maddali, M. Allain, W. Cha, R. Harder, J.-S. Park, P. Kenesei, J. Almer, Y. Nashed, and S. O. Hruszkewycz. Phase retrieval for bragg coherent diffraction imaging at high x-ray energies. Phys. Rev. A, 99:053838, May 2019.

[15] I. Calvo-Almazan, M. Allain, S. Maddali, V. Chamard, and S. O. Hruszkewycz. Impact and mitigation of angular uncertainties in bragg coherent x-ray diffraction imaging. Scientific Reports, 9(1):6386, Apr 2019.

[16] S. Kandel, S. Maddali, M. Allain, S. O. Hruszkewycz, C. Jacobsen, and Y. Nashed. Using automatic differentiation as a general framework for ptychographic reconstruction. Opt. Express, 27(13):18653–18672, Jun 2019.

[17] N. Krishnamurthy, S. Maddali, J. A. Hawk, and V. N. Romanov. 9cr steel visualization and predictive modeling. Com- putational Materials Science, Mar 2019.

[18] Yu-Feng Shen, S. Maddali, D. Menasche, A. Bhattacharya, G. S. Rohrer, and R. M. Suter. Importance of outliers: A three-dimensional study of coarsening in -phase iron. Phys. Rev. Materials, 3:063611, Jun 2019.

[19] A. Ulvestad, S. O. Hruszkewycz, M. V. Holt, M. O. Hill, I. Calvo-Almazan, S. Maddali, X. Huang, H. Yan, E. Nazaretski, Y. S. Chu, L. J. Lauhon, N. Rodkey, M. I. Bertoni, and M. E. Stuckelberger. Multimodal x-ray imaging of grain-level properties and performance in a polycrystalline solar cell. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 26(4), Jul 2019.

[20] I. Calvo-Almazan, A. P. Ulvestad, E. Colegrove, T. Ablekim, M. V. Holt, M. O. Hill, S. Maddali, L. J. Lauhon, M. I Bertoni, X. Huang, H. Yan, E. Nazaretski, Y. S. Chu, S. O. Hruszkewycz, and M. E. Stuckelberger. Strain mapping of cdte grains in photovoltaic devices. IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, pages 1–10, Oct 2019.

[21] S. Maddali, I. Calvo-Almazan, J. Almer, P. Kenesei, J.-S. Park, R. Harder, Y. Nashed, and S. O. Hruszkewycz. Sparse recovery of undersampled intensity patterns for coherent diffraction imaging at high x-ray energies. Scientific Reports, 8(1):4959, Mar 2018.

[22] S. O. Hruszkewycz, S. Maddali, C. P. Anderson, W. Cha, K. C. Miao, M. J. Highland, A. Ulvestad, D. D. Awschalom, and F. J. Heremans. Strain annealing of sic nanoparticles revealed through bragg coherent diffraction imaging for quantum technologies. Phys. Rev. Materials, 2:086001, Aug 2018.

[23] A. Ulvestad, W. Cha, I. Calvo-Almazan, S. Maddali, S. M. Wild, E. Maxey, M. Dupraz, and S. O. Hruszkewycz. Bragg coherent modulation imaging: Strain- and defect- sensitive single views of extended samples, Jul 2018.

[24] M. J. Highland, S. O. Hruszkewycz, D. D. Fong, C Thompson, P. H. Fuoss, I. Calvo-Almazan, S. Maddali, A. Ulvestad, E. Nazaretski, X. Huang, H. Yan, Y. S. Chu, H. Zhou, P. M. Baldo, and J. A. Eastman. In-situ synchrotron x-ray studies of the microstructure and stability of in2o3 epitaxial films. Applied Physics Letters, 111(16):161602, Oct 2017.

[25] S. Maddali, S. Ta’asan, and R. M. Suter. Topology-faithful nonparametric estimation and tracking of bulk interface networks. Computational Materials Science, 125:382–340, Dec 2016.

[26] L. Renversade, R. Quey, W. Ludwig, D. Menasche, S. Maddali, R. M. Suter, and A. Borbely. Comparison between diffraction contrast tomography and high-energy diffraction microscopy on a slightly deformed aluminium alloy. IUCrJ, 3(1):32–42, Jan 2016.

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