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CAD Drafter

Rancho Cucamonga, CA
September 07, 2024

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Hasa, Inc.

***** ******* **.

Saugus, CA *****

August 30, 2024

Melanie Garcia

Rancho Cucamonga, 91730


Re: Offer of Employment:

Dear Melanie:

We are pleased to provide you with this conditional offer of employment with Hasa Inc. (“Hasa,” or the

“Company”). Please sign below to confirm your agreement as follows: Position: Your position shall be that of Customer Service Representative for our Pomona, CA location. You agree to perform all duties and responsibilities appropriate to that position, as well as such other services as may be assigned to you from time to time. Hasa may revise your job description and the duties assigned to you as it deems necessary in its sole discretion.

During your employment, you agree to devote your full working time and attention to performing the duties and responsibilities of your position and agree to faithfully and diligently perform your duties and further the interests of the Company. During your employment, you may not engage in any other employment, business, or enterprise that conflicts or is in competition with the business of the Company, except with written consent from the Chief Executive Officer. If you question whether any outside engagement conflicts with your employment, please see the Chief Executive Officer.

You represent and warrant that (i) you are fully qualified and competent to perform the duties for which you are being hired, and (ii) your execution of this Agreement, your employment with Hasa, and the performance of your proposed duties does not violate any obligations to any former employer or other individual or entity, including any obligations with respect to confidential information of others. You agree you will not use for the benefit of or disclose to the Company any confidential information belonging to others unless you have prior written permission from the owner of the confidential information (or unless the Company has been granted such permission). You further represent and warrant that you are neither bound by any agreement nor subject to any restriction that would prohibit or otherwise materially hinder you from accepting this offer of employment, or serving as an employee of the Company, or performing your duties for the Company. You further represent and warrant to the Company that you took nothing with you that belonged to any former employer and that you have nothing that contains any information that belongs to any former employer. If at any time you discover this is incorrect, you shall promptly return any such materials to your former employer. You acknowledge that the Company does not want any such materials or information, and you shall not be permitted to use or refer to any such materials or information in the performance of your duties to the Company. Reporting To: You shall report to Virginia Leon, Customer Service Supervisor, with a dotted line to Elizabeth Silva, Corp. Customer Service Manager, or any other person the Company may designate. Base Salary: Salary will be $22per hour(non-exempt) and salary will be paid by the Company in regular installments in accordance with the Company’s general payroll practices.

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Introductory Period: The first ninety (90) days of your employment are an introductory period (which Hasa may extend in its discretion). During this time, Hasa will have the opportunity to review your performance, knowledge, skills, and abilities, and you will have the opportunity to get to know us as well. Please understand that completion of the introductory period does not guarantee continued or long-term employment and does not change the at-will nature of your relationship with the Company. Certain benefits may not be available during the Introductory Period or any extended Introductory Period, except where required by law and subject to the terms, conditions and limitations of each benefit program.

Performance Review: The Company will review your performance after the first 90 days of your employment and annually, thereafter.

Benefits: You will be eligible to participate in the Company’s health and welfare benefit programs and vacation and other benefit programs for which other employees of the Company are generally eligible (which are anticipated to include health, dental, basic life insurance and 401(k)), subject to any eligibility requirements of such plans and programs). You will be entitled to paid vacation earned on an accrual basis per Company policy. For more information about the terms and conditions of our policies, please see the Company Handbook.

Withholding: All compensation paid to you will be less applicable withholding and payroll taxes and other deductions required by law.

At-Will Employment: Your employment with Hasa is at-will, meaning it is for no fixed duration and both you and Hasa have the right to terminate the employment relationship at any time, with or without notice or cause. Though not required, Hasa requests you give the Company at least two (2) weeks’ notice in the event you resign your position. With the exception of the at-will nature of your employment, Hasa may periodically review and adjust any of the terms and conditions of your employment, including those described in this Agreement, at any time, with or without prior notice. Your at-will employment may only be altered by written agreement signed by the Chief Executive Officer. For example, and without limitation, the following factors will not alter the at-will nature of your employment: duration of employment; raises; positive evaluations; commendations; or promotions. Nothing in this Agreement is intended to create a contractual guarantee of any benefit or continued employment for any duration or period of time or under any particular terms or conditions and any representation to the contrary is not authorized or valid unless in writing and signed by the Chief Executive Officer. In the event of your separation of employment, for any reason, all obligations of Hasa under this Agreement shall immediately cease and you shall no longer be entitled to any wages, benefits or amounts of any kind, unless otherwise stated in writing signed by the Chief Executive Officer.

Policies and Procedures: You shall be subject to and expected to abide by Hasa’s rules, policies and procedures, as revised from time to time, including but not limited to the Company's Employee Handbook. Please note that, with the exception of at-will employment, Company policies and the provisions of the Handbook may be modified from time to time in the Company’s sole discretion. You will be required to acknowledge you read, accept and agree to adhere to the policies stated in the Company’s Employee Handbook. Start-Date: If you accept this offer of employment, and if your background check is satisfactory, you will be expected to begin work no later than September 04, 2024, or on such other date as is mutually agreed upon. Response Date: This offer of employment shall remain open until August 31, 2024. Background Check, etc.: This offer is contingent upon the satisfactory results of a background investigation, including as applicable, reference checks, verification of employment, professional certificates, designations or licenses, and educational background, as well as a satisfactory criminal check and credit history and your being eligible to work in the United States. You consent to the performance of such background investigation referred to above, including the requesting and obtaining information about you from various sources, and authorize any and all such sources to disclose to the Company such information as it may request in connection with the foregoing. Depending on the results of the background check, the Company reserves the right to rescind this offer of employment prior to your start date. Hasa will comply with the Fair Credit

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Reporting Act and all other applicable federal, state and local laws. We will separately provide you with notices, forms, and other background check information. Arbitration: Pursuant to the terms of the Arbitration Agreement (attached as Exhibit A hereto and incorporated by reference), you and the Company agree to arbitrate any controversy or claim arising out of this letter or otherwise relating to your employment with the Company or the termination of such employment

(including, but not limited to, any claims of breach of contract, wrongful termination or age, sex, race or other discrimination). Any such arbitration shall be fully and finally resolved in binding arbitration in accordance with the National Rules for the Resolution of Employment Disputes of the American Arbitration Association before a single arbitrator. The arbitration proceedings shall be confidential. The arbitrator shall not have the authority to modify or change any of the terms of this offer letter. The arbitrator’s award shall be final and binding upon you and the Company, and judgment upon the award may be entered in any court of competent jurisdiction. The Company will pay the arbitrator’s fees. To the extent allowed by law, the arbitrator may require the losing party, as determined by the arbitrator, to bear the costs and fees incurred in any such arbitration, including legal fees and expenses. Miscellaneous: This Agreement (including the Arbitration Agreement incorporated by reference) is a final and integrated agreement with respect to its subject matter and supersedes all other prior and contemporaneous agreements and statements, whether written or oral, express or implied, pertaining in any manner to your employment. The terms may be amended only in writing signed by the Chief Executive Officer. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid, unenforceable, or void, such provision shall be replaced, to the extent possible, with an enforceable provision as similar in tenor as legally possible, and the remainder shall remain in full force and effect. In any legal action or other proceeding brought to enforce or interpret the terms of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorneys' fees and costs related to the matter.

If you wish to accept this offer, please sign this letter and return via email to my attention at Please feel free to contact me with any questions. We are all looking forward to working with you and having you become part of the Hasa team. Very truly yours,

Alma Bunch Date

Director of Human Resources

HASA, Inc.

Accepted and agreed to:

Melanie Garcia Date


Melanie Garcia (Aug 30, 2024 11:28 PDT)


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