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Part-Time Night Shift

Pompano Beach, FL
August 05, 2024

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**** **** ****** ** *** L4 POMPANO BEACH, FL33064

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SUMMARY: Expert engineer in hydraulics, infrastructure and highways, with more than 18 years of experience, has been handling hydraulics since 2011, in the area of water and sanitation. In terms of infrastructure, has worked in the design and supervision of buildings and housing projects, also, has worked in the supervision of the rehabilitation of multiple highways throughout the entire Honduran territory, Construction of pavements with Hydraulic concrete 4000 PSI in Atlántida, Copan, Francisco Morazán, Unpaved Road Network Conservation Program. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE:


Eartwork Level I

o Project T4603.

o Project €4TS3.

o Project €4544.

o Project E4V62

o Project T6536.

ACT Level I

o Project E4J53.

o Project £4544.

o Project €4 62.

Eartwork Level II

o Project £4544.

o Project £4V62.

Apha (Asphalt Paving Level 1)

CONASH (Consultores Asociados de Honduras) 2011-2022 Resident engineer:

o Supervision of the double treatment of Orocuina-Apacilagua – Design Supervision, Construction of the Double Surface Treatment of Orocuina-Apacilagua, box culverts, Sewerage, Filling, Structural Excavation. o Rehabilitation of Boulevard Los Poetas, Located in the City of Juticalpa, Department of Olancho. - Placement of white topping

(5” – 6”), installation of 24” and 36” pipes corresponding to the pluvial system, installation of the sanitation system (condominium system). o Patching with Asphalt Mix, in the San Marcos de Ocotepeque – Cololaca Section, Located in the Departments of Ocotepeque and Lempira (9.50 km). - Patching with Asphalt Mix, 9.50 km. o Patching with Asphalt Mix, in the Caracol – Peña Blanca Section- Second Stage (5.00 km). o Maintenance Supervision of the Santa Rosa de Copan-Cucuyagua-Ocotepeque highway, with an approximate length of 90 km, located in the departments of Copan and Ocotepeque 117.00 km.- Supervision of 4 cm potholes with asphalt and polymer mix, simple surface treatment, double surface treatment, seal with emulsion and sand in crocodile skin, vertical and horizontal signaling, placement of roadstuds, repair of New Jersey barriers, asphalt treatment with emulsion, placement of gabions in faults, repair of parapets, construction of curbs, removal of landslides. o Consulting Services for Route 20 asphalt patching operation, repair of Kilometer 87 fault Pito Solo, Santa Bárbara and Ceibita- Supervision of the excavation and extraction of TMC 60” culvert and TCR 72” installation, inlet and outlet heads, filling with material select, taking of densities in the field, placement of crushed base, priming with asphalt emulsion and placement of hot asphalt mix 50.00 m and installation of gabions.

o Consulting Services for Operation of asphalt patching Route 20, Tencoa, Santa Bárbara 7.50 km.- Supervision of the excavation and placement of hot asphalt mixture with a density of 230 in potholes.

Assistant engineer:

o Supervision of the Program for the Conservation of the Roads of the Unpaved Road Network, which Lead to the Departmental Headwaters, Lot 25 (112.00 km).- Maintenance of the Unpaved Network Ballasted, Conformation without Replacement of the Material, Cleaning of Sewers, Installation of Sewers, Construction of Masonry Works. o Consulting Services for Supervision of the Project “Construction of Drinking Water and Sanitation System, Located in the Villages of El Manguito, El Rodeito in the Municipality of La Iguala and El Sile, La Misión, La Lima and La Cañada in the Municipality of Gracias, Department of Lempira.- Supervision of the work (Driving Lines and Distribution Networks, Storage Tanks, Load Break Tanks, Distribution Chambers, Household Connections, Latrines and Sanitary Modules), survey of works in conjunction with a contractor for Estimates and Order of Change, Attendance at Administrative Meetings.

o Consulting Services for the Rehabilitation of Sector 15, San Marcos de Colón, Duyure and San Francisco-Mezcales-La Laguna 52.00 km.- Supervision of the evaluation of the sections, typical sewer section, location of material banks, parking lot. o Consulting Services for Review of the Design, Supervision and Control of the Work of the Project "Construction of the Wastewater Treatment System, Located in the Urban Area of the City of Juticalpa, Department of Olancho- Supervision of the work, digitization of plans, correspondence.

o Supervision of Periodic and Routine Maintenance Unpaved Road Network Prior to Easter in Sectors 41 and 42, Department of Olancho (62.00 km).- Supervision of Conditioning of the Typical Section, Shaping, Wetting, Compacting, Scarifying, Reconstruction of Ditches. o Socialization and Elaboration of 20 Designs of Mitigation Works in 20 Municipalities to be Intervened by the Mitigate Project. Tegucigalpa M.D.C.- Study of Hydrographic Basins, Delimitation of Basins, Digitize plans (box culvert, Gabions, Mattresses).

o Emanuel Urbanization Supervision- supervision of Hydraulic Works (Sanitation and Potable Water), Pavements (hydraulic concrete 2.70 km), Earthwork, Mitigation Works, Laboratory Tests.

o Emanuel Urbanization Design- Design of Hydraulic Works, Pavements (hydraulic concrete), Earthwork, Mitigation Works, Laboratory Tests. o Section II Road Rehabilitation, (Guanabano – Río Dulce)- Carry out laboratory tests, quality control, field inspections.

INSEP (Secretaria de Infraestructura y Servicios Públicos) 2017- 2021 Resident engineer (contractor):

o Paving with Hydraulic Concrete of the Street that leads from Victoria to Las Vegas, Municipality of Victoria, Dept. Yoro.- Excavation, Fill compacted with select material, Hydraulic Concrete, Curbs. o Street Paving with Hydraulic Concrete in Aldea Sano Jose Palma, Municipality of Cucuyagua, Dept. Copan.- Excavation, Fill compacted with select material, Hydraulic Concrete, Curbs.

o Construction of Perimeter Wall in the Urbanization, Housing and Human Resettlement of Residencial Las Minas.- Reinforced block wall 350.00 m. o Construction of Pavement with Hydraulic Concrete in Barrio El Estadio (0.26 km).- Paving with Hydraulic Concrete 4000 PSI, 0.26 km. o Construction of Pavement with Hydraulic Concrete in the Intermediate Section of Quebrada Yaragua and Barrio Monte Fresco (0.26 km).- Paving with Hydraulic Concrete 4000 PSI, 0.26 km. o Construction of Pavement with Hydraulic Concrete in front of Universidad Agricola Calle Pelayo Bonilla intersecting with Calle La Pirámide (0.26 km).- Paving with Hydraulic Concrete 4000 PSI, 0.26 km. o Construction of Pavement with Hydraulic Concrete in front of Universidad Agricola Calle Pelayo Bonilla (0.26 km).- Paving with Hydraulic Concrete 4000 PSI, 0.26 km.

o Construction of Pavement with Hydraulic Concrete in El Zarzal neighborhood (0.27 km).- Paving with Hydraulic Concrete 4000 PSI, 0.27 km. o Construction of the Pavement with Hydraulic Concrete in the Plan de Honduras neighborhood in the Municipality of San Antonio in the Department of Copan (0.26 km).- Construction of the Pavement with Hydraulic Concretev 4000 PSI, 0.26 km. o Construction of Pavement with Hydraulic Concrete in Barrio Bella Vista (0.26 km).- Construction of Pavement with Hydraulic Concrete 4000 PSI, 0.26 km. EDUCATION SECRETARY 2016-2017

Resident engineer (contractor):

o Construction of CEB San Isidro and CEB Masaguara located in the municipality of San Isidro and Masaguara- Construction of two classrooms, hydro-sanitary facilities, installation of biodigester, biogarden.

o Construction of the CEPB in the communities of San Antonio de Vados, Cerro Verde, Callejones, La Pintal, Santo Domingo.- Construction of two classrooms, hydrosanitary facilities, biodigester installation, biogarden. SANAA (Servicios Autónomo Nacional de Acueductos y Alcantarillados) 2014-2015 Resident engineer (contractor):

o Labor Construction of 237 Hydraulic Closure Latrines Located in the Tizatillo and Santa Ana Communities, Francisco Morazán Department.- Construction of 237 Hydraulic Closure Latrines.

o Construction of the Drinking Water System for the Village of Talpetate, Municipality of Aramecina, Valle (Distribution network, conduction pipe, 10,000.00 Gal tank, 70.00 m aerial passage)- Construction of the drinking water system by installing 2” pipe. 1 1/2”, ”, overpass with HG pipe, 10,000 gallon storage tank. CCIT

(Cámara De Comercio E Industria De Tegucigalpa) 2012 Consulting engineer:

o Generation of Employment Opportunities for MSMEs in Bolivia, Honduras and Guatemala, through the development of fairs in reverse. - Formulation of Technological Classrooms, for the Secretary of Education. EDUCATION:

University of Atlantic, Spain, Engineering in Environmental Technologies master's intern

National Autonomous University of Honduras, CIVIL engineering-2003-2011

Institute “La Fraternidad”, bachelor of science and literature-1998-2002 TECHNICAL SKILLS:


MS Office and Project QUALIFICATIONS:

Project management

Project design

Construction supervision


Spanish (native)

English (Intermediate) INTERNSHIPS:

INCAL, Soil stabilization with lime. 4hrs, February 21st, 2019

INCOTEC, ISO 9001, version 2015, 16hrs, February 25th and 26th 2016.

CONASH, Quality Plans, Planned Review, Work Technical Control Plan and Testing Plan. 12hrs August 2013.

INFOP, Costs and budgets. 70hrs. July 16th to August 16th, 2007

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