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Forklift Operator / Assembly line Worker/ Dish room / Hoppa/ Etc

Jackson, MS
July 31, 2024

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Attendance and Tardiness Policy


Attendance Infraction: Any instance of absence, tardiness, early leave, and no call/no show. All attendance infractions shall be documented as they occur. Absence: An absence from work is the failure of any employee to report to work their scheduled shift, even if the shift is outside their regular weekly schedule. Tardiness: Arriving to work Seven minutes to One hour after the start of the officer's scheduled shift. Tardiness of more than one hour shall be counted as an absence. Early Leave: Leaving the site up to an hour before the end of one's scheduled shift. The employee must have relief or permission from the Branch Manager, Operations Manager, or Account Manager. Early leave without relief or permission shall be considered Post Abandonment . Early leave of more than one hour shall be counted as an absence.

No Call/No Show: An absence with no notice or with improper notice. No Fault Attendance Policy:

Regular, punctual work attendance is an essential function of the jobs of Security Officer and Security Supervisor. Therefore, Weiser Security Services, Inc. considers all absences to be equal regardless of the reason. Whether the employee is sick or taking a personal day, all absences are considered equal. This policy does not apply to Bereavement Leave for a death in the immediate family, jury duty, FMLA Leave, disability-related absences, military leave, leave caused by on-the-job injury, or any other leave required by law.


Notice of an absence must be given personally to the employee's Account Manager or immediate supervisor by telephone within four hours prior to the start of the scheduled shift. If less than four hours' notice is given, it shall be counted as a late notice absence or late call off. Notice must be given for each absence even if the absences are on consecutive days or for the same reason. If an employee fails to report to work for three consecutive days without contacting his or her supervisor, his or her employment will be terminated, unless documentation is provided to support that the employee was unable to contact his or her supervisor.

6 Point System:

Weiser Security Services, Inc.'s attendance policy is based on a 6-point system. Points shall be calculated on a rolling twelve-month basis. Point values shall be assessed to an officer for attendance infractions in the following manner: Tardiness: point

Early leave: point

Absence / Call off (with notice): 1 point

Absence (Late notice): 2 points

No call/ No show: 3 points

For current employees, a verbal warning may be given for each attendance infraction up to 3 points. A written warning may be issued for every infraction at or above three points. Assessment of six or more points in any twelve month period shall result in termination of employment. For new hires, assessment of two or more points within the first 90 days of employment shall result in automatic termination of employment.

Occasionally, employees will be required to provide a "Fitness for Duty/ Physical Capabilities Worksheet" form before being allowed to return to work when the exam involved is job related and consistent with business necessity. The form will need to be completed by a health care provider and include any work restrictions or conditions that impact the employee's ability to return to work.

Chronic absenteeism over a period of time any result in disciplinary action up to and including termination even without the employee accruing six points in any twelve-month period. Chronic absenteeism may include frequent tardiness of less than seven minutes, frequent shift swapping with other employees, or chronic assessment of four or more points without reaching six.

Digitally Signed By: Gretchen Gilchrist

Date: Jun-06-2024 1:25:23 PM EDT

Employee Signature



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