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Training Coordinator and Social Media Coordinator

Camden, NJ
July 26, 2024

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Lindenwold, NJ ● ● 856-***-****

Professional with 10+ years of experience in the economic development field with a diverse set of skills including training, counseling, recrui ng, and marke ng.


● crea ng reports

● rela onship management

● Training and presen ng

● Business planning

● Business counseling

● CRM system - Neoserra

● Microso and Google suite

● Marke ng and community outreach


Training Coordinator, La n American Economic Associa on (LAEDA) - Camden, NJ January 2022 - Present

● Collaborate in the opera on and implementa on of Center’s annual work plan to meet or exceed metrics, including business crea on, access to capital, and clients counseled

● Provide business training and counseling to over 300 clients to help start or expand their businesses

● Organize and present 10-15 business classes per year in topics including business financing, business planning, credit, budge ng, and marke ng

● Assist clients with business registra on, business plan wri ng, loan packaging, and research

● Maintain and streamline detailed records in Customer Rela onship Management System (Neoserra) of all interac ons with clients

● Develop and lead client-focused training and report on outcomes

● Iden fy client’s business goals and provide personalized business and career management coaching

● Neoserra

● Teach various classes online and in person: Turning Your Hobby Into a Business, Quick Start Series and LAEDA Entrepreneurial Development Training Program

● Train employees on Standard Opera ng Procedures and daily goals for the day and week

● Working with diverse business owners and entrepreneurs of all ages and backgrounds and in different steps of their business ownership or entrepreneurship journey

● Crea ng and handling Google Classroom and Instructor and student rela onships

● Keep track of all the details in applica ons, registra ons, phone calls, interviews, and our contact database of instructors, students and alumni

● Working on mul ple projects at the same me while also working in teams and individually

● Facilitate and document weekly, monthly and year team mee ngs, training updates, applica ons and client database

● Perform research on business and collabora ve events Social Media Coordinator, La n American Economic Associa on (LAEDA) - Camden, NJ June 2015 - Present

● Create content and manage social media (Facebook, Twi er and Instagram) and website

● Build the organiza on’s network and track communica ons and outcomes through Constant Contact

● Help to form content for Newsle er every month

Independent Contractor, Saddler’s Woods Conserva on Associa on - Haddon Township, NJ July 2021 - Feb 2022

● Coordinate and manage volunteers for community outreach and stewardship events

● Capture social media content and document projects Tutor, Delta-T Group North Jersey, Inc. - Virtual Jan 2022 - Mar 2023

● Provide one-on-one instruc on in wri ng, science and social studies for a home-bound Subs tute Teacher, Delta-T Group North Jersey, Inc. – Camden, NJ April 2018 - Feb 2022

● Created a classroom environment that supports posi ve behaviors and school regula ons

● Developed lesson plans based on school curriculum

● Communicated with families using communica on apps, virtual pla orms, email and phone

● Transi oned to virtual learning during the COVID-19 pandemic

● Provided instruc on to students in History and Government and Economics Lead Instructor / School Ac vi es Counselor, The Salva on Army Kroc Center – Camden, NJ Sept 2018 – Nov 2021

● Create a safe environment for students from kindergarten through eighth grade

● Teach literacy, arts, STEM and recrea on

● Assist with homework comple on

● Maintain daily a endance records, incident reports and progress reports EDUCATION

Rutgers University, Camden, NJ - Bachelor of Science, Management and minor in Pyschology

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