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Quality Assurance Saudi Arabia

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
July 22, 2024

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Khaled Ismail

MA in Eduaction - TEFL - USA.

About Me

Professional Experience

I am an experienced and enthusiastic teacher of English as a foreign language & communication skills, head of quality assurance and academic manager.

With distinguished experience and history of working in teaching, education management and quality checks, I am doing my best to fulfill the quality gaps in learning and teaching.


Cambridge certified KET & PET examiner.

Full Stack Developer Track – Programmer.

Smart, Interactive and Intelligent Boards.

Microsoft Office (word – excel - power point)

CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning).

Artificial Intelligence

Soft Skill


Decision making




Research skills


Columbus University, Mississippi, USA - 2007

Certificate in Teaching & Learning in Higher


Laureate International Universities

BA in Education - ELT

English Language Department, Faculty of

Education, Assiut University - 1997

Contact Details

Riyadh, KSA


EFL Instructor - Lincoln College International - COE - ITQAN- Saudi ARAMCO. Jan 2023 – Sep 2023

Key responsibilities:

1. Teaching EFL to T&H students

2. Teaching W.S (Work Skills) and W.E (Work Ethics) to ITQAN students.

3. Teaching CS (Communication Skills).

4. Marking of assignments and class work

5. Preparation, administration and marking of placement, progress and achievement tests

6. Assessment and reporting of students’ performance 7. Development of supplementary material for core syllabus or for special courses

8. Attending staff meetings and workshops

9. Assessment and evaluation of teaching material and curriculum for internal quality assurance.

CELTA - University of Cambridge

British Council, Riyadh - 2012

Miami, USA - 2015

MA in Education - TEFL

Lead Trainer at Cenomi Academy, Riyadh

Sep 2023 - Present

Key responsibilities:

1. Training academy students on retail skills in English. 2. Teaching CS (Communication Skills) in English.

3. Marking of assignments and class work.

4. Preparation of teaching materials and designing the curriculum. 5. Translating the teaching materials into Arabic for the Arabic batch. 6. Assessment and reporting of students’ performance. 7. Following up with students’ work on Academia website 8. Attending staff meetings and workshops

9. Assessment and evaluation of teaching material and curriculum for internal quality assurance.

10. Assessing students’ performance during the OJT (On Job Training) Academic IELTS 7.5


Academic Manager - Lincoln College International - COE - Int Tourism & Hospitality College - Riyadh

May 2021 - Sep 2021

Key responsibilities:

1. Managing the foundation year and English in diploma 2. Maintaining quality assurance by doing buzz and formal observations. 3. Supervising the teaching process to ensure it meets the quality standards. 4. Quality management in the assessment and teaching. 5. Supervising students’ attendance.

6. Checking PET / FET exams to ensure they meet COE & LCI quality standards. 7. Quality assurance checks (checking exams to ensure they meet the COE specs) 8. Frequent quality assurance checks and content creation with the teachers. 9. Attending meetings with senior management and offering advice to improve quality. 10. Creating mock exams according to quality guidelines. 11. Supervising & participating in the development of supplementary materials. 12. Doing quality checks for students’ grades.

1. Designing and creating

the ESP (English for

Specific Purposes) course

outline and syllabi for the

IHG group.

The syllabi consists of

three levels (Beginner –

Intermediate –


2. Helping creating the

course outline for the

foundation year for one

of the companies at


Quality Manager - Lincoln College International - COE - International Tourism & Hospitality College - Riyadh 2021 - 2023

Key responsibilities:

1. Support Teaching, Learning and Assessment quality assurance, policies and procedures across the College.

2. Meet the quality requirements of Colleges of Excellence. 3. Support the self-assessment and development plan process. 4. Assist the college dean to make sure that KPI (Key Performance Indicator) is met. 5. Be a channel for sharing effective practice and evaluating CPD across the College. 6. Work with the Senior Management Team to prepare annual operational plans and contribute tolonger-term strategic plans to deliver the college’s mission and goals. 7. Champion the development of new technologies and innovative classroom activities that enhanceteaching, learning, and assessment.

8. Maintain quality course documentation and administration records including registers. 9. Support the implementation of aspirational ILP’s. 10. Support the improvement, efficiency, and effectiveness of vocational/ Foundation assessment practices.

11. Plan and deliver new curriculum.

12. Lead assessment administration and staff meetings including CPD as appropriate. Sep 2011 – June 2019:

Laureate Vocational Saudi Arabia (divided as follows): 1. Jan 2018 – June 2019:

EFL instructor & team leader at International Tourism & Hospitality College

(Colleges of Excellence) Riyadh:

Key Responsibilities:

1. Teaching EFL to T&H students

2. Marking of assignments and class work

3. Preparation, administration and marking of placement, progress and achievement tests 4. Assessment and reporting of students’ performance 5. Development of supplementary material for core syllabus or for special courses 6. Attending staff meetings and workshops

7. Assessment and evaluation of teaching material and curriculum for internal quality assurance. 8. Preparing and administering placement test (paper and computer-based) 9. Checking supplementary materials to see if they meet LVSA & COE quality standards (internal quality assurance).

10. Teach Communication Skills.

Academic Manager, Acting Examination Officer & EFL Instructor at International Tourism & Hospitality College (College of Excellence) Riyadh Sep 2019 – June 2020

Key Responsibilities:

1. Assisting the HOD (Head of Department) in managing the foundation year and (ENG DIP). 2. Doing formal and buzz observations for teachers (internal quality assurance procedure). 3. Supervising students’ attendance.

4. Creating and uploading PET / KET / FET exams on Google Forms. 5. Checking exams prepared by instructors to see if they meet the COE quality standards


6. Teaching English to foundation year and diploma students. 7. Writing teachers’ reports / appraisals.

8. Attending meetings with senior management for quality checks. 9. Preparing students’ exam results and sharing them with the respective teachers. 10. Checking & analyzing exam results for quality assurance. 11. Supervising placement tests.

12. Checking the supplementary materials to ensure they meet LCI & COE quality standards. 13. Delivering and organizing professional development workshops. EFL Lecturer at Common First Year – King Saud University. Aug 2020 – May 2021

Key Responsibilities:

1. Teaching EFL to university students.

2. Assessment and evaluation of teaching material and curriculum to ensure they meet the qualitystandards of the university (Quality Assurance). 3. Marking of assignments.

4. Assessment and reporting of students’ performance. 5. Checking other supplementary materials for quality to ensure they meet the university qualitystandards.

6. Attending online staff meetings and workshops.

7. Responding to questions and inquiries made by the students during the online office hours. 8. Exam invigilation.

9. Self-assessment based on university’s quality guidelines. September 1997- October 2003:

Ministry of Education, Egypt. (Teacher & Teacher Trainer) Key Responsibilities:

(1) Teaching EFL (2) Marking of homework and class work (3) Preparation, administration and marking of placement, progress and achievement tests (4) Assessment and reporting of students’ performance (5) Development of supplementary material for core syllabus orfor special courses (6) Attending staff meetings and workshops. October 2003 – August 2006

EFL Lecturer & ENG Department Coordinator at the Arab Open University in Saudi Arabia.

Key Responsibilities:

1. Coordinating the English Language Program of the university pre-requisites. 2. Developing and implementing quality assurance procedures. 3. Academic Supervisor of EL112 (advanced level) on the forum of the university website. 4. Assessing and evaluating teaching materials and curriculum to see if they meet the quality standardsof the university (Quality Assurance).

5. Teaching adult learners and conveying their problems, opinions and suggestions to the universityadministration.

6. Writing reports about the curriculum being taught and their defects; and about students’ opinionsconcerning learning materials and curriculum. 7. Preparing lesson plans.

8. Preparing tests and quizzes.

9. Checking & analyzing exam results for quality assurance. 10. Teaching ESP to ENG diploma students.

September 2008 – August 2011:

EFL Lecturer at Common First Year – King Saud University. Key Responsibilities:

1. Teaching EFL to university students.

2. Marking of assignments.

3. Assessment and reporting of students’ performance. 4. Development of supplementary material as per the university quality standards. 5. Checking supplementary materials for quality and to see if they meet the university qualitystandards. (Quality Assurance)

6. Attending online staff meetings and workshops.

7. Answering and responding to any questions or inquiries made by the students during the onlineoffice hours

8. Assessment and evaluation of teaching material and curriculum to see if they meet the qualitystandards of the university (Quality Assurance). 2. September 2011 – Jan 2018:

EFL Instructor & ENG Department Coordinator at RPI (Riyadh Polytechnic Institute)

Key Responsibilities:

1. Assisting the ENG Director in managing the foundation year and English Diploma. 2. Developing and implementing quality assurance policies for the RPI. 3. Assessment and evaluation of teaching material and curriculum for internal quality assurance. 4. Checking the supplementary materials to see if they meet LVSA & RPI quality standards.


Quality Assurance)

5. Assessment and reporting of students’ performance (internal quality assurance procedure). 6. Teaching EFL to foundation year; and ESP to diploma students. 7. Marking of assignments and class work.

8. Preparation, administration of placement, progress and achievement tests as per the quality assurancestandards.

9. Checking & analyzing exam results for quality assurance. 10. Development of supplementary material for core syllabi or for special courses according to LVSA &

RPI the quality assurance standards.

11. Attending staff meetings and workshops.

12. Preparing and administering placement test (paper and computer-based) as per the TVTC qualitystandards.


1. Laureate International Universities: Laureate Certificate in Higher Education (5 Modules), June 2015. 2. Laureate International Universities certificate, April 2012. 3. University of Cambridge certificate of attendance, March 2012. 4. University of Cambridge Certified KET (Key English Test) / PET (Preliminary English Test) examiner. 5. Professional Development Training Workshop by the British Council, King Saud University and Bell International, February 2009.

6. CRM course (Communicative Reflective Methodology). 7. A member of International TESOL (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages), Virginia, USA. 8. Certificate for delivering a Hands-on Workshop (CALL) in the Electronic Village at IELP 2’s (Integrated English Language Program II) Fifth Cairo Conference for Returned Participant, 2003. 9. Certificate for participating in creating a Distinguished INSET Booth at IELP-2’s Fourth Cairo Conference for Returned Participants, 2002.

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