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Sql Server C#

Calgary, AB, Canada
July 22, 2024

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Objective: IT and software engineering (ASP.NET/MVC+MVVM using Angular and React/VUE/Blazor, WPF/WinUI/Xamarin.Form(XAML)/MAUI/UWP/Silverlight/MVVM using Prism, Web API/ GraphQL/gRPC/WCF/SOA/ MicroServices with ESB/Event Grid/Event Hub/Docker/Kubernetes, AzurePaaS/ServerLess, Data model/SQL Programming /DBA@Oracle, SQL Server,DB2, GIS)



About 20 years in .NET/Core in Canada & US with MCSD/MCAD.NET certificates including 20 full stack tests including ASP.NET/WPF/.NET framework/C#/VB.NET/Javascript/OOP/OO design pattern /database.

SPA/PWA(mobile) Web :ASP.NET/MVC Core with Angular JS1.X/2.x(MVVM)/…/ 12/15 and other component-base using React 17.x,/VUE 4.x/Blazor/Redux since 2015;

Desktop and native mobile :WPF/WinUI/UWP/Xamarin.Form(XAML)/MAUI(Android, iOS and UWP/ WinUI,MacOS,Tizen)/Silverlight/MVVM using Prism2.0/2.2/ …/7.x/9.x, MVVM Light kit, IoC containers (Unity, MEF, DryIoc, Ninject, structuremap, Castle Windsor, autofac) and IServiceCollection;

Backend: Web API/GraphQL/gRPC/WCF/XML web service/.NET Remoting/COM+/DCOM/(ATL/VB)COM /CORBA /EJB/Jax-WS using C#/C++/VB/Java, SOA/Event-driven Microservice with message bus (Biztalk ESB/OSB/N-Bus/Azure Service bus)/Azure Event Grid/IoT/Azure Event Hub/Synapse/Function/Factory/ Logic /…/Data Lake/Data Brick/Blob container/Azure app service/Kubernete/Docker/Cognitive/AI service, Sharepoint /WSP/web part, ArcObjects/ArcGIS, Multithread/ pThread, Win/ Berkeley Socket, EF/ (n)hibernate P/LINQ2SQL/ADO.NET /ADO, DAO,JDBC, ODBC.OLED DB,OCI as well as interoperability among managed code(C#, Java, C++.NET)and native code(C++);

RDBMS: Data model/schema design, implementation, performance tuning, data normalization/integrity/ quality, OLAP, OLTP, ETL, DTS/SSIS/SSRS/Power BI/SSAS, stored procedure/view/function/ package /trigger/ cursor/lock/hint/transition/Isolation/concurrency, cluster, index, unique, sequence, constraint;

Architecture and design as well as implementation full stack from database, business logic to presentation

Database administration (PL/SQL /T-SQL(DDL/DML/DCL/TCL)) using Toad/enterprise manager/SSMS, backup & recovery managers, Data Guard/Mirror, DB Linker/linked server, replication, configuration, SGP/PGA, tablespace management on data/undo/temp/ctrl, configuration on INIT(%SID).ORA, TNSNAME.ORA, LISTENER.ORA.

Intel Microprocessor/PLC/RTU/STD /PC control/Pocket PC/Mobile App/DCS/RTOS/Parallel/Serial/RS232/ RS545/NFC/Bluetooth.

Familiarity with accounting, statistics, business operations, ERP(distributor/retails), manufacturing information system, telematics, semiconductor, medical device, SCADA,GIS, Oil & Gas including MWD&LWD.

Highly motivated, creative, flexibility, strongly leadership, team player, quick learner with superior

Technical Skills

Languages & Frameworks

C# (1.0beta/1.0 DNX5.0rc/Core1.x/…/7/8), C++.NET/VC++/IBM VA+/BC++/Qt/C/Pro C(ATL, STL,MFC, OWL, IOC), Visual Basic.NET/6.0/VBA, Python, ASP.NET/WPF/WinUI/Xamarin XAML Form/MAUI/UWP/ Silverlight /WinForm, Angular/VUE/React/Blazor/RxJS/Axios/Apollogql/Relay/HttpClient /Redux /NodeJS/SignalR(Hubcontext/ connection) /Jasmine/Karma/Jest/ Enzyme/TypeScript/JavaScript/ Ajax/ jQuery/Bootstrap/Ionic/Next.js/HTML5/ CSS3,XAML,Yarn, VBScript, Java, Sprint Boot, REST/ SOAP/RPC, Power Builder, Foxpro/Dbase, Crystal/Active/Oracle Reports /SSRS/Power BI, Oracle Form, Toad, PL/SQL, T-SQL, Cobol, Fortran, Pascal, Assembly, IDL, WSDL, BPEL, Unix Shell, PowerShell

Databases/Cloud/Methodologies/CASEs/Design Patterns

Oracle 8/9i/10g/11g/12c, MS/Azure SQL server/SQLite/CE/MS Access, DB2, Cosmos DB/Redis/Db4o, Azure PaaS/Serverless/IAAS/SaaS, Oracle designer, UML using Rational Rose/Enterprise Architect/Visio, Scrum/Agile with EUP/RUP/XP/MSF, test driven, N/J/X/Unit/mock test, design patterns (OO(GoF/Martin Flower), SOA(Thomas Erl/GoF), MicroServices.

Operation Systems/Network/others

Windows NT/20xx/CE, iOS, Android, OS2,MacOS, DOS, Unix/Linux, Azure/AWS cloud, Citrix, MQTT/TCP /UDP/IP and OSI, Azure DevOps/TFS/GIT/JIRA/SVN/Redgate, Angular/React/VUE CLI

Work Experience

Best software solution ltd 12/2023 – 7/2024


Built up cross platform mobile App using MAUI/MVVM using Prism9.x for Android, iOS,MacOS, WinUI and Tezin instead of Xamarin and migrated/tuning Web API including azure Blob from .NET 4.8/SQL server to .NET Core 8/Azure SQL Server for Lenos Software, San Francisco

Further developed SCADA App named “Utilities Outage Management System” using C#(.NET 4.8 & Core 8 )/C++, React 18/WPF/DevExpress/WebAPI/WorkerService/SignalR/Twilio SMS/ SQL dependency /CDC/SQL Server for Survalent, Toronto.

Teck Resources ltd (NYSE Teck) etc. Calgary 10/2020 - 2023/9

Consultant(senior/principal developer)

Refracted and implemented Haulage service tuning using Window Service/C#/Async & Sync thread/SQL Server and Angular 6 /UI Material/ASP.NET Core5/RPM/EF/SQL server/SSIS/SSRS/PowerBI/SSAS (tabular model);

Architected and implemented Haulage/Telematics SPA Web App(English/Spanish/French) using Angular v15/16/UI material/RXJS(/ApolloGQL)with WEBAPI .NETCore7/Azure AD/OAuth(/Duende Identity Server)/UnitOfWork (no micro service)Repository/EF/RPM/Azure SQL server based on the prototype of Angular6 App;

Further developed desktop and web “Drill & Blast System“ using C++,C# /ASP.NET/VUE/WCF/WEB API/SQL server ( time off for below projects);

Architected and developed real time web App named “Rail Devices(nodes& trolleys) Management System” using ASP.NET MVC Core7 with React17/TSX/JSX/Hook/Redux/Axios/Web API(/GraphQL)/HubConnection/SignalR/HubContext/Azure SQLServer/Cosmos db/Blob container /Azure SignalR/App/Kubernetes (Cluster/Nodes/Pods/Dockers)/Azure PaaS including EAI using Azure IoTHub/MQTT/ Stream analytics/ Message/Function/ Data lake etc from scratch for Athena Industrial Service

Further developed HMI using WPF/UWP/MonoGame/MVVM/WCF/WebAPI/gRPC/EF/SQL server for 3D robotics supply chain system (PO/DO/IoC) for Attabotics by remote(02-08/2022);

Further developing at Electronics Tax Credit Web app for British Columbia Ministry using ASP.NET Core6.0/MVC, jQuery/SQL server by remote for NTTData(Sierra System group) (7-10/2022, principal developer);

(Moved part of RxJS/REST service(WebAPI) and Axios/ REST service(Web API) to ApolloGQL/GraphQL with C# for the project using Angular/React/.NET Core8 after Oct)

Best software solution Ltd, remote 7/2019 – 9/2020

Independent Consultant(Remote)

Architected and developed Quene Management for a startup firm

oCross platform mobile app using Xamarin XAML Form(like WPF) /MVVM using Prism/ZXing/Xam.plugin/ Xamarin.Android/Xamarin.iOS/UWP/REST APIs /SQL Server;

oWeb app using ASP.NET MVC Core 3.1 with MVVM using angular 9.x/10.x/Bootstrap/Material/ Kendo, REST APIs /SQL Server

Architected, designed and implemented SPA app named Resources Management using ASP.NET MVC Core3.x /Angular v8, Boostrap, Telerik with Web API/Repository/EF/SQL server 2017 for AECOM (NYSE: ACM).

Developed background check web app ( using ASP.NET/MVC Core2.2 with Angular6.x/8.x, Telerik, Material, HTML5, Boostrap, CSS3, Karma/JasmineJS, RXJS/DataServie, NodeJS, Web API using MVC Core2.x with CQRLite/Azure Service Bus/Azure Storage/Cloud Blob container/Redis/SQL server2017 for a startup firm

Architected &developed drug inventory control mobile app using Xamarin XAML Form/MVVM using Prism/ Xamarin.Android/ Xamarin.iOS/UWP for Micro Merchant Systems Inc (NY );

Subnet Solution Ltd, Calgary 12/2018-6/2019

Consultant(onsite 3 + 3+1 months)

Redeveloped/refactored SCADA using (Sharepoint2016)Webpart/WSP using Silverlight/WPF/MVVM using Prism, ASP.NET/AngularJS/Typescript/Javascript/Boostrap, Telerik,CSLA, WCF/WebAPI/SSL/event bus,C++/C,SQL server2016 for BC Hydro.

ITN Technogies/Aventri,Remote 8/2018 – 1/2019

Consultant (Senior Mobile Xamarin developer)

Architected, designed and implemented Cross Platform Mobile Apps (Swap, Access& POS) using Xamarin XAML Form(like WPF)/MVVM/using Prism7.0 (PCL, Xamarin.Android, Xamarin.iOS,UWP, Silverlight)/ZXing/NFC /NXP/ XAM.Plugin/ SQLLite /Restful Web API/ Azure SQL server2017

State of Washington, Seattle/Olympia, WA, US 2/2018 – 7/2018

Consultant (Architect,w/bisoft)

Architected, designed and implemented for Callout applications based on existed Web Form app using ASP.NET Core2.x/MVC and MVVM using Anguar5.x/6x/ Angular Material/Typescript /Bootstrap /ag-Grid /JSTree(NodeJS), DataService using RxJS toastr service/WebAPI/SQL server/SSRS/SSIS

Implemented Location Control tablet application using WPF/MVVM using Prism7.0/win10(1m)

AGAT Labs, Calgary, Canada 2/2017 – 2/2018


Architected, designed and implemented SPA web app from scratch using ASP.NET Core 2.0/1.1with MVVM using Angular 4.x / Telerik /TypeScript 2.x/Bootstrap4.0/ag-Grid/ NodeJS package(JsTree/Froala Editor/ Moment/ Rhaboo),Razor/Tag Helpers /Toastr Service/RxJS/Web API/MVC Core 2.0/1.1/EF with Micro-service /Oracle11g

Implemented code review, application tuning and code refracting from WPF, Silverlight, ASP.NET /Javascript/ jQuery/Bootstrap/MVC to PL-SQL script/database schema/modelling in Oracle11g/SQL server (like full stack road block cleaner and half of DBA).

Microsoft, New York City, US 9/ 2016- 2/2017

Consultant(w/Data Vision Group)

Developed Domain awareness system for New York Police Department

Further developed desktop app using WPF/MVVM using Prism,Infragistics, web browser/Silverlight, WCF/SQL server 2014,

Built up web app prototype from scratch using ASP.NET/MVVM using Angular 2.x, TypeScript,, Bootstrap, OAuth/WebAPI/SQL server

Best software solution Ltd Calgary, AB 11/2015 – 8/2016


Built up ( GIS Web project template using ASP.NET 5 RC (ASP.NET Core )/MV* using AngularJS1.47/jQuery/ js.DevExpress /oData/(MVC6 RC)Web API/Restful JSON WCF/EF7(RC) based on existed Silverlight/ DevExpress/ ArcGIS/WCF App

Assisted team to maintain existed web app and mobile (android /iOS) app using JSP/Java/ SpringBoot/Objective C(Xcode)/MySQL/Amazon cloud service

Architected and developed next generation cross platform mobile application using Xamarin.XAML Form(with Xamarin.Android/iOS/UWP)/MVVM using Prism6.2/Telerik/CrossLight/Web API/EF/SQL Server

Further developed health care instrument named “BD Max” using WPF/MVVM/CefSharpWebview with ASP.NET/Razor/Javascript/ jQuery /HTML5/CSS3 and C#/Native C++/ WCF/WF /ATLCOM/ Socket/ window Service/EF/SQL server/Python.

Developed mobile payment using Xamarin XAML form /MVVM using Prism with REST services using WCF & Web API with payment providers such as and Squirrel .

Roger communication Ltd /Shaw (TSE: SJR/B), Calgary, AB, Canada 3/2015 – 7/31/2015

Senior SQL/C# Consultant (w/mousetrick)

Database: SQL programming including stored procedure, function, view, trigger with agent job, linked server, service broker as well as standardized hundreds SSRS reports/SSIS packages with user components and migrated from 2008 to 2012, new SSRS report/SSIS package creations in large scale disturbed and complex OLTP/OLAP databases in SQL Server

C# :Further developed VOD tools using WPF/ASP.NET 4.5 with jQuery, Angularjs and warehouse API using restful WCF/Web API 2.0 with ASPERA WF with C#.

Sanjel Corporation, Calgary, AB, Canada 12/2014- 2/2015

Consultant(Senior .NET developer w/cocentric)

Refactored /developed JDT (Job Description Template) Application using WPF using C#, Telerik, LINQ, WCF/ SQL Server2012

Presented the Demo of MVVM using WPF/ Prism 5.0 vs MVC using ASP.NET and documented for closed project using enterprise architect and Vision

Weatherford International (NYSE/Euronext Paris/SIX:WFT ),Calgary, AB, Canada 9/2012–11/2014

Consultant(senior developer)

Designed, architected and implemented “ Reservoir Damage Analysis” using WPF/C#,Extended/ WPFToolKit2.0/Risk component /LINQ with MV VM design pattern using prism4.1/5.0(MEF)/ WCF/Sql server2012/SQL CE4.0 for window8.1/Surface pro 3 based on VB/Access

Developed Tech Log add in modules using C++/Ocean/QT/Python

Developed and enhanced LWD (over $10 million) project using WPF/MV VM/MEF based on custom MVVM framework/WCF/DB4O

oFurther developed log plot/builder base package including track, curve, header

oDeveloped casing integration/acoustics module such as 2/3D half shell, cylinder etc.

Online Business System, Calgary, AB, Canada 6/2011 – 8/2012

Senior developer

Designed, architected and implemented health care project (bone density) with drag/drop/PDFviewer/ resize/docking functionalities using

oSilverlight with MV VM design pattern using Prism v4(MEF)/ MVVM light toolkit, Component One/Telerik.

oWCFs (Soap/REST/duplex/stream/Mtom/RIA) with WWF/(Mirth)ESB (/Cloud), ADO.NET Entity Framework, LINQ.

oData model design,integrities and SQL programming with stored process/trigger/function/view in SQL Server 2008.

Worked on enterprise integration and SOA using Oracle fusion middleware 11g including mediator, human workflow,BPEL process Manager and OBS.

Worked as a contractor for iSolution during July and Aug for Document Control Management Project using ASP.NET/MVC3/ unity/ dependency,JQuery/Ajax/javascript/ jqGrid/qqFileuploader with dataservice/ADO.Entity framework @SQL server 2008 r2

Energy Safety Canada /Enform, Calgary, AB, Canada 01/2011 – 12/2011


Worked on tuning Learning Management System using ASP.NET/MVC/NBusService /Umbraco using C#/SQL Server 2008/Oracle 10g.

Created SSIS Package for data Initialization for ERP system from various data sources in Oracle 10g, SQL server 2008/MySQL

Administrated SharePoint 2010 as well as webpart development using ASP.NET.

Bowne & Co.(S&P: BNE/NASDAQ: RRD), 55 Water St, New York City, NY, US 06/2010 – 11/2010

Consultant(Lead developer/Architect )

Architected, designed and implemented CRM application named workflow 360 (desktop, outlook add-in) using WPF/ Prism v2.2/4.0 from scratch, based on use cases and existing ASP.NET application with Telerik, DevArt (LINQ, ADO.NET.EF/ EDM), WCF on Oracle 10g and resource sharing with another Silverlight3.0 application named Acepad

Helped a tiny telematics company to review whole telematics system from telematics devices, communication service server, and Google web track application(ASP.NET+google API)/watch dog to database, as well as re-architecture & design, document with some coding.

Cathedral Energy Service (TSX CET.UN), Calgary, AB, Canada 09/2009 – 05/2010

Software Architect

Designed, architected and developed real-time distributed MWD system based on existing real-time system

oReal-time 3/2 D dynamic composite application named Display using WPF/MVVM using Prsim2 (Enterprise Library +CAB)/Unity, Xceed, WCF, TPL/ (P)LINQ/2SQL/ ADO.NET.EF/ EDM/SQL Dependency/SSB /SQL Server 2008.

oEnhanced Signal Detect Controller using native C/C++ on laptop for real-time signal collection through A/D adapter such as NI PCI-6036E including signal algorithm processing/encoding/decoding/ parsing data packets for inclination/azimuth/DMF/angles/ acceleration/magnetic/temperature/pressure/gamma/etc. It communicates with the satellite (Pason/Chimo) through WITS.

Schlumberger (NYSE SLB), Calgary, AB, Canada 05/2009 – 09/2009

Contractor (w/sisystem)

Enhanced Merak real-time project (Decision tool-kit/petroleum economic evaluation program/petroleum volumetrics tracking system etc) to 2010.1 version using C++ (MFC/ATL9)/ Oracle 11g/ SQL Server 2008.

Agero inc /Cross country auto service, Boston, MA, US 04/2008 – 03/2009

Senior Software Engineer

Designed, architected, implemented and documented core services for Telematics product using WCFs with .Net3.5/4.0(beta) in C# and JAX-WS in Java with OO/SOA design patterns.

oImplemented agnostic SOAP/REST WCF services with WF using multi-service layers architecture, asynchronous, LINQ to XML/SQL, Nhibernate, package/stored procedure/view/ function/trigger including data NF/integrities/tuning etc. at data tier in Oracle 10g.

oImplemented WSIT (JAX-WS)/GlassFish v2/3 using J2EE5 and achieved interoperability with WCFs for SOA (Biztalk service /TIBCO as ESB).

oTrained team members in WCF and moved it from XML Web Service.

oFurther developed teen safety live web application using ASP.NET with JavaScript/Ajax/Ajax Control Toolkit/jQuery, Google Maps/Virtual Earth, XML Web Services, Oracle 10g.

Zaio Corporation (TSX -V:ZAO), Calgary, AB, Canada 05/2007 – 03/2008

Consultant (.Net Solution Architect (75/hr))

Architected, implemented multi-service layers WCF Services/MQ/C#/following OO/SOA/Principles/design patterns/principles including image processing (watermark, thumbnail), securities (authentication/ authorization/principal/identity), cryptography (symmetric/asymmetric/hash), 9 couple serializers, custom/fault exceptions etc. services as well as concurrency /multithread/transaction data access layer for Oracle/SQL Server/DB2/MS Access ;

Implemented WCF client using ASP.NET/WPF/WinForm as well as pure client-side script using html/ JavaScript Ajax/ original Soap message for WCF service.

Implemented T-SQL programming (stored procedure/view/functions) in SQL Server 2005 including data integrity, schema enhancement and SSRS.

Further developed two old GIS applications named Emergency Response Plan (wells, pipelines, facilities) using VB6/.NET/XML Web Service/Arc Object/SQL Server 2005/Access for caliber planning (2008).

Rapiscan Systems (OSI Systems (NASDAQ: OSIS)), Lose angles, CA, US 08/2006 – 04/2007

Senior Software Engineer

Developed windows service project named DataServerApp for TSA that was deployed in over 150 airports

oAnalyzed, designed, implemented and documented data and database access layer using C# for managed applications with top layers interoperability class using C++.NET and wrapper class using native C++ for native applications in real-time multi-thread environment.

oEnhanced database schema design/normalization/data integrity/tuning/quality and implemented T-SQL programming in SQL Server 2005.

MR Control Systems International Inc, Calgary, AB, Canada 03/2006 – 07/2006

Senior System Analyst/Developer

Developed HMI WinFx/Window Rocket Event-Driven Engine SCADA project using WPF (Avalon)/Win with C#, XAML, WCF (Indigo) at .Net3.0 beta (Orcas CTP) with db4o with friendly functionalities e.g. drag & drop, copy & paste, control docking(called back for service in 2019 too)

Singletouch Technologies Inc, Calgary, AB, Canada 02/2004 – 02/2006

.NET Solution Architect (05) / Senior Developer (04)

Analyzed, designed, architected and implemented N–tier composite application Waste Manager (work request, order, manifest and transfer station process, sale, invoice, dispatch, track, inventory, and over 60 different reports) for Newalta from RDBMS schema design to business logic and GUI implementation using ASP.NET, C#/SQL Server 2k.

oClient/server application using C#, Crystal Report, Infragistics Control /SQL Server 2k/Citrix/ Server 2003.

oWeb Application using ASP.NET with C#, JavaScript, XML Web Service/ SQL Server 2k

Further Developed client/server CoreERP system using VB.NET/SQL Server 2k.

oDeveloped .NET Assembly components using VB.NET for database access (SQL Server, Oracle, and Access), dynamic custom control creation, utilities etc.

oDeveloped dynamic report module using VB.NET/Active Report/SQL Server 2k.

oDeveloped data exports using VB.NET/SQL Server 2k to ACCPAC.

Further Developed Quick Collect hand-held device/Pocket PC System (battery, single/gas well, gas plant, chart, meter, compressor, truck) for several oil companies using Java/C#.

oFurther Developed data manager using Java (JBuilder2005) /crème and built up new application using Pocket PC using C#/Win CE/SQL server/ActiveSync.

oEnhanced VBA applications using VB/Oracle (PVR)/Citrix.

Setup/administrated SQL Server 2k and Oracle 9.2i at server including database physical and logic design, configuration, tuning, etc.

Developed FliedTracker using ASP.NET with C#/SQL Server 2005 and Pocket PC using C#/WIN CE/ SQL CE/SDF including replication between SQL Server (publisher) and SQL CE (subscription) ( called back for service in 2007/2008).

ENFOCOM International Corp, Calgary, AB, Canada 01/2003-12/2003

Software Developer

WIN US Voting System for Advanced Voting System Inc

oRequired, analyzed, designed, architected, implemented, tested, deployed and documented N-tier WINDisplay Application from scratch using ASP.NET/C#,WebControls, Dundas, COMs/.NET Assemblies/XML Web Services with SQL Server 2k including database schema design, implementation and tuning as well as dynamical linked server in SQL Server with MS Access for data exchange; En/decryption and un/zip voting data using WIN32API (cryptographics, WinZip); Real-time scrolling screen likes movie with speed and direction control using heavily Javascript.

Developed ATL COM using C NET Assembly for real-time RRAS (Routing and Remote Access Service) server incoming monitor and dial-up.

Developed ATL COM using C++ for TCP/UDP Client/Server Socket communication.

RightsMarket Inc (CDNX: RTS) Calgary, AB, Canada 02/2002-08/2002


Developed ATL COM Add-In component using C++ for Outlook secure email with wrapper/encrypt (ADVAPI32) component and UI using C# for federal government (see

Powel Group Inc, Victoria, BC, Canada 02/2001 – 11/2001

System Analyst

Developed generic COM components (Business Logic Tier) using Visual Basic 6.0/SQL Server 7.0/NT including utilization functions, database access and etc. for N-tier Hydro project.

STATS ChipPAC Ltd, (NASDAQ: STATSChP) (ST Group: 40,000 global employees), Singapore 05/2000-12/2000

System Analyst

Further developed large-scale N-tier ($1million USD) distributed application built up by Compaq (Multi-Tier/TP Server/MQ/Q Bus).

oVisual Basic 6.0 as presentation tier, COM to PROMIS/Open VMS (FIS) by C CIM library (stream) and Oracle 8/Digital UNIX (MIS) by ADO/OLE DB, DAO to front-end Access/NT, stream to key ASCII file, ADO, ActiveX.

oVisual C++ 6.0 ATL COM composition of CDMQ, CPROMIS, CRTP, CTRCEER etc. classes.

oC CIM library as the foundation of classes of COM included data structure (generic dynamic array), DMQ talk, Tracing Utility, Parse Promis TP Message.

oRDBMS Oracle 8/UNIX and PROMIS/VMS back end real-time data exchanges using C/Unix/VMS (wrapper, context, in/outbound). Key files transferred from Unix/VMS to NT by FTP etc.

Serial System Ltd (SES: SERL), Singapore 08/1999 – 04/2000

Project & System Engineer

Developed ERP system including accounting, business operation and inventory system (G/L, A/R, A/P, B/B, C/A, I/C, P/O, S/O, D/O, S/Q, IOC etc.Modules) using Visual Basic/Visual C++/Oracle8/NT.

IBM Singapore, Singapore 02/1998 – 07/1999

Technical Specialist

Further developed complex test software for hard drive, router & switch using VisualAge for C++/C/Java/FCL, CORBA, DB2 with UML design using Rational Rose for real-time multi-task & multi-layer control system at OS2/NT/MVS/AIX.

Seagate Technology International (NYSE: SEG), Singapore 12/1994 – 02/1998

Analyst Programmer

Analyzed, designed and developed ($1 million USD) Hard disk FIS system including Electronic Document Configure Control manager, Hard Disk’s Configuration (GUI) app using Visual Basic, PowerBuilder, Visual C++(MFC, ATL COM) on Oracle/Unix (Citrix)

Education and Professional Development

Bachelor of Engineering, Applied Electronic Technology

Electronics Department, Zhejiang University of Commerce, Hangzhou, Zhejiang

International Business & Finance(MBA), Tsinghua University, Beijing

Researched/studied DSS as a Visiting Scholar sponsored by Gov. at New York University, US

Passed 5 tests for MCSD.NET in 2005 with assessments at Brainbench,Kenexa and IKM, total 20 technical tests.

1. ExamID 70-315:

Developing and Implementing Web Applications with Microsoft® Visual C#™ .NET and Microsoft® Visual Studio® .NET

2.ExamID 70-316:

Developing and Implementing Windows®-based Applications with Microsoft® Visual C#™ .NET and Microsoft® Visual Studio® .NET

3.ExamID 70-320:

Developing XML Web Services and Server Components with Microsoft Visual C# .NET and the Microsoft .NET Framework

4.ExamID 70-229:

Designing and Implementing Databases with Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 Enterprise Edition

5.ExamID 70-300:

Analyzing Requirements and Defining Microsoft .NET Solution Architectures


Test Name

Test providers


Proficiency Level/ Global Average


















OO Design Patterns








OO Programing
















Data Modeling Concepts








Javascript Including jQuery




WPF Programming




WPF-.NET4.5 C#



Dozens of projects in process control/instrumentation using Assembly/C/C++ with microprocessor (INT, CTC, I/O, AD/DA, PWM, DMA, EMPROM, ROM, RAM), PLC (PID), RTU, STD/PC based control/Pocket PC, real-time multi-target control/RTOS, multi-level control/distributed control system such as temperature, pressure, PH, Inclination, azimuth, DMF, angles, acceleration, magnetic, gamma, location, as well as digital/analog valve control/relays with communication by Parallel/Serial/RS232/RS422/RS423/RS485/ USB/SCSI/etc.

Enhanced signal detect controller using native C/ C++ on laptop for real-time signal collection through A/D adapter such as NI PCI-6036E including signal algorithm processing/encoding/decoding/parsing data packets for inclination/azimuth/DMF/angles/acceleration/magnetic/temperature/pressure/gamma/etc. It communicated with satellite (Pason/Chimo) through RS232/WITS in 2009/10 at Cathedral energy, Canada.

Enhanced X-ray detection machime deployed in airports and borders using C++/C#/SQL Server as well as interoperability between native and managed in run-time, socket communicated for image transferred, file archived and remote controlled in OSI system, Rapiscan, LA, CA, US in 2006/2007.

Developed SCADA project named Rocket Event-Driven Engine from HIMI using WPF/WCF in C#/db4o including RTU configuration in MR control, Canada, in 2006.

Further Developed Quick Collect hand-held device/Pocket PC System (battery, single/gas well, gas plant, chart, meter, compressor, truck) using Java and C#/CE at Singletouch, Canada, during 2004 and 2006.

Re-designed and developed Wire Auto-Bonding Machine using C++ on PC based control with CCD NC15D camera, servo motor, sonic generator, infrared sensor, relay, control box with RS232 based on extisting PLC system at IBM in 1998.

Re-designed HDD Assembly Robot using Keyence PLC with ladder logic, infrared sensor, relay, control box, stepper motor and enhanced high-end HDD assembly robot arm using Basic (PC base) at Seagate in 1996.

Management, design, development of the large scale LED Advertising Screen using C with PC based control with front-end large scale LED screen (digital circuits) through serial/parallel port and small size LED screen using Assembly/8031

System design & software development for the Beer Fermentation Temperature Control System (128 Pools Temperature Process Control) using C/Assembly based on STD system with analog valve control for the beer branch, Fuzhou City Freeze plant. Later enhanced to the Temperature/pH/Pressure Process Control System of 32 Beer Fermentation Containers for Fuan City Beer Factory.

System design & software development of the STD Micro Computer Sauce Fermentation Temperature Process Control & Record System using C/Assembly, real-time multi-tasking system with STD System including A/D, D/A conversion card design for AD590, relay, control box for Zhangzhou City Sauce Factory.

System design & software development for these two projects for TV station of Fujian Province:

oCommunity Reaction Instrumentation using Assembly/Z80 including external circuit design (received an excellent project award from the Association of Inventors, Fujian Province).

oTV Programmer Record Device using Assembly/8031 including external circuit design.

System design & software development for the embedded project Intelligent Instrumentation of Length Measurement & Control using Omron PLC including external circuit design in control box with infrared sensor for Pinnang County Paper Manufacture Plant.

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