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Quality Assurance Executive Assistant

Central Park, NC, 27701
July 17, 2024

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Passionate about driving the advancement of healthcare, research and positively impacting the quality of service and administration.


- OPERATIONS: Set up and ran efficient daily opera ons for startup behavioral clinic, growing from $1.2M to $3.5M in 3 years.

- TEAM BUILDING & LEADERSHIP: Hired, onboarded, and supervised nearly 50 medical professionals. Supervisory posi ons held at mul ple jobs including retail, healthcare and clinical office se ngs in both hybrid and remote se ngs.

- POLICIES & PROCEDURES: Exper se in developing, implemen ng, improving, and training on a wide range of policies and procedures for various sizes of healthcare facili es – large county, startup, and small private clinics.

- GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS & LICENSING: Managed licensing and cer fica ons for mul ple healthcare facili es and ensured compliance for audits, renewals, and pa ent visit/provider adherence policies.

- FINANCES & BILLING: Discovered and recovered $100K+ of poten ally lost revenue for early-stage private clinic. Monitored finances, claims, and billed millions within last 6 years.

- COMMUNITY AND BUSINESS PARTNERSHIPS: Reputa on for developing, nurturing, and leveraging professional connec ons with community leaders, governmental officials, healthcare providers and administrators, and insurance professionals to collaborate on healthcare and pa ent quality of care improvements. ADDITIONAL KEY COMPETENCIES

Business Opera ons Management ● Healthcare Consul ng ● HIPPA ● Process Improvement ● Program Management ● Quality Assurance ● Research and Development ● People Opera ons ● Regulatory Affairs TECHNOLOGY: Zoom, MS Teams, Adobe Suite, My Avatar, Fusion, ShareNote, EMR, Matrix, PCC, MS Office, Salesforce, Blackboard, Paylocity, Paychex, Blackboard, Moodle, UKG Ready, Workday, Benetrac FREEDOM HOUSE RECOVERY CENTER, CHAPEL HILL, NC 2021 - CURRENT HRIS MANAGER I HR RECRUITER I DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION MANAGER I EMPLOYEE RELATIONS I CREDENTIALING SPECIALIST I BENEFIT/ENROLLMENT SPECIALIST I EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT An established multi-site crisis and recovery center for recovering adult affected by addiction and mental illness. Oversee all HR-related areas to include handling employment contracts, recrui ng, training and development, onboarding and reten on, job analysis and development. Along with upda ng internal databases, overseeing contractual agreements, policy development and implementa on, liaise with external partners and stakeholders, and iden fying and ini a ng companywide trainings. Conduct and oversee state audits and regulatory compliance maters. Develop reports, present on all HR metrics. Other major du es entail creden aling all clinical and licensure posi ons and providers, employee health benefits and job performance evalua ons, talent acquisi on, succession management and employee rela ons and engagements.

- Converted all paper personnel file charts to Electronic Records within first two weeks of employment in order to promote a paperless and environmentally conducive work environment.

- Con nues to take on new roles including in order to ensure employee performance management and long- term succession.

- Ini ated and implemented DEI policy and procedures.

- Exceeds performance goals and expecta ons annually. S HILON


DHA (318) 464 - 0992 n Durham, NC S UMMARY


HUMAN RESOURCE BUSINESS PARTNER, CONTRACT, REMOTE 2020 - CURRENT Provide professional consulting, education and human resource solutions for small organizations/ new organizations. Advise organiza ons in establishing and or restructuring strategic HR prac ces to create a diverse and inclusive environment, compliance within their industry and advise on employee personnel and workflow management. The role consists of diverse responsibili es to include business research, analyzing strategic issues, implemen ng effec ve processes, and management counseling. Consultant and advise clients on building more forceful and well-suited HR policies and objec ves.

- Provided services to 4 organiza ons in the past 3 years.

- Create survey plans and monitoring tools to iden fy needs and concerns.

- Assisted organiza ons with company regulatory compliance (including CARF), as well as staff compliance and audi ng. - Built recrui ng profile and management system for start-up organiza on for staffing needs and resources MHMR TARRANT COUNTY, FORT WORTH, TX 2020 – 2021

Service Coordinator Habilitation & Enhanced Community Coordinator Provider of mental health and developmental disability services and 2nd largest community center in Texas with 39 centers across the state. Promoted a er the first 3 months in a severely understaffed and unpredictable habilita on services organiza on with extremely high turnover rate, heavy case load, and fast-paced environment.

- Provide habilita on services to 25-30 individuals, each with 5 visits per month (150 visits on average per month) to help them learn and improve daily life skills, assist with employment search and access community resources.

- Turned around substan al backlog within first 45 days and tripled case load a er unexpected reduc on in staff

- Meet or exceed all performance goals despite tripled workload increase and unpredictable number of transi ons in and out of program; on average 5 transi ons per month each requiring team mee ngs and extensive paperwork.

- Built and nurture strong rela onships and rapport with approximately 75 partners and service providers, ensuring all services are in place and meet individual’s needs: approximately 10 mee ngs per week. DESTINATION LIFE, LLC, MANSFIELD, TX 2019 – 2020

Billing Manager Authorization Specialist

Newly established occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech therapy, home health, and mental services clinic. Quickly promoted into Billing Manager posi on within first 2 weeks, while also serving as and learning Authoriza on Specialist posi on. Billed medical claims, resolved disputes, internal audits, coordinated specialist referrals, and managed invoicing. Worked closely with pa ents, insurance companies, payors, VA, state healthcare, Medicaid, and Medicare.

- Recovered $100K+ of lost or missing revenue due to claims, authoriza ons, and invoices improperly reported or ignored over prior 2 years.

- Established billing and collec ons policies and procedures to avoid future losses and maintain accurate financial records.

- Ini ated training procedures and trained staff on HIPPA regula ons and confiden ality. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, FORTH WORTH, TX 2017-2019 Generalist Surveyor Investigator l

Department of state health services that provide services to individuals with IDD, mental health, substance abuse and elderly needs. Completed inspec on/survey reports in healthcare facili es lis ng deficiencies/viola ons and prepared writen reports with results and recommenda ons. Visited over 50 healthcare facili es in the local area. Communicated on a complex level with mul disciplinary team (internally or externally) to provide, exchange, or verify informa on, answer inquiries, address issues, and resolve problems or complaints. Knowledgeable of all program regulations and procedures, state and federal laws and procedures and survey techniques to include principles to interpret policies and regulations.

- Inves gated, responded, and addressed any noncompliance through established channels and procedures.

- Reviewed federal and state regula ons in effort to conduct cer fica on surveys, licensure inspec ons, or inves ga ons in facili es to determine compliance.

- Performed quality assurance reviews of documents prepared by others S HILON C. W ILSON P AGE 2 (318) 464 - 0992

SOCIAL WORK PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, LLC, SHREVEPORT, LA 2015 - 2019 Operations Program Director Project Manager Pre-Opening Business/HR Consultant Startup behavioral health services provider - one of few agencies owned and operated by 2 licensed clinicians. Professional staff includes board- certified psychiatrist, registered nurse, licensed clinical social workers, masters- and bachelor-level counselors. Consulted with owners of startup behavioral health clinic for 2 years prior to opening to create programs aligned with organiza onal goals. Brought on board at launch to serve dual role as Opera ons Program Director and Project Manager leading projects during business development, recruitment, onboard staff, set up and run daily opera ons, develop/implement policies, assist with marke ng, presen ng products and oversee billing.

- Oversaw all human resource du es including hire, onboarded, and supervised all employees (except for psychiatrist), growing from 3 to 68 within first year.

- Managed all billing for business which grew from $1.2M in first year to $3.5M in year 3.

- Developed and trained staff quarterly on state-compliant, audit-ready, and quality of care focused policies and procedures for grievances, atendance, quality assurance, billing, and social media policies. Reviewed every 6 months.

- Surveyed and monitored client sa sfac on and adherence to healthcare policies and laws rou nely through quality assurance surveys, phone calls, and conversa ons with event atendees. Ensured no false repor ng occurred and conducted internal audi ng.

- Oversaw all cer fica on requirements and state licensing regula ons.

- Ensured quality of care by serving as crisis management back-up when behavioral staff were seeing other clients.

- Built and nurtured strong rela onships and rapport with officials from the courthouse, state building, deten on centers, and schools, leading to several health fairs that built awareness of services and grew clientele. Plant a Seed in Our Youth Founda on, Shreveport, LA 2014 – 2017 Youth Coordinator/ Marke ng Strategist

Susan G. Komen Cancer Research – Shreveport, LA 2012 – 2014 Research Assistant

Healing Grace Internal Medicine & Pediatrics 2010 – 2012 Medical Office Assistant

Young Unique Posi ve People (Y.U.P.P.) 2006 – 2013

(Founder/Non-Profit Organiza on Development/Community Outreach Doctor of Health Administra on – January 2021

Capella University, Minneapolis, MN

Dissertation: Improving Referral Processes in Mental Health Treatment Focus Areas: Quality of patient care, quality standards, technology advances, tele-health, eligibility, attracting clients Master of Health Administra on – August 2016

Capella University, Minneapolis, MN

Bachelor of Science – August 2014

Louisiana State University, Shreveport, LA




- (318) 464 - 0992

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