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Senior IOS Developer

Denver, CO, 80247
July 01, 2024

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Ethan Burns

Sr. iOS Developer



•Seasoned iOS Developer with over 9 years of extensive experience in crafting and deploying iOS mobile applications, boasting a portfolio of 6 successful apps featured on the Apple Store.

•Committed to continuously seeking innovative ways to integrate cutting-edge iOS technologies into projects, enhancing efficiency and delivering highly marketable design solutions.

•Skilled in leveraging Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) and Protocol-Oriented Programming (POP) design patterns, including Singletons, Façade, Builder, Observer Pattern, KVO, Protocols, delegation, and Pub Sub.

•Demonstrated excellence in using key development tools such as Git, GitHub, Jenkins CI, SourceTree, Bitbucket, and, ensuring streamlined and collaborative project management.

•Experienced in various wireless communication protocols, including Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, NFC, and other short-distance wireless technologies, providing a comprehensive understanding of the contemporary mobile landscape.

•Possesses in-depth knowledge of the latest XCode and iOS versions, with a keen awareness of prevailing trends and developments in mobile application development.

•Adept at designing seamless user interfaces using tools such as XIBs, Storyboards, SwiftUI, Programmatic constraints, and Size classes, ensuring an engaging and intuitive user experience.

•Holds a strong understanding of the entire mobile development life cycle, with profound awareness of mobile ecosystem dynamics, architectural paradigms, and emerging technologies.

•Proven proficiency in Agile Scrum environments, actively contributing to Scrums and Sprints while employing Test Driven Development (TDD) and Continuous Integration methodologies.

•Brings hands-on experience with various frameworks, including iOS SDK, UIKit, Animation, MapKit, Bluetooth, Speech, AVFoundation, CoreData, CoreLocation, Social, XCTest, AlamoFire, SDWebImage, QuartzCore, CoreBluetooth, CoreGraphics, Core Motion, CoreML, VisionKit, ActivityKit, WidgetKit, and ARKit, ensuring versatile and comprehensive development capabilities.

•Specializes in maximizing app user engagement and retention by implementing intuitive UI and UX elements using custom UI controls, XIB, Auto Layout, and Size Classes, ensuring optimal user satisfaction.

•Boasts an extensive background in iOS mobile app development, excelling in both Swift and Objective-C, with a focus on programmatic development using Swift 1 through Swift 5.7, showcasing a commitment to delivering high-quality and stable mobile app code.

•Engages deeply across all stages of the software development life cycle, from project planning, software architecture design, and technical documentation to development, testing, debugging, and seamless deployment of projects to the app store.

•Maintains advanced proficiency in comprehensive testing and bug-fixing, employing tools such as the XC Test framework, Breakpoints, LLDB statements, View Debugger, and Instruments tools (Leak, Allocation, Networking), ensuring meticulous software quality assurance.

•Expert in handling asynchronous HTTP and HTTPS requests using tools such as GCD, Operations, Async Await, URLSession, AFNetworking, and Alamofire, ensuring optimal performance and data transmission within applications.

•Successfully implemented Firebase Realtime Database for seamless data storage and Firebase for cloud messaging and push notifications, ensuring efficient data management and communication within the application.

•Committed to upholding organizational work ethics, making value-driven decisions, and showcasing exemplary managerial skills, ensuring a cohesive and productive work environment.

•Experienced in leadership, adept at cultivating robust collaborative relationships among team members, proficiently mentoring developers, and collaborating effectively with project managers, stakeholders, and cross-functional teams, ensuring smooth and efficient project development and management.

Technical Skills

Programming Languages: Swift, Objective-C, Python

IDE: XCode, Visual Studio

iOS Tools: Instruments, CocoaPods, Carthage, Firebase, Cocoa Touch, Swift Package Manager, Figma, InVision, SourceTree, Charles Proxy, Jenkins, Fastlane, Azure DevOps (ADO), Grafana, Kibana, Telemetry

Third-Party Frameworks: RxCocoa, RxSwift, Firebase, Realm, Lottie, SnapKit, WebSockets, Stripe

Data Management: SQLite, Firebase Realtime Database, Core Data, MongoDB

Consuming Back-End Services: Alamofire, AFNetworking, REST, JSON, SOAP, XML, YAML, GraphQL, Moya, ApoloClient, AWS (Amazon Web Services)

Classes: URLSession, NSJSONSerialization, NSXMLSerialization, NSUserDefaults, NSNotificationCenter, NSOperationQueue

Project Environment: Agile Scrum, Continuous Integration, Test-Driven Development, Jira, Confluence, Git, SVN, SourceTree

Architecture & Design: MVVM, MVP, MVC, VIPER, Micro Services, Pub Sub Architecture, Decorator, Builder, Singleton, Abstract Factory.

Push Notifications: Apple Push Notification (APNS), Firebase

iOS Frameworks: Combine, UIKit Dynamics, CoreLocation, MapKit, Core Bluetooth, Core Graphics, AVFoundation, CloudKit, CoreData, EventKit, WidgetKit, ActivityKit, CoreML, VisionKit, AVKit

User Interface: SwiftUI & UIKit, Interface Builder, Storyboards, Xibs, Auto Layout, Adaptive layout, Xibs, Nibs, Size Classes, CA Layers, UIView, Animations, Core Plot, Core Graphics

iOS Development: Concurrency – GCD, Operations, Async Await, Delegation, Structs, Protocols, Apple Pay

Troubleshooting & Testing: Memory Management, Instruments, Code Review, Unit Testing, TestFlight, XCTest, Automated Testing

Work Experience

CVS Health / Denver, Colorado Since April 2024 - Present

Sr. iOS Developer – Aetna Health App

As a Senior iOS Developer at CVS Health, I assisted with secondary features to allow the main team to focus on live chat implementation. My contributions included fixing various UI and unit test issues, refactoring several screens from UIKit to SwiftUI (such as the list and checkout flow), and enhancing accessibility features with Voice Over and Voice Control. I also refined tasks for clarity, added test cases for new SwiftUI views and viewmodels, and conducted code reviews for my team and other teams.

•Resolved various UI defects and unit test issues to enhance app stability and performance.

•Transitioned multiple screens from UIKit to SwiftUI, including lists, checkout flows, and payment changes.

•Improved task descriptions for clarity and ease of understanding.

•Added test cases for new SwiftUI views and viewmodels.

•Implemented Voice Over, Voice Control, and other accessibility features.

•Conducted code reviews for team members and cross-functional teams to ensure high code quality.

•Developed features to enable users to access and save their ID cards to Apple Wallet.

•Implemented tracking functionalities for users to monitor spending and progress towards meeting their deductible.

•Integrated tools for users to check their Health Savings Accounts, Health Reimbursement Accounts, and Flexible Spending Accounts.

•Created interfaces to allow users to view plan summaries and coverage information.

•Designed features for users to see claims and Explanation of Benefits.

•Built search capabilities for users to find in-network doctors, facilities, and other healthcare providers.

•Implemented search functionalities for users to locate MinuteClinic services within CVS Pharmacy and Target locations.

•Developed appointment scheduling features for MinuteClinic visits.

•Integrated telehealth services, enabling users to connect with doctors via phone or video.

TECHNOLOGIES USED: Xcode, Github, Rally, Confluence, SwiftLint, Cisco AnyConnect, Zscaler, CircleCI

T-Mobile / Bellevuw, WA May 2020 – Apr 2024

Sr. iOS Developer – T-Mobile DIGITS App

In my role as a senior iOS developer at T-Mobile, I managed a diverse set of responsibilities. This encompassed creating user interfaces and experiences using Xcode and UIKit, navigating through different frameworks and SDKs, validating, and integrating JSON data, conducting accessibility checks, and executing unit tests. Beyond that, I played a pivotal role in team growth by engaging in scrum meetings, co-designing project structures (MVVM), leveraging tools such as JIRA and bitbucket, aiding in bug resolution and architectural challenges, guaranteeing timely task accomplishment, and guiding the team in adopting emerging technologies.

•Responsible for comprehensive UI/UX creation using Xcode and UIKit, including framework utilization, SDK creation, and testing.

•Proficient in JSON parsing, accessibility inspections, and rigorous unit testing. Additionally adept at various other essential development tasks.

•Implementing Viper architecture with design patterns like observer, factory, singleton, facade, decorator, and protocols.

•Planned and architected iOS applications using MVVM and MVC architectures, driving scalability and maintainability while adhering to industry best practices.

•My contributions spanned different frameworks app uses, with focus on SVProgressHUD, SnapKit, PromiseKit, and many native frameworks.

•Testing involved collaboration with the QA department, addressing their findings, and utilizing Postman for Rest API testing.

•To expedite development, integrated various third-party frameworks via CocoaPods and employed Realm NoSQL for data storage.

•Managed Google account authentication using Google frameworks, oversaw the transition from CVS to Git for version control, and employed NSOperations for threading and memory management.

•Troubleshooting involved using memory graph debugger, LLDB debugger commands, and breakpoints for root cause analysis.

•Mentored and coached junior developers, conducted regular code reviews, and provided constructive feedback to enhance their skills and productivity.

•Actively participated in agile ceremonies, such as daily stand-ups, sprint planning, and retrospectives, to ensure efficient project management and timely delivery of features.

•Despite system-wide challenges, I innovated to keep the project on track and met deadlines.

•Managed feature requirements alongside development, adhering to Visio design specifications.

•Managing network communications involved a proprietary SDK, serving as an intermediary between the server and client.

•Orchestrated messaging activities through SDK APIs, handling signaling for message transmission.

•Real-time server communication and call management were achieved through WebSocket implementation for audio/video calls and whiteboard functionalities.

•UI development aligned with UI/UX team designs for messaging, calls, and conferencing modules, while backend signalling in the iOS app remained a primary area of focus.

DuoLingo / Los Angeles, CA March 2019 – April 2020

Sr. iOS Developer – DuoLingo App

In the first tab the app uses Core Location to present the different stores in which the user has been or the stores that the user can access with the application. My Languages sec-tion of the application was created using a Scrollview with custom views. The application keeps a history of the different lessons finished, started, and not started For this and some other details we use CoreData to store the information lo-cally and web services to store on the server. Communication with the server using Rest services.

•Used Web services consumption using JSON to retrieve the information of different languages where the user can get a brief description of locations used, approximate number of people speaking, etc.

•When the user clicks in one of the language pages, a detail view presented to him/her using the Navigation Controller

•Migrated of code from Objective-C to Swift using bridging headers and translation

•Assisted with code review for the new functionalities written in swift to ensure it follows the best practices

•Customized of UIButtons, Views, Layers and TabBars to meet the client design guidelines

•Communicated with social sites such as Facebook, Twitter and mailing services

•Used instruments for battery, CPU, and memory usage to optimize code

TECHNOLOGIES USED: JSON, Restful, Core location, Scroll Views, Views, UIButtons, CALayer, Tab Bar, Facebook API, Twitter API, Instruments

Ellation / San Francisco, CA September 2017 - March 2019

Sr. iOS Developer – VRV App

The VRV app works in conjunction with a web app in which the user needs to have an account. Worked with Airplay streaming service. Communication with the server was en-sure using REST services and PushNotifications. Subclassing and customization of UIViews, UIButtons and UITableView-Cells to improve the presentation of the user interface. Use of NSOperation for deeper control of the execution se-quence with the back end.

•Worked with improving UI for New iPhone X to accommodate safeAreaLayout

•Backtracked developing issues using NSLogs and breakpoints

•Parsed information using JSON Decoder/JSON parsing

•Migrated UI design of the application from XIBs to Storyboards and AutoLayout to improve the deployment of the application in both devices iPad and iPhone

•Implementation of UITableviews with its delegate meth-ods to present the different aspects of the application

TECHNOLOGIES USED: REST, Push Notifications, XML Parsing, JSON Parsing, XIB, Storyboard, Size Classes, Constraints, NSOperation, NSLogs, Breakpoints

OpenTable / San Francisco, CA April 2016 - September 2017

iOS Developer – OpenTable App

The OpenTable app is used for finding open tables at select restaurants. Geocoding involved to look for open tables all around United states. Map Kit implementation to draw pins and annotations. Use of the Core Location libraries to get the location of the different restaurants. Design of the application was implemented using Story Boards, XIBs and Auto Layout Constraints. Customization of the controls was approach using the editor in combination with programmatic statements. Use of different controls offered by Xcode, including UIButtons, UILabels, UITableViews and cells, UIViews and TabBar Controllers.

•Communication with the server using REST services with JSON parsing

•Implementation of the NSURLSession to request and post information to the server

•NSJSONSerialization class was used to parse the information into dictionaries

•Use of the third party framework called Core plot to cus-tomize some UI Controls

•Mainly worked with Geocoding implementation and the consumption of the web services

•Backtracking different issues generated during the im-plementation using Break Points, NSLogs, and Instruments

•Communication with social sites such as Facebook, Twit-ter and mailing services

TECHNOLOGIES USED: Core Location, Map Kit, UIKit, NSJSONSerialization, NSURLSession, Instruments, Storyboards, Constraints

CNN / Atlanta, Georgia January 2015 - April 2016

iOS Developer – CNN App

The entire CNN app was designed in Swift 1.2. Sign in was done using oAuth 2.0 Authentication. Keychain sharing was set up to share credentials between multiple apps (Single Sign On). All organizational information was retrieved from the server. Worked extensively with Apple Watch development and compatibility. The app was localized and multiple custom views were created for different locales. Ability to switch the application to different modes: Production, App Store, Development, Cert and QA. Used Crashlytics and Google Ana-lytics for analyzing app usage and crashes. The application used two Singleton classes to maintain the state of the application and the environment. Builds were automated using Jenkins.

•Analyzing reports for debugging and improvement purposes.

•Worked with legacy Objective-C including bug fixes and AFNetworking framework

•Worked on Authentication and Single Sign On features

•Design and create multiple views for different screen sizes and different execution modes

•Worked on critical bug fixes using breakpoints and Unit Tests

•Worked on Notifications and Protocols to improve app communication

TECHNOLOGIES USED: URLSession, Git, Agile, JSON, Restful, AutoLayout, CNN API, Scroll Views, Views, UIButtons, CALayer


Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Georgia College & State University (GCSU)

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