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Database testing sql,web testing,mobile testing,api testing

Sunnyvale, CA, 94086
40$ per hr
June 27, 2024

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Email: PH: 408-***-****

Sr. QA Automation Engineer/SDET


•Senior Software Development Engineer in Test with over 8 years of experience in all phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC) for Web-based applications, mobile apps, client-server applications, cloud, and APIs. I have diverse experience in automation and manual testing across various domains such as IT, Finance, Healthcare, Insurance, E-commerce, Gaming, and Banking.

•Implemented Appium with Java for automated testing of mobile applications across iOS and Android platforms. Validated mobile app functionalities such as user login, navigation, and data synchronization.

•Test app behavior under different network conditions (3G, 4G, Wi-Fi) and offline scenarios.Test integration with iOS-specific functionalities like push notifications, Touch ID, and iCloud.

•Extensive experience in all types of testing, levels of testing and understanding of Agile/Scrum, V-model, Rapid Application Development (RAD) and Waterfall methodologies.

•Expertise in different Bug Tracking & test management Tools like Quality Center, Bugzilla, JIRA,qtest,Zephyr scale, testrail, Azure DevOps, mantis, GitLab,HP-ALM and github for executing test cases, defect tracking and status reporting.

•Designed and implemented a modular test automation framework using Rest Assured and Java to support testing of RESTful APIs across multiple projects. The framework included capabilities for parameterization, data-driven testing, and reporting.

•Proficient in Rest Assured framework, JSON/XML validation, authentication flows (OAuth2), error handling, and integration with CI/CD pipelines.

•Created comprehensive test suites in SOAPUI to verify API functionalities such as authentication, authorization, and data retrieval.Defined assertions (e.g., XPath, JSONPath) to validate response payloads, HTTP status codes, and headers.

•Developed and maintained automation frameworks using tools like Appium, XCTest, Espresso, and UI Automator.

•Proficient in SQL query development, database management systems (e.g., Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL), performance tuning, and data validation.

•Proficient in using JMeter for load testing, API testing, and database performance testing. Experienced in scripting, parameterization, assertion validation, and performance analysis using JMeter plugins and integrations.

•Extensive experience in Selenium WebDriver, TestNG, Cucumber, Java, Python, JavaScript, and various automation frameworks (POM, BDD/TDD, data-driven, hybrid, keyword-driven).

•Implemented a modular automation framework using Selenium WebDriver and TestNG in Java for automating regression tests of a web-based CRM system. Designed the framework to support parallel execution and integrated it with Jenkins for continuous integration.

•Developed automated test scripts in Java to validate user authentication and authorization workflows using Selenium WebDriver. Used Page Object Model (POM) for maintaining reusable components and enhancing test script maintainability.

Professional Experience

Senior Software Development Engineer Test

Company: Qualitest, Sunnyvale, CA March 2024 to Present

Client: Paul Hastings LLP


Created automated tests for login functionality using Appium's WebDriver protocol, verifying authentication flows and error handling across different device resolutions and OS versions.

Automated tests for shopping cart functionality using Appium, validating product selection, checkout process, and payment integration on various devices.

Reported UI-related defects such as layout inconsistencies, font rendering issues, and alignment problems across devices.

Developed automation scripts for Mobile Native applications on iOS and Android platforms using Appium and Java.

Automated tests for payment processing on Android using Espresso and on iOS using XCTest, verifying transaction flows, error handling, and integration with third-party APIs.

Configured Jenkins jobs to trigger Appium and XCTest tests automatically on each code commit to GitHub repositories.

Automated tests for core features such as user authentication, data synchronization, and push notifications using Detox for iOS and Android emulators/simulators.

Verified app behavior on various screen resolutions, device orientations, and OS versions to ensure consistent user experience.

Set up Android Studio Profiler to monitor CPU usage, memory allocation, and network activity during app execution on Android devices.

Used GPU rendering profiles in Android Studio Profiler to detect UI rendering issues such as overdraw, layout inefficiencies, and excessive view redraws.

Analyzed heap dumps and memory allocation using Android Memory Profiler or Xcode Memory Graph Debugger to identify objects with high memory footprint and potential memory leaks.

Test app behavior under different network conditions (3G, 4G, Wi-Fi) and offline scenarios.

Test integration with iOS-specific functionalities like push notifications, Touch ID, and iCloud.

Verified app installation, uninstallation, and updates from app stores (Google Play Store, Apple App Store).Test compatibility and data migration during app upgrades from older to newer versions.

Test app performance and behavior on real devices as well as emulators/simulators.Validate app behavior under different network conditions, device orientations, and hardware configurations.

Senior Test Engineer

Company: TCS, Hyderabad, Telangana, India May 2022 to Dec 2023

Client: Cummins Inc


Implemented Page Object Model (POM) architecture to enhance test maintenance and readability.

Integrated TestNG as the test runner framework for managing test cases and generating detailed reports.Executed tests across multiple browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari) using WebDriver capabilities and browser-specific drivers.

Defined feature files in Gherkin language to specify test scenarios in a human-readable format.Wrote Given-When-Then steps to outline test actions and expected outcomes.

Implemented step definitions in Java using Cucumber's @Given, @When, and @Then annotations to map feature file steps to executable code.

Integrated Cucumber with Selenium WebDriver to automate scenarios defined in feature files.Generated Cucumber HTML reports to provide stakeholders with detailed test execution results and scenario statuses.

Prepared test data in Excel or CSV formats to cover positive and negative test scenarios (e.g., valid user data, invalid email formats).Used Apache POI (Java) or pandas (Python) libraries to read and manage test data.

Designed test cases using keywords and mapped them to test steps in Excel or XML-based test scripts.Developed an execution engine in Java or Python to interpret test steps and execute corresponding keywords.

Managed test scripts and automation frameworks using Git for version control, collaborating with development teams on feature branches and pull requests.

Configured Jenkins pipelines to automate the execution of Selenium tests triggered by code commits, ensuring continuous integration and delivery of quality builds.

Managed project dependencies and build configurations using Maven, facilitating project scalability and dependency management.

Used JUnit for unit testing of Java components and integration with Selenium test suites, ensuring robustness and reliability of test cases.

Leveraged AWS for cloud-based testing infrastructure, scaling Selenium WebDriver tests for large-scale performance and compatibility testing.

Interacted with web elements and validated front-end behavior using Selenium WebDriver with HTML, XML, Angular, and Node.js applications.

Tested asynchronous web applications and validated HTTP requests/responses using Selenium WebDriver and appropriate debugging tools.

Automated database validations using SQL queries and JDBC connections to ensure data integrity and consistency in a healthcare management system. Integrated database checks within Selenium test suites to validate end-to-end data flow.

Writing/Executing Build Verification, Regression test cases using QTP. Performed regression testing for fixes using QTP and closed the defects in Quality Center.

•Created Test Suites and performed parameterization using properties files for SOAPUI test cases and sent SOAP requests to check web services data by transferring the response using Groovy Script (Property Transfer) and analyzed the response.

QA Automation Engineer

Company: Oracle, Hyderabad, Telangana, India Jan 2020 to April 2022

Client: Oracle Insurance Policy Administration


•Developed JMeter scripts to simulate various API requests (GET, POST, PUT) across different microservices. Validated response times, throughput, and error rates under normal and peak load conditions. Used JMeter assertions to verify JSON/XML response content and validate API functionality.

•Configured JMeter to simulate concurrent user sessions performing typical user interactions (login, browse, search, checkout). Used CSV data sets for parameterization to simulate different user profiles and behaviors. Monitored server metrics (CPU, memory usage) and analyzed JMeter aggregate reports to identify performance bottlenecks and scalability issues.

•Configured JMeter to send requests through the API gateway to backend services. Evaluated gateway response times, request routing efficiency, and throughput under varying loads. Used JMeter distributed testing to simulate geographically distributed users and measured API gateway scalability and resilience.

•Automated JMeter test execution using CI/CD scripts and plugins. Configured pipeline jobs to trigger JMeter tests on code commits or scheduled builds. Generated performance reports and trend analysis using JMeter plugins or custom scripts. Used CI/CD integration to enforce performance thresholds and prevent performance regressions in application releases.

•Deployed JMeter in distributed mode across cloud instances (e.g., AWS, Azure) to simulate thousands of concurrent users. Validated auto-scaling mechanisms by increasing and decreasing load dynamically. Monitored cloud infrastructure metrics and application performance metrics to ensure scalability, elasticity, and cost efficiency in cloud deployments.

•Integrated JMeter with security testing tools (e.g., OWASP ZAP) to simulate DDoS attacks or SQL injection attempts while measuring application response times and server resilience. Analyzed combined test results to identify performance degradation under security stress and recommended mitigations to improve application security and performance simultaneously.

•Created JDBC samplers in JMeter to execute complex SQL queries against the database. Generated high concurrent load scenarios to measure database response times, transaction throughput, and identify SQL query optimizations. Analyzed JMeter listeners and server-side logs to diagnose database locking issues and optimize database configurations for better performance.

•Configured Postman to create collections and test scripts for load testing scenarios (e.g., concurrent user bookings, search queries).

•Defined and executed load tests using Postman monitors to simulate peak traffic conditions and measure API response times.

Test Engineer

Company: Ivy Comptech, Hyderabad, India July 2018 to Dec 2019

Client: GVC group Gambling Facilities and Casinos


Manually validated database schema changes before a major release by Using Oracle SQL Developer to compare database schemas between development and production environments. Reviewed DDL scripts and executed SQL queries to ensure schema modifications adhere to design specifications. Verified table structures, indexes, constraints, and relationships.

Manually verified data integrity after a data migration process by Executing SQL queries in Oracle SQL Developer to sample and compare data between source and target databases. Validated the accuracy and completeness of migrated data, ensuring no data loss or discrepancies. Used SQL scripts to identify and reconcile data anomalies or inconsistencies.

Manually tested complex SQL queries for a reporting module.Developed and executed SQL queries in Oracle SQL Developer's query editor. Verified query logic, retrieved data accuracy, and performance. Used SQL Developer's explain plan feature to optimize query execution by analyzing indexes, table scans, and join operations.

Manually performed data manipulation tasks for a critical database update by Using SQL Developer to insert, update, or delete test data within the database. Executed transactional SQL scripts to simulate various scenarios, such as data rollback testing or error handling validation. Verified the impact of data changes on application functionality and database performance.

Developed an automated testing framework for SQL database testing by Implementing a testing framework using tools like TestNG, JDBC, or JUnit. Automated database schema validation, data integrity checks, and stored procedure testing. Integrated SQL scripts into continuous integration (CI) pipelines (e.g., Jenkins) for automated execution on code changes.

Automated regression testing for critical SQL queries and stored procedures by Creating automated test scripts in Oracle SQL Developer or using scripting languages like Python or PowerShell. Developed parameterized tests to validate different input data sets against SQL queries. Scheduled automated tests to run periodically to detect regression issues early.

Automated testing of ETL processes between databases using Oracle SQL Developer by Developing automated scripts to validate data extraction, transformation, and loading operations. Used SQL Developer to execute SQL queries against source and target databases, verifying data accuracy, completeness, and consistency throughout the ETL workflow.

Used Oracle SQL Developer's query editor to develop, execute, and debug SQL queries and scripts. Leveraged SQL Developer's syntax highlighting, code completion, and formatting features for efficient query development.

Managed database schemas, tables, indexes, and constraints using Oracle SQL Developer's schema browser. Created and modified database objects, and performed data manipulation tasks (inserts, updates, deletes) directly within SQL Developer.

Software Quality Assurance Engineer

Company: Ebix Private Limited Hyderabad, India July 2016 to June 2018

Client: Nationwide Insurance


•Reviewed and analyzed Business Requirement documents,SRS documents and created Test Plan, Test Cases, test suites, RTM in Qtest manager for the Functional, Integration, end-to-end, regression, retesting, sanity, ad-hoc, Usability and smoke testing to cover the overall quality assurance testing.

•Developed automated test scripts using Rest Assured in Java to send HTTP requests (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) to API endpoints.

•Implemented assertions to validate response status codes, response headers, and JSON/XML response payloads.

•Developed automated tests for complex test scenarios such as testing CRUD operations, handling nested JSON payloads, and validating response headers and status codes.

•Integrated Rest Assured tests into Jenkins CI/CD pipelines, ensuring automated execution on code commits and nightly builds. Implemented parallel test execution for faster feedback loops.

•Implemented Rest Assured tests to simulate OAuth2 authorization flows (e.g., obtaining access tokens, refreshing tokens).

•Verified API endpoints that require authentication, ensuring only authorized users can access protected resources.

•Tested token expiration scenarios and handled token management in Rest Assured tests.

•Developed comprehensive test suites in Postman covering functional testing of RESTful APIs, including validation of request payloads, response codes, and response structures.

•Automated end-to-end API testing workflows using Postman collections and Newman CLI for continuous integration, enabling seamless integration into CI/CD pipelines.

•Integrated Postman with external systems (e.g., Jenkins, GitLab) for automated execution and reporting of API tests, facilitating continuous testing and deployment processes.

•Send SOAP requests with different input data to validate responses against expected results.

Technical Skills:

Testing Tools: Selenium WebDriver/IDE/GRID

Languages: HTML, CSS, Java

Test Framework: TestNG

Build Tools: Maven

Project Methodologies: Agile-Scrum

CI/BDD Tools: Jenkins, Cucumber

Defect Tracking Tools: Jira, HP ALM, Quality Center

Version Control Tool: GIT, SVN, CVS

Web Services: SOAP UI, Postman, Restful

Databases: SQL, Oracle

Operating Systems: Windows variants, UNIX

Performance testing-Jmeter

Education Details:

Bachelor of Engineering, Electronics and Communications (2012-2016) from CVR College of Engineering, Hyderabad, India.

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