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Sr IOS developer

Charlotte, NC, 28262
June 24, 2024

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Soft Skills



Change Agent




Team Management


Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from the University of Central Florida, Orlando


IT Professional-iOS Development

Profile Summary

•High-energy & focused IT professional with over 12 years of experience in iOS app development having expertise in SDLC

•Proficient in both Objective-C and Swift, with a focus on developing efficient multithreaded workflows using GCD and NSOperations

•Extensive expertise in various design patterns, including MVC, MVVM, VIPER, KVO, KVC, Singleton, Delegate, Observer/Notification, Adapter, Factory, and Façade

•Strong background in parsing JSON and XML web service responses, utilizing 1st party and 3rd party frameworks such as CocoaPods, AFNetworking, RESTKit, Alamofire, Codable, and JSON serialization

•Skilled in constructing application UIs using a combination of Storyboards, XIBs, and programmatic approaches

•In-depth experience working with Core Data for efficient data persistence between application sessions, including a comprehensive understanding of Managed Object Model, Managed Object Context, Managed Object, and Persistent Store Coordinator

•Familiarity with local storage solutions like NSUserDefaults, Keychain, and Archiving

•Proficient in version control systems, including both SVN and Git, and exposure to continuous integration tools like Jenkins

•Expertise in Agile/SCRUM methodology and Waterfall, with a strong commitment to Test Driven Development, covering both UI and Unit tests, aiming for 80% coverage

•Comfortable working independently as a solo developer or collaboratively within larger teams, ensuring effective coordination for the delivery of complex projects

•Experienced in coordinating with onsite and offshore teams, ensuring seamless collaboration

•Skilled in working with SQLite Database, Google Maps API, Apple MapKits, GPS Location, In-app billing, Push Notifications, and adherence to Apple's privacy guidelines for personal user data

•Experienced in implementing multi-threading using Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) and NSOperationQueue

•Proficient in integrating services using RESTful and SOAP Web Services

•Hands-on experience with a variety of frameworks, including UIKit, MapKit, Speech, AVFoundation, CoreData, CoreLocation, XCTest, Multimedia, QuartzCore, Crashlytics, Core Bluetooth, Core Graphics, AppKit, and CoreMotion

Technical Skills

•Languages – Swift, Objective-C, C/C++, Python, Assembly, Unix, MatLab, Visual, Basic, Verilog

•Databases – SQLServer, SQLite, MySQL, Mongo DB

•Web Services – REST, SOAP, (JSON/XML)

•IDEs - XCode, Visual Studio, Android Studio

•Architecture Patterns: MVVM, MVP, MVC, VIPER

•Frameworks: CocoaPods, CocoaTouch, AFNetworking, AVFoundation, EventKit, CloudKit, MapKit, LocationKit, Reachability, Phrase

•Project: JIRA, Confluence, KanBan, Redmine, Basecamp, Slack

•Tools - Instruments, Analyzer

•Version Control - SVN, GIT, SourceTree, Tower, Command Line / Terminal, GitHub, Bitbucket

•Operation Systems - iOS, Windows, OS X, Linux

•Methodologies – PSP, SCRUM/AGILE, TDD

•Testing: Unit Testing, XCTest, Automated Testing

•Continuous Integration: Jenkins, Travis, Hudson


•User Journey: AppCenter, Firebase, NewRelic

•Persistence: Core Data, Keychain, NSCoding / NSKeyedArchiver, SQLite, PList, NSUserDefaults

Project Details

Sr. iOS Mobile App Developer


Compass Inc., Charlotte, NC

•Orchestrated the implementation of Combine in tandem with MVVM, fostering a robust and reactive architecture.

•Developed the application in the Swift language, ensuring a modern and efficient codebase

•Integrated CoreLocation and Google Maps API seamlessly, enhancing property listing discovery and location services

•Introduced concurrency using GCD and asynchronous closures in Swift, optimizing feature performance.

•Leveraged Core Data to persist favorited properties, ensuring a seamless and personalized user experience

•Streamlined 3rd-party dependency management with CocoaPods, enhancing code organization and maintainability

•Engineered a Swift version of NSOrderedSet, incorporating a red/black tree for efficient data structure handling

•Implemented de-coupling strategies using Liskov Substitution principles, integrating protocols and dependency injection

•Developed a Swift package utilizing Apollo CLI for code generation and introduced an experimental GraphQL module for posting comments on listings

•Utilized Apple Push Notifications for timely user alerts, enhancing user engagement

•Managed tasks efficiently using the Atlassian Suite and assigned and tracked tasks through JIRA

•Automated select tasks with Fastlane, streamlining development workflows

•Employed Firebase for in-depth application analysis, gaining valuable insights into user behavior and performance

•Addressed numerous issues related to padding, spacing, fonts, colors, and more, ensuring a polished user interface

•Implemented unit tests with the XCTest framework, following a Test-Driven Development (TDD) approach

•Introduced error boxes for over 60 potential failing app flows, enhancing user feedback and experience

•Successfully published the consumer application to the Apple Store and the Enterprise Application for internal business use via TestFlight

•Crafted custom UI/UX solutions by combining SwiftUI and UIKit, delivering a visually appealing and cohesive application

•Implemented front-end code for custom searching and filtering based on rich parameters, offering users a tailored experience

•Conducted exhaustive testing of corner case scenarios using permutations and subsets

•Ensured overall app performance with Instruments, adding benchmarking tests using signposts and the Time Profiler

Sr. iOS Developer


Virgin Atlantic Airways Limited, Boston, MA

•Utilized Alamofire for seamless web service calls, parsing JSON responses with SwiftyJSON for efficient data handling

•Leveraged CoreLocation and GeoCoding to retrieve information for various features

•Collaborated within a development team comprising 5 iOS developers and 4 service developers, actively participating in GitHub repository management, including branch creation, merging, and pull requests

•Installed frameworks and tracked dependencies using CocoaPods, ensuring streamlined project development

•Consumed RESTful APIs to provide product information, utilizing NSJSONSerialization for parsing JSON responses

•Operated in an Agile environment with daily scrum, two-week sprints, sprint planning, and retrospectives

•Implemented continuous integration with Jenkins to deliver stable new code, releasing bug fixes and feature commits within the Agile framework

•Enhanced barcode scanning workflow to provide more detailed information about scanned items

•Developed various features, including the ability for users to filter and sort items based on nearby store inventory

•Crafted flows on the Apple Watch, allowing users to view and update relevant information while shopping

•Developed new features and functionality using Swift, with a bridging header to support both Objective-C and Swift codebases within the Xcode IDE

•Implemented AutoLayout constraints for graceful orientation handling, working with Storyboards to refactor UI layouts based on wireframes for an improved user experience

•Conducted extensive testing of application and business logic with unit tests using the XCTest framework

•Ensured efficient and timely release of bug fixes and new features to the production app within the Agile environment, following a robust quality procedure

Sr. iOS App Developer


Go Daddy, Atlanta, Georgia

•Collaborated with a cross-functional team, including Android developers, UX/designers, testers, and product managers, leveraging Slack for seamless communication

•Active participation in SCRUM ceremonies, contributing to a smooth transition from SCRUM to Kanban board

•Utilized XCode to programmatically create UI and implemented the MVVM architecture for the project.

•Implemented SwiftUI based on design specifications, introducing a banner/toast functionality for user interactions

•Managed dependencies efficiently using CocoaPods for third-party frameworks

•Task assignment and tracking were streamlined using JIRA, ensuring project progress and accountability

•Implemented SwiftGen code generator and translated Figma designs into precise UI components

•Contributed to enhancing the Payments section of the app, incorporating query parameters for API calls

•Completed cybersecurity/phishing training, prioritizing the security aspects of the project

•Executed GIT commands using terminal and SourceTree for version control

•Conducted thorough peer reviews for teammate branches, ensuring code quality with a dual-approval process for merges

•Implemented a bottom sheet feature to warn users before exiting a screen, meeting acceptance criteria

•Enabled multilingual support by implementing localization for text in both English and French

•Utilized XCTest for bug fixes, addressing a significant issue related to incorrect refund amounts in transactions

•Worked on analytics to ensure data returned as intended and contributed to Unit Tests for existing screens, striving for 80% coverage

•Leveraged Kingfisher for efficient image processing and caching

•Source controlled the project with GIT on GitHub and documented project details using Confluence

iOS App Developer


Nissan North America Inc., Franklin, TN

•Established, configured, and took charge of the build release processes using HockeyApp, ensuring seamless deployment

•Developed the project with Swift 4.1, incorporating Equatable and synthesized support for the Hashable protocol

•Completed the project with a well-structured MVVM architecture, promoting code maintainability and scalability

•Implemented a hybrid approach with a combination of Storyboard and Programmatic UI components for a dynamic user interface

•Configured and executed Deep Linking and integrated Push Notifications with Urban Airship for enhanced user engagement

•Applied Flow coordinators to manage backend responses and screen routing efficiently during the app launch

•Leveraged protocol-oriented programming for streamlined and efficient service calls

•Collaborated closely with the UI/UX team, translating design specifications from Invision into functional UI screens

•Led the project development in an Agile environment, taking on the role of Scrum Master, assigning tasks, and driving Sprint planning

•Created multiple custom UI components to align with designs, optimizing the overall UI/UX

•Implemented GitFlow for version control, following a branching model development workflow

•Integrated Crash Reporting using Crashlytics/HockeyApp for proactive issue identification and resolution

•Utilized URLSession to handle all service calls, incorporating caching strategies when necessary

•Implemented Keychain to safeguard sensitive data, such as tokens received during backend logins

•Led a team of three iOS developers, ensuring timely delivery in a fast-paced project environment while maintaining high-quality deliverables

•Managed other app functionalities using AVFoundation.

iOS Developer


Macy’s, New York, NY

•Conducted rigorous Unit testing using the XCTest framework to validate the accuracy and functionality of core logic within the Macy's iOS app

•Utilized MVVM architecture, to have the data model update reactively to UI changes

•Worked closely with TDD, developing Unit Tests to validate functionality and business logic as per determined requirements documentation

•Proficiently programmed the application using the Objective-C language, ensuring a robust and well-structured codebase

•Spearheaded a Proof of Concept (POC) project, exploring the feasibility of incorporating Swift into the app, evaluating its advantages and disadvantages

•App UI developed using Storyboards with Auto Layout, Constraints, and Size Classes and tested to ensure all screens were user-friendly on the app

•Invoked RESTful web services using Parse and NSJSONSerialization to retrieve the latest information, such as coupons, promotions, and menu options

•Used Git, Jenkins, and JIRA for project management, version control, and bug tracking and testing with continuous integration

•Led the redesign of user profiles, incorporating advanced networking layers and NSURLSession to enhance existing network calls and accommodate new functionalities

•Overhauled the profile section to enable comprehensive in-app editing capabilities, enhancing the user experience

•Collaborated with the team to introduce a polling feature, empowering users to conduct surveys within their neighborhoods

•Implemented a streamlined view flow showcasing previous activities on the profile page, utilizing UITableViev and UITableViewCell subclasses

•Developed an efficient search functionality with new network calls, model objects, and JSON parsing, enabling users to search for posts within their neighborhoods

•Actively participated in peer code reviews, ensuring a bug-free codebase aligned with best practices, coding standards, and security protocols

•Utilized collaborative tools such as Jira, and Slack to facilitate effective communication and project tracking within the team

•Addressed and fixed bugs while implementing unit tests to cover edge cases, proactively preventing potential future issues

iOS Mobile Application Developer


Berkshire Hathaway, Irvine, CA

•Engineered a robust iOS application utilizing the MVVM architecture, promoting scalability and maintainability

•Demonstrated proficiency in Objective-C and Swift with Bridging Headers, addressing memory issues effectively using Instruments, particularly the Allocations and Time Profiler tools

•Orchestrated the installation of frameworks and managed dependencies seamlessly through CocoaPods.

•Implemented version control using SVN, ensuring effective collaboration and code management

•Employed push notifications to APNS, enhancing real-time communication capabilities

•Leveraged NSUser Defaults for secure storage of user information and efficient data management locally

•Tailored UIElements, including UIActionsheet, UIAlertView, UITableView, UICollectionView, and UIScrollView, contributing to a polished and user-friendly application interface

•Utilized Instruments for comprehensive performance profiling, memory, and power management, driving optimizations for enhanced app performance

•Spearheaded cross-departmental meetings, fostering an environment to explore revenue-generating and cost-saving ideas

•Consumed RESTful API services seamlessly with SwiftyJSON, ensuring the integration of real-time data from the backend

•Employed TestFairy for scenario testing, collaborating closely with QA teams to log and resolve issues efficiently

•Managed the Task assignment and tracking through JIRA, ensuring a systematic and organized approach to project management

Academic Projects

•Links to GitHub Project Repositories: WarioWare-Style Minigame

Languages used: C#

•Appointment Scheduling Web App Mockup

Languages used: JavaScript, CSS, HTML

•Local Database run with XAMPP

Languages used: SQL, JavaScript, CSS, HTML

Currently hosting & beta-testing a Minigame on the Google Play Store

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