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Java Developer Software Development

South Yarmouth, MA
June 18, 2024

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Java Full Stack Developer


Over all 7 years of full stack development experience in Analysis, Design, Development, Testing, and Maintenance of web-based, enterprise business applications using Java/J2EE technologies across the entire Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC).

Experience in following the Agile software development methodologies like Scrum, Sprint, and Traditional software models like Waterfall, Test-Driven Development (TDD).

Expertise in UI Design and Development using HTML/HTML5, DHTML, CSS/CSS3 (SASS, LESS), JavaScript, Bootstrap, JSP, Typescript, jQuery, JSON, XML and AJAX that follows W3C Web standards.

Proficient in Unified Modeling Language (UML) which includes creating use-Case diagrams, Class diagrams, Sequence diagrams, and Activity diagrams using Rational Rose Software.

Good knowledge of client-side JavaScript frameworks Angular 8/9/10/13 with NGRX, React JS with Redux, and Flux patterns to create unique and customized front-end applications.

Strong experience in developing responsive Single Page Applications (SPA) with Angular JS and JavaScript.

Hands on experience in using React JS JavaScript library for building interactive UI’s using one-way data flow, Virtual DOM, JSX, and React native concepts.

Experience in developing web-based applications using Servlets, JSP, JSTL, JSF (Prime Faces), EJB, JDBC, Swing, Struts, Applets, JSI, Java Persistence API (JPA), JNDI, MDB, and JMS.

Proficiency in Core Java concepts like Multithreading, I/O Streams, Exception Handling, Polymorphism, Garbage Collection, Socket Programming, Generics, and Java Collections.

Experience with Java 1.8 features such as Lambda expressions for making anonymous inline function calls by using Functional Interfaces, and Streams API for Bulk data operations on Collections.

Experience in working with SOA architecture by developing RESTful and SOAP based web services using JAX-RS, JAX-WS, WSDL, Apache Axis2, Apache CXF, Jackson, Spring REST, and Jersey frameworks.

Worked on validating RESTAPI’s using Postman and automated the documentation using Swagger and WADL.

Good experience in developing test cases with JUnit, Mockito for Unit testing in Test Driven Development.

Used Log4J, SLF4J, Splunk for extensible logging, debugging, and error tracking.

Strong understanding of common API technologies such as OAuth2, SAML, Spring Boot, and Microservices.

Experience in message streaming by using Apache Kafka, JMS, and message brokers such as ActiveMQ, RabbitMQ for information exchange across the java applications.

Good experience on working with Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud services like EC2, S3, RDS, Dynamo DB, Elastic Load Balancing, Elastic beanstalk, SNS, SQS, and IAM.

Developed services that utilize AWS SDKs (Dynamo DB, Elastic Beanstalk, Lambda Function).

Familiar with Cloud Formation, Cloud Watch, Cloud Front, and managing security groups on AWS.


Bachelor’s of Technology in Civil Engineering Malla Reddy Engineering College - 2017

Master of Science in Business Analytics University of New Haven, CT- 2023


AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner


Programming Languages

Java (8/11/17), C, C++, SQL, PL/SQL., Shell Scripting, JavaScript, Python.

Software Methodologies

Agile, Scrum, SDLC Waterfall, TDD.

J2EE Technologies

Servlets (3.1, 3.0, 4.0), JSP (2.x), JDBC, JNDI, EJB (3.x), JSF, JSTL, Java Beans XSD, JAX-RS, JAX-WS, SOAP, WSDL, Axis, Apache CXF, Java Security.

Web Technologies

HTML5, DHTML, XML, CSS3, jQuery, AJAX, Bootstrap 4/5, XSLT, JSON, Angular 8/9/10/13, ReactJS, Node JS, Express JS, Angular JS, XSL, XSD.

Web service Frameworks

Spring 6.x, Hibernate 5.6, Struts 6.x, Spring MVC, Spring IOC, Spring Boot 3.2.x, Spring AOP, Spring Web Flow, JSF, JUnit 4/5, Hibernate, JPA.

Web Services


Design patterns

Singleton, Factory, Data Transfer Object, Facade, Data Access Object, MVC.


Oracle, MS SQL Server, MySQL, Postgres SQL, Mongo DB, Cassandra.

O-R Mapping

Hibernate, JPA, JDBC.

Testing Tools/Others

Junit, Mockito, Log4J, Postman.

Cloud Technologies/DevOps


AWS, EC2, Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF), Azure, Docker, Kubernetes JIRA, Jenkins.

Build Tools

Maven, Ant, Gradle.

Version Control Tools

GIT, GITHUB, SVN, Bit Bucket, CVS.

Application/Web Servers

Web Logic Server 12c, Web Sphere Application Server 9.x, Apache Tomcat 9.x, Apache HTTP Server, JBoss.

Operating Systems

Windows, Linux, Unix, Mac OS.


Client: Huntington Bank, Columbus, OH July 2023 to Till date

Role: Sr. Java Full Stack Developer


Engaged in the complete Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), covering Analysis, Design, Development, Integration, and Testing phases.

Worked on creating restful API using spring boot in Java.

Worked on integrating third party api’s like Blend, optimal blue in the loan system.

Worked on generating authentication token for loan system.

Implemented Spring Boot services in combination with React.js as front end to form a Micro-service oriented application.

Developed powerful Single page Application responsive Web Application and utilizing the features of Angular 8.

Actively participated in SCRUM meetings, following the Agile methodology to facilitate effective project tracking and prompt issue resolution for continuous improvement.

Developed cutting-edge Single Page Applications (SPA) using the latest technologies including HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Bootstrap4, Angular 11, Angular CLI, Typescript, and JQuery, ensuring the creation of modern and responsive user interfaces.

Utilized Angular CLI and Typescript in Angular 11 to meticulously craft Controllers and Components, showcasing proficiency in web page development.

Designed and implemented web pages with Angular 11 directives, expressions, routing capabilities, filters, validations, and various Angular UI components, thereby enhancing user interactivity and experience.

Implemented template-driven forms, reactive forms, and Angular 11 pipes to transform data in alignment with client requirements, ensuring efficient data processing.

Created custom directives in Angular 11 for reusable components, enhancing the maintainability and scalability of the application.

Developed services using Angular 11 injectable property, optimizing application performance through Angular 11 Lazy loading and ahead-of-time compilation.

Applied Core Java concepts, including Multithreading, File Handling I/O, Collection frameworks, and Exception handling, contributing significantly to robust backend development.

Leveraged Java 11 features such as improved HTTP Client, local-variable syntax for lambda parameters, and new methods in the java. API, thereby enhancing functionality.

Implemented projects utilizing the Spring MVC (5.3.x) framework for the business layer, incorporating Spring Core, DAO, Spring ORM, and Spring Web MVC.

Employed Spring Boot (2.4.x) for streamlined backend development, implementing Microservices using Spring Boot, and utilizing Spring IOC, AOP, and Spring Boot to ensure modularity.

Integrated Hibernate5.4.x with Spring for data abstraction, implementing DAO layers, and utilizing Hibernate query language (HQL) for efficient database interaction.

Implemented Microservices using Spring Boot for enhanced project modularity.

Established efficient communication through Apache Kafka.

Developed DAOs using JPA (2.0), Hibernate persistence API, and wrote complex SQL queries for efficient data access and manipulation.

Implemented a modern service-oriented architecture (SOA) using GraphQL, enabling seamless communication between components.

Utilized design patterns such as Session Facade, Business Delegate, Data Access Object (DAO), and Data Transfer Object (DTO) to achieve clean and scalable code architecture.

Proficiently deployed applications on Amazon Web Services (AWS), utilizing core services such as Amazon EC2 for scalable compute resources and Amazon S3 for secure and scalable object storage.

Configured and managed AWS Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) to establish secure and isolated network environments for applications, ensuring robust networking architecture.

Implemented AWS Elastic Load Balancing to distribute incoming application traffic across multiple EC2 instances, optimizing performance and ensuring high availability, further enhanced by Kubernetes scaling features.

Engaged in Junit5 testing, performing unit testing for each module, and utilized Postman (v7.x) and GraphQL for testing Restful web service endpoints.

Demonstrated expertise in leveraging Karma as a test runner, seamlessly integrating with Jasmine to automate testing processes and enhance overall development efficiency.

Leveraged JIRA for analysis and issue troubleshooting, Log4J for effective error logging, and Splunk for log data analysis and chart creation.

Managed version control using Bitbucket, performing code commits, and utilized Eclipse IDE for project development.

Deployed web application components on Apache Tomcat 9 Server for development and test environments.

Actively participated in daily scrum meetings, sprint planning, estimation of time for user stories, and retrospective meetings, contributing to collaborative development practices.

Emphasized Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) through tools such as Bitbucket and Maven (3.6.x), ensuring efficient and automated development pipelines.

Environment: JDK 11, J2EE, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap4, JavaScript, Angular 11, Typescript, jQuery, Express JS, Spring MVC (5.3.x), Spring Boot (2.4.x), Hibernate5.4.x, AJAX, Postman v7.x, GraphQL, Apache Kafka, Swagger, Splunk, AWS, MS SQL Server, Bitbucket, Apache Tomcat 9 Server, JIRA, SonarQube, Maven 3.6.x, Junit5, Jasmine, Karma, Log4J, Eclipse IDE, Dockers, Kubernetes, Jenkins

Hoch Technologies, India Sep 2021 – July 2022

Full Stack Java Developer


Engaged in all phases of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) using Agile Scrum methodology.

Developed a Single Page Application (SPA) using Angular 8, Typescript, Angular CLI, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript.

Utilized HTML5 for displaying the contents required on a web page, CSS3 for styling, and Bootstrap for quickly designing and customizing the web pages.

Worked with AngularJS Controllers, Filters, Validations, Service, Factory, and created custom directives to interact with the Restful services and connect with the backend.

Developed views using Angular-UI, and configured routing for various modules using Angular UI Router.

Implemented some of the new features of Angular 8 like new if-else syntax, ng-templates, form validators.

Implemented Angular form validations and used to show errors, warnings, and info messages.

Used Node Package Manager (NPM) for installing required Node modules and other Angular NPM modules.

Designed dynamic and browser-compatible pages using AJAX and developed code to call the web service/APIs to fetch and populate data on UI using AJAX.

Implemented Core Java Collections, Multithreading, Exception handling, Design patterns for functionality. Also worked on Java 8 functional programming concepts and lambda expressions.

Developed the backend of the application using Spring Boot and handled the authentication, authorization, and access-control features by using Spring Security.

Used Spring Dependency Injection, Spring MVC components, Spring Annotations, and other Spring Modules to implement the business layer and navigation part of the application.

Developed DAO’s using JPA, hibernate persistence API to interact and performed CRUD operations like Update, Delete, and Insert data on the MongoDB database.

Implemented Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) based RESTful Web services and made REST API calls from Angular and parsed the data to the client.

Rest APIs were exposed using the @RestController interface for producing and consuming JSON formatted data.

Developed XML Web Services for data transfer between client and server using SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI.

Worked with AWS services such as EC2, VPC, S3, EBS, and SNS contributing to the application's scalability and reliability.

Involved in creating JUnit, Mockito based unit test cases as the mocking technique for the objects under test.

Proficiently implemented and executed test suites using Jasmine and Karma, delivering thorough coverage for JavaScript and Angular applications.

Used Gradle for project management and creating JAR files and deployed it on the Web logic server.

Built applications using IntelliJ IDEA and used Log4J for application logging and tracking mechanisms.

Used SVN for version control management and code commits.

Used JIRA ticketing system to keep track of issues and to monitor the status of tasks assigned to individuals.

Conducted code reviews and made sure that best practices are maintained in the development process.

Environment: JDK 8, J2EE, Angular 8, Angular CLI, Typescript, Spring Boot, Hibernate5.2., AJAX, JSON, XML, XSD, Postman, SoapUI, RabbitMQ, MongoDB, Express JS, AWS, Web logic Server, SVN, JIRA, Gradle, JUnit, Mockito, Jasmine, Karma, Dockers, Kubernetes, Jenkins, Log4J, Sonar Lint, IntelliJ IDEA.

Big Works Technologies, India Oct 2017 to Sep 2021

Java/J2EE Developer


Conducted a comprehensive analysis of intricate business requirements, translating them into detailed use cases and creating comprehensive interaction, package, sequence, and class diagrams for the Web Components Framework.

Spearheaded the implementation of a Microservices architecture using Angular 4, Spring Boot (2.x), significantly enhancing the system's agility and scalability. This included crafting robust APIs and ensuring seamless communication between various microservices.

Orchestrated the integration of client services through SPRING REMOTING and Web-services, ensuring smooth and efficient data exchange between different components of the application.

Integrated the Media One platform seamlessly with client services, Ad networks, and third-party reporting tools using Kafka. This contributed to a cohesive and well-functioning system.

Leveraged Kafka for real-time data processing and as a foundation for building an event-driven architecture. This ensures the system can handle events and data updates in real-time.

Utilized Kafka in conjunction with Angular 4 and Velocity templates to dynamically render the user interface, providing an optimal user experience across various screen sizes and devices.

Implemented the MVC architecture using Angular 4 and the Media One framework, actively contributing to the enhancement of Middle Tier Development, which played a pivotal role in data processing and management.

Designed and implemented JCS object caching with Angular 4 to optimize system performance and reduce response times, resulting in an overall improvement in the application's efficiency.

Developed Business Classes using Spring IOC (Inversion of Control) and AOP (Aspect-Oriented Programming) features, ensuring a modular and maintainable codebase.

Employed Maven 3.x as the primary build tool with Angular 4, streamlining project management, dependency resolution, and build lifecycles for efficient and standardized development practices.

Utilized Hibernate 5.0 as the persistence framework for developing the DAO layer of the Media One application with Angular 4, managing data access and database interactions effectively.

Implemented XML for data and message exchange over HTTP with Angular 4, adhering to industry standards for interoperability and communication between different components.

Environment: Java8, J2EE, Spring Boot, Hibernate 5.0, AJAX, jQuery, JSP, Servlet, Apache Axis, REST APIs, XML, XSLT, DOM Parser, Web Services, SOAP, WSDL, JDBC, HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, TypeScrpt Angular 4 Log4j, Maven 3.x, Junit4, Mockito, GraphQL, JIRA, Dockers, Kubernetes, Jenkins, Azure, Spring MVC 4.x, Tomcat 8.0.x, Eclipse 4.5, My Eclipse, Cassandra.

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