"Warehose Sutety
Loatino and uni0adng
Hanciteid saNner
. Orde Pckg
Shippeng and recev ng
Etcent ltitasà ig
" Iventoru tonoi
. Materals Handing
" Waretouse layout
Derek Manning
derekmanning1978#gmail com
peika, AL 36804
Adept al enhancing warehouse operations, I spearhe aded initiatves at cV Holdings that signitkantly improved product quality and etfikiency. My expertise in forkitt operation and warehouse satety. coupled with a knack tor etficient multitaskang, has consistently boosted productivity and customer satistacion. My leadership in nventory control and layout optimization showases my abilits to dive results and maintain rigorous standards wORK HISTORY
luly 2016- uly 2024
Outbound Warehouse Associate, Knauf insulat1on, Lanett, AL
" Operated with satety and sk1ll to avoid ace:dents and delays
" Inspected trutks for malfunçt1ons and reported vehcles to management for cGrrectve ICtion
" Demonstrated safe driving by tollowuro regulafions and safety ptocedures. tesuiting in zero accidents
" Pulted frush product trom production line with clamp truck and stacked neatiy in warehouse while keeping track of correct inventary
" Ftiled orders trom pick list, scanned and loaded on tracto traiiet with cdamp truck.
" Unloaded tractor frailers transfers, nspected product for damages, and stacked neatly n warehouse
August 2010- December 201S
Warehouse Manager, Baker Distributng Company. Aubun. Al Conducted periodre audits of snventory levels to ensute accuracy. identityng discrepanves tor switt tesolution.
" Cleaned and naintained warehouse in compliance with O5HA safety slandards.
" Evaluated incoming shipments for quality issUes and processed unacceptable materials for retutn,
" Kept dotumentation and records accurate and up-to-date wth latest data to prevent esors in roces_ing or delivery.
Evalvated supplies and product inventury to chetk fcGr quality and quaoity issues and returned unacceptable materials to vendors.
Boosted customer sal1staction throgh tmeBy order tult1llment and accurate snventory tracking
" Stresmlned operations for faster order processing by updang warehouse layout and otganizatian
January 2005 -December 2010
ead Extruder Operator. CV Haldings. Auburn. AL
" Irnproved product quality by closely mon1toring extrusion process and mak1ng netesssry adjustments.
"Reduced dawrtime by performing tequla maontehance on exttusron equ«pment and mach1nery
" Developed <omp1ehensrye knowledor of raw matersals, enabiing prompt identihcation ot porential issues affecting product qual1ty ot machune perfomante Enhanced production etficiency bs troubleshooting ssues and itmplementng soButions quickly
" Ensured consistent product output by catibrat1ng extruders tu meet speitc requirements for each ob order.
" Changed out screens, dies, and nserts to ft ditterent producthon needs
" Took apart mxhinery. cleaned parts and replaced damaged or worn uut components
" Loaded and undoaded materiats fiom machunes 1o be processed EDUCATION
luly 1997
Diploma, Generai Educat:on
Opelika High School. Opelika AL
Forkift Doeaon