Reporting Agency I Report Number 'Crash Date I Crash Time ~t Scene Date rt Scene Time ME0100100 23-057881 7/27/2023 15:20 7/27/2023 15:25 City or Town Istreet or Highway Nearest Intersecting Street Bangor UNION ST Int of GRIFFIN RD UNION ST Road
Direction FROM Nearest Intersection to Crash Site l Distance From Nearest Inter. Latitude I Longitude
[Z]At Intersection 44.819260 -68.814850
Node 1 INode 2 teasurement Node I Distance to Scene /Posted Speed Limit 38884 Mlhs I Tenths M,Ies 25, Hour
B Unknown
B Not Posted 25
Not Posted 45
(F1 ) Type of Crash (F2) Type of Location
3 - Head-on / Sideswipe 4 - Four Leg Intersection
(F3) Weather Condition (F4) Light Condition
4 - Rain 1- Daylight
(F5) Road Grade (F6) Road Surface Condition
1- Level 2-Wet
(F7) Traffic Control Device Traffic Control Device Operational (pre-crash)? 1 -Traffic Signals (Stop & Go) [Z]Yes O No OUnk
(F8) Location of First Hanmful Event Total Damage over Threshold? 1 - On Roadway [Z]Yes ONo
(F9) Contributing Circumstances - Environment 1 (F9) Contributing Circumstances - Environment 2 1- None
(F10) Contributing Circumstances - Road 1 (F10) Contributing Circumstances -Road 2 1- None
In or Near a Construction, Maintenance, or Utility Work Zone? Work Zone Workers Present?
[Z]No O Unk OYes ONo O Unk
(F11 ) Location of the Crash related to Work Zone (F12) Type of Work Zone Law Enforcement Present at Work Zone? School Bus Related? Present D Law Enforcement Vehicle Only OYes, Directly Involved O Yes, Indirectly Involved [Z]No NARRATIVE CRASH DIAGRAM
On Thursday, July 27, 2023 at 15:20:00, Officer Lucas Libby responded to a crash at the intersection of UNION ST and Int of GRIFFIN RD UNION ST in Bangor Maine. At the time of the crash, the weather was rain and the road surface was wet. following Vehicles Vehicle #..1, . roadway operated an!by ! ran Conrad red light. Hanson Vehicle was westbound #1 was towed due __J, I I L to disabling damage to the front passenger corner. - IJSIO~S:ru!
- v1-- " - --
Vehicle #1 occupant(s) are listed below:
Vehicle #Driver: 2, operated Conrad by Hanson Tyler Field Injury: was (n~rth~ound 0) No Apparent following Injury 7_ljr roadway. Vehicle #2 was towed due to d1sablmg damage to the front.
Vehicle #2 occupant(s) are listed below: .
Driver: Tyler Field Injury: (0) No Apparent InJury Conrad stated that he ran a red light and didn't see it because of a truck that was in front of him. He then struck V2 !Address City State Zip Witness Last Name First Ml
Ml !Address City State Zip
Witness Last Name First
Non Vehicle Property Damage Description
O City or Town O Utilities
ddress City State Zip
Property Owner Name
Non Vehicle Property Damage Description
OCity or Town O Utilities
Property Owner Name City State Zip
Reporting Officer IBadge# l eport Date rpproved By Officer Lucas Libby 746 7/27/2023
Maine Department of Public Safety Page 1
sergeant John Robinson !Approved Date
Form 13:20 A Revised August 2018
Last Modified: 7/27/2023 16:56
Report Number
@ Unit ID Run? IVIN !License Plate I State l(U1) Unit Type 2 2HGFC2F63LH595419 lURASIC ME 1 - Passenger Car
!Insurance Company Name
INAIC Insurance Policy Number
O No Insurance 35882 GEICO GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY 462*******
(U2) Vehicle Make Vehicle Year l(U3) Vehicle Color 26-HONDA 2020 14-White
(U4 )Vehicle Configuration GVWR or GCWR
O< 10,000 lbs. 0 10,001 - 26,000 lbs. D > than 26.000 lbs. Vehicle Has g or More Seats?
OYes 0No
IHAZMAT Placarded?
Vehicle Travel Direction !{]Northbound
on Roadway
(US) Special Function Vehicle D Exempt Vehicle Emergency Vehicle Responding to Scene ? 1 - No Special Function OYes
Extent of Damage !{]Towed Due to Disabling Damage (U6) Most Damaged Area l(U7) Most Harmful Event ONo Damage Observed 0 Minor Damage Damage 12- Front 13 - Motor Vehicle in Transport Trailer 1 VIN !Trailer 1 Plate I State !Trailer 2 VIN !Trailer 2 Plate State
(U8) Pre Crash Actions (U9) Contributing Circumstances - Vehicle 1 - Following roadway 1- None
(U10) Sequence of Events 1 l(U1 0) Sequence of Events 2 21 - Motor Vehicle In Transport
(U1 0) Sequence of Events 3 l(U10) Sequence of Events 4
2- Automation 0 No Driver D Last System Bicycle Known In Operator D Vehicle License 0582331 I O (U11) Number - No Automation Automation !{]Active Levels 0 No In Vehicle License0Permit ME State J O (U11 - No ),~ Automation Automation cense Class Levels l~ndorsements Engaged restrictions DRIVER Last Name First Name Ml DRIVER Address City State Zip Field, Tyler C 19 Albert Lane, Glenburn ME 04401
Citation Number r-Jiolation 1 !Violation 2
OWNER Last Name (skip if same as Driver) First Name Ml OWNER Address City State Zip Field, Tyler C 19 Albert Lane, Glenburn ME 04401
\D1 a) Distracted By - Action l~b-) AotrAjpUcable{Not (D2) Condition at Time of Crash 0 - Not Distracted Distracted) 1 - Apparently Normal
(D3) Driver Actions at Time of Crash 1 (D3) Driver Actions at Time of Crash 2 D 1 - Law No Contributing Enforcement Suspects Action Alcohol Test I{] Test Not Given Refused D Blood Test I Alcohol BAC Result Alcohol Use 0 0ther Chemical Test (Not Field Sobriety or PBT) Result Pending D Law Enforcement Suspects
Drug Use
Drug Test ~ Test Not Given LJTest Refused I Drug Test Result OP .. O Other ositive
(D4) Non Motorist Location at Time of Crash (D5) Non Motorist Action Prior to Crash
(D6) Non Motorist Action at Time of Crash 1 (D6) Non Motorist Action at Time of Crash 2
(D7) Pedestrian Maneuvers (DB) Bicyclist Maneuvers PERSON TYPE 1-Driver, 2-Passenger, 3-Pedestrian, 6-Driver/Owner, ?-Bicycle, a-Passenger/Owner, 24-Last Known Operator 25-Last Known Operator/Owner SEAT ROW SEAT POSITION SEAT POSITION OTHER AIRBAG DEPLOYED RESTRAINT SYSTEM INJURY TYPE INJURY AREA INJURY DEGREE 1-Front Row 1-Left(driver) 1-Sleeper Section of Cab (truckJ1-Not Applicable 1-Not Applicable 1-Amputalion 1-Face 1-(K) Fatal Injury 2-Second Row 2-Middle 2-0ther Enclosed Cargo Area 2-Not Deployed 2-None Used - Motor Vehicle Occupant 2-Bleeding 2-Head 2-(A) Suspected Serious Injury 3-Third Row 3-Right 3- Unenclosed Cargo Aiea 3-Deployed - F~ont 3-Shoulder and Lap Belt Used 3-Broken Bones 3-Neck 3-(8) Suspected Minor Injury 4-Fourth Row 4-0ther 4-Trailing Unit 4-0eployed - Side 4-Shoulder Bell Only Used 4-Burns 4-Back 4-(C) Possible lnJury 5-0ther Row 5-Unknown 5-Riding on Motor Vehicle Ext 5-0eplored - Other 5-Lap Belt Only Used 5-Concussion 5-Arm(s) 5-(0)No Apparent Injury
(non-trailing unit) (knee, air belt, ... ) 6-Restraint Used -Other 6-Shock 6-Leg(s) 6-Unknown 6- Unknown 6-Deployed • 7-Child Restraint - Forward Facing 7-Dizziness 7-Chesl Stomach INJURY INFO SOURCE EJECTED Combination 8-Child Restraint - Rear Facing 8-Abrasion/Bruises 8-lnternal 1-0 fficer Observation 3-2-1-Not Ejected Ejected Ejected Partially Totally 2-HELMET 3-1-0ther No 00T-Helmet Compliant Helmet USE Motorcyc I e H e I me O-EXTRICATION Not t Extricated 7-Deployment or Not Applicable • Curtain . 9-1o.11-Child aooster Child Restraint Restraint-Seat - Used Other Incorrectly 9-10-Cornplaint 0ther of Pain 9-10-Enlire 0ther Body 2-Observation 3-Medical, lndividual Paramedical Statement 1-Extricated AMB CODES - see code sheet
Person Type Include Last Name. Driver, First Passengers, Name. Mo Bicyclist, and Pedestrians Extrication (M,Sex F.U) DOB Seat Row Pos Seat Pos cit~!Seat, Deployed Air Bag E1ected Restraint System Helmet Use Degree Injury Injury Type Injury Area Source lnj Info Code Amb 6 \Field, Tyler C 0 M 06/12/95 1 1 3 1 3 5 2 1
Maine Department 01 Public Safety Page 3 Form 13:20A Revi sed August 2018 Report Number
@ Unit~D 23-057881 Run?
!VI 1C6RR7FG2JS269060 N License 183AKZ Plate I State I1u1) Unit Type ME 5 - Pickup
N O No Insurance INAIC !Insurance Company Name
Geico !Insurance Policy Number
(U2) Vehicle Make
77- Ram
(U4)Vehicle Configuration
Vehicle Year l(U3) Vehicle Color
2018 18 - Grey, Silver
Vehicle Has g or More Seats ? IHAZMAT Placarded ? Vehicle Travel Direction GZ]No OYes GZ]No GZ] Westbound O Not on Roadway
0< 10,000 lbs. O 10,001 - 26,000 lbs. O > than 26.000 lbs. 1 (US) - No Special Special Function Function Vehicle O Exempt Vehicle Emergency Vehicle Responding to Scene ? Extent of Damage GZ]Towed Due to Disabling Damage (U6) Most Damaged Area O No Damage Observed D Minor Damage O Functional Damage 1 - Front Passenger Corner Trailer 1 VIN IT railer 1 Plate I State Trailer 2 VIN
(US) Pre Crash Actions
(U7) Most Harmful Event
13 - Motor Vehicle in Transport
O No
1 - Following roadway
(U10) Sequence of Events 1 J(U10) Sequence of Events 2
(U9) Contributing Circumstances - Vehicle
1- None
rrailer 2 Plate 'State
21 - Motor Vehicle In Transport I (U10) Sequence of Events 3 (U1 0) Sequence of Events 4 Automation System In Vehicle \(U11 ) Automation Levels In Vehicle (U11) Automation Levels Engaged Ii)\ 2 0Driver - No Bicycle D \License O Number - No Automation !{]Active O No LicenseO PermitlState o - No /License Automation Class !Endorsements /Restrictions Q Last Known Operator 4438113 IME C O 0
R DRIVER Last Name First Name Ml DRIVER Address City State Zip I
Hanson, Conrad P 2599 Union Street, Hermon ME 04401 Citation Number Pending O !Violation 1 Violation 2 V OWNER Last Name (skip if same as Driver) First Name Hanson, Conrad P
Ml OWNER Address City
2599 Union Street, Hermon ME 04401
Stale Zip
E (D1 a) Distracted By - Action
0 - Not Distracted
I [971>Distracted) ) NotrApplliable'{Not
(D2) Condition at Time of Crash
R (D3) Driver Actions at Time of Crash 1 (1 D3) - Apparently Driver Actions Normal at Time of Crash 2 4 - Law Ran Enforcement Red Light Suspects Alcohol Test GZ] Test Not Given . O T est Refused D Blood I D Alcohol Test . I I Alcohol BAC Resu lt D Alcohol Use O Breath D Urine O Other Chemical Test \Not F1e\d Sobriety or PBTJ Result Pending Law Enforcement Suspects Drug Test ~ Test Not Given LJ Test Refused Drug Test Result D Drug Use O 0ther . .
(D4) Non Motorist Location at Time of Crash (05) Non Motorist Action Prior to Crash
(D6) Non Motorist Action at Time of Crash 1 (D6) Non Motorist Action at Time of Crash 2
(D7/ Pedestrian Maneuvers (DS) Bicyclist Maneuvers PERSON TYPE 1-Dnver, 2•Passenger, 3-PedeS1nan, 6 INJURY TYPE INJURY AREA INJURY DEGREE SEAT ROW SEAT POSITION SEAT POSITIO_N OTHER ~l~~t~i,~~l~YED STEM 1-Amp,tat,oo ; Sec,oos lot"'Y t~~,1-Fronl ;~0i0 Row 1-Left (driver) i~~~b.t ck)2-Not Deployed 2-None Used · Motor Vehicle ~ ccupant t : ones J-Neck 3-(B) Sus~ected Minor 1n1ury
~ 0'N t~::i:e,: Uoenclosed Cacgo Nea !:g :~1, e~se ss,on ) ::g I
4-Fourth Row 4-0ther 4-Traihng Unit 5-Deployed -Other 5-Lap Bell Only Used 6-Leg(s) S-Other Row 5-Unknown 5-Riding on Mo_tor Vehicle Ext (knee, air belt, .) 6-Restraint Used- Other i~ess 7-Chest Stomach INJURY INFO SOURCE 6-Unknown (non-tra1hng unit) 6-Deployed - 7-Child Restraint - Forward Facing 8-Abras1on/Brwses 8-lnternal 1-0fficer Observation 6- Unknown Combina11on 8-Child Restraint - Rear Facing g.complarnt of Pain 9-Enhre Body 2-lnd1v1dual Statement EJECTED HELMET USE 7-0eployment - Curtain 9-Child Reslraint - Used lncorrecUy JO-Other 10-0 ther 3-Medical, Paramedical 0 · -Driver/Owner, ?-Bicycle, a-Passenger/Owner, 24-Last Known Operator 25-Last Known Operator/Owner C
p 1-Not E1ected l -DOT-Comphant Motorcycle Helmet 10-Booster Seat Observation A l:JPi~~l~oc=c;; o Last 1,Name e:-D y ";e,~P~• e~o:Name ilii-h ;M, et "."_;'_;'"iPe<_"_··_"_'P_e_iesJ,,e_stTn~•n~s~7 E,~x,-~e,tncatioo ca e;,~ :IM,'~d ;Se~,F.,o, U) ~=T Not ~~DO~B~:Apphcable ~~:_T.11 ~Se~a~t •Ch,BP:Row os'"ld T.~s:Re ea;P~os7 lra,, ;- ot 7s~ea~t~A~,-J; ;O!l~"!t he, ":,70=ep~lo~ye:,B~a~g:~ 2 .:drE-1e~cte_1 :;,r ~Re~s~t,s_,3 a~,mr o;-;tH~e:u_sel 1m~el~ D_lo~J"e;5 g,_~'Y~lof,eer T_AMB,P_,eT ~,COOES y~lo~J"A,__e~'Y~lo!aT · S~o"see 1t~of~o~A:2 ;"code -•r sheet C~od~e- 1 mfbl0> N 6 Hanson, Conrad P 0 M 12/16/61 1 1
Maine Department of Public Safety Page 2 Form 13:20A Revised August 2018 Invoice
Union St. Towing
;~:nee erkins (207) Street, 942-8663 Bangor I Fax: ME 04401 207-***-**** Unspecified
Released To
Date/Time Impounded:
Date/Time Re!eased:
D,rys Held in Impound
Notes Will pay cash
Conrad Hanson
Bangor Police Department
7/27/2023 4:31 PM
7/27/2023 5:09 PM
1 days
Pick up truck with flames on the hood are out front. Reason for Impound
VIN Number
License Plate
Towed from
Stored at
Towed to
Tow Out - Released From st.ocage by Kaylee Harvey on 7/27/2023@ 5:09 PM Tow l;, Dispatch Time: 7/27/2023 @ 4:02 PM
Tow In Enroute Time : 7/27/2023 @ 4:03 PM
Tow In Completion Time : 7/27/2023 @4:31 PM
Towing: charges
(Towing) Unloaded/Enroute Mileage
(Towing) Unloaded/Enroute Mileage - Free Miles
(Towing) Loaded/Hooked Mileage
(Towing) Loaded/Hooked Mileage - Free Miles
(Towing) Police Tow (Accident)
Storage charges
(Storage - Storage Fees) Impounds/Storage: Daily Impound Rate Quantity
lrnpound Invoice
2018 Ram Ram Pickup 1500 (Gray)
183AKZ (ME)
Union St & Griffin Rd, Bangor, ME 04401, USA
Union Street Towing
27 Perkins Street, Bangor ME 04401
2599 Union St, Hermon, ME 04401, USA
Price line Total
$3.00 $9.00
($3.00) ($9.00)
$5.00 $15.00
($5.00) ($15 .00)
$130.00 $130.00
Price line Total
$55.00 $55.00
Towing Subtotal $130.00
Storage - Storage Fees Subtotal $55.00
~ubtotal $185.00
Taxes $0.00
Grand Total $185,00
Amount Due: $185.00
Union,,. Towing appreciates your business; if you have any questions regarding this invoice, please contact us at 207-***-****. Signature: _ _ _ Date: _ USDOT: 515304
hltps://app.lc;vbook.com/DS4/# 1/1