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Tunnel engineering, geology

July 19, 2018

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CV ZOUAK Ver. July ****

Curriculum Vitae


ZIADIA city Bt: A 12 N: 335

***** ***********.

Mobile: 00.213.770.576.748


PhD Geologist, Tunnel Eng. (+8 years exp.)Po


2002 Baccalaureate in Natural Sciences.

2007 Licence en Geology of environment, University of Constantine. 2008 Master 1 degree in Geology, University of Constantine. September 2009 Master 2 degree in Geology, University of Constantine. Title : « multi-source study (geological, geomorphologic, hydrographical of the East Constantine region » January 2010-Actual PhD student in Geology.

Title : « Neotectonic study of post Cenozoic deformation in the region of Guelma» Directed by: Prof. BENABBAS Chaouki.


February 2010- February 2015 Geologist Engineer team member of the Geological and Geotechnical Department, Section Design of Tunnels at Kajima/ COJAAL (JAPANESE CONSORTIUM FOR THE ALGERIAN HIGHWAY)- Camp4 Constantine. Main tasks performed & Skills:

• Continuous monitoring of geological conditions of tunnel face during excavation;

• Classification of the rock mass and its geotechnical and hydro-geological parameters, calculates the RMR (Rock Mass Rating), GSI (Geological strength index

• Editing of geological maps and profiles;

• Long experience in meetings, drafting of all types of reports (daily reports, synthesis, expertise, conflict management);

• Interpretation of geophysical profiles (Electrical tomography and seismic profiles

• Drilling supervision and monitoring of various geotechnical tests;

• Implementation and monitoring of the QAP (Quality Assurance Plan) and daily monitoring of different inspections

(reinforcement, formwork, concreting, drainage ;

• Control, organization and archiving of documents;

• Training of newly recruited.

38 years old

Married, 2 Childs



CV ZOUAK Ver. July 2018

March 2015- July 2018 Supervisor tunnel works at SYSTRA, project: Work of doubling of the Railroad Track with Rectification of the Trace between the Stations of El Affroun and Khémis / Tunnel GANNTAS 7.3 Km, Ain Defla.

Main tasks performed & Skills:

• Carry out the control, surveillance and reception of the materials and materials of the Tunnel in accordance with the provisions of the works supervision plan;

• Carry out the inspection, supervision and reception of the work of the Tunnel in accordance with the provisions of the works supervision plan;

• Collect and systematically verify the documents certifying the conformity of the results of the tests and tests carried out;

• Produce the necessary records to ensure the traceability of control, monitoring and reception activities;

• Transmit to the batch manager and controllers the non-compliance sheets when malfunctions are found on site;

• Keep the site book up to date;

• Ensure the application of safety measures and regulatory requirements by the group of companies;

• Alert the batch manager and the controllers in the event of a major problem concerning the mission and, more generally, to inform him continuously of the progress of the site and its missions. July 2018- Actual Senior geologist engineer at COSIDER, project: Completion and Tasks to accomplish:

• Develop geological and geotechnical studies of the collapsed area of the Tunnel;

• Supervision and interpretation of the results of a geotechnical and geophysical recognition mission;

• Geological monitoring of the face of Tunnel;

• Monitoring and interpretation of the monitoring: flat jacks, extensometers. ACADEMIC TRAINING

December 2011 One-month internship: Determination of clay minerals by the use of X-rays. Liege University, Belgium.

Mai 2013 One-month internship: Natural hazards mapping by the GIS Geographic Bucharest University, Romania.


February 2013 - July 2013 Lecturer: general geology, at the teacher training college Constantine, University of Constantine.

rehabilitation of the Tunnel T1 - Jebel El Ouahch of the single lot East on 399 Km of the highway East-west - Constantine.


CV ZOUAK Ver. July 2018


• BENABBAS C. ZOUAK Z. Etude globale des zones instables sur le réseau routier de la Wilaya de Guelma Rapport géologique”. Rapport inédit, Direction des Travaux Publics de la Wilaya de Guelma, 90 p. (2011).

• BENZID Y., ZOUAK Z. et BENABBAS C. Etude multisources (géologique, géomorphologique, hydrographique de la région Est de Constantine”. de-region-est/buch/978**********

• ZOUAK Z., BENABBAS C. et BENZID Y. Etude de causalité et d'impact des instabilités de versants sur les infrastructures routières, cas de la wilaya de Guelma (NE Algérie)”. Communication orale au sein de la Session nationale annuelle des communications scientifiques. Medias, Roumanie (2013).

• ZOUAK Z., BENABBAS C. et BENZID Y. Néotectonique, anomalies morpho-structurales et mouvements de terrains dans la région de Guelma”. Revue Sciences et techniques D N 40, pp. 73-81, Décembre (2014).

• ZOUAK Z., BENABBAS C. participation au symposium national de géomorphologie dont le thème "La géomorphologie dans la société, réalisations et perspectives" Orsova, Roumanie (2014). Software mastered:

Microsoft: Word, Excel, PowerPoint.

AutoCAD, Photoshop.

GPS & Geographic Information System GIS.


Language Written Spoken

Arabic Very Good Very Good

French Very Good Very Good

English Medium Medium

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