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University Assistant

Cambridge, MA
February 19, 2013

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Address: c/o Department of Government, Harvard University, 1737 Cambridge St.

Cambridge MA 02138



Yale University, 1998-2002

BA in Political Science, (Intensive Major, with Interdisciplinary

Concentration in Political Philosophy), cum laude, May 2002 (GPA: 3.7.

GPA within Major: 4.0)

Senior Thesis: 'A Cautious, Sober Love Affair with Humanity':

Humanism in the Thought of Isaiah Berlin (Advisor, Steven B. Smith)

Balliol College, Oxford University, 2002 2009

MSt. in Historical Research (with Distinction), June 2003

Admitted to DPhil student status, November 2003

DPhil 2010

Doctoral Thesis: A Mind and its Time: The Development of Isaiah

Berlin's Political Thought, 1928-1953

Advisors: Jose Harris and Henry Hardy

Examiners: Michael Freeden (Oxford) and Stuart Jones (Manchester)

Harvard University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, 2005

Graduate Student in Government

Examination Fields: Ancient and Modern Political Theory (major),

International Relations (minor); minor by coursework in American Politics

Dissertation Committee: Nancy L. Rosenblum (Chair), Michael Rosen,

Richard Tuck, Eric Beerbohm


A. Books

1) [Forthcoming] A Mind and its Time: The Development of Isaiah

Berlin's Political Thought, 1928-1953, accepted for publication in the

Oxford Historical Monographs Series (Clarendon Press/OUP).

B. Peer-Reviewed Articles, Journal Articles, and Book Chapters

1) Isaiah Berlin (principal author, co-authored with Henry Hardy)

in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, ed. Edward N. Zalta et.


2) Isaiah Berlin s Political Ideas: From the Twentieth Century to the

Romantic Age, Introduction to Isaiah Berlin, Political Ideas in the

Romantic Age, ed. Henry Hardy (Princeton UP/Chatto and Windus,



3) Isaiah Berlin s Early Political Thought, in George Crowder and

Henry Hardy, eds. The One and the Many: Reading Isaiah Berlin

(Prometheus Press, 2007)

4) (with Ryan Patrick Hanley), Introduction to Robert Wokler, A

Guide to Isaiah Berlin's Political Ideas in the Romantic Age, History

of Political Thought 29:2 (Summer 2008), 344-8.

5) Isaiah Berlin: The Value of the Personal, in Henry Hardy, ed. The

Book of Isaiah: Personal Impressions of Isaiah Berlin (2009)

6) [Forthcoming] Introduction to Special Issue, The Thought of

Isaiah Berlin: Centennial Reflections, European Journal of Political


7) [Forthcoming] Against Engineers of Human Souls: Isaiah Berlin s

Anti-Managerial Liberalism, (in Chinese translation) in special issue

of China Scholarship, with commentary by George Crowder and reply

by the author

8) [Forthcoming] Commentary on Graeme Garrard, Isaiah Berlin

Against Human Nature (in Chinese translation), China Scholarship.

C. Other Publications

9) Isaiah Berlin, Encyclopedia of Science, Technology, and Ethics, ed.

Carl Mitcham (Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 2005).

10) Primo Levi, ibid.

11) Pluralism, ibid.

12) Isaiah Berlin in The Dictionary of Twentieth Century British

Philosophers, ed. Stuart Brown (Thoemmes Press, 2005)

13) Review Essay on Isaiah Berlin, Freedom and its Betrayal, ed. Henry

Hardy, and The Proper Study of Mankind, ed. Henry Hardy and Roger

Hausheer, in History of European Ideas, Vol. 31, No 5 (2005).

Academic Interests

A. Research Interests: Nineteenth Century Political Thought (European and American);

Twentieth Century Political Thought (European and American); British Political Thought

(Hobbes to Berlin); Ethics of Political Action; The implications of value pluralism for

political practice; Theories of Liberty; The intersection of political theory with theories of

history and political time; Implications for political theory of theories of the self, of

agency, and of moral psychology

B. Teaching Interests (in addition to the above): History of Political Thought (Ancient,

Medieval, and Modern); Contemporary Normative Political Theory; American Political

Thought; Political Ethics (Ethics and War/International Relations; Moral Choices and

Politics); Politics and Literature; Utopia and Anti-Utopia and Political Thought; Politics

and Religion; Political Theory Through Biography and Autobiography; Women and

Gender in the Political Theory; Political Thought and Protest Movements in Eastern



Honors and Awards:

Riggs Prize in the Humanities, Yale University, Spring 1999

Lewis P. Curtis Travel Fellowship, Yale University, Summer 2001

Visiting Scholar and Member of the Common Room, Wolfson College,

Oxford, Summer 2001

Philo Sherman Bennett Prize for the Best Senior Essay in Political

Philosophy, Yale University, May 2002

Sterling University Fellowship, Yale University Graduate School of Arts

and Sciences, 2005 (declined)

Harvard University Graduate Prize Fellowship, 2005

Graduate Fellow, Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics, Harvard University,


Krupp Foundation Dissertation Completion Fellowship, Center for

European Studies, Harvard University, 2011-2012

Conference Papers and Other Presentations:

A. Invited Talks

Invited Participant, Animating Moderation, Workshop Under the Auspices of

the Project in the History of Political Thought, University Center for Human

Values, Princeton University, November 19 2010

Against Engineers of Human Souls : Isaiah Berlin s Anti-Managerial

Liberalism, Invited Presentation, International Symposium on Isaiah Berlin and

Contemporary China, Tsinghua Academy of Chinese Learning, Beijing, March

10-12, 2011

B. Conference and Workshop Presentations

A Third Concept of Liberty: An Interpretation of Isaiah Berlin s Liberalism,

Nuffield Political Theory Workshop, February 2004.

Against the Engineers of Human Souls : Isaiah Berlin s Anti-Managerial

Liberalism, British History and Politics in the 19th and 20th Centuries Seminar,

Modern History Faculty, Oxford University, March 2005.

Discussant for Charles Larmore, The Meanings of Political Freedom, Harvard

Political Theory Colloquium, Feb 23 2006

The Roots of Isaiah Berlin s Conception of Liberty, Harvard Political Theory

Workshop, April 2006

Starting Anew and Choosing Among: Hannah Arendt and Isaiah Berlin on

Freedom, Politics and Agency, Harvard University Political Theory Workshop,

November 2006


Between Realism and Idealism: Isaiah Berlin on Moderation and Political

Ethics, Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science

Association, August 30 2007

Discussant for Jan-Werner Muller, Re-Imagining Leviathan: Schmitt and

Oakeshott on Hobbes and the Nature of Political Association, Harvard Political

Theory Colloquium, October 2007

Chair and Discussant, Panel on The Legacy of Judith Shklar, Northeastern

Political Science Association, November 2007

Discussant for David Runciman, "Does it Make Sense to Discount Liberty?"

(Keynote Address), Harvard Graduate Student Conference in Political Theory,

October 2008

Chair and co-discussant, Panel on The Politics of Monism and Value-Pluralism,

Midwestern Political Science Association, April 2009.

Isaiah Berlin's Anti-Managerial Liberalism, Midwestern Political Science

Association, April 2009

Judaism, Jewishness, and Liberalism in Isaiah Berlin s Political Thought,

Fifteenth World Congress of Jewish Studies, Hebrew University, Jerusalem,

August 2-6 2009

Starting Anew and Choosing Among: Hannah Arendt and Isaiah Berlin on

Freedom, American Political Science Association, Toronto, September 2009

Chair, Panel on Representation and Accountability, Harvard Graduate

Conference in Political Theory, October 30-31 2009

Jacobin Anti-Liberalism, Harvard Political Theory Workshop, February 2010

Neither Angel Nor Maggot: Adam Michnik on Resistance and Compromise,

Canadian Political Science Association, Montreal, June 2010

Neither Angel Nor Maggot: Adam Michnik on the Ethics of Resistance,

Harvard Political Theory Workshop, September 2010

Discussant for Karuna Mantena, "Why Gandhi Was Not a Moralist in Politics",

Harvard Political Theory Colloquium, October 7 2010

Discussant for Katrina Forrester, "Judith Shklar and Political Realism", Harvard

Graduate Conference in Political Theory, November 2010


A Very Peculiar Relationship: Isaiah Berlin and E. H. Carr, Society for the

Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery Annual Conference, Colorado Springs,

CO, March 2011

Liberalism and the Ethics and Ethos of Political Compromise, Harvard Political

Theory Workshop, April 2011

Dissidence, Democratic Transition, and the Ethics and Ethos of Compromise:

Thoughts from Eastern Europe, New England Political Science Association,

April 30 2011

Discussant for Gordon Arlen, The Lost Genre of Political Theory: The Case for

Revisiting Louis Hartz, Harvard Graduate Conference in Political Theory,

October 2011.

Work Experience:

A. Teaching

Teaching Fellow, Ancient and Medieval Political Philosophy (Professor Aaron

Garrett), Department of Government, Harvard University, Autumn 2010

(Numerical Teaching Evaluation: 4.83/5)

Harvard University Certificate of Distinction in Teaching

Head Teaching Fellow, History of Modern Political Philosophy

(Professor Nancy L. Rosenblum), Department of Government, Harvard

University, Spring 2009 (Numerical Teaching Evaluation: 4.67/5)

Harvard University Certificate of Distinction in Teaching

Teaching Fellow, Justice (Professor Michael J. Sandel), Harvard College Core

Curriculum, Autumn 2008 (Numerical Teaching Evaluation: 4.32/5)

Teaching Fellow, Sophomore Tutorial in Political Theory and American Politics

(Professors Harvey C. Mansfield and Kenneth I. Kersh), Harvard Department of

Government, Spring 2008 (Numerical Teaching Evaluation: 4.62/5)

Harvard University Certificate of Distinction in Teaching

Tutor in Modern History and Politics, St Hugh s College, Oxford, Michaelmas

Term 2004: Foundations of Modern Social and Political Thought (Bentham,

Tocqueville, Mill, Marx, Weber).

Lecturer in Political Science, Yale College Summer Programs, July-August 2003:

Introduction to Political Theory (Thucydides, Plato, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau,

Tocqueville, Arendt, Berlin).

Course Co-author and Online Moderator for Isaiah Berlin: A Philosophy for Our

Time, Alliance for Lifelong Learning/Oxford University, Summer-Autumn 2002.


B. Other

Research Assistant to Professor Nancy Rosenblum, Harvard University,

Academic Year 2010-2011

Research Assistant (unpaid) to Dr. Henry Hardy, Wolfson College, Oxford,

Summer 2001; research on Isaiah Berlin s unpublished correspondence and

writings on the history of ideas.

Research Assistant to Prof. Michael Paris, Department of Political Science,

Rutgers University, Summer 1998 and Summer 2000; research on education

policy, particularly desegregation, and judicial politics

Other Professional Activities:

Organizer (with Michael Rosen), conference on Isaiah Berlin: Centennial

Reflections, Harvard University, September 2009

Organizer, Panel "The Political Thought of Isaiah Berlin: Neglected Dimensions

and Continuing Legacies," American Political Science Association Annual

General Meeting, Toronto, August 2009

Co-founder and Coordinator, History of Ideas Seminar, Oxford University (2003-


Review Committee, Harvard Graduate Student Conference in Political Theory,

2007-2010 (also chaired several panels)

Coordinator, Harvard Political Theory Workshop (Spring 2006)

Speaker at department-organized orientation sessions for incoming graduate

students, September 2006 and September 2011

External Reviewer, Review of Politics, 2009-2010

External Reviewer, Contemporary Political Theory, 2008


Nancy Lipton Rosenblum

Senator Joseph Clark Professor of Ethics in Politics and Government, Harvard


Michael E. Rosen

Professor of Government, Harvard University


Richard Tuck

Frank G. Thompson Professor of Government, Harvard University

Eric Beerbohm

Assistant Professor of Government and Social Studies, Harvard University

Stanley Hoffmann

Paul and Catherine Buttenweiser University Professor, Harvard University

Henry Hardy

Wolfson College, Oxford

Jose Harris

Professor of Modern History, St Catherine s College, Oxford

Steven B. Smith

Alfred Cowles Professor of Government, Yale University,


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