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Office Address: Department of Sociology

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Wayne University, Detroit, 1949-51

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1951-53 (B.A. 1953)

University of Hawaii, Honolulu, 1953-54 (M.A., 1955)

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1956-60 (Ph.D., 1961)

Master's Thesis: Family Patterns and Authoritarianism Among Some Japanese-American Students

Doctoral Dissertation: Multiple Goals and Staff Relations: A Comparative Study of Correctional

Institutions for Juvenile Delinquents


1960-64 Instructor to Assistant Professor, Departments of Sociology and Psychology,

University of Chicago, Illinois.

1962 Consultant on Race Relations and the Corporation, Illinois Bell Telephone Company

(summer faculty in residence).

1960-70 Board of Editors, American Journal of Sociology (Associate Editor, 1962-63).

1964-77 Associate Professor to Professor of Sociology, Vanderbilt University, Nashville,

Tennessee (Professor, 1968) (Chairman, 1971-75).

University Service: Various University Committees; University Senate, (Chairman

Elect 1970-71); Chairman Select Committee, University Senate, 1974 Faculty

Council, College of Arts and Science.

1964-68 Board of Editors, Social Problems.

1966-69 Executive Committee, Center for Community Studies, Nashville.

1967-70 Board of Editors, Journal of Health and Social Behavior.

1967- Southern Sociological Society Committee on Profession, 1967-70 (Chairman, 1968-

69); Executive Committee, 1977-78.

1968 Summer Institute, Law and Social Science, University of Wisconsin.

1969 Chairman, Committee on Election, Society for the Study of Social Problems.

1969-72 Secretary-Treasurer, Section on Organization and Occupation, American

Sociological Association; (Council, 1972-75).

1971-72 Research Leave, London, England, Survey Unit, Social Sciences Research Council.

1971-73 Nominating Committee, American Sociological Association.

Board of Associate Editors, Journal of Voluntary Action Society.

1972-74 Committee of Examiners, Graduate Record Examination Sociology, Educational

Testing Service.

1974-77 Social Science Research Committee, NIMH.

1974-78 Advisory Editor, Social Forces.

1976-1990 Advisory Editor, Administration and Society.

1976 National Endowment for Humanities, Director of Summer Seminar for College


1977-79 Committee on Committees, American Sociological Association (Chair, 1979).

1977- Professor of Sociology, Social Work, Business Administration, University of

Michigan. (Emeritus, 2001) Chairman Sociology, 1981-86, 1990-2.

University of Michigan Service:


Rackham Research Board, Divisional committee 1978-80; Review Committee,

Doctoral Program in Urban and Regional Planning, 1978; Executive Committee,

Institute for Social Research, 1981-86; Director's Search Committee, Residential

College, 1988; Strategic Planning Committee, School of Social Work, 1987-89;

Dean's Search Committee, School of Social Work, 1991; Selection Committee,

Distinguished Faculty Achievement Award, 1992-94; Selection committee, Russell

Lecturer, 1993-95; Chair, Supervisory Committee, Social Work and Social Science

Doctoral Program, 1994-96; Rackham Executive Board, 1995-96.

1988-95 Co-Director, Rackham Interdisciplinary Committee on Organizational Studies,

University of Michigan.

1978-79 External Reviewer, New York State Board of Regents Review of Doctoral

Programs; review of Sociology at Cornell University, New York University,

Syracuse University.

1978-80 Panel Member: Study of Public Policies Contributing to the Institutionalization and

Deinstitutionalization of Youth, Assembly of Behavioral and social Science,

National Academy of Science.

1979-82 Associate Editor, American Sociological Review.

1980-81 Sociology Panel, National Science Foundation.

1980-81 Consulting Editor, Elsevier Scientific Publications.

1981-83 Selection Committee, Distinguished Career Award, American Sociological


1982-84 External Reviewer, Graduate Program; University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill;

University of Illinois, Chicago.

1983- Editorial Board, Research in Political in Political Sociology.

1984 External Reviewer, Department of Sociology, Rutgers University; New Brunswick,

New Jersey.

1984 Committee on Certification, American Sociological Association.

1985-1990 Editorial Board, Social Justice, Plenum Press.

1985-1993 Editorial Board, Accounting, Organizations & Society.

1986- External Reviewer, Department of Sociology, University of Massachusetts.

1986-88 Committee on Dues Restructuring, ASA.


1989-94 Editorial Board, Journal of Law, Economics and Organization.

1989 External Reviewer, Department of Sociology, SUNY Stonybrook.

1989-91 Task force on Graduate Education, ASA.

1990-93 Advisory Board, Project on Non-Profit Governance, Center on Philanthropy, Indiana


1991-3 U.S. Department of Energy, Task Force on Radioactive Waste Management.

1993 Scholarly Advisory Committee, Center on Philanthropy, Indiana University.

1993-95 Selection Committee, Lifetime Achievement Award, Association for Research on

Non-profits and Voluntary Associations.

1994 External Reviewer, Department of Sociology, University of Iowa.

1995 Editorial Board, Voluntas.

1995 Editorial Board, Mobilization: an International Journal of Social Movement


1997-2001 Visiting Distinguished Professor University of Arizona. (Winters)

1999 External Reviewer, Department of Sociology, Stanford University.

2002 Visiting Professor, University of California, San Diego.

2002-04 Co-Director, Intersections: Initiative on Social Sciences and the Humanities, College

of Literature, Arts, and Sciences, University of Michigan.

2001 Editorial Board, Social Movement Studies: Journal of Social, Cultural and Political


2003 International Editorial Board, Il Dubbio, Italy

2005 Editorial Board, Journal of Management and Organizational History

2007 Visiting Distinguished Professor of Sociology, UC, Irvine (Winter)

2007- Faculty Affiliate, Organizational Studies Program, University of Michigan

2007 Lecturer, Workshop on Social Movement Theory and Research, Renmin University

Beijing, China


2008 Visiting Distinguished Professor of Sociology, UC, Irvine (Spring)


American Sociological Association, Southern Sociological Society,


1956-58 Horace H. Rackham Special Fellowships

1959-60 Elizabeth McCormick Memorial Foundation Predoctoral Research Fellowship

1967-72 Career Development Award, NIMH

1979- Elected to Sociological Research Association. Elected to Executive Committee

1989; President 1993-94

1981- H. Paul Douglas Lecture, Religious Research Association

1981-83 Chair-Elect, Section on Collective Behavior and Social Movements, A.S.A., Chair


1981-83 Elected to Council, American Sociological Association

1982- Elected to Research Club, University of Michigan

1984-85 Chair-Elect, Section on Occupations & Organizations, American Sociological

Association (Chair, 1985-86)

1985-86 Vice-President-Elect, American Sociological Association--Vice President, 1986-87

1985-91 Visiting Committee, Sociology, Board of Overseers, Harvard University

1986-87 Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in Behavioral and Social Sciences

1990 Nominated to be Dr. Arnuld Pins Memorial. Lecturer, Baerwald School of Social

Work, Hebrew University

1989 Distinguished Lecturer, Organization and Management Theory Division, Academy

of Management

1989 Elaine Selo Memorial Lecturer, Department of Sociology University of North

Carolina, Chapel Hill, N.C.


1989 Elected to Macro Organizational Behavior Society

1990 Nominated for President, American Sociological Association (not elected)

1992 Nominated for President, American Sociological Association (not elected)

1994 Fellow, Center for Advanced Studies in the Behavioral Sciences, Palo Alto, Cal

1994 Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences

1996 Invited Contributor, 40th Anniversary Issue of Administrative Science Quarterly

1997 Nominated for Career of Distinguished Scholarship Award, American Sociological


1998-2002 ASA Delegate, American Council of Learned Societies.

1998 Nominated for Russel Lectureship, Univ. of Michigan

1999 Nominated for President ASA (not elected)

2000 23rd Distinguished Faculty Lecturer, College of Literature, Science and Arts,

University of Michigan

2005 Fellow, Center for Advanced Studies in the Behavioral Sciences, Palo Alto, Ca.

2005 External Affiliate, Center for Organizational Research, University of California,


2008 External Affiliate, Center for the Study of Democracy, University of California,


2008 John D, McCarthy Award for Lifetime Achievement in the Scholarship of Social

Movements and Collective Behavior. Center for the Study of Social Movements and

Social Change, Notre Dame University

2010 Inaugural Lecture, Annual Distinguished Lecture Series on Social Movements,

Vanderbilt University

2012 Zald and Roberta Ash (now Garner). (1966) Social Movement Organizations:

Growth, and Change, Social Forces 44, 3, 327-40. Recognized as one of top 10

Most cited articles ever published in Social Forces 80 years of publication. A

Commentary on the paper to appear in 80th anniversary special issue journal.



A. Books and Monographs

1., editor, Social Welfare Institutions, John Wiley and Sons: New York,

1965, pp. 673.

2., editor, Organizing for Community Welfare, Quadrangle Press:

Chicago, 1967, pp. 316. Portuguese edition, Organizacion del Bienstar Social,

Editorial Humanities, Tres Americas, Buenos Aires, 1970.

3., editor, Power in Organizations, Vanderbilt University Press: Nashville,

1970, pp. 336.

4., Organizational Change: The Political Economy of the YMCA,

University of Chicago Press: Chicago, 1970, pp.260.

5., Occupations and Organizations in American Life: The Organization

Dominated Man? Markham Publishing Company: Chicago, 1971, pp.108.

6. Gary L. Wamsley and, The Political Economy of Public Organizations,

Heath Lexington, 1973, pp. 110. Paperback edition, Indiana University Press, 1976.

7. John D. McCarthy and, The Trend of Social Movements in America:

Professionalization and Resource Mobilization, Morristown, NJ: General Learning

Press, 1973, pp.30.

8. John Ehnes and, Handbook on Organizational Statistics, 1975,

Department of Sociology, Vanderbilt University.

9. William Rushing and, editors, Organizations and Beyond: Selected

Essays of James D. Thompson. Lexington, MA: D. C. Heath Lexington Books,


10. and John D. McCarthy, editors, Dynamics of Social Movements:

Resource Mobilization, Social Control and Outcomes, Cambridge, MA: Winthrop

Publishing, Inc., 1979.

11. George Martin and, Social Welfare Institutions: A Sociological Reader,

NY: Columbia University Press, 1981.

12. James A. Lowenthal, Michael Berger and, Administrative Regulations:

A Sociological Perspective, Center for Research on Social Organization, University

of Michigan, Working Paper No. 194, 1979, pp.152.


13. Gerald Suttles and, editors, The Challenge of Social Control:

Citizenship and Institution Building in Modern Society, Essays in Honor of Morris

Janowitz, Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing, 1985.

14. Yeheskel Hasenfeld and, editors, The American Welfare State: Trends

and Prospects, The Annals (May 1985), chapter on Political Change authored by

M. N. Zald.

15. and John McCarthy, editors, Social Movements in an Organizational

Society: Collected Essays, New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 1987.

16. Robert Kahn and, editors, Organizations and Nation-States: New

Perspectives on Conflict and Cooperation, San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 1990.

17. Doug McAdam, John D. McCarthy and, editors, Political

Opportunities, Mobilization and Framing: Comparative Studies in Social Movement

Dynamics. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1996. (Spanish edition, 1997).

18. John Guidry, Michael D. Kennedy, and, editors, Globalizations and

Social Movements: Culture, Power and the Transnational Public Sphere. Ann Arbor:

University of Michigan Press, 2000.

19., editor, Reprint of James D. Thompson, Organizations in Action: Social

Science Bases of Administrative Theory, with a preface by M. N. Zald and an

introduction by W. R. Scott. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 2003.

20. Gerald Davis, Doug McAdam, W. Richard Scott and, editors, Social

Movements and Organizational Theory. New York: Cambridge University Press,


21. Jane Banaszak-Holl, Sandra Levitsky, and, editors, Social

Movements and the American Health System, Oxford University Press, 2010

B. Empirical Studies and Theoretical Essays

1. Yamamura, Douglas S. and, A Note on the Usefulness and Validity of

the Herbst Family Questionnaire, Human Relations, IX, 2, 1956, pp. 217-221.

2., Power Balance and Staff Conflict in Correctional Institutions,

Administrative Science Quarterly, VII, 1, June 1962, pp. 22-49.

3., Organizational Control Structures in Five Correctional Institutions,

American Journal of Sociology, LXVIII, 3, November 1962, pp. 335-345.


4., Comparative Analysis and Measurement of Organizational Goals:

The Case of Correctional Institutions for Delinquents, Sociological Quarterly, Fall

1963, pp. 206-230.

5., and Patricia Denton, From Evangelism to General Service: On the

Transformation and Character of the YMCA, Administrative Science Quarterly, 8,

2, September 1963, pp. 214-234.

6. and David Street, Custody and Treatment in Juvenile Institutions,

Crime and Delinquency, 10, 3, July 1964, pp. 249-256.

7. and William Simon, Career Opportunities and Commitment Among

Officers, pp. 275-286, in The New Military: Changing Patterns of Organization,

edited by Morris Janowitz, Russell Sage Foundation, 1964.

8., Who Shall Rule? A Political Analysis of Succession in a Large

Welfare Organization, Pacific Sociological Review, 8, 1, Spring 1965, pp. 52-60.

9. Bradley, Donald S. and, From Commercial Elite to Political

Administrator: The Recruitment of the Mayors of Chicago, American Journal of

Sociology, 71, November 1965, pp. 153-167.

10., Organizations as Polities: Concepts for the Analysis of C.O.

Agencies, Social Work, 11, 4, 1966, pp. 56-65.

11., and Roberta Ash, Social Movement Organizations: Growth, Decay

and Change, Social Forces, 44, 3, March 1966, pp. 327-340.

12. Wood, James R. and, Aspects of Racial Integration in the Methodist

Church: Sources of Resistance to Organizational Policy, Social Forces, 45, 2,

December 1966, pp. 225-265.

13., Urban Differentiation, Boards of Directors and Organizational

Effectiveness, American Journal of Sociology, 73, 3, November 1967, pp. 261-272.

14., and Thomas A. Anderson, Secular Trends and Historical

Contingencies in the Recruitment of Mayors; Nashville as Compared to New Haven

and Chicago, Urban Affairs Quarterly, Vol. III, 4, June 1968, pp. 53-68.

15. Wiley, Mary, Glen Moss, and, The Growth and Transformation of

Educational Accrediting Agencies: An Exploratory Study of Social Control of

Institutions, Sociology of Education, 41, 1, Winter 1968, pp. 36-56.

16., Political Economy: A Framework for Comparative Analysis in

Power in Organizations, pp. 221-261, 1970, A. 3 above.


17., The Power and Functions of Boards of Directors: Some Hypotheses,

American Journal of Sociology, 75, 1, July 1969, pp. 97-111.

18. and Feather Davis Hair, The Social Control of Hospitals, in Basil

Georgopoulos, editor, Organization Research on Health Institutions (Institute for

Social Research; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1972). (This volume won the

James A. Hamilton Hospital Administration book award of the American College of

Hospital Administration, 1972.)

19. Westhues, Kenneth and, Some Correlates of Government Purchase of

Industry Output, Social Forces, 50, 2, December 1971, pp. 256-268.

20. and John D. McCarthy, The Rise of Social Movements, New

Society, June 29, 1972, pp 670-672.

21. Wamsley, Gary and, The Political Economy of Public Organization,

Public Administration Review, 33, 1, January-February 1973, pp. 62-73.

22. and John D. McCarthy, Organizational Intellectuals and the Criticism

of Society, Social Service Review, 49, 3, September 1975, pp. 344-362.

23. John D. McCarthy and, Resource Mobilization and Social

Movements: A Partial Theory, American Journal of Sociology, 82, 6, May 1977.

24. and David Jacobs, Compliance/Incentive Classifications of

Organizations: Underlying Dimensions, Administration and Society, 9, 4, February

1978, pp. 403-424.

25., On the Social Control of Industries, Social Forces, 57, 1, September

1978, pp. 79-102.

26. and Michael Berger, Social Movements in Organizations: Coup d'Etat,

Bureaucratic Insurgency, and Mass Movement, American Journal of Sociology, 83,

4, January 1978, pp. 823-861. Also A Bloodless Revolution in the Boardroom,

The Wharton Magazine, Summer 1978, pp. 44-48, a brief excerpt from B. 26 above.

27. Erwin Hargrove and, Social Control and Public Policy: Understanding

Dilemmas of Regulation and Implementation, Center for Research on Social

Organization Working Paper No. 259, 1982.

28. Roberta Garner and, The Political Economy of Social Movement

Sectors, pp. 119-145 in A. 13 above.

29. and John D. McCarthy, Social Movement Industries: Cooperation and

Conflict Amongst Social Movement Organizations, in Louis Kriesberg, editor,


Research in Social Movements, Conflict and Change, Vol. 3, JAI Press, Greenwich,

CT, 1980.

30., Issues in the Theory of Social Movements: SMO Interaction, the Role

of Counter Movements, and Cross-National Determinants of the Social Movement

Sector, pp. 61-72 in Scott McNall and Gary Howe, editors, Current Perspectives in

Social Theory, A Research Annual, JAI Press, Greenwich, CT, 1980.

31., The Federal Impact on the Deinstitutionalization of Status Offenders:

A Framework Paper, Commissioned paper for the Panel on Deinstitutionalization

of Status Offenders: Assembly of Behavioral and Social Sciences, June 1980.

32. Bert Useem and, From Pressure Group to Social Movement: Efforts to

Promote Use of Nuclear Power, Working Paper No. 233, Center for Research on

Social Organization, 1981. Social Problems, 30, 2 (December 1982) pp. 144-156.

33., Theological Crucibles: Social Movements in and of Religion,

Review of Religious Research (June 1982) 23, No. 4, pp. 317-31.

34. and Bert Useem Movement and Countermovement Interaction:

Mobilization, Tactics and State Involvement, pp.247-72 in A. 15 above.

35. Y. Hasenfeld and, Client-Organization Encounters in the U.S. Social

Welfare Sector pp. 353-82, in G. W. Lapidus and G. E. Swanson, editors, State and

Welfare USA/USSR, Contemporary Policy and Practice. Berkeley, 1988, Institute of

International Studies.

36. Robert Sutton and, Social System Demise: The Disintegration and

Reconstitution of Communities, Families, Organizations, and Nations, unpublished

paper, Department of Sociology, University of Michigan.

37. Gerald Davis, Robert Kahn, and, Contracts, Treaties and Joint

Ventures in Organizational Theory and International Relations, pp. 31-47 in R. L.

Kahn and M. N. Zald, editors, A. 16, above.

38., History, Theory and the Sociology of Organizations 1988, pp. 81-

108 in John E. Jackson, editor, Institutions in American Society: Essays in Market,

Political and Social Organizations, University of Michigan Press, 1990.

39., Sociology as a Discipline; Quasi-Science, Quasi Humanities, The

American Sociologist, Fall/Winter Vol. 22, pp. 5-27. 1991-92.

40, Looking Backward to Look Forward: Reflections on the Past and

Future of the Resource Mobilization Research Program, pp. 326-50 in A. D. Morris

and C. M. Mueller, editors, Frontiers of Social Movement Theory, New Haven, CT:

Yale University Press, 1992.


41., The Sociology of the Humanities: Collective Projects paper

delivered at plenary session, Southern Sociological Society, April 15, 1989.

42., Organizational Studies as a Humanistic Discipline: Notes on the

Foundations of the Field, Organization Science, v. 4, 4, November 1993, pp. 513-


43. David Jacobs, Michael Useem and, Firms, Industries and Politics, pp.

141-167 in P. Washburn, editor, Research in Political Sociology, (V.5) Greenwich,

CT: JAI, 1991.

44. Marjorie Sarbaugh-Thompson and, Child Labor Laws: an Historical

Case of Public Policy Implementation, Administration and Society, (May 1995) 27,

1, pp. 25-53.

45. John McCarthy, Jackie Smith, and, Accessing the Public, Media,

Governmental and Electoral Agenda, pp. 312-357 in McAdam, McCarthy and

Zald, A. 17, above.

46., History, Meta-Narratives, and Organizational Theory unpublished

paper delivered at meetings of the Association for Socio-Economics, Washington,

DC, 1995.

47., Progress and Cumulation in the Human Sciences After the Fall,

Sociological Forum, (September 1995) 10, 3, pp. 455-81. Reprinted in Stephen

Cole, editor, What s Wrong With Sociology. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction

Publishers, 2001.

48., Culture, Ideology, and Framing, pp. 261-74 in McAdam, McCarthy,

and Zald, A. 17 above.

49. McAdam, Doug, McCarthy, John, and, Introduction: Political

Opportunities, Mobilizing Structures and Cultural Framing Towards a Synthetic

Comparative Perspective on Social Movements, pp. 1-23 in A. 17 above.

50., More Fragmentation: Unfinished Business in Linking the Social

Sciences and the Humanities, Invited Essay, 40th Anniversary Issue,

Administrative Science Quarterly, 41 (June, 1996), pp. 251-61.

51., Transnational and International Social Movements in a Globalizing

World: Creating Culture, Creating Conflict, pp. 168-84 in David Cooperrider and

Jane Dutton, editors, No Limits to Cooperation: Organizational Dimensions of

Global Change. Sage Publications, (1999).


52., Innovation and Supply in the Social Service/Welfare Sector: Social

Movements, Professions and Policy Entrepreneurs, unpublished paper, 1997.

Delivered at Annual Meeting of American Sociological Association, Atlanta, GA,


53., Social Movements as Ideologically Structured Action: An Enlarged

Agenda, Mobilization: an International Journal of Movement Dynamics,

(Fall/Spring, 2000) 5,1:1-16. (A response to solicited comments appears as New

Paradigm? Nah! New Agenda? I Hope So, pp. 31-36.)

54. H. Rao, C. Morrill, and, Power Plays: How Social Movements and

Collective Action Create New Organizational Forms, in B. Staw and R. Sutton,

editors, Research on Organizational Behavior, v. 22 (2000) pp. 239-82.

55., The Sociology of Vital Institutions Ann Arbor: Department of

Sociology, University of Michigan, unpublished paper, (1999).

56. J. D. McCarthy and, The Enduring Vitality of the Resource

Mobilization Theory of Social Movements, pp. 535-65 in Jonathan Turner, editor,

Handbook of Sociological Theory. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishing. 2002.

57. and J.D. McCarthy, The Resource Mobilization Research Program:

Progress, Challenge, and Transformation, pp. 149-174 in J. Berger and M. Zelditch,

editors, New Directions in Contemporary Sociological Theory. Lanham, MD:

Rowman and Littlefield. (2002)

58., Spinning Disciplines: Critical Management Studies in Context of

Management Education, Organization: the Interdisciplinary Journal of

Organizations, Theory, and Society, 9: 3 (2002), pp.365-85. Published with eight

responses and my afterword (pp. 453-57).

59., C. Morrill, and H. Rao. The Impact of Social Movements on

Organizations: Environment and Responses. Pages 253-79 in A. 20, above. (2005)

60. Davis, G. F. and, Social Change, Social Theory, and the Convergence of

Movements and Organizations. Pages 335-51 in A. 20, above. (2005)

61. Davis, G. F., M.v. Whitman and, The Responsibility Paradox:

Multinational Firms and Global Corporate Social Responsibility, Paper prepared

for The Global Corporation and Human Well Being Project, Center for Advancing

Research and Solutions for Society, University of Michigan. (2005). Shortened

version in Stanford Social Innovation Review, Winter 2008, pp. 31-38 . Slightly

revised, to be published as Political Agency and the Responsibility Paradox. In

Bice Maiguashaca and Raffaele Marchetti, (eds.), Political Agency in the Era of

Globalization: The Changing Nexus of State, Market and Society London:

Routledge. 2011.


62., H. Rao and C. Morrill, Culture, Collective Action and Contestation,

Paper delivered at American Sociological Association annual meeting, Montreal,

August, 2006.

63. G. F. Davis and, Sociological Classics and the Canon in the Study

of Organizations. Pp. 635-47 in Paul Adler (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of

Sociology and Organization Studies: Classical Foundations. NY: Oxford University

Press (2009)

64 . and M. Lounsbury, The Wizards of Oz: Elites, Expertise and

Command Posts, Organization Studies, June, 2010: 1-34.

65. Anna Rubotsova, Rich Dejordy, Mary Ann Glynn, and . 2010. The

Effect of Institutional Myths on Financial Regulation, in Markets on Trial: the

Economic Sociology of the U.S. Financial Crisis, Parts A & B. Research in the

Sociology of Organizations, edited by Michael Lounsbury.and Paul Hirsch.

Bingly, UK. Emerald Group Publishing.

66. . 2010 Careers, Collaborations, and a Next Step: Profiles of

Institutional Collective Action Potentials, Mobilization: An International Journal

15: 405-422.

67. . 2010 From Rome to Appalachia: Toward a Comparative Framework

of Profiles of Collective Action Potential. Unpublished paper presented as

Inaugural Lecture of Distinguished Annual Lecture on Social Movements, Vander-

bilt University, Nashville, Tennessee.

C. Review Articles and Commentaries

1., Correctional Institutions for Juvenile Delinquents: A Type of Large-

Scale Organization, Social Problems, 8, Summer 1960, pp. 57-69.

2., The YMCA and Urban Change, Forum, Vol. 45, No. 617, 1964.

3., Decentralization Myth versus Reality, Personnel, 41, 4,

July/August 1964, pp. 19-26.

4., Social Innovation in Organization, Transaction, March-April, 1965,

Vol. 2, No. 3, p. 40.

5., Politics and Symbols: A Review Article, Sociological Quarterly,

March 1966, pp. 86-91.


6. and R. Schliewen, Ethno-Methodology and Simulation of

Organizational Decision Making, in W. Coplin, editor, Stimulation in Political

Science, Markham Publishing, 1968, pp. 227-234.

7., The Common Body of Knowledge for CPA's: Some Problems in

Analysis, Journal of Accounting Research, 6, 1, 1968, pp. 130-140.

8., The Structure of Society and Social Service Integration, Social

Science Quarterly, December 1969, 50, 3, pp. 257-267.

9. and John D. McCarthy, Toward a Permanent Revolution in Graduate

Curricula, American Sociologist, November 1970.

10. Boston, John, Leo C. Rigsby and, Methodological Problems in the

Study of Race and Housing Markets, Social Problems, Winter 1972, 19, 3, pp. 382-


11., Foreword to Robert Mayer, Social Planning and Social Change,

Prentice-Hall, 1972.

12. McCarthy, John D. and, Tactical Considerations in Social Movement

Organizations, Unpublished paper, American Sociological Association, Montreal,


13., Demographics, Politics, and the Future of the Welfare State, Social

Service Review, 51, 1, Winter 1977, pp. 110-124.

14., Notes on Decentralization in Nations, States, and Organizations,


15., Foreword to Joel Handler, Social Movements and the Legal System,

New York: Academic Press, 1978.

16. Berg, Ivar and, Business and Society, Annual Review of Sociology,

1978, Vol. 4, pp. 115-143.

17., Demographic Trends, Welfare Policy and Problems, and the

Economy, Hearing before Joint Economic Committee, U.S. Congress, Special

Studies on Economic Change, Part 1, June 1, 1978, pp. 149-162, U.S. Government

Printing Office, 1978.

18., Review Essay. A Theory of Social Reform: Correctional Change

Processes in Two States, Alder Miller, Lloyd E. Ohlin, and Robert Coates, Social

Service Review, September 1979.


19., Trends in the Control and Administration of the Welfare State: A

Preliminary Statement, Center for Research on Social Organization Working Paper,

1979. Published in John Tropman, et al., editors, New Perspectives in Social Policy,

Pergamon Press, 1981.

20. Gary Wamsley and, The Environment of Organizations, in W. Eddy,

editor, Handbook of Public Administration, New York, Marcel Dekker, 1983, pp.


21. Jack Rothman and, Planning Theory and Planning in Action, in S.

Taylor and B. Roberts, editors, Community Organizations: Theory and Practice,

Columbia University Press, 1985, pp. 125-149.

22., Foreword to Lawrence Root, Fringe Benefits: Social Insurance in the

Steel Industry, Sage Publications, 1982.

23. Jerome Himmelstein and, American Conservatism and the Funding of

Arts and Social Science, Sociological Inquiry, (Spring 1984) 54, 2, pp. 171-187.

24., The Future of Social Movements in America pp.319-336 in A. 15,


24a., The Trajectory of Social Movements in America, pp.19-43 in L.

Kriesberg and Bronislaw Misztal, editors, Social Movements as a Factor of Change

in the Contemporary World. Research in Social Movements, Conflict and Change.

vol. 10 (1988) Greenwich, CT: JAI Press. (A revision of 24, above).

25., The Sociology of Enterprise, Accounting, and Budget Rules: An

Overview of the Analysis of Institutional and Organizational Functioning,

Accounting, Organizations, and Society 11, 4/5, 1986, pp. 327-40.

26. Yeheskel Hasenfeld, Jane Rafferty and, Bureaucratic Encounters,

Citizenship and the Welfare State, Annual Review of Sociology, 13, 1987, pp. 387-


27. Doug McAdam, John D. McCarthy, and, Social Movements and

Collective Behavior: Building Macro-Micro Bridges pp 695-738, in Neil J.

Smelser, editor, Handbook of Sociology, Sage Publications, 1988.

28., Review Essay: The New Institutional Economics American Journal

of Sociology. 93,3, (November, 1987) pp. 701-708.

29., Hip Replacement in a Major Teaching Hospital: An American Case,

pp. 37-42 in M. R. Rosenthal and M. Frenkel, editors, Health Care Systems and

Their Patients: An International Perspective. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1992.


30., Comment on Barley, et al, (Culture of Academics) pp. 43-48 in R.

Staeblein and P. Frost, editors, Doing Exemplary Research Newbury Park, CA, Sage

Publications, 1992.

31., The Continuing Vitality of Resource Mobilization Theory: Response

to Herbert Kitschelt's Critique, pp. 348-54 in Dieter Rucht, editor, Research on

Social Movements: The State of the Art in Western Europe and the USA. Campus

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