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Management Security

Pittsburgh, PA
February 18, 2013

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Divakaran Liginlal (Lal)

(Associate Teaching Professor of Information Systems)

Dietrich College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Phone: 412-***-**** E-mail:

Divakaran Liginlal (Lal) is an Associate Teaching Professor of Information Systems at Carnegie Mellon University.

Lal holds a B.S. in Telecommunication Engineering from CET, a M.S. in Computer Science from the Indian Institute of

Science, and a Ph.D. in Management Information Systems from the University of Arizona. Before joining CMU, he

taught at three U.S. universities, including nine years at the University of Wisconsin Madison s School of Business,

where he was a recipient of the Mabel Chipman Award for Faculty Excellence in Teaching and the Lawrence J. Larson

Grant Award for Innovation in Curriculum Design. As a graduate student, Lal received the University of Arizona

Foundation Award for meritorious teaching. His research in information security and decision support systems has been

published in such journals as CACM, IEEE-TKDE, IEEE-SMC, European Journal of Operational Research, Computers

& Security, Decision Support Systems, Fuzzy Sets & Systems, IEEE Technology & Society, Computers & Security,

IJIM, IRM Journal, and Journal of Computer Information Systems . Lal's teaching and research have been supported by

organizations such as Microsoft Corporation, Hewlett Packard, CISCO, Cargill, Qatar Foundation, the Qatar National

Research Fund (QNRF), and the ICAIR at the University of Florida.


Ph.D. Management Information Systems, University of Arizona, Tucson

(Dissertation Title: Building Fuzzy Front-End Decision Support Systems for Global Telecommunications Projects)

M.S. Computer Science & Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore

B.S. Electronics and Communication Engineering, College of Engineering, Trivandrum


1. Human Computer Interaction, User-centered Web Design, Web Application Design, Web Services

2. Data Management, XML, Data Structures and Algorithms

3. Telecommunications, Business Data Communications, Enterprise Networking.

4. Information Security Technologies, Management of Information Security, Writing Secure Code

5. Introduction to Programming, Systems Analysis and Design, Computing Fundamentals

6. Principles of Management Information Systems


2009-Present: Carnegie Mellon University at Qatar

Associate Teaching Professor of Information Systems

Courses taught: Application Design and Development (Ruby on Rails), User-centered Web Design, XML

and Web Services (C# & .NET), Information Systems Milieux, Human Computer Interface Design, and

Application Design projects.

2008 2009: The University of South Alabama, School of Computer and Information Sciences

Courses taught: Needs Analysis & Technology Evaluation, Computer Interface Design

Supervised 14 senior undergraduate capstone projects

Taught an online graduate course titled Management Information Systems

1999 - 2008: The University of Wisconsin-Madison, School of Business

Assistant Professor, Department of Operations & Information Management

Developed and taught MBA, graduate, and undergraduate courses in Web Services

Programming, XML Data Management, Information Security Management, Writing Secure

Code, Enterprise Networking, Telecommunications, and E-Business Infrastructure

Resume dated 2/1/2013 Page 1 of 6 .

1995 - 1999: The University of Arizona, College of Business

Instructor, Department of Management Information Systems (Independently developed and

taught courses such as Introduction to MIS, Data Structures and Algorithms, and Data


Teaching Assistant, Department of Management Information Systems (Teaching Assistant for several

Information Systems Courses): MIS 611B Behavioral Research Methods (TA to Professor Suzie

Weisband), MIS 511 Social Issues of Computing (TA to Professor Suzie Weisband), MIS 522 Linear

Programming (TA to Professor Moshe Dror), MIS 507 Data Communications (TA to Professor

McNeil), MIS 696B - Group Support Systems (TA to Professor Doug Vogel), and three sections of MIS

111- Introduction to Management Information Systems (TA to Professor Jim Lasalle)


Institution Title Years Instructor


Carnegie Mellon Application Design (Ruby on Rails) Fall 09 4.7/5.0

University User-centered Web Design Spring 10 4.82/5.0

XML and Web Services Programming Spring 10, 12 5.0/5.0

Information Systems Milieux Fall 10, 11, 12 4.91/5.0

Experiences in User Interface Design Spring 2011 4.8/5.0

Interaction Design for the Web Spring 2012 4.67/5.0

Mobile Web Development & Testing Summer 2012 4.57/5.0

University of Information Security Management (MBA) Fall 07 5.0/5.0

Wisconson-Madison, Building Secure Information Systems 07, 08 Summer 4.94/5.0

School of Business Information Security Management 03, 04, 05, 06, 07 4.92/5.0

XML & Web Services Programming 03, 04, 05, 06 4.88/5.0

Enterprise Networking Technologies 01,02 4.62/5.0

Business Data Communication 99 02 4.62/5.0

Building an E-Business Infrastructure 02 4.64/5.0

University of Arizona, Business Data Communications 98 S,F 4.80/5.0

Dept. of MIS Data Structures and Algorithms 97 S,F 4.60/5.0

Introduction to M.I.S 96S,F, 97S 4.60/5.0

University of South Needs Analysis & Technology Evaluation Fall 2008 NA

Alabama, School of Computer Interface Design Fall 2008 NA

Computer & Undergraduate Projects Fall 08, Spring 09 NA

Information Sciences


Mabel W. Chipman Outstanding Faculty Teaching Award from the University of Wisconsin, Madison

School of Business, 2007

University of Arizona Foundation Award for Meritorious Teaching, Spring, 1998

Lawrence J. Larson Curriculum Development Award 2004 (for innovation in information security

curriculum design) from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, School of Business

Lawrence J. Larson Curriculum Development Award 2001 (for innovation in e-commerce curriculum

design) from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, School of Business

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1. Human Computer Interaction

2. Information Security and Privacy

3. Decision Support Systems


Decision Support Systems

1. Liginlal, Divakaran, and Ow, Terence, On Policy Capturing with Fuzzy Measures, European

Journal of Operational Research, 167(2): pp. 461-474, December 2005.

2. Liginlal, Divakaran, Ram, Sudha, and Duckstein, Lucien, A Fuzzy Measure-Theoretical Framework

for Screening Product Innovations, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part A:

Systems and Humans, Vol. 36, No. 3, May 2006

3. Liginlal, Divakaran, and Ow, Terence, Modeling Attitude to Risk in Human Decision Processes: An

Application of Fuzzy Measures, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 157(23), 2006

4. Liginlal, Divakaran, Khansa, Lara, and Chia, Stella, News in Hand: A Case Study in Investment

Options for Mobile Content Services, International Journal of Business Data Communications and

Networking, 6 (1):17-37, 2010

5. Khansa, Lara, and Liginlal, Divakaran. Predicting Stock Prices from Malicious Attacks: A

Comparative Analysis of Vector Autoregression and Time-Delayed Neural Networks, Decision

Support Systems, 51(4): pp.745-759, November, 2011.

Information Security and Privacy

6. Chen, Ye, and Liginlal, Divakaran, Bayesian Networks for Knowledge-Based Authentication,

IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Vol. 19, No. 5, pp. 695-710, May 2007.

7. Chen, Ye, and Liginlal, Divakaran, A maximum entropy approach to feature selection in

knowledge-based authentication, Decision Support Systems, Vol. 46, Issue 1, December 2008, pp.


8. Khansa, Lara, and Liginlal, Divakaran, Valuing the Flexibility of Investing in Security Process

Innovations, European Journal of Operational Research, 192 (1), pp. 216-235, January 2009.

9. Khansa, Lara, and Liginlal, Divakaran, Quantifying the Benefits of Investing in Information

Security, Communications of the ACM, 52(11), November 2009.

10. Liginlal, Divakaran, and Khansa, Lara, Privacy and E-Authentication: The Dangers of Self-

Disclosure in Social Networks, Springer Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, Vol. 52,

1st Edition, 2011, 166-176.

11. Khansa, Lara, and Liginlal, Divakaran, Whither information security? Examining the

complementarities and substitutive effects among IT and information security firms, International

Journal of Information Management, 32 (3), June 2012, 271-281.

12. Khansa, Lara, and Liginlal, Divakaran, Regulatory influence and the imperative of innovation in

identity and access management, Information Resources Management Journal, 25 (3), July Sep

2012, 78-97.

Human Computer Interaction

13. Liginlal, Divakaran, Sim, Inkook, and Khansa, Lara, How significant is human error as a cause of

privacy breaches? An empirical study and a framework for error management, Computers and

Security, 28(3-4): pp. 215-228, May-June, 2009.

14. Liginlal, Divakaran, Sim, Inkook, Khansa, Lara, and Fearn, Paul, Human error and HIPAA Privacy

Rule compliance: An interpretive study using Norman s action theory, Computers and Security, 31 (2),

206-220, 2012.

15. Sim, Inkook, Liginlal, Divakaran, and Khansa, Lara, Information Privacy Situation Awareness:

Construct and Validation, Journal of Computer Information Systems, 53 (1), 2012.

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Technology Use

16. James, Tabitha, Khansa, Lara, Cook, Deborah, and Liginlal, Divakaran. Technology and U.S.

Politics, IEEE Technology and Society, 30(1): 20-27, 2011


1. Liginlal, Divakaran, Khansa Lara, and Landry Jeff, Collaboration and Compliance in Healthcare: A

Threat Modeling Case Study, Readings and Cases in the Management of Information Security, Vol.

2, Course Technology, 2009.

2. Liginlal, Divakaran, Khansa, Lara, and Landry, Jeff, Collaboration, Innovation, and Value Creation

The Case of Wikimedia's Emergence as the Center for Collaborative Content in Cases on

Technology Innovation: Entrepreneurial Successes and Pitfalls, Ann Becker and Robert Niebuhr

(eds.), Business Science Reference, 2010.


1. Liginlal, Divakaran, Phelps, Daniel, and Kaba, Lansine, Tracking the Socio-Technical Barriers

to Digital Identity Adoption in Arab Countries A Case Study of Qatar, 9th International

Conference on E-Governance (ICEG-2012), Kochi, India, 2012.

2. Satya, Jaya Aparna Pasi, and Liginlal, Divakaran Cultural adaptation and Arab e-commerce:

An exploratory study, IADIS International Conference, eSociety, Berlin, March 2012.

3. Liginlal, Divakaran, and Gordon Eda, Building Fuzzy Rule-based Systems for Scientific Jury

Selection, 2nd Malaysian Joint Conference on AI (MJCAI2010), Kuching, July 2010.

4. Liginlal, Divakaran, and Khansa, Lara, Privacy and E-Authentication: The Dangers of Self-Disclosure

in Social Networks. In Proceedings of the Pre-ICIS WeB 2009 8th Workshop on e-Business: Exploring

the Grand Challenges for Next Generation e-Business.

5. Khansa, Lara, and Liginlal, Divakaran, Is the Decreasing Innovation of Information Security

Firms Hurting their Stock Price? A Time Series Analysis. AMCIS, San Francisco, CA, 2009.

6. Khansa, Lara, and Liginlal, Divakaran, Will the Information Security Industry Die? Applying

Social Network Analysis to Study Industry Convergence. AMCIS, San Francisco, CA, 2009.

7. Liginlal, Divakaran, Sim, Inkook, Khansa, Lara, and Fearn, Paul, Human Error in Healthcare

Organizations: Causes and Management Strategies. AMCIS, San Francisco, CA, 2009.

8. Liginlal, Divakaran, and Sim, Inkook, To Err is Human: But are Social Networks Forgiving, HOIT

2007, Chennai, India, August, 2007.

9. Khansa, Lara, and Liginlal, Divakaran, The Influence of Regulations on Innovation in Information

Security, AMCIS, Colorado, 2007

10. Chen, Ye, and Liginlal, Divakaran, An Empirical Investigation of Knowledge-Based

Authentication, AMCIS, Colorado, 2007.

11. Khansa, Lara, and Liginlal, Divakaran, Access Granted: The Imperative of Innovation and

Standardization in Information Security, the 19th IEEE International Engineering Management

Conference (IEMC 2007), Austin, Texas, 2007.

12. Khansa, Lara, and Liginlal, Divakaran, Valuing Investments in Security Process Innovations,

International Conference on Operations Research Applications, Bangalore, India, December 2005.

13. Liginlal, Divakaran, and Attari, Mukkaram, Technology Options for Net-Centric Enterprises,

Global Information Technology Management Conference, Dallas, Texas, June, 2001.

14. Liginlal, Divakaran, Ram, Sudha, and Vettiyil, Saji, An Intelligent Consultant for Jury Selection in a

Courtroom, AMCIS, Milwaukee, WI, August, 1999.

15. Liginlal, Divakaran, Ram, Sudha, and Duckstein, Lucien. Building Fuzzy Front-End Decision

Support Systems for Global Telecommunication Projects, COTIM, Brussels, November, 1997.


1. Khansa, Lara, Kim, Sung, and Liginlal, Divakaran, Understanding Members Participation

Behavior in Online Question-and-Answer Communities: A Theory and Empirical Analysis.

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2. Liginlal, Divakaran and Sim, Inkook, HIPAA Violations: Analyzing the High Costs of

Human Error.

3. Deng, Yun, Liginlal, Divakaran, and Ma, Xiao, Determinants of Activity Lifespan in

Internet Gambling Environments.


1. Chair, Ph.D. Committee of Dr. Ye Chen, 2007 (Currently Principal Development Lead, Microsoft),

2. Chair, Ph.D. Committee of Dr. Lara Khansa, 2008 (Currently Assistant Professor, Virginia Tech)

3. Chair, Ph.D. Committee of Dr. Inkook Sim, 2010

4. Member, Ph.D. Committee of Dr. Joko Saputro, 2006 (Currently with SAP)

5. Ph.D. Minor Advisor to Dr. Stella Chia, 2001 (Associate Professor, City University of Hong Kong)

6. Ph.D. External Examiner for National Institute of Technology, Kozhikode, India, 2011


1. Set up an Information Systems Lab to support undergraduate research and the laboratory requirements

of specialized courses such as user experience design and XML and Web Services.

2. Partnered with the Qatar Ministry of Interior to build Qatar s drug prevention campaign website.

3. Partnered with the IT Department of Lusail, Qatar s futuristic city, to develop student projects,

internships, and a National Priority Research Project (NPRP) on safety management and sustainable


4. Interdisciplinary research with CMU, George Town, and Cambridge University faculty to develop

Arabic language learning technologies. Co-recipient of grant from Qatar National Research Fund.

5. Interdisciplinary research with CMU, Qatar University, and University of Wisconsin-Madison faculty

to investigate the effectiveness of Arabic language use of websites.

6. Member of the advisory committee that proposed a strategy and design for Her Highness Sheikha

Moza s web presence.

7. Lectured at Ibtikar (IS outreach event to schools), organized family day events, and member of

program committee for the undergraduate conference in Information Systems (UCIS).

8. Guided two undergraduate projects that won the top two prizes at the Meeting of the Minds, 2011.


1. Set up an academic partnership with Oracle leading to the adoption of Oracle for the InfoSys courses

in 1999. Created a partnership with the Division of Information Technology at UW-Madison that has

served the School of Business database courses since 1999.

2. Served in a significant role to promote School of Business academic partnerships with Microsoft, HP,

CISCO, and IBM. This resulted in donations of software and equipment of high monetary value.

3. Set up an Information Systems Lab to support faculty research and the laboratory requirements of

specialized courses such as e-business infrastructure and secure coding.

4. Significant role in setting up a high level computing lab aided by a gift from Cargill to support

Information Systems courses.

5. Set up a virtual lab facility to teach telecommunications (was one of the five teaching and learning

technology competition winners in UW-Madison in 2002) with support from the Division of

Information Technology at UW-Madison.


Member, Editorial Review Board, Journal of Database Management (2004 - present)

Reviewer for Annals of Operations Research, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, IEEE Transactions on

Engineering Management, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Information

Sciences, Pattern Recognition Letters, AMCIS, ICIS, and HICCS

Invited to the first four Microsoft Faculty Summits (2000-2003), first IBM Ecommerce Curriculum

Development Conference 2000, and HP EServices Workshop 2000.

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Organized Web 2006, Web 2007, and Web 2009 -- an ICIS workshop on e-business. Served as the

treasurer and program committee member for these workshops.


Year Description Donor 2012 Raising Language Effectiveness in Arabic Ecommerce Qatar Foundation (NPRP) 597,957

Websites (with Zeinab Ibrahim, Robert Meeds (QU))

2011 Technology-Enhanced Arabic Language learning Qatar Foundation (NPRP) 867,000

(with Zeinab Ibrahim)

2011 Google TV Devices Grant Google 1,000

2010 Google Android Grant Google 1,250

2010 Identity Management and Privacy Qatar Foundation Seed Grant 200,000

2005 Curriculum Development Grant Microsoft Corporation 1,250

2005 Engage Adaptation Award Grant DOIT, UW-Madison 1,500

2005 Curriculum Development Grant School of Business, UW-Madison 2,500

2003 Research And Teaching of .NET Technologies Microsoft Corporation 15,000

2002 Equipment for a Virtual Networking Lab CISCO Systems 17,500

2002 Mobile Applications of .NET Microsoft Corporation 8,500

2002 Curriculum Development Grant School of Business, UW-Madison 2,500

2002 Expert Systems For Jury Selection ICAIR (University of Florida) 33,300

2002 Virtual Enterprise Network Laboratory DOIT, UW-Madison 21,800

2002 Expert Systems for Jury Selection School of Business, UW-Madison 5,000

2001 .Netcentric Curriculum and Research Plan Microsoft Corporation 75,000

2001 Mining New Product Ideas UW-Madison Graduate School 13,350

2000 E-Services Technologies (with RajVeeramani, Anne Miner) Hewlett Packard 132,000


1983 - 1988: Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO)

Scientist/Engineer: Member of the Electronics Systems Division and the Inertial Guidance System

Test Group for India s satellite launch vehicle projects. Responsibilities included instrumentation

interfacing and test program development for building automated test systems. Also involved in

research into advanced computing architectures for flight computers.

1989 - 1995: The Saudi Iron & Steel Company, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Computer Specialist: Designed and commissioned the incoming material management system for the

plant and a personnel tracking system based on Unix and Oracle platforms. Responsible for training

operators of various nationalities.

Two years supervisory experience in routine hardware maintenance of Prime super-minicomputers,

managing help desk operations, and plant-wide operational maintenance.


1. Dr. James Morris, Chair, Department of Operations and Information Management, 5297 Grainger

Hall, 975 University Avenue, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706,, 608-***-****.

2. Dr. Urban Wemmerlov, Professor and Director of Erdman Center, 4284A Grainger Hall, 975

University Avenue, Madison, WI 53706,, 608-***-****.

3. Dr. Sudha Ram, McClelland Professor of MIS, Eller College of Management, University of

Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, 520-***-****.

4. Dr. Sung Kim, Department of Operations and Information Management, School of Business,

University of Wisconsin-Madison,, 608-***-****.

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