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Engineering Civil

Chico, CA
January 19, 2013

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Russell S. Mills, P.E., Ph.D.

Department of Civil Engineering

California State University, Chico

Chico, California 95929-0930


530-***-**** (FAX)


Dr. Mills has been a member of the CSU, Chico faculty since 1982. During this time he has

taught with distinction in a diverse range of programs: Civil Engineering, Mechanical

Engineering, Computer Science, Latin American Studies, and Undergraduate Education,

including a year as the University Director of the Cultural Immersion Program in M xico. He

was recognized with the University Outstanding Teacher Award in 2000-2001 and is a graduate

of the national program Excellence in Civil Engineering Education at the U. S. Military

Academy, West Point.

Dr. Mills has accepted leadership in a wide range of contexts, including five years as Department

Chair, a member of the General Education Advisory Committee (for twelve years), the

University General Education Coordinator (for four years), the Academic Senate (ten years), and

chair of the Faculty and Student Policies Committee. He has served on numerous city and county

committees, including the Bidwell Park and Playground Commission for twelve years. Dr. Mills

is a past Fulbright Research Associate in M rida, Yucat n, and was the recipient of the

University Presidential Leadership Award in 2000-2001. He is currently the chair of the

University Academic Senate.

Although Dr. Mills has an extensive record of technical contracts and research in structural

engineering, his current interests and activities address academic program development,

programmatic assessment, and pedagogy in STEM disciplines. Dr. Mills is also a bicycling

enthusiast and advises local governments on the design and construction of bicycling facilities

and has been a director of the Chico Velo Cycling Club for over twenty years.


Structural Engineering, Earthquake Engineering, Wind Engineering, Experimental Mechanics,

Bicycle Transportation Engineering, University Administration, STEM Pedagogy.


Stanford University, Ph.D. Structural Engineering, 1979

Stanford University, M.S. Structural Engineering, 1975

California State University, Chico, B.S. Civil Engineering, 1974 (magna cum laude)

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California, Civil Engineer, 1980 (Lic. No. C031969)


California State University, Chico, Professor of Civil Engineering, 1985 present

California State University, Chico, Chair of the University Academic Senate, 2011 present

California State University, Chico, Chair of Civil Engineering, 1987 1988 (Interim), 2003

2006, 2007 2008

California State University, Chico, University Coordinator of General Education, 2000 2004

California State University, Chico, Latin American Studies, Director of the Cultural Immersion

Program in M xico, 1993

Universidad Aut noma de Yucat n, M rida, M xico, Fulbright Research Associate, 1992

California State University, Chico, Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, 1982 1985

URS/Blume Engineers, San Francisco, Consulting Engineer, 1982 1992

URS/Blume Engineers, San Francisco, Project Engineer, 1979 1982

Stanford University, Research and Teaching Assistant, 1975 1979


Teaching Record:

Engineering Statics Soil Mechanics and Foundations

Engineering Dynamics Computer Applications in Engineering

Strength of Materials Numerical Methods Programming

Structural Testing Laboratory Surveying Laboratory

Structural Mechanics Latin American Studies - M xico

Structural Steel Design Introduction to University Life

Earthquake and Wind Engineering

Committee History:

California State University Appointments (Statewide)

California State University Senate Chair Council

California State University Assessment Council

California State University Lower-Division Transfer Project

California State University, Chico Appointments (Campus)

Academic Senate (Chair, 2011 present)

Academic Senate Executive Committee (Chair, 2011 present)

President s Cabinet

Educational Policies and Programs Committee

Faculty and Student Policies Committee (Vice-Chair F06, Chair S07 S08)

University Budget Committee (Chair, 2011 present)

Academic Reorganization Team

Search Committee, Assistant Vice-President for Faculty Affairs (Chair S12)

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Enrollment Management Advisory Committee

Graduation Initiative Team

Campus Fee Advisory Committee

Campus Planning Executive Committee and Land Use Aesthetics

Council for Institutional Effectiveness and Accountability

Glenn Kendall Award

Information Technology Executive Committee

Staff Council

University Construction Advisory Committee

WASC Steering Committee

Transportation Committee

125th Anniversary Committee

California State Employees Charitable Campaign (Co-Chair)

Accessible Technology Initiative, Priority 2 Team Instructional Materials

Academic Affairs Assessment Committee

Academic Technology Advisory Committee

Foundations of Excellence Group (the First Year Experience)

Faculty Recognition and Support Committee

University Consultant on Automated Degree Progress Reporting

General Education Advisory Committee (Chair S99 and AY00/01-AY03/04)

General Education Subcommittee, Area A: Core (Chair AY05/06)

General Education Subcommittee, Area B: Science

General Education Subcommittee, Area C: Humanities and Fine Arts

Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) Accreditation Committees


University Journal Editorial Review Board

Instructional Computing Liaison

Freshman Composition Essay Contest, Judging Panel

Faculty Grievance Peer Review Committee

University Commencement Marshal and Grand Marshal

College of Engineering, Computer Science, and Construction Management


Student Learning Fee Committee (Chair F10)

College of Engineering, Computer Science and Construction Management (ECC)

CAD/CAM Committee

ECC Personnel Committee

ECC Leaves Committee

ECC Computer Graphics Committee

ECC Faculty Development and Support Committee

ECC Dean Review Committee

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Department Appointments

Department of Civil Engineering (CE) Hiring Committee (Chair AY04/05, AY05/06,


CE Awards Committee (Chair AY84/85, AY85/86)

CE Personnel Committee (Chair AY86/87, AY89/90, AY07/08, AY09/10, AY10/11)

CE Chair Selection Committee (Chair AY98/99)

CE Faculty Merit Increase Committee (Chair AY98/99)

CE Assessment Coordinator

CE Website Designer and Developer

Department of Construction Management Personnel Committee

Department of Mathematics Five-Year External Review Committee

Faculty Advisor Appointments

Structural Engineering Association of Central California Student Chapter

American Society of Civil Engineers Student Chapter

Chico State Cycling Club

Community Activity History:

City of Chico - Bicycle Advisory Committee (1994 - present)

Chico Velo Cycling Club - Board of Directors (1990 - present)

City of Chico - Bidwell Park and Playground Commission (1993 2000, 2003 2006;

Chair 1997 - 1998; Vice-Chair 1994 - 1996)

City of Chico Artist Selection Committee, City Plaza (2006)

City of Chico - Interview Committee for Park Ranger/Volunteer Coordinator (1998)

City of Chico - Artist Selection Committee, Humboldt Park (1997)

City of Chico - Interview Committee for Public Works Director (1994)

Chico Velo Bicycle Racing Team (1986 - 1994)

City of Chico - Community Transit Advisory Committee (1991 - 1993)

Butte County - Social Services Transportation Advisory Committee (1991 - 1993)

Personal Interests:

Travel, cultural diversity, bicycling, scuba diving, music, cooking.


University Outstanding Teacher Award, California State University, Chico, 2000 - 2001

Professor of the Year, American Society of Civil Engineers Student Chapter, 1994

American Society of Civil Engineers - Award for Outstanding Service, annually 1985 - 1990

CSUC Meritorious Performance Award, for excellence in extra-curricular activities, 1989

CSUC Professional Promise Award, for excellence in teaching, 1985


American Society of Civil Engineers (President of Marysville Branch 1984)

Shasta Cascade Structural Engineers Association, Redding

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California Faculty Association

(Tau Beta Pi) National Engineering Honor Society

(Phi Kappa Phi), National Scholastic Honor Society, Special Initiate


Engineering Consultant, The Remy Group (2006-2010): Provide consultation to this general

construction contractor on various tasks associated with construction management project

acquisition and development.

External Reviewer for Promotion and Tenure Candidate (July 2008), Lafayette College,


Engineering Consultant, Law Office of Leonard and Lyde (2007): Expert witness for litigation

involving accessibility issues in a private building.

Proposed Master of Science in Engineering Management (2006-2007): Developed a preliminary

proposal for a new graduate degree program in the College of Engineering, Computer Science,

and Construction Management.

Programmatic Assessment of Quantitative Reasoning in General Education, with M. Owens and

J. Ladwig (2005-2006): Completed a year-long assessment in the general education program and

in selected major courses, using embedded direct techniques.

ExCEEd Teaching Fellow (July 2005): One of twenty-four applicants accepted to the American

Society of Civil Engineers national workshop on Excellence in Civil Engineering Education,

United States Military Academy, West Point, July 24-29, 2005.

Applicant Reviewer, American Institute of Steel Construction (October 2004): Invited member of

panel of educators and industry representatives chosen to review applicants for the national

2004-2005 AISC Educator Career Enhancement Awards.

Engineering Consultant, Law Office of Leonard and Lyde (2003): Expert witness for litigation

involving accessibility issues in a public building.

Proposal Reviewer, National Science Foundation (July 2001): Invited reviewer of proposals for

the Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation Program, an $82 million program for new

and upgraded earthquake engineering research equipment. This phase of the review was of

proposals for consortium development, to initiate and coordinate activities of the national

earthquake engineering community.

Teacher-Scholar Summer Institute, California Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo (June

2001): Participation funded by the CSU Institute for Teaching and Learning and the CSUC

Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching. Attended sessions on Integrating Lecture,

Technology, and Laboratory in Science and Engineering, and Mathematics in Other Disciplines.

Presidential Leadership Award, CSU-Chico (2000-2001): Special assignment to the Provost of

Academic Affairs at CSU-Chico to coordinate development and assessment of the university

general education program.

Technical Reviewer, National Science Foundation, Arlington, Virginia (June 2000): Invited

member of international panel to review proposals for the Network for Earthquake Engineering

Simulation Program, an $82 million program for new and upgraded earthquake engineering

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research equipment. This technical review panel was comprised of ten members charged to

recommend distribution of $18 million for the creation of a U. S. network of shared-use,

regionally distributed, next-generation shake table facilities.

Travel Grant, City of Chico, California & Pacific Southwest Recreation & Park Training

Conference, Ontario, California (March 2000): Conference addressing planning, design,

implementation, operation and maintenance of city and regional recreational facilities. Sessions

attended addressed political and governmental issues.

Engineering Consultant, Jessen & Wright (2000): General consultation on design

conceptualization and analysis of a 50-story hotel proposed for construction in Las Vegas,

Nevada. Concept is for a building in the shape of an asymmetrically truncated cone (i.e., an

exploded volcano).

Specialist Reviewer, Council for International Exchange of Scholars, Washington, D. C. (1997-

1999): Review and evaluate proposals for candidates to the Fulbright Senior Scholar Program in

the discipline of civil engineering. One of three invited evaluators nationally.

Engineering Consultant, Roberts Consulting Engineering (1999): Presentation on modifications

to the seismic regulations contained in the 1997 edition of the Uniform Building Code.

Team Co-Leader, Mathematics, CSU-Chico, A Multi-Campus Pilot Approach to Establish

Learning Outcomes for Mathematical Reasoning and Written Communication in English for the

Baccalaureate Degree, Office of the Chancellor (1998): Joint project with CSU-Sacramento,

and San Francisco State University to draft system-wide target outcomes.

Travel Grant, City of Chico, Pro Bike/Pro Walk 98, Santa Barbara (September 1998):

Conference addressing design of bicycle-friendly and walkable communities; organized by the

Bicycle Federation of America and the Campaign to Make America Walkable.

Engineering Consultant, Law Office of Leonard and Lyde (1996-1998): Expert witness for

litigation involving accessibility issues in a public building.

Engineering Consultant, Ringel and Associates (1997): Structural analysis of a steel-truss

vehicle bridge.

Engineering Consultant, Roberts Consulting Engineering (1996): Vibration analysis associated

with the design of a large, freestanding, steel circular staircase.

Engineering Consultant, Roberts Consulting Engineering (1996): Seismic retrofitting of the

CSU- Chico, main grandstand.

Co-Organizer, National Science Foundation Workshop on Visualization Applications in

Earthquake Engineering (August 1994): Inaugural national workshop on the use of computer

graphics and computer-generated video for illustrating the results of engineering analyses.

Approximately thirty participants.

Consultant to URS/Blume Engineers, San Francisco, and the U. S. Department of Energy (1982-

1992): Long-term contract including seismic effects documentation, the use of instrumentation to

measure dynamic building and ground motion, application of computer systems to data

acquisition and analysis, research on environmental load effects on buildings and the study of

new and unusual structural and architectural systems. Principal focus of effort was public safety

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from ground motion produced during underground testing of nuclear weapons (approximately

200 hours annually).

Fulbright American Republics Research Award, Rural Community Development -- Construction

Practices and Building Technology (1992): Sabbatical leave spent at the Universidad Aut noma

de Yucat n, in M rida, Yucat n, M xico. Activities addressed two general topics; studies in

structural engineering education and experimental methods for evaluating alternative

construction methods and materials. Also presented a 2-day workshop, in Spanish, on techniques

for computer analysis of structures.

Studies in Learning and Teaching (1990): The development and use of graphics-oriented

microcomputer software in civil engineering education.

Travel Grant, College of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, and Center for

International Studies (1989): Investigative trip to the Universidad Aut noma de Yucat n,

M xico.

National Liberal Arts Program, Workshop on Design in Engineering Education, Princeton

University, December (1988): National invited workshop addressing integration of design

components in engineering curricula.

Enhancement of Engineering and Computer Science Education (1985): Development of a course

module and related software for computer applications in structural engineering.

Enhancement of Engineering and Computer Science Education (1984): Purchase and

development of a microcomputer laboratory for engineering education.


Creative and Artistic Thinking Process in Invention, Turner Art Exhibition, Book in Common,

CSU, Chico, April 2011.

Basic Engineering Principles Applied to the Collapse of the Twin Towers, Peace Institute

Spring Festival, CSU, Chico, April 2007.

Program Improvement through Direct Assessment A Case Study in Civil Engineering,

presented at the Annual Conference on Excellence in Learning and Teaching, Center for

Excellence in Learning and Teaching, California State University, Chico, October 2006.

Varied Experiences in GE Program Assessment, with M. Owens, D. Rothermel, and G.

Tropea, presented at the General Education and Assessment Conference, Association of

American Colleges and Universities, Long Beach, California, March 2004.

Student Chapters An Adjunct to Engineering Education, with T. Emerson, Proceedings,

Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Education, Nashville, Tennessee,

June 2003. (Best paper award for younger authors T. Emerson).

Periodic GE Course Reviews: Evolution of Practices at CSU, Chico, presented at the GE

Assessment Conference, CSU-Fullerton, March 2003.

Learning Outcomes for Mathematical Reasoning, presented at the GE Assessment

Conference, CSU-Fullerton, March 2003.

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Case Studies in Extracurricular, Collaborative Learning, presented at the Sixth California

State University Symposium on University Teaching, CSU-San Marcos, February 26, 2000.

Non-Linear Finite Element Procedures for Supported Plates, with C. Roberts, Proceedings,

Engineering Mechanics Division Specialty Conference, ASCE, Baltimore, Maryland, June 1999.

Learning Outcomes for Mathematical Reasoning for the Baccalaureate Degree, with J. Jones,

et al., Learning Outcomes Project Final Report, California State University, January 15, 1999.

Centered Beam-Flange-Cutouts for Welded Steel Moment Connections, with C. Roberts,

Proceedings, Northridge Earthquake Research Conference, California Universities for Research

in Earthquake Engineering (CUREe), Los Angeles, California, August 1997.

Welded Steel Moment Connections Damaged During the Northridge Earthquake, with C.

Roberts, Newsletter, Shasta Cascade Structural Engineers Association, Redding, California,

November 1996.

Fundamental Considerations in Structural Engineering Education, with J. Arthur,

Proceedings, Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Education, Anaheim,

California, June 1995.

Wind Response of a Tall Building with Full-Scale Observations, Phase II, Report Number JAB-

10733-1, URS/Blume Engineers, San Francisco, California, August 1991, 20 pages. (Published

simultaneously by the National Technical Information Center).

Wind Response of a Tall Building with Full-Scale Observations, Report Number JAB-10343-3,

URS/Blume Engineers, San Francisco, California, February 1988, 76 pages. (Published

simultaneously by the National Technical Information Center).

Structural Mechanics Computer Applications Module, prepared under a grant from the

Enhancement of Engineering and Computer Science Education Program, CSU-Chico, May 1985.

Seismic Response Assessment for a Masonry High-Rise Building, with T. Igusa, Proceedings,

Eighth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, San Francisco, California, July 1984.

Small-Scale Modeling of the Non-Linear Response of Steel-Framed Buildings to Earthquakes,

Proceedings, International Seminar on Dynamic Modeling of Structures, Watford, England,

November 1981.

Experimental and Theoretical Study of a Tall Building Subjected to Wind Loading,

Proceedings, Fourth U.S. National Conference on Wind Engineering Research, Seattle,

Washington, July 1981.

Wind Loading and Response of a High-Rise Building, with D. Williams, Proceedings, Second

Specialty Conference on the Dynamic Response of Structures, Engineering Mechanics Division,

ASCE, Atlanta, Georgia, January 1981.

Earthquake Simulator Study of a Steel-Frame Small-Scale Model, with H. Krawinkler,

Proceedings, Seventh World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey,

September 1980.

Model Tests on Earthquake Simulators - Development and Implementation of Experimental

Procedures, with H. Krawinkler and J. Gere, Report No. TR 39, John A. Blume Earthquake

Engineering Center, Stanford University, June 1979 (Ph.D. Dissertation).

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Earthquake Simulator Study of a Steel-Frame Model, with H. Krawinkler, Proceedings, Third

Engineering Mechanics Division Specialty Conference, ASCE, Austin, Texas, September 1979.

Model Studies on Earthquake Simulators, with H. Krawinkler and P. Moncarz, Proceedings,

Society for Experimental Stress Analysis, Paper No. R79-157, Spring Meeting, San Francisco,

California, May 1979.

The Use of Minicomputers for Control and Data Handling in Dynamic Tests, with H.

Krawinkler, Proceedings, International Instrumentation Symposium, Instrument Society of

America, Anaheim, California, May 1979.

Technical Information on the Seismic Testing Facilities, with P. Moncarz, Report No. MP 6,

John A. Blume Earthquake Engineering Center, Stanford University, December 1978.

Scale Modeling and Testing of Structures for Reproducing Response to Earthquake Excitation,

with H. Krawinkler and P. Moncarz, John A. Blume Earthquake Engineering Center, Stanford

University, May 1978.

Facilities Manual, with M. McCann, Jr., Report No. MP 4, John A. Blume Earthquake

Engineering Center, Stanford University, March 1978.

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