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Marketing Management

Pittsburgh, PA
November 18, 2012

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LAWRENCE FEICKJoseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business University of Pittsburgh 362 Mervis Hall Pittsburgh, PA 15260 412-***-**** - office - 412-***-**** - fax

- E-mail412-***-**** - home


1978 to 1981 The Pennsylvania State University

Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics, November, 1981.

1975 to 1977 The University of Delaware

M.S. in Agricultural Economics, May, 1977.

1970 to 1974 The University of Delaware

B.A. magna cum laude in Psychology, May, 1974.


The Joseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business,

University of Pittsburgh.

1996 to Present Professor of Business Administration


1988 to 1996 Associate Professor of

Business Administration (Tenured).

1982 to 1988 Assistant Professor of

Business Administration.

1989 to 1996 Associate Dean

Responsibilities as Associate Dean included the operating budget of the School, faculty

recruiting, annual reviews of faculty, faculty teaching assignments and related internal

operations of the School including library and computing resources. Direct supervisory

responsibilities for Directors of PhD, Masters, and Undergraduate Programs, and Directors

of Computing, Admissions, and Placement. Oversight responsibility for the relationship

with affiliated Centers in Prague (Czechoslovak Management Center) and Budapest

(International Management Center).

1984 to 1985 Director of the Consumer

Panel, Katz Graduate School of Business, University of Pittsburgh.

Sample selection, panel operation and maintenance.

Teaching at University of Pittsburgh:


Marketing Models, Behavioral Foundations of

Marketing Management,


Topics in Marketing, Marketing Theory/Theory Construction

Full Time MBA:

Marketing Management,

Marketing Research,

Practicum in Marketing Research,

Advanced Marketing Management,

Product Management,

International Marketing Management,


Research Project in Marketing

Part-Time MBA:






Marketing Management,


Marketing Management

Executive MBA:










Executive Development:







Strategy Simulation Game,



Faculty Development:


Using Experiential Learning Methods: Cases,




1981 to 1982 The Pennsylvania State University

Full-time Instructor. Department of Economics.

Teaching in the areas of principles of economics and industrial organization theory.

Academic advisor to undergraduate students.

1978 to 1981 Graduate Assistant. Department of Agricultural

Economics and Rural Sociology.

Editorial Assistant. The Journal of Consumer Affairs.

1975 to 1977 The University of Delaware.

Graduate Assistant. Department of Agricultural Economics.


1997, 1998 Comenius University

Bratislava, Slovak Republic; Visiting Professor.

Spring 1997

Spring 1998

1997 Czech Management Center

Prague, Czech Republic; Visiting Professor.

Spring 1997

1993 Universit t Augsburg

Augsburg, Germany. Visiting Professor.

Spring - Summer 1993.

1990 International Management Center

Budapest, Hungary; Visiting Professor.

Fall 1990


APublic Concern with Air Pollution and


Support for Proposed Clear Air Alternatives@

Coinvestigator with William Sauer, 1982-83.

Sponsor: U.S. Steel/ MPC Corp.

AThe Role of Interpersonal Sources in

Information Exchange@ Coinvestigator

with L.L. Price, 1984-85.

Sponsor: Newsweek

AThe Effect of Coorientation and Expertise on

Referent Influence in the Choice of a Service Provider@

Coinvestigator with L.L. Price, 1986-87. Sponsor: University of Pittsburgh Provost's

Research Development Fund

AExpertise, Coorientation, and Heterogeneity

Effects on Personal Influence in the Choice of a Service Provider,@ 1987-88.

Sponsor: AMA Faculty Advisor Research Grant Program

AResearch on Information and Product

Acquisition in Hungary@, Coinvestigator with

L.L. Price and Robin Coulter, 1991-93.

Sponsor: University of Pittsburgh International Business Center

Sponsor: Marketing Science Institute

ASteel Marketing Strategy,@ 1997-98

Sponsor: POSCO Research Institute, Korea

Graduate School of Business Faculty Research Grant 1983,1984,1986,1988


Katz Graduate Undergraduate Program Committee (1982-86), Chair (84-86)

School of Business Bradford Campus Evaluation Committee (1983-84)

Undergraduate Program Task Force (1984-85)

Undergraduate Program Task Force, Market Potential Subcommittee 1984-85)

IBM Grant Steering Committee (1985-90)

Greensburg Campus Evaluation Committee (1985-86)

Kaufmann's Scholarship Committee (1985-86)

Planning and Advisory Committee (1986-88)

Ad Hoc Committee on Faculty Recruiting (1987-88)

Library Committee (1987-88)

Faculty Advisor, AMA Student Chapter (1987-89, 96-97)

Faculty Advisor, Phi Chi Theta (1987-88)

Fact Finding Committees for faculty personnel decisions (1988-96).

Special Committee on Undergraduate Business

Education (1988-89), Chair (1988-89)

MBA Admissions Committee (1988-89)

MHA Admissions Committee (1988-92), Chair IBM Executive Committee (1989-90)

Task Force on MBA Delivery Mode (1989-93)

Task Force on Flex-MBA Curriculum (1989-90), Chair (1989-90)

Building Committee (1989-93)

Executive Committee (1989-96)

Computer Policy and Usage Committee (1990-96)

Ad Hoc Committee on BSBA (1990-91)

Ad Hoc Committee on BSBA Market Study (1990-91) Chair

Ad Hoc Committee on Faculty Teaching Loads (1989-91)

Affirmative Action Committee (1990-95)

Ad Hoc Committee on Masters of International Business (1990-93)

Ad Hoc Committee on MA-MBA(Area Studies) Joint Program (1989-92)

Ad Hoc Committee on MBA-MSN (Nursing) Joint Program (1989-90)

Undergraduate BSBA Coordinating Committee (1992-93), Chair

MBA Curriculum Evaluation Task Force (1994-95)

Masters Program Committee (1996-97) Chair

Promotion and Tenure Committee (1996-98)

International Program Committee (1997-98) Chair

Task Force on Student Computing (1997-98)

Strategic Planning Workgroup (1997-98) Chair

University of College of General Studies Council (1983-85)

Pittsburgh College of General Studies Planning Committee (1983-1984)

School of Health Related Professions Review Committee (1989-90)

School Review Committee, President's Distinguished Teaching Award (1984-1985)

President's Committee on Undergraduate Business Programs (1986-1987)

Mainframe Computer Working Group (1988-1990)

Distance Learning Task Force (1993-94)

Search Committee for Director of Asian Studies Program (1995-96)

Business School Dean Search Committee (1996-97)


Patricia Goeke Louise Burkey

Jo Ann Novak Robert Lawson

Robin Higie Kevin Roth

Rosalind Gray Mun-Leong Chan

Suman Basuroy David Mothersbaugh

Muammer Ozer Mai Neo

Steven Silverman Michael Rich

Gangseog Ryu Zafar Iqbal

Karynne Turner Bongjin Kim


Ramesh Lakshmi-Ratan (Seoil Chay, Chair)

Per V. Jenster (William King, Chair)

Olumhense Imoisili (Jacob Birnberg, Chair)

Jo Ann Novak (Rajiv Grover, Chair)

Robin A. Higie (L. Price and L. Feick, Chairs)

Christine Moorman (Gerald Zaltman, Chair)

Audrey Guskey (L. Price and L. Feick, Chairs)

Sharon Green (James Patton, Chair)

Louise Burkey (William King, Chair)

G. Premkumar (William King, Chair)

K. Ramamurthy (William King, Chair)

Martin Roth (Gerald Zaltman, Chair)

Robert Fisher (University of Colorado, Linda Price, Chair)

Robert Lawson (C. W. Park, Chair)

R. Sukumar (R. Grover, Chair)

S. Balakrishnan (L. Feick and R. Grover, Chairs)

Sandra Milberg (C. W. Park, Chair)

David Mothersbaugh (T. Heath and L. Feick, Chairs)

Subimal Chatterjee (T. Heath, Chair)

Folke T. Kafka (A. R. Blair, Chair)

Kevin Roth (L. Feick, Chair)

Suman Basuroy (W. Kamakura, Chair)

Richard Klink (D. Smith, Chair)

Michael McCarthy (T. Heath, Chair)

Michael Rich (D. Smith, Chair)

Kathleen Hartzell (D. Galletta, Chair)

Robert Gilbert (C.W. Park, Chair)

Jonathan Lee (W. Kamakura, Chair)

Zafar Iqbal (L. Feick, and D. Smith, Chairs)

Ganseog Ryu (C.W. Park and L.Feick, Chairs)


Ad Hoc Reviewer Accounting, Organizations, and Society

Advances in Consumer Research

Behavioral Research in Accounting

Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science

Journal of Consumer Affairs

Journal of Consumer Research

Journal of Marketing Research

Journal of Marketing

Journal of Advertising

Research in Governmental and Nonprofit Accounting

Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference

Proceedings of the American Marketing Association

Summer/Winter Educators' Conference

Conference Session Co-chair and Organizer (with Linda Price) at 1985 ACR conference:

Participation AA Revised Perspective on

Diffusion Research@

(n.i. papers)

Session Co-Chair and Organizer (with C.W. Park) at 1991 ACR Conference: AKnowledge and Knowledge About Knowledge: What We

Know, What We Think We Know, and Why the Difference Makes a Difference@

Session Co-Chair and Organizer (with David Mothersbaugh and Timothy Heath) at 1995 ACR

Conference: AMarketing Tactics, Search, and


Session Chair or Discussant, 1986,87,88,91,94,95 AMA Summer Educators' Conference

Session Chair, 1992 ACR Summer Conference (Europe)

Proposal Review National Science Foundation, Division of Social and Economic Studies,

Program in Measurement and Improvement

Board Memberships Jagdish N. Sheth Foundation, 1991-97 (President, 91-93)

International Advisory Board, Czechoslovak Management Center 1992-97.


ASkepticism about Advertising: A Comparison

of East and West German Consumers@

Lawrence Feick and Heribert Gierl

International Journal of Research in Marketing, Volume 13, 1996, 227-235.

AEveryday Market Helping Behavior@

Linda L. Price, Lawrence Feick, and Audrey Guskey

Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, Fall 1995, 255-266.

AConsumers in the Transition to a Market

Economy: Hungary 1989-92"

Lawrence Feick, Robin A. Higie, Linda L. Price

International Marketing Review, Volume 12, Number 5, 1995, 18-34.

AConsumer Knowledge Assessment.@

C. Whan Park, David Mothersbaugh, and Lawrence Feick

Journal of Consumer Research, June 1994, 71-82.

AThe Effects of Preference Heterogeneity and

Endorser Characteristics on Ad Processing and Judgments about Endorsers@

Lawrence Feick and Robin A. Higie

Journal of Advertising, June 1992, 9-24.

APreference Heterogeneity and Coorientation

as Determinants of Perceived Informational Influence.@

Linda L. Price, Lawrence Feick, and Robin A. Higie

Journal of Business Research, November 1989, 227-242.

ALatent Class Analysis of Survey Questions That Include Don't Know Responses@

Lawrence Feick

Public Opinion Quarterly, Winter 1989, 525-547

AInformation Sensitive Consumers and Market Information@

Linda L. Price, Lawrence F. Feick, Robin Higie

Journal of Consumer Affairs, Winter 1987, 328-341.

ATypes and Amount of Word-of-Mouth

Communication about Retailers@

Robin A. Higie, Lawrence Feick, and Linda L. Price

Journal of Retailing, Fall 1987, 260-278.

ALatent Class Models for the Analysis of

Behavioral Hierarchies@

Lawrence Feick

Journal of Marketing Research, May 1987, 174-186.

AThe Market Maven: A Diffuser of Marketplace


Lawrence Feick and Linda L. Price

Journal of Marketing, January 1987, 83-97.

Scale included in: Bearden, Netemeyer and Mobley, Handbook of Marketing Scales,

Sage Publications: Beverly Hills, 1993

ASearch for Nutrition Information - A Probit Analysis of the Use of Different

Information Sources@

Lawrence Feick, Robert O. Herrmann, Rex H. Warland

Journal of Consumer Affairs, Winter 1986, 173-192.

AAnalyzing Sequential Categorical Data on

Dyadic Interaction: Log Linear Models

Exploiting the Order in Variables@

Lawrence Feick and Jo Ann Novak

Psychological Bulletin, November 1985, 600-611.

AAnalyzing Marketing Research Data with

Association Models@

Lawrence Feick

Journal of Marketing Research, November 1984, 376-386.

Abstracted in: Bausell, R. B., Advanced Research Methodology:An Annotated

Guide to Sources, Scarecrow Press, Matuchen, NJ, 1991.

APatterns of Nutrition Concern and Dietary

Constraints Among Adult Women@

Robert O. Herrmann, Rex H. Warland, and Lawrence Feick

Journal of the American Dietetic Association, December 1984, 1478-1480.

Refereed Proceedings

AManagerial Causes of Gray Markets: A

Theoretical Perspective@

Zafar Iqbal, Lawrence Feick, Daniel C. Smith

Proceedings of the AMA Winter Educators=

Conference, 1997, 23-29.

ASubjective and Objective Knowledge and Their

Consequences: Limits of Experimental Approaches@

David Mothersbaugh, Lawrence Feick, C. Whan Park

Annual Meetings of Association for Consumer Research, October 1994.

AThe Knowledge Assessment Process: Personal

Product Related Experience and the Accuracy of Consumer Knowledge Judgements@

C. W. Park, Lawrence Feick and David Mothersbaugh

Advances in Consumer Research 19, 1992.

AKnowledge and Knowledge About Knowledge:

What We Know, What We Think We Know, and Why The Difference Makes A Difference@

Lawrence Feick, C. Whan Park, and David Mothersbaugh

Advances in Consumer Research 19, 1992.

AModeling Intercoder Reliability in Marketing Research Data@

Sherryl May and Lawrence Feick

American Statistical Association 1991 Proceedings, 149-154.

AThe Importance of Peripheral Cues in

Attitude Formation for Enduring and Task Involved Individuals@

Robin A. Higie, Lawrence Feick, and Linda L. Price

Advances in Consumer Research 18, 1991.

AEnduring Involvement: Conceptual and

Measurement Issues@

Robin A. Higie and Lawrence Feick

Advances in Consumer Research, 16, 1989.

Scale included in: Bearden, Netemeyer, and Mobley, Handbook of Marketing Scales,

Sage Publications: Beverly Hills, 1993.

ACouponing Behaviors of the Market Maven:

Profile of a Super Couponer@

Linda L. Price, Lawrence Feick, and Audrey Guskey-Federouch

Advances in Consumer Research, 15, 1988.

AA Reexamination of Communication Channel

Usage by Adopter Categories@

Linda L. Price, Lawrence Feick, Daniel C. Smith

Advances in Consumer Research, 13, 1986, 409-413.

APeople Who Use People: Looking At Opinion

Leadership From the Other Side@

Lawrence Feick, Linda L. Price, Robin A. Higie

Advances in Consumer Research, 13, 1986, 30l-305

AUsing Log Linear Models to Examine the

Relationship Between Purchase Influencer and Influencee@

Lawrence Feick and Jo Ann Novak

Advances in Consumer Research, 13, 1986, 664.

AUsing Structural Zeros to Simplify the

Interpretation of Multiway Contingency Tables with Interactions@

Lawrence Feick

Advances in Consumer Research, 12, 1985, 226-229.

AThe Role of Interpersonal Sources in

External Search: An Informational Perspective@

Linda L. Price and Lawrence Feick

Advances in Consumer Research, 11, 1984, 250-255.

ASearch for Nutrition Information: Synthesis

and Empirical Test@

Lawrence Feick, Robert O. Herrmann, and Rex H. Warland

Advances in Consumer Research, 10, 1983, 624-629.

AThoughts on Search: Breaking Free of the

Purchase Paradigm@

Lawrence Feick and Linda L. Price

Proceedings of the 1984 AMA Winter Educator's Conference on Marketing Theory, 179-183.


Models Exploiting the Order in Cross-Classifications: Applications and Implications for

Survey Research@

Lawrence Feick

Proceedings of the 1983 Winter Educators' Conference of the American Marketing

Association on Causal Models and Research Methods, 115-118.

APatterns of Household Energy Conservation

Behavior: A Cluster Analysis@

Lawrence Feick and Dan E. Moore

American Council of Consumer Interests Proceedings, Annual Meetings 1981, 28-34.

AVisual Factors in Recognition Latency@

Lawrence Feick

Presented at the annual meetings of the Eastern Psychological Association, New York,


May 2, 1975.

Presentations and Invited Papers

AIncreasing Search and Choice of our Brand

and Reducing Search and Choice of Competitor Brands: Differential Effects Across Types of

Peripheral Advertising Cues@

David L. Mothersbaugh, Timothy Heath and Lawrence Feick

1997 Marketing Science Conference, March 1997.

AInternational Marketing@

Lawrence Feick

Global Trade Institute of Pittsburgh=s World

Trade Center, November 1996.

AAdvertising as Search Heuristic@

Lawrence Feick

Humboldt-Universit t zu Berlin, Germany, November 1996.

AChanges in Businesses' Needs for Management

Education: How Should Business Schools Respond?@

Lawrence Feick

Universit t Augsburg, Germany, July, 1994.

AConsumer Markets in Eastern Europe: A Case

Study of Hungary@

Lawrence Feick

Europe Business Opportunity Conference: Pittsburgh, April 1994.

AConsumer Knowledge Assessment - The Relative

Importance of Product Experience and Memory Contents@

Lawrence Feick

Universit t Innsbruck, Innsbruck Austria, June 1993.

Universit t Augsburg, Augsburg Germany, July 1993.

AManagement Education in the U.S.: Past,

Present and Future@

Lawrence Feick

Universit t Humbolt, Berlin Germany, May, 1993.

Universit t Augsburg, Augsburg Germany, July 1993.

AConsumer Search and Decision Problems When Almost Everything Changes: A View

from Budapest, Hungary@

Lawrence Feick, Robin A. Higie, Linda L. Price

Association for Consumer Research Annual meetings, October 1992.

AInstitution Building in Eastern Europe:

Experiences at the International Management Center, Budapest and the Czechoslovak

Management Center, Prague@

Lawrence Feick, Daniel S. Fogel and William R. Pendergast

Conference on Approaches to Renew University Programs in Eastern Europe and Eastern

Germany, Chemnitz Germany, March 1993.

AConsumer Information and Product Acquisition Problems and Solutions in Hungary:

A Propositional Inventory@

Lawrence Feick, Robin A. Higie, Linda L. Price

Association for Consumer Research Summer Meetings, 1992.

APittsburgh's Involvement in Hungary's Progress to a Market Economy@

Lawrence Feick

Hungarian-American Chamber of Commerce Roundtable, April 26, 1991.

AIndustrial Restructuring in Borsod County,


Lawrence Feick

International Business Center Presentation, November 1990.

ACoupon Giving: Feeling Good by Getting a

Good Deal for Someone Else@

Lawrence Feick, Linda L. Price, and Audrey Guskey-Federouch

Invited paper at 1988 annual meetings of the Association for Consumer Research.

AAlternative Graduate Programs in Economics:

MBAs and PhDs in Business@

Lawrence Feick

Pennsylvania Conference of Economists, May 1985.

ANew Perspectives on Interpersonal

Information Exchange@

Lawrence Feick and Linda L. Price

Invited paper at 1985 annual meetings of the Association for Consumer Research.

ALatent Class Analysis@

Lawrence Feick

Tutorial on Advanced Measurement Models 1985 AMA Educators' Conference,

Washington, D.C.

ADo Consumers Complain Sequentially?@

Lawrence Feick

Invited paper in Proceedings of the 1984 Winter Educators' Conference on Marketing


AThe Audience for Nutrition Information: A

Benefit Segmentation Approach@

Robert O. Herrmann, Rex H. Warland, and Lawrence Feick

Invited paper at the annual meetings of the American Dietetic Association,

Philadelphia, PA September 23, 1981.

Other Publications

AConsumer Search and Decision Problems in a Transitional

Economy: Hungary 1989-1992"

Lawrence Feick, Robin A. Higie, Linda L. Price

Marketing Science Institute Working Paper, September 1993.

Summarized in Stores, January 1994, RR7-RR9.

ARevitalization of Borsod County, Hungary@

Andrew R. Blair, Lawrence Feick, Frank Giarratani, Richard Headley, Michael Spiro.

A report presented to the Trade Development Program of U.S. State Department, July


AThe Market Maven: Best Prospect for

Targeting Marketing Communications@

Lawrence Feick and Linda L. Price

Managing, Two 1985.

AThe Relationship of Health Behaviors to

Health, Work Loss, and Health Benefit Utilization: Preliminary Findings@

William J. Krowinski, William J. Sauer, and Lawrence Feick

Presented at Society for Prospective Medicine Meetings, Atlanta, October 28, 1983.

AA Multivariate Approach to Analyzing the

Differences Between Listed and Unlisted Telephone Subscribers@

Lawrence Feick and Rex H. Warland

Presented at the annual meetings of the Rural Sociology Society, San Francisco,

September 1982.

AWhy Aren't Women Drinking More Milk@

Robert O. Herrmann, Rex H. Warland, and Lawrence Feick

Farm Economics, December 1982.

AEnergy Conservation, Who's Doing What@

Lawrence Feick, Dan E. Moore, Rex H. Warland, and Anne S. Ishler

Farm Economics, December 1980.

ADelaware Household Consumption of Fresh


Lawrence Feick and Ulrich C. Toensmeyer

Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 421, University of Delaware, July 1977.

ADelaware Household Consumption of Fresh


Lawrence Feick and Ulrich C. Toensmeyer

Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 424, University of Delaware, February 1978.

Work In Progress

AAdvertising as Search Heuristic@

David L. Mothersbaugh, Timothy B. Heath, Lawrence Feick, and R. Charles Viosca, Jr.

Manuscript under revision for resubmission to Journal of Consumer Research

AAdvertising, Information Search, and The

Quality of Consumer Choice@

David L. Mothersbaugh, Lawrence Feick, and Timothy B. Heath

Manuscript under review at Journal of Marketing Research

ALoglinear Models for Intercoder

Reliability of Categorical Data@

Lawrence Feick and Jonathan Lee

Data analysis complete, manuscript being prepared.


Academy of Marketing Science

American Association for Public Opinion Research

American Marketing Association

Association for Consumer Research

Association for Business Simulation and Experiential Learning

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