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Engineering Manager

Seattle, WA
November 11, 2012

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JOYCE W. YEN, PhD date: June 2012


Dr. Joyce Yen, Ph.D., is the Program/Research Manager for the UW ADVANCE Center for Institutional Change.

Dr. Yen has been PI or co-investigator on nine successful proposals that have brought over $3.8 million in

funding to advance women faculty in science, engineering, and mathematics; to address faculty professional

development more generally; and to diversify science and engineering and create a more inclusive climate in

engineering. As part of her work, she has co-organized three different types of annual national workshops,

including workshops for early career neuroscientists, early career women biologists, science and engineering

department chairs, and Ph.D.-level women interested in transitioning into faculty careers from industry and

government positions. Through these national workshops and her UW campus work, she has provided

professional development to hundreds of faculty, postdocs, and graduate students. In addition, Dr. Yen has trained

others and provided leadership in the field by giving over 35 national presentations and training sessions focused

on diversity in science and engineering, bias, cultural change in academia, and other related topics. She was

awarded the University of Nebraska-Lincoln s 2004 Outstanding Young Alumni Award, the 2007 University of

Washington s College of Engineering Professional Staff Innovator Award, and the 2012 University of

Washington David B. Thorud Leadership Award. Dr. Yen was previously an assistant professor in Industrial

Engineering at the University of Washington, Seattle, researching decision-making and resource allocation under

uncertainty (stochastic programming). Joyce W. Yen received her M.S. and Ph.D. in Industrial and Operations

Engineering from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. She received her B.S. in Mathematics from the

University of Nebraska-Lincoln, graduating from the Honors Program and summa cum laude.


Program/Research Manager, ADVANCE Center for Institutional Change (CIC), University of Washington,

Seattle (June 2003 present)

Lead campus-based mentoring and leadership development programs for STEM faculty and for department

chairs, including workshops and networking opportunities for women faculty, department chairs, and

emerging leaders

Create, organize, host, and facilitate multi-day national professional development workshops for department

chairs (LEAD), early career neuroscientists from groups underrepresented in neuroscience (BRAINS), early

career women ecologists and evolutionary biologists (WEBS), Ph.D.-level women working in industry or

government who are interested in transitioning to faculty positions (On-Ramps into Academia)

Spearhead the PEERs: Promoting Equity in Engineering Relationships program including co-developing

and co-teaching the Leadership Development to Promote Equity in Engineering Relationship fall seminar

and selecting, mentoring, and advising the PEER Leaders students.

Write proposals to obtain funding for CIC activities and related projects. Proposals resulted in over

$3,800,000 in funding.

Organize and oversee programmatic efforts of the CIC

Annually present a session at the University of Washington College of Engineering Leadership Retreat

Facilitate, moderate, and advise departmental faculty retreats

Advise and supervise Invent your Career program for College of Engineering

Serve as liaison to broader UW and national communities

Advise other programs around the country who are working on issue related to the work of the CIC

Facilitate networking and information sharing among program constituents and related organizations

Distribute best practices through leading and facilitating workshops, speaking on panels, authoring papers,

and delivering presentations

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Supervise and guide activities of ADVANCE Graduate Research Assistant and ADVANCE

Program/Operations Specialist

Assistant Professor, Industrial Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, (January 2001 June 2003)

Co-advised or advised two Ph.D. students and three master s student research projects (Yanto Prasetio

(Ph.D., 2005), Orcun Molvalioglu (M.S. and Ph.D. student), Berkin Toktas (Ph.D., 2003), Catherine Serve

(M.S., 2003), Lisa Grignon (M.S., 2002)

Ph.D. and Master s ommittees: Eva Dereksdottir (M.S., 2002), Clara Fernandes (M.S., 2001), Charoenchai

Khompatraporn (Ph.D., 2004), Yangfan Shen (Ph.D., 2005), Alvis Chen (M.S. University of Auckland,


Taught general optimization and stochastic processes classes at undergraduate and graduate level

Served as departmental high school outreach liaison and coordinated visits to local high schools

Conducted research on problems involving resource allocation and decision-making under uncertainty

Awarded five-year $918,000 grant from The Boeing Company (Co-PI: Prof. Zelda Zabinsky)

Named Best Paper Honorable Mention, 2003 JFIG (Junior Faculty Interest Group) Paper Competition,

Institute for Operations Research and Management Sciences, for A Stochastic Integer Programming

Approach to Solving a Synchronous Optical Network Ring Design Problem by J.C. Smith, A. Schaefer,

and J.W. Yen.

Upon changing positions, was appointed as an Affiliate Assistant Professor with Industrial Engineering

(July 2003 present)


University of Michigan, Ann Arbor campus

PhD, Industrial and Operations Engineering, May 2001 (Advisor: John R. Birge)

Dissertation: Stochastic Integer Programming as Applied to the Airline Crew Scheduling Problem

MS, Industrial and Operations Engineering, May 1997

University of Nebraska-Lincoln

BS, Mathematics, May 1995, Highest Distinction and with Honors, Phi Beta Kappa


BRAINS: Broadening the Representation of Academic Investigators in NeuroSciences. National Institute

for Neurological Diseases, National Institutes of Health. $1,350,000. 9/15/11 8/31/16 PI: Sheri

Mizumori, Co-investigators: Joyce Yen, Ana Mari Cauce.

Collaborative Research: Workshop Support for Women Evolving Biological Sciences. National Science

Foundation. $11,264. 9/1/10 8/31/12 PI: Claire Horner-Devine. Co-PI: Joyce Yen. University of

California Santa Cruz Collaborative grant PI: Samantha Forde, award amount $12,726.

Interrupting Bias in the Faculty Search Process: A Film and Facilitation Guide. Henry Luce Foundation.

$13,752. 1/15/10 7/15/11. PI: Joyce W. Yen, Co-PI: Coleen Carrigan.

Funding Computer Scientists to Attend the On-Ramps into Academia Workshop. National Science

Foundation (Broadening Participation in Computing) $10,000. 8/1/09 7/31/10. PI: Eve A. Riskin, Co-PI:

Joyce W. Yen.

Transforming Engineering Through PEERS: Building a Better Experience for Underrepresented Students.

National Science Foundation. $999,974. 4/1/09 3/31/14. PI: Phyllis Wise, Co-PI: Joyce W. Yen, Eve A.

Riskin, Sapna Cheryan, and Sheryl Burghstahler.

ADVANCE Partnerships for Adaptation, Implementation, and Dissemination (PAID) Award: On Ramps

into Academia. National Science Foundation. $569,002. 9/16/08 9/15/11. PI: Eve A. Riskin, Co-PI: Joyce

W. Yen, Ana Mari Cauce, Matthew O Donnell, and Suzanne Brainard.

National Leadership Development Workshops for Science, Engineering, and Mathematics Department

Chairs. National Science Foundation. $500,000. 9/15/06 9/15/09. PI: Ana Mari Cauce, Co-PI: Joyce W.

Yen and Eve A. Riskin

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Collaborative Research for the ADVANCE Leadership Award: Women Evolving Biological Sciences -

WEBS Symposium for early career female scientists. National Science Foundation. $327,785. 11/01/06

10/31/11. PI: Claire Horner-Devine, Co-PI: Joyce W. Yen. University of California Santa Cruz

Collaborative grant PI: Samantha Forde, award amount $26,816. Supplemental grant for $54,605 awarded

August 2010.

National Leadership Development Workshops for Science, Engineering, and Mathematics Department

Chairs: A Pilot Program. Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. $44,825. 11/01/04 12/31/06. PI: Eve A. Riskin Co-

PI: Joyce W. Yen

ADVANCE Institutional Transformation Award. National Science Foundation. $3,750,000. 10/01/01

9/30/06. One year extension to 9/30/07 PI: Ana Mari Cauce. Co-PI: Eve A. Riskin, Suzanne G. Brainard,

Joyce W. Yen (added as Co-PI: July 2006), and Ronald S. Irving.

Air Traffic Flow Management Under Temporary Capacity Constraints. The Boeing Company. $918,000.

Original dates: 9/01 8/06, however grant terminated in 2003 due to insufficient funds from Boeing team.

Co-PIs: Zelda B. Zabinsky and Joyce W. Yen


Professional Career

o University of Washington David B. Thorud Leadership Award, 2012

o University of Washington College of Engineering Professional Staff Innovator Award, 2007

o Finalist, 2005 ASEE Women in Engineering Best Paper Award

o University of Nebraska 2004 Outstanding Young Alumni Award

o Honorable Mention, 2003 Junior Faculty INFORMS Group (JFIG) Best Paper Award

Graduate School Career

o University of Michigan College of Engineering 1999 Distinguished Leadership Award

o General Dynamic Fellowship, University of Michigan College of Engineering Three-year

Fellowship, 1995-1998

Undergraduate School Career

o University of Nebraska-Lincoln College of Arts and Sciences 1995 Outstanding Senior Student


o University of Nebraska-Lincoln 1993-1994 Outstanding Female Student Leader Award and


o National Science Scholars Scholarship (renewable)

o State Farm Insurance s Exceptional Student Fellowship (multiple years)

o University of Nebraska Dean H. and Floreen G. Eastman Memorial Scholarship in Mathematics


o University of Nebraska Regents Scholarship (1991-1995)

o USA-Today 1995 Academic All American Honorable Mention


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