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Computer Science Engineering

Pullman, WA
November 12, 2012

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Narayanan C Krishnan

**** ** ******* *****, *** # A10, Pullman, WA 99163

Phone: 480-***-****. E-Mail:

Research Interests

Theory: Pattern Recognition, Machine Learning, Pervasive Computing, Multimedia Computing

Applications: Activity Recognition, Pervasive Health Care, Assistive and Rehabilitative Systems


Ph.D in Computer Science and Engineering 2010

Advisor: Prof. Sethuraman (Panch) Panchanathan

Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA

Dissertation Title: A Computational Framework for Wearable Accelerometer Based Activity and Gesture


CGPA: 4.00/4.00

Masters in Technology (Computer Science) 2004

Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Prasanthi Nilayam, AP, India

CGPA: 5.00/5.00

Masters in Science (Mathematics) 2002

Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Prasanthi Nilayam, AP, I ndia

CGPA: 4.96/5.00

Bachelors in Science (Mathematics) 2000

Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Prasanthi Nilayam, AP, India

CGPA: 4.87/5.00

Work Experience

Assistant Research Professor September 2011 Present

School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,

Washington State University

Postdoctoral Research Associate October 2010 August 2011

School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,

Washington State University

Graduate Research Associate August 2007 September 2010

Center for Cognitive Ubiquitous Computing

School of Computing, Informatics and Decision Systems Engineering,

Arizona State University

Graduate Teaching Associate August 2005 May 2009

School of Computing, Informatics and Decision Systems Eng ineering,

Arizona State University

Engineer Intern February 2005 May 2005

MotionEase Inc, Bangalore, India

Project Associate July 2004 January 2005

Department of Electrical Engineering,

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Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India

Honors and Awards

Nominated for best PhD Thesis Award, 2010

School of Computing, Informatics and Decision Systems Engineering

Arizona State University

Student Project Funding 2009

Office of Academic and Student Affairs,

Arizona State University

Invited membership to The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi 2007

For academic success in graduate program

Arizona State University

The President of India Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam Gold Medal 2004

For academic excellence in Masters in Technology (Computer Science)

Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, India


Under Review:

1. D Cook, A S Crandall, B L Thomas, N C Krishnan, CASAS: A Smart Home in a Box, submitted to IEEE

Computers, 2012.

2. D Cook, N C Krishnan, Z Wellminger, Scaling Activity Recognition using Activity Taxonomies, submitted to

IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2012.

3. B Das, N C Krishnan, D Cook, WRACOG: A Wrapper Approach to Oversampling for Learning from

Imbalanced Class Datasets, submitted to Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2012.

Journal Articles and Book Chapters

D Cook, K D Feuz, N C Krishnan, Transfer Learning for Activity Recognition: A Survey, Springer


International Journal on Knowledge and Information Systems, 2012 (To appear).

N C Krishnan, D Cook, Activity Recognition on Streaming Sensor Data, Journal of Pervasive and Mobile


Computing, 2012 (To appear).

B Das, N C Krishnan, D Cook, Handling Imbalanced and Overlapping Classes in Smart Environments


Prompting Dataset, Springer book on Data Mining for Service, 2012 (To appear).

B Das, N C Krishnan, D Cook, Automated Activity Interventions to Assist with Activities of Daily Living,


IOS Press book on Agent-Based Approaches to Ambient Intelligence, 2012 (To appear).

N C Krishnan, S Panchanathan, Body Sensor Networks for Activity and Gesture Recognition, Springer Book


on Wireless Sensor Networks, 2012 (To appear).

D Cook, N C Krishnan, P Rashidi, Activity Discovery and Activity Recognition: A New Partnership, IEEE


Transactions on systems, man and cybernetics Part A, 2012 (To appear).

P Rashidi, N C Krishnan, D Cook, Discovering and tracking patterns of interest in security sensor strea ms, In


Securing Cyber-Physical Infrastructures, Eds: S Das, K Kant and N Zhang, 2011.

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N C Krishnan, C Juillard, D Colbry, S Panchanathan, Recognition of hand movements using wearable


accelerometers, in the Journal of Ambient Intelligent and Smart Environme nts, Special Issue on Wearable

Computing, Vol. 1 (2), pp. 143 156, 2009

Conference and Workshop Articles

S Dernbach, B Das, N C Krishnan, B L Thomas, D Cook, Activity Recognition on Smart Phones, IEEE


International Conference on Intelligent Environments, 2012

A Crandall, L Zulas, K Feuz, N C Krishnan, D Cook, Visualizing Your Ward: Bringing Smart Home Data to


Caregivers, ACM CHI workshop on Emerging Technologies for Healthcare and Aging, 2012

Yasamin Sahaf, N C Krishnan, D Cook, Defining Activity Complexity, AAAI workshop on Activity and


Context Representation, 2011.

R Chattopadhyay, N C Krishnan, S Panchanathan, Hierarchical domain adaptation for SEMG signal


classification across multiple subjects, submitted to 33rd IEEE Conference on Engineering in Medicine and

Biology, USA 2011.

N C Krishnan Scalable Activity Recognition, NSF workshop on Pervasive Computing at Scale, Lead on


Machine Learning, Behavior Modeling and Data mining, USA, 2011.

R Chattopadhyay, N C Krishnan, S Panchanathan, Topology preserving domain adaptation for addressing


subject based variability in SEMG signal, AAAI spring symposium on Computational Physiology, Palo Alto,

USA, 2011

Prasanth Lade, N C Krishnan, S Panchanathan, Task prediction in cooking activities using hierarc hical state


space Markov chain and object based task grouping, IEEE International symposium on Multimedia workshop

on multimedia for cooking and eating activities, Taichung, Taiwan, 2010.

Ashok Venkatesan, N C Krishnan, S Panchanathan, Cost sensitive boosting for concept Drift, accepted to


European Conference on Machine learning workshop on handling concept drift in Adaptive Information

systems, Barcelona, Spain, 2010.

N C Krishnan, L Prasanth, S Panchanathan, Activity gesture spotting using a threshold mod el based on


Adaptive Boosting, International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, Singapore, 2010

10. N C Krishnan, G N Pradhan, S Panchanathan, Recognizing short duration hand movements from

accelerometer data, ICME workshop on Multimedia Aspects in Pervasive H ealth Care 2009.(Invited Paper)

11. S Krishna, N C Krishnan, S Panchanathan, Detecting Stereotype body rocking behavior through embodied

Motion sensors, accepted in Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America

Annual Conference, 2009

12. S Panchanathan, N C Krishnan, S Krishna, T McDaniel, V Balasubramanian, Enriched human -centered

multimedia computing through inspirations from disabilities and deficit centered computing solutions, ACM

MM 3rd Workshop on Human Centered Computing, Vancouver, Canada, 2008.

13. N C Krishnan, D Colbry, C Juillard, S Panchanathan, Real time human activity recognition using tri -axial

accelerometers, Sensors Signals and Information Processing Workshop, Sedona, USA, 2008.

14. N C Krishnan, S Panchanathan, Analysis of low resolution accelerometer data for human activity

recognition, International Conference on Acoustic Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP Las Vegas, USA


15. S Krishna, V Balasubramanian, N C Krishnan, C Juillard, T Hedgpeth, S Panchanathan, A wearable wireless

RFID system for accessible shopping environments, 3rd Intl Conference on Body Area Networks

(BodyNets 08), Tempe, USA, 2008

16. S Krishna, V Balasubramanian, N C Krishnan, T Hedgpeth, The iCARE Ambient Interactive Shopping

Environment, California State University, Northridge, Center on Disabilities' 23rd Annual International

Technology and Persons with Disabilities Conference (CSUN 2008), Los Angeles, USA, 2008.

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17. N C Krishnan, B Li, S Panchanathan, Detecting and classifying frontal, back and profile vie ws of humans,

International conference on Vision theory and applications (VISAPP 2007), Barcelona, Spain, 2007

18. J A Black, S B Braiman, N C Krishnan, S Panchanathan, The role of eye movement signals in dorsal and

ventral processing, SPIE Conference on Human Vision and Electronic Imaging (HVEI 2007), San Jose, USA,


19. K Kahol, N C Krishnan, V Balasubramanian, S Panchanathan, M Smith, J Ferrara, Measuring movement

expertise in surgical tasks, ACM Multimedia Conference, Santa Barbara, USA, 2006.

20. B S Raghavendra, N C Krishnan, G Sita, A G Ramakrishnan, M Sriganesh, Prototype learning methods for

online handwriting recognition, International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR

2005), Seoul Korea, 2005

21. P Saravanan, N C Krishnan, P V S S Prakash, G V P Rao, Techniques for video mosaicing, World Enformatika

Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 2005

22. N C Krishnan, M C Prakash, G V P Rao, High-level feature extraction in JPEG compressed domain, SPIE

International symposium on optical science and engineering, USA, 2004.


1. N C Krishnan, Study on audio correlates of stress and team performance during code blue in ICU, Work

conducted in collaboration with Dr.Bhavesh Patel from Mayo Clinic, Phoenix, 2010

2. N C Krishnan, A Venkatesan, R Chattopadhyay, S Panchanthan, Accelerometric feature analysis for

movement pattern recognition, Technical Report, TR_CUBIC2010.

3. N C Krishnan, G. Pradhan, S. Panchanathan, Cognitive Orthotic for Prompting Tasks in Complex ADL,

Arizona Alzheimer s Research Consortium, Annual Conference, 2009.

4. N C Krishnan, D Colbry, C Juillard, S Panchanathan Real time human activity recognition using tri -axial

accelerometers Poster in symposium on Co-Adaptive Learning: Adaptive Technology for the Aging, Arizona

State University, 2009

5. N C Krishnan, Low resolution accelerometer data for human activity recognition, Research in Engineering &

Applied Sciences (REAS) Symposium, Arizona State University, 2007

6. N C Krishnan, S Balasubramaniam, G V P Rao, Image processing in the J PEG compressed domain,

symposium on emerging trends in Computer Science Technology, Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Institute of

Technology, India, 2004

Invited Talks and Tutorials

Machine Learning for Pervasive Computing Applications, Research Seminar, School of El ectrical Engineering

and Computer Science, Washington State University, 2012.

Sensor Based Human activity Recognition Tutorial Presentation at International Conference on Multimedia

and Expo, 2010.

Sensor Based Human Activity Monitoring Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, 2010.

A Computational Framework for Wearable Accelerometer Based Gesture and Activity Recognition, NSF -

IGERT Seminar, Washington State University, 2010.

Recognition of Short Duration Hand Movements through Wearable Accelerome ters, ICME workshop on

Multimedia Aspects in Pervasive Health Care, 2009.

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Grant Proposals

AAAI Fall Symposium 2012: AI for Gerontechnology Student Travel Fund, submitted to NSF IIS-SHB

program, Role: Principal Investigator, 2012.

Scaling Human Behavior Modeling with a Community of Smart Home Datasets, submitted to NSF BigData

program (Mid Scale), Role: Co-Principal Investigator, 2012.

Objective Measures for Functional Status Through Smart Home Technologies, submitted to Alzheimer s

Association, Everyday Technology for Alzheimer s Care Program, Role: Principal Investigator, 2012.

Smart Environment Technology for Longitudinal Behavior Analysis and Intervention, submitted to NIH

Program on Technologies for Independent Living, PI Diane J. Cook, Role: Research Associate, 2012.

A Noninvasive Cognitive Decline Monitoring System, submitted to NSF Smart Health and Well Being

Program (Type 2), Role: Co Principal Investigator, 2012.

The iCare Ambient Interactive Shopping Environment, NSF-IIS Exploratory Grant 739774, PI Terri

Hedgepeth, Role: Co-Author, 2007.

Participated in writing proposals to NSF and SOCOM (2007 -2010) while a research associate at the Center for

Cognitive Ubiquitous Computing.

Professional Service

Co Chair, AAAI Fall Symposium on AI for Gerontechnology, 2012

Publicity Chair, International Symposium on Haptic Audio-Visual Environments and Games (HAVE), 2010.

Program Committee Member:

International Workshop on Situation, Activity and Goal Awareness, (Part of UbiComp) 2011,



Activity and Context workshop at AAAI, 2012.


6th International Workshop on AI Techniques for Ambient Intelligence, 2011


ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, 2011


International Workshop on Machine Learning for Human Behavior Understanding and Assisted


Living (Part of ICMLA), 2011


Journal of Pervasive and Mobile Computing


IEEE Pervasive Computing


ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology


Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation


Sensors Journal


ACM UbiComp 2012


International Journal of Telemedicine and Applications


Journal on Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies


Assisted in reviewing papers submitted to ICIP (2007-08), ICME (2007-10), ICPR (2008, 2010),


ICGVIP (2008), ICASSP (2008-10) and BSN (2008).

Member: IEEE, ACM

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Teaching Experience

Machine Learning, CptS 570-01,Fall 2012, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sc ience,

Washington State University.

Co-Instructor, CptS 580, Advanced Topics in Machine Learning, Fall 2011, School of Electrical Engineering

and Computer Science, Washington State University.

Classroom Lectures on Dimensionality Reduction, Feature Selection and Transfer Learning


Designed and evaluated the homework on dimensionality reduction and feature selection .


Teaching Associate, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Arizona State University



CSE 181 Applied Problem Solving with Visual BASIC (2005-06)

CSE 360 Introduction to Software Engineering (2006-07)

CSE 485/486 Computer Science Capstone Project (2007-2009)

Role: Administrative responsibilities over other TAs and graders, Office hours to interact with


students on course work, Issues related to Grading (design criteria, solutions and addressing

student queries) and Assist in examination sessions.

Student Mentoring

Graduate Students:

Rita Chattopadhyay, 2010


Ashok Venkatesan, 2011


Undergraduate Students:

Colin Juillard, 2008


Sean Phillip, 2009


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