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Software Engineer Computer Science

College Park, MD
November 03, 2012

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Pavlos Papageorge

U.S. Citizen


Experience in implementing systems software with in-depth knowledge of the Linux network stack, especially

geared towards performance. Background in network protocol analysis, design and prototype implementation.

Experience in protocol performance evaluation and test automation. Firm theoretical background combined with

advanced software development skills.

Working towards Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering. Doing research in a real distributed system to perform

modular internet measurement services. Designed a new network protocol that enables applications to measure

the network more ef ciently. Implemented the system inside the Linux kernel and evaluated with real network

traf c. Prior research work spans distributed denial of service attacks, wireless LAN security, sensor networks

and VoIP.


Ph.D, Electrical and Computer Engineering, (Expected Dec 2008)

Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, MD

Thesis Topic: Modular Internet Measurement Services, Advisor: Prof. Michael Hicks

Bachelor s Degree in Computer Science, June 1997

Dept. of Informatics and Telecommunications, Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens Greece

Thesis Topic: Lossless Handover in Wireless ATM Networks, Advisor: Prof. Lazaros Merakos


Graduate Research Assistant

Computer Science Dept, University of Maryland, College Park, MD

June 2006 to present

Software Engineer Intern

Google, New York, NY

July 2007 to Sep 2007 (summer internship)

Software Engineer

Riorey, Inc, Bethesda, MD

Sep 2005 to June 2006 (part-time)

Software Engineer

Protocols Group, Ericsson IP Infrastructure, Rockville, MD

Feb 2004 to May 2005 (part-time)

July 2002 to Jun 2003 (part-time)

Graduate Research Assistant

Institute for Systems Research, University of Maryland, College Park, MD

Jan 2000 to June 2002

Research Intern

Internet Architecture Research Lab, Telcordia, Morristown, NJ

Dec 2000 to Feb 2001 (part-time)

Sep 1999 to Dec 1999 (part-time)

June 1999 to Aug 1999 (summer internship)

Graduate Teaching Assistant

Dept. of Computer Science, University of Maryland, College Park, MD

Sep 1998 to Dec 1999 (three semesters)

System Administrator

Of ce of the Minister of Defense, Greek Armed Forces

Jan 1998 to July 1998

Battle Tank Commander

Greek Armed Forces

Jan 1997 to Dec 1997

Pavlos Papageorge

Professional Experience

Software Engineer Intern, Google, New York, NY

July 2007 - Sep 2007 (summer internship)

Linux Kernel Development: Packet Load Balancing at Layer 3

Designed, implemented and tested software inside the Linux kernel to load balance packets arriving to a

virtual IP address across multiple servers with source-address af nity. Designed the in-kernel components

to operate at 1 Gibabit/sec line rate and to adapt when servers fail and then come up again.

Software Engineer, RioRey, Inc, Bethesda, MD

Sep 2005 - June 2006 (part-time)

Linux Kernel Development: Packet Processing at Gigabit speeds

Designed and implemented a Linux kernel module to process IP packets at the line rate of 1 Gigabit/sec.

The module bypassed the Linux network stack and retrieved packets directly from the driver. The module

was the key performance component for the startup company s only product, an Intrusion Detection System

(IDS) to detect and lter distributed denial of service attacks in real time. Designed the APIs between the

different sub-components of the system and acquired in-depth knowledge of the internals of the Linux net-

work stack, especially issues that concern performance.

Evaluation, Testing and Demonstration of Intrusion Detection System Prototype

Classi ed denial of service attacks and implemented software tools in C and Python to emulate 20 different

attack scenarios. The tools were used to evaluate and test the prototype of the company s Intrusion Detec-

tion System (IDS). Created the setup for the demonstration of the ltering capabilities of the IDS system.

The setup demonstrated how the IDS box successfully ltered attack traf c while allowing valid ows of

streaming video to pass. The demo played an important role to ensure a second round of funding for the

startup company.

System Administration

Contributed in every aspect of system administration since the company was a startup with less that 10

employees. Installed the of ce network, installed Gentoo Linux on all development machines and setup

centralized administration. Setup and maintained NFS, VPN, remote access and created in Python all the

scripts for automated snapshot-style backups. Created the intranet wiki and provided initial IT support to

new employees as the company expanded.

Software Engineer, Ericsson IP Infrastructure, Rockville, MD

Feb 2004 to May 2005 (part-time)

July 2002 to Jun 2003 (part-time)

Conformance Testing: OSPF, IS-IS, BGP, RIP and SNMP

Performed conformance testing on in-house implementations of all the routing and management protocols.

Acquired detailed knowledge of test tools such as IXIA, QARobot, ANVL, MRT toolkit, BGPSim. Gained

hands-on experience and operational knowledge of Cisco and Juniper routers. Developed custom automated

test framework to coordinate the whole test process from beginning to end.

Automated Test Framework for Routing Protocol Testing

Developed an automated test framework to handle all aspects of protocol testing on IP routers: router con-

guration, test execution, log and result collection and report generation. Framework proved useful for other

developers and shortened the total duration of each test cycle. Test framework consisted of a collection of

Perl scripts, code in C and test scripts.

BGP Operation, Administration and Maintenance

Designed, implemented and tested the software module that handles the con guration interface for the

BGP routing protocol. The new design upgraded the existing mechanism and provided an incremental and

transaction based con guration interface for BGP.


Pavlos Papageorge

Research Experience

Graduate Research Assistant, University of Maryland, College Park, MD

The Measurement Manager: Modular Internet Measurement Services

Jan 2004 - present, Supervisor: Prof. Michael Hicks

As part of my Ph.D. dissertation work, developed a new system called the Measurement Manager that

coordinates all measurement between two endhosts so that applications and transport protocols can treat

measurement as a separate service. Main objective of this work is to enable ef cient network measurement

with the exibility and accuracy of active probing. Key insight is that transport payload can be used to ll

empty probes.

Implemented rst a prototype in userspace in C. After experimenting with the design, moved the implemen-

tation to the Linux kernel. Designed a new network protocol that piggybacks transport payload on empty

probes. Implemented the new protocol as a Layer-4 protocol in the linux kernel that can carry real traf-

c between two internet hosts. Conducted experiments to evaluate the implementation and determine the

trade-offs of the system.

Security in Wireless LANs

June 2003 - Dec 2003, Supervisor: Prof. Ashok Agrawala

Evaluated, tested and extended a speci c link layer security protocol for IEEE 802.11. The protocol s ob-

jective was to provide wireline-equivalent security for unicast traf c. Studied cryptographic soundness and

key exchange policy of the protocol. Analyzed OpenBSD and Windows implementations. Tested NDIS

driver implementation on MS Windows for conformance and ef ciency. Identi ed potential problems and

suggested tweaks to the baseline protocol. Expanded protocol to provide security for broadcast and multi-

cast traf c as well.

Sensor Networks

Jan 2003 - May 2003, Supervisor: Prof. Bobby Bhattacharjee

Conducted survey of the area of Wireless Sensor Networks and identi ed open research topics. Explored

routing and self-con guration issues, appropriate models, evaluation methods and transport protocols.

VoIP: H323 vs SIP

Jan 2000 - June 2002, Supervisor: Prof. Leandros Tassiulas

Analyzed performance aspects of two dominant signaling protocols for Internet Telephony, H.323 and the

Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). Collected measurements on emulated multimedia calls in order to de-

termine the call setup delay, fault tolerance and message complexity. Evaluated protocol performance for

deployment in both wireline and wireless environments.

Research Intern, Internet Architecture Research Lab, Telcordia, Morristown, NJ

Self Managed Virtual Networks

Dec 2000 to Feb 2001 (part-time)

Mentors: Dr. Isil Sebuktekin, Dr. Moncef Elaoud

Developed framework in ns2 (network simulator) and nam (network animator) to evaluate and demonstrate

the operation of the Dynamic Virtual Network Con guration Protocol (DVNCP). The framework was used

by other members of the group to identify weaknesses of the protocol under development and quickly assess

alternatives. This work involved creation of code in C/C++, Perl and Tcl/Tk.

QoS Provisioning of combined voice and data over IP VPNs

Aug 1999 to Dec 1999 (part-time)

June 1999 to Aug 1999 (summer internship)

Mentors: Dr. Archan Misra, Dr. Isil Sebuktekin

Analyzed through ns2 simulations the effects of multiplexing voice and data on the same logical or physical

link. Evaluated alternatives to isolate VoIP from data traf c in order to meet QoS objectives for combined

service environments.


Pavlos Papageorge

Refereed Publications

Pavlos Papageorgiou 1 and Michael Hicks, Merging Network Measurement with Data Transport Passive and

Active Measurement Workshop, Boston, March 2005

A. Kaloxylos, G. Papageorgiou, P. Papageorge, L. Merakos, Smart Buffering Technique for Lossless Hard Han-

dover in Wireless ATM Networks IEEE 6th International Conference on Universal Personal Communications,

San Diego, October 1997

Teaching Experience

Graduate Teaching Assistant

Dept. of Computer Science, University of Maryland, College Park, MD

Assisted in the instruction of Computer Science courses by organizing and presenting recitation classes, grading

projects and exams, and holding of ce hours. Developed a collection of Perl scripts and programs in C for the

automated grading of coding assignments. This grading framework was used for a number of years.

CMSC 114: Computer Science I (Introduction to C++)

Sep 1999 to Dec 1999 (one semester), Supervisor: Instructor Nelson Padua-P rez


CMSC 106: Introduction to C Programming

Sep 1998 to May 1999 (two semesters), Supervisor: Instructor Jandelyn Plane

Awards and Honors

GAANN Graduate Fellowship, Academic year 2004-2005

US Department of Education

Award of Excellence in Telecommunications, March 1998

Ericsson Hellas, Athens, Greece, Award for best thesis work in telecommunications

Scholarship for top performance in university entrance examinations, September 1992

State Scholarship Council (IKY), Athens, Greece

Computer Skills


TCP/IP Networking, Transport Protocols, Linux Network Stack Internals, Network Measurement Algorithms

Software Languages:

C, C++, Python, Perl, Unix Shells, Tcl/Tk, Verilog HDL

Operating Systems:

Unix/Linux, Linux Kernel Development, Linux Drivers, MS Windows (NDIS Intermediate Drivers)

Routing and Management Protocols:

Cisco and Juniper routers, BGP, OSPF, IS-IS, RIP, SNMP

Performance/Conformance Testing:

IXIA, QARobot, RouterTester, SmartBits, ANVL, MRT Toolkit, BGPSim.

Network Simulators:

ns2 Network Simulator, nam Network Animator

Evaluation Testbeds:

Emulab 2, PlanetLab 3

Software version control:

Subversion, CVS, Clearcase

1I am also known as Pavlos Papageorgiou or Paul Papageorge




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