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Computer Science

Newark, NJ
December 27, 2012

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David Nassimi

Feb. ****

Dr. David Nassimi Web:

Associate Professor Email:

Computer Science Department Tel: 973-***-**** (office)

New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) Fax: 973-***-****

Newark, NJ 07102

International Affiliation

Affiliated with International Research Collaboration Program, Computing Science,

King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, since 2011

Citizenship: USA


PhD, Computer Science, University of Minnesota, 1979

MS, Computer Science, University of Minnesota, 1978

MS, Electrical Engineering, University of Minnesota, 1975

BS, Electrical Engineering, University of Minnesota, 1968

Academic Positions

Associate Professor, Computer Science Department, NJIT, 1989-present

Associate Professor, CIS Dept., University of Delaware, 1985-1989

Assistant Professor, Department of EECS, Northwestern University, 1979-1985

Industrial Positions (Prior to PhD)

Diagnostic Programmer, Control Data Corporation (CDC), 1969-1972

Quality Test Engineer, Sperry Univac, 1968-1969

Editorial Positions

Editorial Board, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 1989-2003

Editorial Board, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 1994-


Administrative Positions, NJIT

PhD Program Director, CS Department, 2003-present


Research Interests

Parallel Algorithms and Architectures, Interconnection Networks, Data Routing

Algorithms, High-Performance Computing


Highly Cited Researcher in Computer Science, ISI / Thomson Reuters, 2003-present

This website was originally established in 2003 by ISI and is now maintained by

Thomson Reuter. The website lists the top 300 most-cited researchers in each field

worldwide. The ranking is based on citations of published journal articles for the period

1981-1999. The mission of this website is to identify individuals, departments and

laboratories that have made fundamental contributions to the advancement of science and

technology in recent decades.

The number of Highly-Cited-Researchers in an institution plays an important factor in

academic ranking of world universities:


Outstanding Professor Award, Northwestern University, May 1985.

CS Nominee for Excellence in Undergraduate/Graduate Instructions, NJIT,

numerous times including: 1993-94, 2000-01, 2002-03, 2003-04, and 2010-11.

University Service, NJIT

A. Institute Committees

Graduate Council, member, 2003-present

Faculty Council, Chair, 1998-99

Faculty Council, Vice-Chair, 1997-98

Faculty Council, member, 1995-99

Student Appeals Committee, member, 1992-95

B. CS Department

PhD Program Director, 2003-present

Excellence-in-Teaching Nominating Committee, 2005-present

Faculty Recruiting Committee, Member, 2003-2004

CS-Chair-Search Committee, Chair, 2002-2003

Excellence-in-Teaching Nominating Committee, 2001-2003

PhD Program Director, 1997-99

PhD Qualifying Exam Committee, Chair, 1990-99

CS-Chair-Search Committee, Member, 1998-99

Co-Director, Parallel and Distributed Computing Laboratory, 1990-1995

Research Committee, Member, 1990-91

Graduate Curriculum Committee, Member, 1990-1991



A. Journal Publications (All Refereed)

1. R. Becker, D. Nassimi, and Y. Perl, The New Class of g-Chain Periodic Sorters,

Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Vol. 54, No. 2, Nov. 1998, pp.


2. D. Nassimi, Nearly Logarithmic-Time Parallel Algorithms for the Class of 2b

ASCEND Computations on a SIMD Hypercube, Journal of Parallel and

Distributed Computing, vol. 20, no. 3, March 1994, pp. 289-302.

3. D. Nassimi, Parallel Algorithms for the Classes of 2b DESCEND and

ASCEND Computations on a SIMD Hypercube, IEEE Transactions on Parallel

and Distributed Systems, vol. 4, no. 12, Dec. 1993, pp. 1372-1381.

4. D. Nassimi and Y.D. Tsai, An Efficient Implementation of Batcher's Odd-Even

Merge on a SIMD Hypercube, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing,

vol. 19, no. 1, Sep. 1993, pp. 58-63.

5. M. Misra, D. Nassimi, and V.K. Prasanna, Efficient VLSI Implementation of

Iterative Solutions to Sparse Linear Systems, Parallel Computing, vol. 19, No. 5,

May 1993, pp. 525-544.

6. D. Nassimi and S. Sahni, Parallel Permutation and Sorting Algorithms and a

New Generalized Connection Network, Journal of the ACM, vol. 29, no. 3, July

1982, pp. 642-667.

7. D. Nassimi and S. Sahni, Optimal BPC Permutations on a Cube-Connected

SIMD Computer, IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. C-31, no. 4, April

1982, pp. 338-341.

8. D. Nassimi and S. Sahni, Parallel Algorithms to Set-up the Benes Permutation

Network, IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. C-31, no. 2, Feb. 1982, pp.


9. E. Dekel, D. Nassimi, and S. Sahni, Parallel Matrix and Graph Algorithms,

SIAM Journal on Computing, vol. 10, no. 4, Nov. 1981, pp. 657-675.

10. D. Nassimi and S. Sahni, A Self-Routing Benes Network and Parallel

Permutation Algorithms, IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. C-30, no. 5,

May 1981, pp. 332-340.

11. D. Nassimi and S. Sahni, Data Broadcasting in SIMD Computers, IEEE

Transactions on Computers, vol. C-30, no. 2, Feb. 1981, pp. 101-107.

12. D. Nassimi and S. Sahni, Finding Connected Components and Connected Ones

on a Mesh-Connected Parallel Computer, SIAM Journal on Computing, vol. 9,

no. 4, Nov. 1980, pp. 744-757.

13. D. Nassimi and S. Sahni, An Optimal Routing Algorithm for Mesh-Connected

Parallel Computers, Journal of the ACM, vol. 27, no. 1, Jan. 1980, pp. 6-29.

14. D. Nassimi and S. Sahni, Bitonic Sort on a Mesh-Connected Parallel Computer,

IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. C-28, no. 1, Jan. 1979, pp. 2-6.


B. Conference Publications (All Refereed)

15. D. Nassimi, J. Milind, and A. Sohn, A Hash-Based Scalable Technique for

Parallel Bidirectional Search, IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Distributed

Processing (SPDP'95), Oct. 1995, pp. 414-421.

16. D. Nassimi, Y. Perl, and R. Becker, The Generalized Class of g-Chain Periodic

Sorting Networks, The 8th International Parallel Processing Symposium

(IPPS'94), Cancun, Mexico, IEEE Computer Society, April 1994, pp. 424-432.

17. R. Becker, D. Nassimi, and Y. Perl, The New Class of g-Chain Periodic Sorters,

The 5th Annual ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures, June

1993, Velen, Germany, pp. 356-364.

18. D. Nassimi, A Parallel MSF Algorithm for Planar Graphs on a Mesh and

Applications to Image Processing, Proceedings of the 7th International Parallel

Processing Symposium, IEEE Computer Society, April 1993, pp. 205-211.

19. D. Nassimi, Parallel Algorithms for PM2B-ASCEND Computations on a SIMD

Hypercube Using Multiple Levels of Iteration-Grouping, Proceedings of 1992

International Conference on Parallel Processing, Sponsored by Penn State

University, Aug. 1992, Vol. III, pp. 221-228.

20. D. Nassimi, Nearly Logarithmic-Time Parallel Algorithms for the Class of 2b

ASCEND Computations on a SIMD Hypercube, Proceedings of the 6th

International Parallel Processing Symposium, IEEE Computer Society, March

1992, pp. 122-129.

21. M.R. Hakami, P.J. Warter, C.G. Boncelet, D. Nassimi, VLSI Architectures for

Recursive and Multiple-Window Order Statistic Filtering, Proceedings of the 6th

International Parallel Processing Symposium, IEEE Computer Society, March

1992, pp. 294-297.

22. D. Nassimi, A Parallel Algorithm for the Class of 2b ASCEND Computations

on a SIMD Hypercube, Proc. Twenty-Ninth Annual Allerton Conference on

Communication, Control, and Computing, University of Illinois, Oct. 1991, pp.


23. D. Nassimi and Y.D. Tsai, Efficient Implementations of a Class of 2b Parallel

Computations on a SIMD Hypercube,'' Proceedings of the 5th International

Parallel Processing Symposium, IEEE Computer Society, April 1991, pp. 2-9.

24. D. Nassimi, A Fault-Tolerant Routing Algorithm for BPC Permutations on

Multistage Interconnection Networks, Proceedings of the 1989 International

Conference on Parallel Processing, Sponsored by Penn State University, Vol. 1,

Aug. 1989, pp. 278-287.

25. D. Nassimi and S. Sahni, Data Broadcasting in SIMD Computers, Proceedings

of the 1980 International Conference on Parallel Processing, IEEE Computer

Society, Aug. 1980, pp. 325-326.

26. D. Nassimi and S. Sahni, A Self-Routing Benes Network and Parallel

Permutation Algorithms, Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on


Computer Architecture, Cosponsored by IEEE Computer Society and ACM,

France, May 1980, pp. 190-195.

27. D. Nassimi and S. Sahni, Parallel Algorithms to Set-up the Benes Permutation

Network, Proceedings of Workshop on Interconnection Networks for Parallel

and Distributed Processing, Cosponsored by ACM SIGARCH and IEEE

Computer Society, Purdue University, April 1980, pp. 70-71.

28. E. Dekel, D. Nassimi, and S. Sahni, Parallel Matrix and Graph Algorithms,

Proceedings of 17th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control,

and Computing, University of Illinois, Oct. 1979, pp. 27-36.

29. D. Nassimi and S. Sahni, Parallel Permutation and Sorting Algorithms,

Proceedings of 17th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control,

and Computing, University of Illinois, Oct. 1979, pp. 1-10.

C. Book Articles

30. D. Nassimi and S. Sahni, Parallel Permutation and Sorting Algorithms and a

New Generalized Connection Network, in Interconnection Networks for Parallel

and Distributed Processing, edited by C.L. Wu and T.Y. Feng, IEEE Computer

Society Press, 1984, pp. 217-240.

31. D. Nassimi and S. Sahni, A Self-Routing Benes Network and Parallel

Permutation Algorithms, in Interconnection Networks for Parallel and

Distributed Processing, edited by C.L. Wu and T.Y. Feng, IEEE Computer

Society Press, 1984, pp. 241-249.

32. D. Nassimi and S. Sahni, Data Broadcasting in SIMD Computers, in

Interconnection Networks for Parallel and Distributed Processing, edited by C.L.

Wu and T.Y. Feng, IEEE Computer Society Press, 1984, pp. 282-288.

33. E. Dekel, D. Nassimi, and S. Sahni, Parallel Matrix and Graph Algorithms, in

Supercomputers: Design and Applications, edited by Kai Hwang, IEEE Computer

Society Press, 1984, pp. 387-403.

Professional Activities

1. Executive Committee Member, IEEE Technical Committee on Parallel

Processing (TCPP)}, 1992-2002

2. Program Committee Member, 9th International Conference on High Performance

Computing (HiPC 2002), Bangalore, India, Dec. 2002.

3. Program Committee Member, International Conference on Parallel Processing

(ICPP 2002), Vancouver, Canada, Sep. 2002.

4. Program Committee Member, The 13th International Conference on Parallel and

Distributed Computing and Systems (PDCS 2001), Anaheim, California, August

2001. Organized by International Association of Science and Technology for

Development (IASTED).


5. Program Vice-Chair, 1999 International Symposium on Parallel Architectures,

Algorithms, and Networks (I-SPAN'99), IEEE Computer Society, Australia, June


6. Advisory Committee Member, Eleventh IASTED International Conference on

Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems (PDCS'99), Cambridge,

Massachusetts, Nov. 1999.

7. Program Committee Member, The 12th International Parallel Processing

Symposium (IPPS/SPDP'98), IEEE Computer Society, 1998.

8. Program Committee Member, The 11th International Parallel Processing

Symposium} (IPPS'97), IEEE Computer Society, 1997.

9. Program Committee Member, Symposium on Parallel and Distributed

Processing} (SPDP'96), IEEE Computer Society, 1996.

10. Program Committee Member, The 3rd International Conference on High

Performance Computing (HiPC'96), 1996.

11. Program Committee Member, The 9th International Parallel Processing

Symposium} (IPPS'95), Sponsored by IEEE Computer Society, Santa Barbara,

California, April 1995.

12. Program Committee Member, 1995 International Conference on Parallel

Processing (ICPP'95), Sponsored by Penn State University, Oconomowoc,

Wisconsin, Aug. 1995.

13. Program Committee Member, Seventh IEEE Symposium on Parallel and

Distributed Processing (SPDP'95)}, Sponsored by IEEE Computer Society, San

Antonia, Texas, Oct. 1995.

14. Program Committee Member, Seventh IASTED-ISMM International Conference

on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems, Georgetown University,

Washington D.C., Oct. 1995.

15. Program Committee Member, International Conference on High Performance

Computing (HiPC'95), in Cooperation with IEEE Computer Society, India, Dec.


16. Program Committee Member, The 8th International Parallel Processing

Symposium} (IPPS'94), Sponsored by IEEE Computer Society, 1994.

17. Program Committee Member, First International Workshop on Parallel

Processing, India, Dec. 1994.

18. Session Chair, 1992 International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP)},

Aug. 1992.

19. Panelist, HPCC (High Performance Computing and Communications) Initiative

and the Role of Academia, International Parallel Processing Symposium,

(IPPS), March 1992.


Refereeing Activities

I have done extensive refereeing for the following journals, conferences, and agencies:

IEEE Transactions on Computers

IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems

Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing

International Journal on Parallel Programming

Parallel Computing

International Conference on Parallel Processing

International Parallel Processing Symposium

Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing

National Science Foundation

Science Citations Index (SCI) -- Partial List

My journal publications are widely referenced in parallel processing literature. Below is

the number of journal citations, taken from Science Citation Index (SCI) -- Citation Index

annual volumes. This partial list only includes journal papers citing my journal

publications, and only those with me as the first author.)

Year Citations SCI Source

198*-****-** 5-year vol.

1985 14 Annual vol.

1986 14 Annual vol.

1987 15 Annual vol.

1988 24 Annual vol.

1989 28 Annual vol.

1990 27 Annual vol.

1991 50 Annual vol.

1992 31 Annual vol.

1993 45 Annual vol.

1994 62 Annual vol.

1995 30 Annual vol.

1996 16 Annual vol.

1997 14 Bimonthly vol., Jan.-June

1998 -- Not compiled

1999 -- Not compiled

Total 468


Sample of Citations

Citing Author Citing Journal Author s Affiliation

R.M. Karp SIAM J Disc Math, 92 Berkeley; Turing award winner

J. Ullman VLSI book, 84 Stanford

L.G. Valiant IEEE Tr. Comp, 81 Harvard

N. Pippenger IEEE Tr. Comp, 81 IBM Research

S.L. Johnsson J Par Dist Comp, 91 Harvard

J. JaJa IEEE Tr. Comp, 84 U. Maryland

J Par Dist Comp, 92

S. Hambrusch SIAM J. Comp, 83 Purdue

Comp. Geometry, 92

M. Atallah JACM, 84 Purdue

IEEE Tr. Comp, 88

J Par Dist Comp, 92

Q. Stout IEEE Tr. Comp, 83 U. Michigan

J Par Dist Comp, 87

Proc IEEE, 88

T.Y. Feng Computer, 81 Penn State

Z. Gaul JACM, 83 Columbia?

F. Preparata CACM 81 Brown

J. Schwartz IEEE Tr. Program, 80 NYU

A. Gottlieb JACM, 84 NYU

P.C. Yew IEEE Tr. Comp, 81 U. Illinois Urbana

J. Reif JACM 87 Duke

JLC Sanz Proc IEEE, 88 IBM Research


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