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Puerto Rico University

United States
November 04, 2012

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P.O. Box 59-787-***-****; 787-***-****

Cabo Rojo P.R. 00623

Irimar Torres Zapata

- August 2007-present University of Puerto Rico Mayag ez, P.R.

Education M.S, Biology

Expected graduation date: December 2010

- December 2006 University of Puerto Rico Mayag ez, P.R.

B.S., Industrial Microbiology

- Summer 2003 University of Puerto Rico Mayag ez, P.R.

MARC and RETO Program Seminar: Computational Modeling

- Summer 2004 University of Puerto Rico Mayag ez, P.R.

MARC and RETO Program Seminar: Basic Experience in DNA Cloning



- August 2007- present University of Puerto Rico Mayag ez, P.R

Generation of Large-Insert Metagenomic Libraries from Tropical Hypersaline Microbial Mats and

their screening for bioactive molecules. (Thesis investigation) Presented on NEA Science, Jr.

Technical Meeting, ASM-2009 (Philadelphia, PA) and SMPR- 2009.

- Summer 2006 University of Wisconsin Madison, P.R

Generation of Large-Insert Metagenomic Libraries from Tropical Hypersaline

Microbial Mats

- Summer 2005 University of Virginia Charlottesville, VA

Caenorhabditis elegans: A novel host for Staphylococcus aureus pathogenesis. Presented on


- August 2003-2005 University of Puerto Rico Mayag ez, P. R

Accessing the genetic diversity of soil microorganisms: a method for seeking

antibiotic production. Presented on Jr. Technical meeting and Sigma Xi- 2005

Teaching Assistance

- August 2007-present University of Puerto Rico Mayag ez, P.R

Genetics Laboratory (January-Present)

Bacterial Genetics Laboratory (August-December 2009)

Microbiology Laboratory (January- May 2009)

Bacterial Genetics Laboratory (August-December 2008)

Genetics Laboratory (January-May 2008)

Biological Sciences Laboratory (August-December 2007)

- Mentor of two undergrads from Industrial Microbiology and Biology programs

- Judge of the SESO Science Fair (2008-09)

- August 2007-present University of Puerto Rico Mayag ez, P.R.

Education M.S, Biology

Expected graduation date: December 2010

- December 2006 University of Puerto Rico Mayag ez, P.R.

B.S., Industrial Microbiology

- Summer 2003 University of Puerto Rico Mayag ez, P.R.

MARC and RETO Program Seminar: Computational Modeling

- Summer 2004 University of Puerto Rico Mayag ez, P.R.

MARC and RETO Program Seminar: Basic Experience in DNA Cloning

Leadership, team work, outstanding inter-personal relationships, able to work under


pressure and with minimum supervision, fluent in English and Spanish, computer

knowledge: MS Office (word processor, spread sheet, power point), also proficient

performing in silico analysis of proteins and nucleic acids including the use of other

internet and scientific databases, expertise in: aseptic techniques, general

microbiological techniques and molecular and recombinant DNA technology methods.

- Honor List Student Biological Honor Society


- Student Society of Industrial Microbiology

- MARC Research Program

- Member of the American Society of Microbiology

- Member of the Society of Microbiology, PR

Available upon request.


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