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Mechanical Engineering

Concord, VA
October 13, 2012

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Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Telephone: 1-434-***-**** (office)

University of Virginia

Aerospace Research Laboratory Fax: 1-434-***-****

PO Box 400248 Email:

Charlottesville, VA 22904-4248 USA




Research Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering,


of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22904, 2011-present

Director, Aerospace Research Laboratory, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace

Engineering, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22904, 2006-present

Research Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering,


of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22904, 2003-2011

Associate Director, Aerospace Research Laboratory, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace

Engineering, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22904, 2003-2006

Research Scientist, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of

Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22904, 2002-2003

Research Associate, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of

Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22904, 1998-1999,

2000-2001Postdoctoral Scholar, Center for Hypersonics, Department of Mechanical Engineering,


of Queensland, QLD, 4072, Australia, 1999Teaching Assistant, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Queensland, QLD,

4072 Australia, 1998 E



School Dates Degree Area

University of Queensland1992-1998Ph.D. Mech. Eng.

University of Queensland1988-1991B.Eng. Mech. Eng.



MAE 382 Aerodynamics Lecture and Lab

MAE 496 Mech. Engr. Special Project

MAE 497 Aero. Engr. Special Project

MAE 498 Aero. Engr. Special Project

MAE 4503 Spacecraft Design I

MAE 4504 Spacecraft Design II

Substantial Honors and Awards:

Visiting Professor, European Union Scramjet Summer School, Stuttgart, Germany, 2011

AIAA Aerodynamic Measurement Technology Best Paper Award, 2010

AIAA Associate Fellow, 2009

Presenter of the Month, Clark Springs Elementary School, Richmond, Va, 2009

Sigma Gamma Tau Outstanding Aerospace Professor Award, Sigma Gamma Tau, University

of Virginia, 2006

Australian Postgraduate Research Award, University of Queensland, 1992

Graduated B.Eng. with First Class Honors, University of Queensland, 1991

The James Dowrie Memorial Academic Prize, University of Queensland, 1990

Graduate Student Advising:

(current students in bold)


1. Elliott Bryner, Ph.D., co-advisor, Dissertation topic: Water Absorption Tomography

Device for Scramjet Applications, MAE, Status: graduated Dec. 2010

2. Chad Smith, Ph.D. candidate, Dissertation topic: Stereoscopic Particle Image

Velocimetry in a Supersonic Combustor, MAE, Status: current student, completed

comprehensive exam, completed proposal defence

3. Brett Bathel, Ph.D. candidate, Dissertation topic: Optical diagnostics in high speed


MAE, Status: current student, completed comprehensive exam

4. Michael Smayda, Ph.D. candidate, Dissertation topic: Scramjet flight experiment, MAE,

Status: current student, completed comprehensive exam

5. Brian Rice, Ph.D., co-advisor, Dissertation topic: PIV in a dual-mode scramjet


MAE, Status: current student, pre-comprehensive exam

6. Maxwell DePiro, Ph.D candidate, Dissertation topic: Scramjet ground testing, MAE,

Status: current student, pre-comprehensive exam

7. Justin Kirik, Ph.D candidate, Dissertation topic: PIV in a hydrocarbon fueled


Status: pre-comprehensive exam


1. Maxwell DePiro, M.S., Dissertation topic: Scramjet ground testing, MAE, Status:

graduated 2010

2. Marc Sharma, M.S., Dissertation topic: Water absorption tomography in a scramjet

combustor, MAE, Status: graduated 2010

3. Meghan Snyder, M.S., co-advisor, Dissertation topic: Water vapor measurement in a

scramjet combustor, MAE, Status: graduated 2009

4. Jason Howison, M.S., Dissertation topic: Ground and flight testing of dual-mode


combustion, MAE, Status: graduated 2009

5. Willie Haw, M.S. candidate, Dissertation topic: An experiment for investigation of

vitiation effects on a scramjet, MAE, Status: graduated 2009


Christopher Goyne

6. Kin Tien Lim, M.S. candidate, Dissertation topic: Compressor surge and control, MAE,

Status: graduated 2009

7. Daniel Le, M.S., Dissertation topic: Investigation of Scramjet Isolator Flow Physics,

MAE, Status: graduated 2005

8. Ben Tatman, M.S. candidate, Dissertation topic: PIV in a dual-mode scramjet combustor,

MAE, Status: current student

9. Thomas Steva, M.S., Dissertation topic: Vitiation effects on scramjet operation and

performance, MAE, Status: current student

Undergraduate Student Research Advising:

(current students in bold)

1. Ray Lee, B.S. Aero., Dissertation topic: Development of a scramjet igniter, Status:


2. Elizabeth Martin, B.S. Aero., Dissertation topic: Analysis of a tomography technique


scramjet measurements, Status: graduated

3. Ryan Johnson, B.S. Aero., Dissertation topic: Development of a solid gas generator

igniter for scramjet ground and flight testing, Status: graduated

4. Amanda Smith, B.S. Aero., Dissertation topic: Trajectory simulation of a scramjet


experiment, Status: graduated

5. James Thompson, B.S. Aero., Dissertation topic: Tumbling recovery of a hypersonic

payload, Status: graduated

6. Elizabeth Croft, B.S. Aero., Dissertation topic: Heat transfer analysis of a scramjet


experiment, Status: graduated

7. Joseph Goings, B.S. Aero., Dissertation topic: Retrorocket recovery of a hypersonic

payload, Status: graduated

8. Todd Harrison, B.S. Aero., Dissertation topic: Parachute recovery a supersonic


payload, Status: graduated

9. Willie Haw, B.S. Aero., Dissertation topic: Ground testing and data acquisition of a

scramjet, Status: graduated

10. Prabhu Adie, B.S. Aero., Dissertation topic: Pressure Instrumentation Development for


Scramjet Combustor, Status: graduated

11. Kemit Finch, B.S. Aero., Dissertation topic: Design of a Freestream Particle Seeder


Particle Injector for a Supersonic Combustion Facility, Status: graduated

12. Bernadette Goncz, B.S. Aero., Dissertation topic: Experimental Evaluation of a


Sampling Technique, Status: graduated

13. An Nguyen, B.S. Aero., Dissertation topic: Fuel Injector Design for a Model Scramjet

Combustor, Status: graduated

14. Dan Langan, B.S. Aero., Dissertation topic: Conceptual design of a scramjet flight

experiment, Status: graduated

15. Paige Holder, B.S. Aero., Dissertation topic: Development of a tomography technique


supersonic combustion, Status: graduated

16. Joshua King, B.S. Aero., Dissertation topic: Development of a freestream seeder for

particle based velocimetry in a supersonic combustor, Status: graduated

17. Daniel Glanz, B.S. Aero., Dissertation topic: Performance of a seeder device for

supersonic combustion particle based diagnostics, Status: graduated


Christopher Goyne

18. Devra Bardi, B.S. Aero., Dissertation topic: Preflight testing of a scramjet payload,



19. Tim Newschwander, B.S. Aero., Dissertation topic: Structural design of a scramjet

payload for flight test, Status: graduated

20. Kareem El-Gohary, B.S. Aero., Dissertation topic: High frequency pressure

measurement in a scramjet combustor, Status: current student

21. Jeff Clubb, B.S. Aero., Dissertation topic: Improvement to velocimetry in a scramjet,

Status: current student

22. JP Munks, B.S. Aero., Dissertation topic: Investigating the possibility of an orbital


mapping satellite mission, Status: current student

23. Chelsea Bailey, B.S. Aero., Dissertation topic: Program management: NASA s

organizational structure and how it s implemented in programs, Status: current student

24. Ramath Mohamed, B.S. Aero., Dissertation topic: Development of communications,

command and data handling software for smartphone technology-enabled Earth

observation satellite constellation, Status: current student

25. Elizabeth Hadley, B.S. Aero., Dissertation topic: Development of a LabVIEW

application for data handling and control system for use in a thermal control loop to be

tested in zero gravity environment, Status: current student

26. Andrew Kafer, B.S. Aero., Dissertation topic: Performance of lithium-ion smartphone

batteries in a space environment, Status: current student

27. Colin Shea, B.S. Aero., Dissertation topic: Determining the viability of a smallsat


launch via computer modelling, Status: current student

Visitors and Postdoctoral Fellows Supervised:


1. Dr. Toshi Kouchi, Research Assistant, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, 3/2011 -


Research Scientists:

1. Dr. Robert Rockwell,

Senior Scientist, MAE, University of Virginia, 2007-present


Dr. Alexandrina Untaroiu, Research Scientist, MAE, University of Virginia, 2008-2010



Research Staff



Mr. Roger Reynolds, Sensor Scientist, MAE, University of Virginia, 2010-present

External Research Grants and Contracts:


1. National Center for Hypersonic Combined Cycle Propulsion, James McDaniel (PI),

Christopher Goyne (co-PI) and Harsha Chelliah (co-PI), Sponsor: AFOSR and NASA, 4/09-

3/14, $9,999,961, 33%


Christopher Goyne

2. Propulsion Systems Performance Models; Resolving the Test Mediums Effects Issues,

Christopher Goyne (PI), Alliant Techsystems Inc., 10/08-4/12, $ 602,691, 100%

3. Hy-V Scramjet Gifts, Christopher Goyne (PI), Sponsor: Aerojet, 3/07-present,



4. Education and Outreach for Hy-V Program, Christopher Goyne (PI), Sponsor: VSGC, 4/11-

8/12, $12,000, 100%

5. ROMAC, Christopher Goyne (co-PI), ROMAC, 05/07-present, $4,100,000, 17%

6. Dual-mode Scramjet Flameholding Operability Measurements, Christopher Goyne (PI),

Sponsor: United Technologies Research Center, 6/08-2/12, $208,000, 100%

7. Virginia Scramjet Flight Experiment, Christopher Goyne (PI), Sponsor: NASA Wallops


Facility, 3/06-4/11, Terrier-Orion sounding rocket and range services, in-kind support.


8. "VSGC Aerospace Undergraduate Research Scholarship on behalf of Jeff Clubb,"


Goyne (PI), Sponsor: VSGC, 6/11-5/12, $ 8,500, 100%


1. "Laser-Based Diagnostic Tools for Hypersonic Flow and Combustion," Christopher Goyne

(PI), Sponsor: National Institute of Aerospace, 1/10-1/11, $102,454, 100%

2. "Test Media Effects on DMSJ Mode-Transition," Christopher Goyne (PI) and James

McDaniel (co-PI), Sponsor: NASA, 10/2006-3/2010, $707,000, 50%

3. "Combustion Efficiency Measurement for Ground Test and Basic Hypersonic Research,"

James McDaniel (PI) and Christopher Goyne (co-PI), Sponsor: NASA, 10/2006-6/2010,

$591,032, 50%

4. "VSGC Aerospace Undergraduate Research Scholarship on behalf of Elizabeth Martin,"

Christopher Goyne (PI), Sponsor: VSGC, 6/09-5/10, $ 8,500, 100%

5. "NIA/NASA Graduate Research Assistantship - Brett F. Bathel," Christopher Goyne (PI),

Sponsor: National Institute of Aerospace, 1/08-1/10, $97,611, 100%

6. "Conceptual design of an Inflatable Supersonic Decelerator Flight Test," Christopher



PI), Sponsor: National Institute of Aerospace, 4/08-9/08, $22,714, 100%

7. CFD for the Hy-V Program, Christopher Goyne (PI), Sponsor: VSGC, 3/9-02/10, $7,000,



Christopher Goyne

8. "Hy-V Program - A Virginia Student Launch Initiative," Christopher Goyne (PI),


VSGC, 3/07-5/08, $ 25,000, 100%

9. "VSGC Aerospace Undergraduate Research Scholarship on behalf of Jessie Quinlan,"

Christopher Goyne (PI), Sponsor: VSGC, 6/07-5/08, $ 8,500, 100%

10. "VSGC Aerospace Undergraduate Research Scholarship on behalf of Amanda Smith,"

Christopher Goyne (PI), Sponsor: VSGC,6/07-5/08, $ 8,500, 100%

11. "Diagnostic Development for Dual-Mode Combustion," Christopher Goyne (PI) and James

McDaniel (co-PI), Sponsor: NASA Langley, 12/2005-9/2006, $292,462, 50%

12. "Dual-mode combustion II," James McDaniel (PI) and Christopher Goyne (co-PI),


NASA Langley, 10/2001-6/2005, $ 999,731, 50%

13. "Shock Train Control in a Dual-Mode Combustor," James McDaniel (PI) and Christopher


(co-PI), Sponsor: National Institute of Aerospace, 10/2002-9/2004, $ 120,000, 50%

14. "VSGC Aerospace Graduate Research Fellowship on behalf of Mr. Daniel Le," Christopher

Goyne (PI), Sponsor: Virginia Space Grant Consortium, 7/2004-3/2006, $ 10,000, 100%

15. "Dual-mode scramjet database development," James McDaniel (PI) and Christopher Goyne


PI), Sponsor: University of Virginia, 1/2005-8/1/2005, $ 19,500, 50%

16. "VSGC Aerospace Undergraduate Research Scholarship on behalf of Mr. Joshua King,"

Christopher Goyne (PI), Sponsor: Virginia Space Grant Consortium, 6/2005-5/2006, $8,500,


17. "Harrison Award Faculty Sponsor," Christopher Goyne (PI), Sponsor: Center for


Excellence, University of Virginia, 4/2006-5/2006, $1000, 100%

18. "Development of a Test Methodology for Evaluation of Blast Protective Equipment,"


Bass (PI), Richard Kent (co-PI), Robert Salzar (co-PI) and Christopher Goyne (co-PI),


US Army, 7/2004-1/2006, $ 476,350, 5%

19. "VSGC Aerospace Graduate Research Fellowship on behalf of Jason Howison," Christopher

Goyne (PI), Sponsor: VSGC, 6/07-5/09, $ 10,000, 100%

20. "VSGC Aerospace Graduate Research Fellowship on behalf of Chad Smith," Christopher

Goyne (PI), Sponsor: VSGC, 6/08-5/09, $ 5,000, 100%

21. "VSGC Aerospace Undergraduate Research Scholarship on behalf of Ryan Johnson,"

Christopher Goyne (PI), Sponsor: VSGC, 6/08-5/09, $ 8,500, 100%


Christopher Goyne

22. "VSGC Aerospace Undergraduate Research Scholarship on behalf of Mr. Daniel Glanz,"

Christopher Goyne (PI), Sponsor: Virginia Space Grant Consortium, 6/2006-5/2007, $8,500,


23. "VSGC Aerospace Undergraduate Research Scholarship on behalf of Ms. Elizabeth Croft,"

Christopher Goyne (PI), Sponsor: Virginia Space Grant Consortium, 6/2006-5/2007, $8,500,


24. "VSGC Aerospace Undergraduate Research Scholarship on behalf of Mr. James Thompson,"

Christopher Goyne (PI), Sponsor: Virginia Space Grant Consortium, 6/2006-5/2007, $8,500,


25. VSGC Aerospace Graduate Research Fellowship on behalf of Mike Smayda, Christopher

Goyne (PI), Sponsor: VSGC, 6/09-5/11, $10,000, 100%


(advised students underlined)




1. Smith, C, and Goyne, CP, Development of Stereoscopic Particle Image Velocimetry

Technique for Scramjet Combustion, in preparation for Experiments in Fluids, 2012

2. Smayda, M, and Goyne, CP, Design and testing of an inlet for a scramjet flight


in preparation for Journal of Propulsion and Power, 2012

3. Kirik, J, and Goyne, CP, Convergence of turbulence statistics in a dual-mode

scramjet, in

preparation for Journal of Propulsion and Power, 2012

4. Smayda, M, and Goyne, CP, Testing of a dual-mode scramjet in a impulse facility, in

preparation for International Journal of Hypersonics, 2012

5. Kouchi, T, Rockwell, R, and Goyne, CP, Schlieren in a dual-mode scramjet, in


for AIAA Journal, 2012


Christopher Goyne


1. Yoon, SY, Lin, Z, Goyne, CP, and Allaire, PE, An Enhanced Greitzer Compressor Model

Including Pipeline Dynamics and Surge, accepted to IEEE American Control Conference,

San Francisco, CA, 2011

2. Yoon, SY, Lin, Z, Goyne, CP, and Allaire, PE, Control of Compressor Surge with Active


Magnetic Bearings, 49 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Atlanta, GA, 2010

3. Yoon, SY, Lin, Z, Lim, KT, Goyne, CP, and Allaire, PE, Model Validation for an AMB-

Based Compressor Surge Control Test Rig, 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,

Shanghai, China, 2009



1. Goyne CP, Stalker RJ and Paull AP, "Skin friction measurements in the T4 shock


Proceedings of the 21 st International Symposium on Shock Waves, Great Keppel Island,

Australia, July 1997.

2. Goyne CP, Paull AP and Stalker RJ, "A skin friction gauge for impulsive facilities,

"Proceedings of the 20 th International Symposium on Shock Waves, Pasadena, USA, July


3. Mee DJ and Goyne CP, "Turbulent spots in boundary layers in a free-piston shock tunnel

flow," Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Shock Waves, Pasadena, USA,

July 1995.


Christopher Goyne


1. Cresci, D, Tsai, C, Foelsche, R, Goyne, CP, and Smayda, M, Hypervelocity Testing of a

Dual-mode Scramjet, AIAA-2012-481, 50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including

the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition, Nashville, TN, Jan. 9-12, 2012

14. Bryner, E, Sharma, MG, Goyne, CP, Krauss, RH, Snyder, M, McDaniel, JC, Martin, EF,


Diskin, GS, Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Technique Development for Determination of

Spatially Resolved Water Concentration and Temperature, AIAA-2010-299, 48th AIAA

Aerospace Science Meeting, Orlando, FL, 2010

15. Rockwell, RD, Jr., Goyne, CP, Haw, W, Krauss, RH, McDaniel, JC, and Trefny, CJ,

Experimental Study of Test Medium Vitiation Effects on Dual-Mode Scramjet Mode

Transition, AIAA-2010-1126, 48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Orlando, FL, 2010

16. Bathel, B, Danehy, P, Inman, J, Jones, S, Ivey, C, and Goyne, C, Multiple Velocity


Measurements in Hypersonic Flows Using Sequentially-Imaged Fluorescence Tagging,

AIAA-2010-1404, 48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Orlando, FL, 2010

17. Goyne, CP, Cresci, D and Fetterhoff, TP, Short Duration Propulsion Test and



(Hy-V) Program, 15 AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and

Technologies Conference, 2009.

18. McDaniel, J, Goyne, C, Edwards, J, Chelliah, H, Cutler, A, and Givi, P, US National


for Hypersonic Combined Cycle Propulsion: An Overview, AIAA-2009-7280, 16th

AIAA/DLR/DGLR International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies

Conference, Bremen, Germany, 2009

19. Lim, KT, Yoon, SY, Goyne, CP, Lin, Z, and Allaire, PE, Characterization and

commissioning of a centrifugal compressor surge test rig, 8th IFtoMM International

Conference on Rotor Dynamics, Sep. 2009


Christopher Goyne


20. Goyne CP and Cresci D, "Hy-V Program Overview and Status," AIAA-2008-2577, 15

AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference,


21. McDaniel JC, Snyder, M, Smith C, Howison, J and Goyne CP, Combustion Efficiency

Measurement for Ground Test and Basic Hypersonic Propulsion Research, In: 55th

JANNAF Propulsion Meeting, 2008

22. Smith CT and Goyne CP, Turbulent Combustion Velocimetry in a Dual-mode Scramjet,


Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute, 2007 Fall Technical Meeting,

Chelliah, H,

Ed(s)., 2007

23. Goyne CP, Hall CD, O'Brien WF and Schetz JA "The Hy-V Scramjet Flight Experiment,"


AIAA-2006-7901, 14 International Space Planes and Hypersonics Systems and

Technologies Conference, 2006

24. Le DB, Goyne CP, Krauss RH and McDaniel JC, "Shock Train Leading Edge Detection in a

Dual-Mode Scramjet," AIAA-2006-0815 AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit,


25. Bonanos AM, Schetz JA, O Brien WF and Goyne CP, "Integrated Aeroramp-Injector/Plasma-

Torch Igniter for Methane and Ethylene Fueled Scramjets," AIAA-2006-813 AIAA

Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, 2006

26. Le DB, Goyne CP, Krauss RH and McDaniel JC, "Experimental Study of a Dual-Mode

Scramjet Isolator," AIAA-2005-0023, AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, 2005

27. Bonanos AM, Schetz JA, O'Brien WF and Goyne CP, "Scramjet Operability Range Studies


a Multifuel Integrated Aeroramp Injector/Plasma Igniter, " AIAA-2005-3425, AIAA/CIRA

International Space Planes and Hypersonics Systems and Technologies Conference, 2005

28. McDaniel JC, Goyne CP, Bryner EB, Le DB, Smith CT, and RH Krauss, "Dual-mode

Scramjet Operation at a Mach 5 Flight Enthalpy in a Clean Air Test Facility,"


Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics, American Institute of Physics, 2004

29. Smith CT, Goyne CP, Krauss RH and McDaniel JC, "Three-component Particle Image

Velocimetry in a Dual-mode Scramjet Combustor," 41st AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint

Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, 2005

30. Bryner EB, Diskin GS, Goyne CP, and McDaniel JC, "Low Pressure Spectroscopic

Parameters for Water Vapor Absorption Combustion Measurements," AIAA-2006-433,

AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, 2006

31. Bryner EB, Diskin GS, Goyne CP and McDaniel JC, " Development of an Infrared Laser

Absorption Tomography System for a Scramjet Combustor, " AIAA-2006-3445, 25


1. Goyne, CP, Close-collaborative Experimental and Computational Study of a Dual-mode

Scramjet Combustor, 50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons

Forum and Aerospace Exposition, Nashville, TN, Jan-9-2012

2. Goyne CP, Dual-mode scramjet flight and ground testing, Scramjet Summer School,

European Union, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany, July-29-2011

3. Goyne CP, UVa Hypersonic Propulsion Facility, Introduction to Hypersonic


National Institute of Aerospace, Charlottesville, VA, Nov-18-2010

4. Goyne CP, Aerospace Engineering and Scramjets, Southern Virginia Higher Education

Center, South Boston, VA, Oct-8-2010

5. Goyne CP, Hypersonic Workforce, Hypersonic Technology and Research Expert Panel

Session, AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, Nashville, TN, July-28-2010

6. Goyne CP, Hy-V (SDPTE) Program Overview, AFRL Lecture, Wright-Patterson Air Force

Base, Dayton, OH, July-29-2009


7. Goyne CP "AIAA HyTASP Committee," 15 AIAA International Space Planes and

Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference, Dayton, OH, April-28-2008

8. Goyne CP, Hy-V Program Overview and Status, Aerojet Engineering and Technology

Lecture Series, Gainesville, VA, Feb-26-2008

9. Goyne CP, Overview and Status of Hypersonics Programs, AIAA Technical Activities

Committee Meeting, Inside Aerospace An International Forum for Aviation and Space

Leaders, Arlington, VA, May-14-2008

10. Goyne CP, Hy-V Program Overview, NASA/NIA Hypersonic Educational Initiative,

Hampton, VA, Sept-12-2007

11. Goyne CP, Educational and Outreach Aspects of the Hy-V Scramjet Flight Experiment

Program, 43rd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit,

Cincinnati, OH, Jul-11-2007

12. Goyne CP, Hy-V Program Overview, National Institute of Aerospace Hypersonic

Educational Initiative, Hampton, VA, Sept-13-2007


Christopher Goyne

13. Goyne CP and Hall C, Hy-V Program, A Virginia Student Launch Initiative, Mid


Space Grant Consortium Meeting, Charlottesville, VA, Sept-13-2006



1. Goyne, CP, "Skin Friction Measurements in High Enthalpy Flows at High Mach Number,"

Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Queensland, 1999

2. Goyne, CP, "Scramjet Performance Evaluation - An Optimized Flight Plan," Final Year

Dissertation, Department of Mechanical Engineering University of Queensland, 1991.



1. Goyne, CP, McDaniel JC, Quagliaroli TM, Krauss RH, "Dual-mode Combustion Research at

UVa - Results of Work in Progress," Aerospace Research Laboratory, University of



2. Goyne, CP, "Details of skin friction gauge manufacture and testing models,"


Report No. 3/98, Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Queensland,



1. Smayda M, and Goyne CP, co-inventors, Method and System for Dispersion Reduction for


Sounding Rocket Scramjet Flight Experiment, 2011, Provisional United States Patent

2. Goyne CP, Stalker RJ and Paull A, co-inventors, "Reducing skin friction drag by


layer combustion," Assignee: University of Queensland, 1998, Australian Patent


3. Goyne CP, Stalker RJ and Paull A, co-inventors, "Reducing Skin Friction Drag,"


University of Queensland, 2000, United States Patent 6,532,728.

Service Performance:

UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA AND COMMONWEALTHDirector, Aerospace Research Laboratory, 2006-present

Associate Director, Aerospace Research Laboratory, 2003-2006

Facilities Coordinator, Aerospace Research Laboratory, University of Virginia, 2003-2008

Laser Protocols Supervisor, ARL, 2008-present

MAE Space Committee, 2003-2004

MAE Academic Facilities Committee, 2004-2006, 2009-2010

Committee Chair, Research Scientist Search Committee (MAE), 2008


Christopher Goyne

Committee Chair, Research Sensor Scientist Search Committee (MAE), 2009

Review Panel, VSGC New Investigator Grant Program, Virginia Space Grant Consortium,


Review Panel, VSGC Graduate Fellowship and Undergraduate Scholarship Panel, Virginia

Space Grant Consortium, 2011

Masters of Science Committee member for Mr. Ray Duthu, MAE, University of Virginia

Masters of Science Committee member for Mr. Stephen Evans, MAE, University of Virginia

PhD Oral Examination Committee for Mr. Rich Salaway, MAE, UVa

PhD Oral Examination Committee for Mr. Daniel Le, MAE, UVa

PhD Oral Examination Committee for Mr. Gaetano Esposito, MAE, UVa

PhD Oral Examination Committee for Mr. William Eberhardt, MAE, UVa

PhD Oral Examination Committee for Mr. Sarvjit Lota, MAE, UVa

PhD Oral Examination Committee for Ms. Charlotte Barbier, MAE, UVa, 2004

PhD Oral Examination Committee for Ms. Jean Noel Pederzani, MAE, UVa, 2004

PhD Oral Examination Committee for Mr. Timothy Dimond, MAE, UVa, 2006

PhD Oral Examination Committee for Mr. Shawn Russell, MAE, UVa, 2006

PhD Oral Examination Committee for Mr. Joshua Cordoni, MAE, UVa, 2010

PhD Oral Examination Committee for Mr. Brian Rice, MAE, UVa, 2011

PhD Oral Examination Committee for Mr. Dominic Barone, MAE, UVa, 2011

PhD Oral Examination Committee for Mr. Chao Qin, MAE, UVa, 2011

PhD Oral Examination Committee for Mr. Yong Yeong, MAE, UVa, 2011

PhD Oral Examination Committee for Ms. Kristin Busa, MAE, UVa, 2011

PhD Committee member for Mr. Se Yong Yoon, ECE, University of Virginia, 2007-2011

PhD Committee member for Mr. Jie Zhou, MAE, University of Virginia, 2006

PhD Committee member for Mr. Ari Bonanos, Virginia Tech, 2005

PhD Committee member for Mr. Milinda Suraweera, University of Queensland, Australia

PhD Committee member for Mr. Todd Silvester, University of Queensland, Australia

PhD Committee member for Mr. Rainer Matthias Kirchhartz, University of Queensland,


PhD Committee member for Mr. Stefan Brieschenk, University of New South Wales,

Australian Defence Force Academy, Australia, 2011

Facilities and Administrative (F&A) rate survey panel, University of Virginia, 2007

Guest lectures: MAE 201, MAE 412

Exhibit organizer, SEAS/MAE Open House, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011

Participant, Universities of National Institute of Aerospace exhibit at the Virginia


Assembly for NASA/Industry Aero-Space Day, 2006

Tour organizer, Piedmont Futures, Piedmont Virginia Community College, 2010

Faculty Sponsor, Mr. James Thompson, NSF Graduate Research Fellowship awardee, 2008

Faculty Sponsor, Ms. Elizabeth Martin, NSF Graduate Research Fellowship awardee, 2010

Faculty Sponsor, Mr. Ryan Johnson, National Defence Science and Engineering Graduate

Fellowship awardee, 2010

Faculty Sponsor, Ms. Elizabeth Martin, National Defence Science and Engineering Graduate

Fellowship awardee, 2011


Advisor, 1 Year Engineering Students, School of Engineering and Applied Science,

University of Virginia, 2011-present


Christopher Goyne

Advisor, Research Experience for Undergraduates, School of Engineering and Applied

Science, University of Virginia, 2008



AIAA Associate Fellow, 2009-present

Chair, AIAA Hypersonic Technologies and Aerospace Planes (HyTASP) Program

Committee, 2008-2011

Secretary, AIAA Aerodynamic Measurement Technology Technical Committee, 2012-present

AIAA Technical Activities Committee (TAC), 2008-2011

AIAA Aerodynamic Measurement Technology Technical Committee, Member, 2005-present

AIAA Hypersonic Technologies and Aerospace Planes (HyTASP) Program Committee,

Executive Secretary, 2005-2008

Steering Subcommittee, AIAA Hypersonic Technologies and Aerospace Planes (HyTASP)

Program Committee, 2011-present

Honors and Awards Subcommittee, AIAA Hypersonic Technologies and Aerospace Planes

(HyTASP) Program Committee, 2011-present

Virginia Space Grant Consortium Advisory Council, 2011-present

Reviewer, 44 AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, 2008


Reviewer, 46 AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 2008


Reviewer, 48 AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 2010


Reviewer, 49 AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 2011


Reviewer, 50 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2011

Reviewer, NASA Panel Review, NASA Aeronautics Scholarship Program, 2008

Reviewer, NASA Airbreathing Hypersonic Vehicle Research and Technology Program, 2003

Invited Reviewer, NASA EPSCoR Program, 2008

AIAA National Student Paper Conference Judge, 2006

Judge, Best Paper Award, AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and

Technologies Conference, 2008, 2009, 2011

Co-Chair and Organizer, National Institute of Aerospace Hypersonics Workshop, 2004


Session Chair, 43 AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, 2007


Session Chair, 44 AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, 2008


Session Chair, 45 AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, 2009


Session Chair, 46 AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, 2010


Session Chair, 14 AIAA/AHI International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and

Technologies Conference, 2006


Session Chair, 15 AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and

Technologies Conference, 2008


Session Chair, 16 AIAA/DLR/DGLR International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems

and Technologies Conference, 2009


Session Chair, 49 AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 2011

Session Chair, Virginia Space Grant Consortium Student Research Conference, 2007


Christopher Goyne

Session Chair, Virginia Space Grant Consortium Student Research Conference, 2008

Session Chair, Virginia Space Grant Consortium Student Research Conference, 2010

Team America Rocketry Challenge exhibit, Aerospace Industries Association high school

rocket competition, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010

K-12 Outreach, Astronautics lesson, Grades 4 and 5, Clark Springs Elementary School,

Richmond, Va, 2009


American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), Associate Fellow

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Member


Spacecraft Design and System Engineering, Institute for Atmospheric Optics and Remote

Sensing (IFAORS), Taksha University, 2011

The New Engineering Manager: Moving from Technical Professional to Manager, American

Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 2011

How to Start and Manage a Consulting Business, School of Continuing and Professional

Studies, University of Virginia, 2010


Christopher Goyne

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