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Sales Customer Service

Astoria, NY, 11106
October 16, 2010

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Francis J. Sehn

****- *********** *****.

AFLAC New York.

New York, NY.

**** **************.

to 2008 Verizon Communications.

Jamaica, NY.

**** **********, ******** ******e.

to 1996 Two Blondes, Inc. (manufacturer of ladies’ and children’s apparel accessories). New York, NY.

1993 Teacher.

to 1994 New York City Public Schools.

1987 NYS Licensed Real Estate Salesperson.

to 1992 Weichert, Realtors; Gala Realty; Buchbinder & Warren. New York, NY.

1985 Field Director.

to 1987 Schulman, Ronca & Bucuvalas, Inc. (market research supplier).

New York, NY.

1983 Social Insurance Claims Examiner (Retirement).

to 1985 Social Security Administration, US Department of Health and Human Services. Flushing, NY.

1982 Commission Salesman.

Trebor Sportswear (garment jobber). New York, NY.

1978 Manager, New York facility, Central Telephone Interviewing System

to 1982 (division of Audits & Surveys, Inc.) to Assistant Director of Field Operations, Audits & Surveys, Inc.

(market research supplier).

New York, NY.

1976 Housemanager.

to 1978 A R C Residence, Inc. (social service agency serving mentally retarded adults). Brooklyn, NY.

1973 Student.

to 1975 Universitæt Wien, Philosophy Faculty. History, Art History, German Language. Vienna, Austria.

1969 Service Representative (Public Office).

to 1973 New York Telephone Company. New York, NY.

1968 Service Assistant, Corporate Sales Accounting to Production

to 1969 Coordinator, Beaunit Weaving Co., Beaunit Corporation (textile manufacturer). New York, NY.

1966 Private (E1) to Sergeant (E5), US Army. Ft. Dix, NJ; Ft. Benning, GA; Fourth Infantry

to 1968 Division, RVN. Battalion Intelligence Sergeant. Honorable Discharge.

1972 MA, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Fordham University.

1966 AB, Fordham College, Fordham University.

1962 Regis High School, New York, NY


Resume of Francis J Sehn: Expanded description of work history.

2009 Independent Agent

AFLAC New York

199 Water Street

New York, NY 10038

Business to business sales of supplemental employee benefits policies. New York State licensed for life and

health insurance.

1997 to 2008: Representative

Verizon Communications

88 08 164 Street

Jamaica, NY 11432

In a call center, established, supported and maintained customer accounts on automated service order, data,

billing and integrating systems. Responded to sales, billing inquiry and order inquiry calls for customers throughout New

York State, on communications, data and entertainment accounts.

1995 to 1996: Bookkeeper (Accounts Payable)

Two Blondes, Inc.

114 West 26 Street

New York, NY 10001

Maintained MAS90 automated system. Reconciled purchase orders and receipts to verify all vendor invoices.

Maintained contacts (written, phone, in person) with over seven hundred vendors, outside EDP services, payroll service,

factors and banks. Scheduled payments and wrote checks. Also assignments in billing, research and recovery of factored

chargebacks, collections from large accounts.

1993 to 1994: Teacher

John Ericsson J H S (K126)

424 Leonard Street

Brooklyn, NY 11222

Certified in Social Studies. Also taught Mathematics and French.

1987 to 1992: Licensed Real Estate Salesperson

Buchbinder & Warren, 1 Union Square West, New York, NY 10003

Gala Realty, 155 East 34 Street, New York NY 10016

Weichert Realtors, 80 University Place, New York, NY 10003

Listed and sold cooperative and condominium apartments in Manhattan neighborhoods south of Fortieth Street.

Canvassed potential sellers by phone, by mail, in person. Advised owners on pricing and marketing, prepared advertising,

conducted open houses and showings. Negotiated offers and terms of sale. Prepared prospective buyers for board review.

Assured completeness of offering plans, financial reports and related documents. Coordinated, prepared for and participated

in closings.

1985 to 1987: Field Director

Schulman, Ronca & Bucuvalas, Inc.

444 Park Avenue South

New York, NY 10016

Managed a fifty position telephone interviewing facility engaged in data collection and recording on a variety of

market surveys and opinion polls. Oversaw supervision, quality control, quota control, personnel recruitment, training and

scheduling for fourteen shifts a week. Negotiated and arranged placement of overflow work with outside contractors.

1983 to 1985: Social Insurance Claims Examiner (Retirement)

U S Department of Health and Human Services


Social Security Administration

Northeastern Program Service Center

96 05 Horace Harding Expressway

Flushing, NY 11368

Examined material in claims folder and correspondence to determine proper action to be taken and method to be

used. Performed required computations, prepared documents necessary to suspend, reinstate or adjust benefits. Corrected

computer exceptions and alerts, particularly in connection with special applications and rulings under the Social Security Act.

Researched questions and problems, initiated development to ascertain facts, obtain proofs. Made initial determinations and

recognized situations requiring action by other technical personnel and routed accordingly. Notified beneficiaries of action

taken, attending to content, tone and form of correspondence.

1982: Commission Salesman

Trebor Sportswear

525 Seventh Avenue

New York, NY 10018

Sold ladies’ sportswear by telephone to retailers nationwide. Developed and presented a coordinated

telemarketing and customer service program.

1978 to 1982: Assistant Director of Field Operations

Audits & Surveys, Inc.

1 Park Avenue

New York, NY 10016

Supervised field operations, including assignment of local contractors, distribution and control of research

materials, data collection and reporting. Coordinated with project staff, sampling and coding departments, regional

representatives. Negotiated with local contractors. Estimated, monitored and controlled project costs.

Manager, New York Facility

Central Telephone Interviewing System

(Division of Audits & Surveys, Inc)

1 Park Avenue

New York, NY 10016

Managed a seventy five position telephone interviewing facility, including personnel, office services and planning.

Oversaw studies in progress, both paper and pencil and computer assisted. Developed and implemented training programs

and wrote instructional materials for use in all CTIS facilities. On special projects, provided training of client personnel and

support at client locations to implement applications of the Audits & Surveys Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing

(CATI) System.

1976 to 1978: Housemanager

A R C Residence, Inc.

1121 East 96 Street

Brooklyn, NY 11236

Training and supervision of twenty three mentally retarded men and women in daily living skills. Observation,

evaluation and reporting on each individual’s progress. Coordinating activities with community, social and recreational

agencies and with employers and families. Participated in agency’s conversion from houseparent to housemanager

treatment program.

1969 to 1973: Service Representative (Public Office)

New York Telephone Company

393 Seventh Avenue

New York, NY 10001

In person contact with business and residence customers regarding service, billing, orders, complaints and claims.


1968 to 1969: Production Coordinator, Beaunit Weaving Company

Beaunit Corporation

261 Madison Avenue

New York, NY 10016

Monitoring plant production, coordinating with plant staff, sales demand, quality control, accounting, factor.

Service Assistant, Corporate Accounting

Investigating and processing customer claims. Maintaining records on customer accounts. Securing adjustments

from other departments.

Resume of Francis J Sehn: Enumeration of applicable Knowledge, Skills and Abilities.

KNOWLEDGE: The following areas of knowledge apply to three or more of the past positions held:

ENGLISH LANGUAGE: Knowledge of the structure and content of the English language including the meaning and spelling

of words, rules of composition and grammar.

CUSTOMER AND PERSONAL SERVICE: Knowledge of principles and processes for providing customer and personal

services. This includes customer needs assessment, meeting quality standards for services and evaluation of customer


ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT: Knowledge of business and management principles involved in strategic planning,

resource allocation, human resources modeling, leadership technique, production methods and coordination of people and


MATHEMATICS: Knowledge of arithmetic, algebra, geometry, calculus, statistics and their applications.

CLERICAL: Knowledge of administrative and clerical procedures and systems such as word processing, managing files and

records, designing forms and other office procedures and terminology.

Areas of knowledge also called for in past positions include:

SALES AND MARKETING: Knowledge of principles and methods for showing, promoting and selling products and services.

This includes marketing strategy and tactics, product demonstration, sales techniques and sales control systems.

COMPUTERS AND ELECTRONICS: Knowledge of electronic equipment and computer hardware and software, including

applications and programming.

ECONOMICS AND ACCOUNTING: Knowledge of economic and accounting principles and practices, the financial markets,

banking and the analysis and reporting of financial data.

SOCIOLOGY AND ANTHROPOLOGY: Knowledge of group behavior and dynamics, societal trends and influences,

ethnicity, cultures and their history and origins.


PSYCHOLOGY: Knowledge of human behavior and performance; individual differences in ability, personality and interests;

learning and motivation; and the assessment and treatment of behavioral and affective disorders.

EDUCATION AND TRAINING: Knowledge of principles and methods for curriculum and training design, teaching and

instruction for individuals and groups and the measurement of training effects.

PERSONNEL AND HUMAN RESOURCES: Knowledge of principles and procedures for personnel recruitment, selection,

training, compensation and benefits, labor relations and negotiation and personnel information systems.

LAW AND GOVERNMENT: Knowledge of laws, legal codes, court procedures, precedents, government regulations,

executive orders, agency rules and the democratic political process.

SKILLS: The following skills apply to three or more of the positions held:

ACTIVE LISTENING: Giving full attention to what other people are saying, taking time to understand the points being made,

asking questions as appropriate and not interrupting at inappropriate times.

TIME MANAGEMENT: Managing one’s own time and the time of others.

READING COMPREHENSION: Understanding written sentences and paragraphs in work related documents.

SPEAKING: Talking to others to convey information effectively.

Skills also exercised in past positions include:

MONITORING: Monitoring/assessing performance of yourself, other individuals or organizations to make improvements or

take corrective action.

NEGOTIATION: Bringing others together and trying to reconcile differences.

MATHEMATICS: Using mathematics to solve problems.

CRITICAL THINKING: Using logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions,

conclusions or approaches to problems.

PERSUASION: Persuading others to change their minds or behavior.

LEARNING STRATEGIES: Selecting and using training/instructional methods and procedures appropriate for the situation

when learning or teaching new things.

INSTRUCTING: Teaching others how to do something.

JUDGMENT AND DECISION MAKING: Considering the relative costs and benefits of potential actions to choose the most

appropriate one.

MANAGEMENT OF PERSONNEL RESOURCES: Motivating, developing and directing people as they work, identifying the

best people for the job.


ABILITIES: The principal abilities required in three or more of the positions held include:

ORAL EXPRESSION: The ability to communicate information and ideas in speaking so others will understand.

ORAL COMPREHENSION: The ability to listen to and understand information and ideas presented through spoken words

and sentences.

SPEECH RECOGNITION: The ability to identify and understand the speech of another person.

WRITTEN COMPREHENSION: The ability to read and understand information and ideas presented in writing.

PROBLEM SENSITIVITY: The ability to tell when something is wrong or is likely to go wrong. It does not involve solving the

problem, only recognizing there is a problem.

SPEECH CLARITY: The ability to speak clearly so others can understand you.

Abilities also required by past positions include:

NEAR VISION: The ability to see details at close range.

DEDUCTIVE REASONING: The ability to apply general rules to specific problems to produce answers that make sense.

INDUCTIVE REASONING: The ability to combine pieces of information to form general rules or conclusions (includes

finding a relationship among seemingly unrelated events).

MATHEMATICAL REASONING: The ability to choose the right mathematical methods or formulas to solve a problem.

INFORMATION ORDERING: The ability to arrange things or actions in a certain order or pattern according to a specific rule

or set of rules (e.g., patterns of numbers, letters, words, pictures, mathematical operations).

WRITTEN EXPRESSION: The ability to communicate information and ideas in writing so others will understand.


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