Webnda Ferdinand Nkwenchi
Tel: +237*********
Email: *******@*****.***
MLS (ASCPCM) /NHRA Certified Medical Laboratory Scientist/ Technologist with many years of working experience in Clinical, Molecular Diagnostic, and Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT) laboratories.
Relevant Work experience
PGT (Al Jawhara Centre for Molecular Medicine & Inherited Disorder, Manama- Bahrain)
PGT Laboratory Technologist since 09/2017
Nucleic Acid purification (DNA Extraction and quantification)
PCR; Mutation Screenings (Thalassemia, Sickle Cell Anemia HLA matching, and Linkage analysis)
Gel electrophoresis, Samples Management
Led in improving SOP development and streamlining other laboratory processes from extraction to final resulting and reporting
Viafet Genomics Laboratory, Dubai, UAE (CAP-accredited Genomic Lab)
Medical Laboratory Technologist: - 05/ 2015 – 09/2017
• Nucleic Acid purification (DNA Extraction and quantification)
• PCR; Mutation Screenings (Thalassemia, Sickle Cell Anemia., HLA matching and Linkage analysis,)
• Gel electrophoresis
• Samples Management
• PCR; PCR purification, Sanger Sequencing, NGS using MiSeq Illumina platform
Corot Medical Laboratory and Diagnostics
Laboratory Manager: - 11/2012- 12/2013
Coordinated the activities of the medical diagnostic Laboratory, testing, QA/QC monitoring, evaluations, training day to day running of the lab
Established SOP development and implementations
Initiated a communication strategy for both doctors and clinics for messaging and email reminders
Meeting with stakeholders/ clients to better educate them on our requirement and sample collections and sending
Succeeded in negotiating the enrollment of the three most famous hospitals in the City for their testing needs in spite of being a newly established testing center increasing the testing volume by about 30%.
Introduced weekly presentations in a journal club activities to keep the staff engaged and learn more skills as well as being updated with the latest technologies and knowledge while sharing their experiences
Oversaw and coordinated with the satellite in Limbe southwest region
Global Viral Forecasting (GVF)
Medical Laboratory Scientist: - 9/ 2009 – 11/ 2012
Routine Laboratory procedures
-HIV rapid testing, confirmation by ELISA, and subsequent typing by the reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction
External QC (proficiency testing) from Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Mutengene for HIV testing.
Weekly seasonal and Pandemic Influenza (H1N1 2009) testing
Other testing by conventional PCR: Hepatitis C virus (HCV), GB virus (GBV), Simian Immunodeficiency Virus (SIV), Simian Foamy Virus (SFV), Flavi viruses, Filo viruses, Arena viruses, Corona viruses, and Hanta viruses.
Supervised satellite site at Hevecam, South Region of Cameroon, provided technical and laboratory streamlined and improved support to the Hospital by testing CD4, CD8, and CBC for HIV patients
Team leader for a field team for the U.S.A Department of Defense HIV/AIDS Prevention Program (DHAPP) Sponsored HIV Sero prevalence the Cameroon Sex workers project (0ct-Nov 2009) accomplishing the collection of over 2000 sample collections and testing in a one month period
Supervised HIV Sero prevalence in the Cameroonian military surveillance project (September-October 2011).
Lead reporter to sponsors USAID (Predict), US Department of Defense-Global Emerging Infections System (GEIS), Google, Local Hospitals, National Influenza Center-NIC (Centre Pasteur Cameroon), and Ministry of Health, (MOH), The World health organization WHO, and other partners.
overhauled and reorganized the Management and monitoring of laboratory inventory levels, order materials, and supplies, and check quality in accordance with established policies and procedures,
Supervised, taught, trained students and military personnel on internship,
Coordinated Journal Club activities, briefed and assigned speakers at GVFI
Maintained quality control procedures, according to established protocols, preventive maintenance on equipment, and utilizes aseptic technique to perform laboratory experiments.
North Crest Medical Center: Springfield TN, USA
Medical Laboratory Technologist: -6/2005 – 08/2009
CAP and TJC accredited facility, Routine medical laboratory tests, procedures, experiments, and analyses to provide data for diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease in the Blood bank, Microbiology, Hematology Chemistry, serology, urinalysis, and coagulation studies.
Analyzed test results and entered findings into the computer information system.
Trained and supervised laboratory Technicians and students on clinical rotations.
Ensured compliance with government requirements, accreditation bodies, hospital policies, and laboratory procedures, including maintaining the cleanliness of lab safety and equipment.
State Laboratory: Nashville, TN, USA
Medical Technologist Intern, (Microbiology): April-May 2004
- ELISA, Mass Spectrometry, Immunology, PCR, Virology, Western Blot for HIV confirmation and TB diagnosis.
Professional Certifications:
• Medical Laboratory Scientist (generalist) ASCPCM Board-certified; since July 2005
• Medical Laboratory Technologist DHA (Dubai Health Authority); 06/2015 – 04/2017
• Medical Laboratory Technologist NHRA (National Health Regulatory Board, Bahrain); since October 2018
Biology Department, Austin Peay State University Clarksville TN
Graduate Assistant January 2004 - December 2005
Worked with undergraduate students on the proper use and safety of valuable and sensitive Lab equipment, and safeguard regarding exposure to potentially dangerous equipment and materials.
Graded Lab reports and tutored with TRIO Student support services; Math (algebra, statistics), Anatomy and physiology, and Developmental Math.
General Lab preparations, organization, direction, evaluation of Lab activities in Biology.
State Laboratory Nashville, TN, USA
Medical Technologist intern, (microbiology), April - May 2005
ELISA, Mass spectrometry, Immunology, PCR, Virology, Western Blot for HIV confirmation and TB diagnosis.
Zion Clinic/Maternity Yaounde
Lab technician January 2002 - December 2003
Intern July 2001 - January 2002
Medical laboratory Analysis
Carried out routine clinical diagnostic tests; typhoid; malaria; Syphilis; Rapid HIV; pregnancy, urethral/Vaginal swabs; Cultures; Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR); Complete Blood Count (CBC); Differential Blood Count (DBC) and serum electrophoresis.
Laboratory Equipment used:
1. Chemistry: Beckman Coulter analyzers (CX7, Synchron LX 20 Pro, Synchron Unicel DX 600 and DX 600i, TOSOH G7, MAP LAP Plus, AVL 9180 electrolyte analyzer
2. Immunoassay: Beckman (Access2 and Unicel DXI) Biotek ELISA System, Microplate washer DAW 50 and reader DAR 800,
3. Hematology: Celldyns: - 1700, 3500, and 3700. Abbot Sapphire and Siemens’ Advia Hematology analyzers, Mind - ray Hematology systems (BC-2800, BC 5300) slide strainer, CyFlow® Counter,
4. Coagulation: - Dade Behring CA 540, CA 1500, Status CS, and Hemochron for Activated Clotting Time (ACT).
5. Blood Gases: Rapid point 405
6. Microbiology: BD BACTEC™ 9120 fully automated microbiology growth and detection system, Aerospray® Gram Series 2 for gram stains, Kodak gel logic 112 imaging system, BioMérieux’s API® ID strip range.
7. Urinalysis: UF- 1000i™, fully automated urinary screening systems
8. Blood Bank: cell washer, ortho gel Micro typing diagnostic system (microcentrifuge, gel cards, automatic micropipettes) Blood warmer and FFP thawer
9. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) Machines: Real-time PCR: ABI Biosystems - ABI 7500 fast, ABI 7700, and Cepheid smart cycler.
10. Conventional PCR: ABI Biosystems - ABI 9900, Eppendorf (Master cycler, master cycler gradient personal, nexus)
11. Agilent Bio-Analyzer 2100, Nanodrop 2000, Expose, Qubit,
12. Sanger Sequencing- Genetic Analyzer 3130xl and Genetic Analyzer 3500,
13. Next-Generation sequencing- Illumina platform (MiSeq)
Microsoft Professional Certificate (Virtual): Introduction to Computer Science 03/ 2020
Austin Peay State University (APSU) Clarksville, TN. USA: Master of Science in Management - 05/ 2008
Austin Peay State University (APSU) Clarksville, TN. USA: Master of Science in Biology 12/ 2005
Austin Peay State University (APSU) Clarksville, USA: Medical Laboratory Technology Certificate 05/ 2005
University of Buea. Cameroon: Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry /Medical Lab Technology - 08/ 2000
Computer skills
Operating systems: Microsoft, Mac, Linux
Software packages: - Microsoft (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, Office 365) and the Internet.
Laboratory Information Systems:
Health MD, Meditech, Lab Care HMS, and Cloud-based Azure-LIS
Fluent in English, French, and Yamba
Workshops/Conferences/Further Training
1-- SAF-T-PAK Training for shipment of Dangerous Goods, Division 6.2 December; 2009
2- NIH Web-based training course “Protecting Human Research Participants” September 2009
3 Training Workshop on the Diagnosis of Influenza, the University of Buea Laboratory for Emerging Infectious Diseases (UB LEID) November 2009
4 - Yellow fever virus detection by IgM ELISA and conventional PCR, KEMRI, Kenya July 2010
5- USAID (Predict) sponsored training in September 2010 on:
Laboratory safety
Packing and shipping Biological sample
Personal protective equipment
GVFI Cameroon bush meet policy
Fire safety
6- NIH Web-based training course “Protecting Human Research Participants” November 2014
7- Forty-nine CE credits hours for ASCP’s CMP (Certification Maintenance Program) November 2014
8- Pathology Update 2015; ASCP, MENA (Abu Dhabi) UAE; December 2015
9- UAE Reproductive Symposium 2016. Dubai UAE; March 2016
10- Fire Safety Training, Diliberto Arabia Training Center, Dubai UAE; March 2016
11- Basic Life Support (American Hospital, Dubai); April 2017
12- Look Again ME 2017 Events (Dubai); October 2017
12- The 1st Regional Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis Conference
(Al Jawhara Centre for Molecular Medicine and Inherited Disorders, Manama, Bahrain); December 2017
13- Basic Life Support (Education plus, Bahrain) March 2018
14 - Anti-aging Medicine Conference “The Scientific Secrets for Longevity”
(Al Jawhara Centre for Molecular Medicine and Inherited Disorders, Manama, Bahrain); January 2019
15 - The Millennium Biotechnology Pan Arab Conference & Bio-Business Form "MBPAC"-April 2019
16 - Basic Life Support (Arabian Gulf University, Bahrain) November 2020
17 - "11th Course in Bioinformatics” 7 -18 March 2021
GVFI Journal Club: Molecular Diagnosis of Yellow Fever. December 2010
Laboratory Activities at GVFI. March 2011
Overview of Laboratory Activities at GVFI at a Joint Conference.
The University of Buea Laboratory for Emerging Disease (LEID),
GEIS, Walter Reid, GVF I. Yaoundé, July 2011
GVFI journal Club: The origin of Malignant Malaria. July 2011
GVFI journal Club: Arena Viruses August 2011,
Ebola virus (mode of transmission signs and symptoms) Zion Bonaberi, Douala. August 2014,
Viafet Genomics Lab, Dubai: Laboratory Fire Safety. April 2016,
Genetic Laboratory Services at the Dubai-Africa Road Show,
Lagos-Nigeria and Accra-Ghana. March 2017
Abstracts/ Poster
Allele amplification failure in the HBB gene due to allelic dropout in a
Pre-preimplantation genetic testing (pre-PGT) case
(6th World Congress on Human Genetics & Genetic Diseases, Abu Dhabi, UAE - April 2019
A Family Of Matched Parent-Child HLA Haplotypes: A Case Study From Bahrain,
(18th International Symposium on Preimplantation Genetics – PGDIS” Geneva, Switzerland) April 2019
Dr. Mariam Fida, Director Preimplantation Genetic Testing, Princess Al Jawhara Center, Manama, Bahrain: Tel: +973********, email: ***********@*****.***
Ms. Amanda Fakih, General Manager Viafet Genomic Laboratory LLC, Dubai, Tel: 971-******** ******@******.**
Dr. Cyrille F. Djoko. Regional Laboratory Director for Central Africa Global Viral Forecasting (GVF) *******@*****.*** Office: + (237-********* Ext 103 Mobile: + (237-********* Fax: + (237-********* Ext 107
Trubilowicz, Ronald P., Laboratory Directory, North crest Medical Center Springfield Tel: +1-615-***-****
Email ***************@**********.***
Dr. Dailey Charles, professor/Chair Department of Biology, Austin Peay State University Clarksville, TN
Tel: +1-931-***-**** email: *******@****.***