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Financial Engineering Manager

Los Angeles, CA
June 26, 2024


Job Title: Financial Engineering Manager

Job Summary: As a Financial Engineering Manager, you will lead a team responsible for developing and implementing sophisticated financial models, quantitative analytics, and risk management strategies. This role combines expertise in financial modeling, software development, and quantitative analysis to support investment decision-making, trading strategies, and risk assessment. You will collaborate closely with investment professionals, traders, and technology teams to innovate financial products, optimize trading algorithms, and enhance financial performance.

Roles and Responsibilities:

Financial Modeling and Algorithm Development:

Lead the design, development, and validation of complex financial models, pricing algorithms, and quantitative strategies to support investment products and trading activities.

Implement mathematical models, stochastic processes, and numerical methods to analyze financial data, simulate market scenarios, and optimize trading strategies.

Quantitative Analysis and Risk Management:

Conduct quantitative research, statistical analysis, and scenario simulations to assess market risk, credit risk, liquidity risk, and operational risk exposures.

Develop risk management frameworks, value-at-risk (VaR) models, stress testing methodologies, and hedging strategies to mitigate portfolio risks and enhance risk-adjusted returns.

Software Development and Technology Integration:

Collaborate with technology teams to develop and deploy software applications, trading platforms, and analytics tools using programming languages (e.g., Python, C++, Java) and quantitative libraries (e.g., MATLAB, R).

Integrate financial models, data analytics pipelines, and real-time market data feeds to support automated trading systems and decision support tools.

Cross-functional Collaboration:

Partner with portfolio managers, investment strategists, and research analysts to translate quantitative insights into actionable investment strategies, portfolio optimizations, and asset allocation decisions.

Provide quantitative support and expertise to trading desks, risk management teams, compliance officers, and senior management to drive informed decision-making processes.

Team Leadership and Development:

Manage and mentor a team of financial engineers, quantitative analysts, and software developers, fostering a collaborative and innovative work environment.

Set strategic goals, prioritize projects, allocate resources, and oversee the execution of quantitative research initiatives and technology-driven solutions.

Industry Research and Thought Leadership:

Stay abreast of industry trends, regulatory developments, and emerging technologies in financial engineering, quantitative finance, and algorithmic trading.

Contribute to research publications, white papers, and industry conferences to showcase thought leadership, innovative solutions, and best practices in financial engineering and quantitative analysis.

Skills Required:

Quantitative Expertise: Strong proficiency in financial mathematics, stochastic calculus, numerical methods, and statistical analysis applied to financial markets and derivatives.

Programming Skills: Advanced programming skills in languages such as Python, C++, Java, or MATLAB for software development, data analysis, and algorithm implementation.

Financial Modeling: Experience in developing and validating financial models, Monte Carlo simulations, and pricing algorithms for derivatives, structured products, and risk management applications.

Risk Management: Knowledge of risk assessment methodologies, VaR models, stress testing techniques, and regulatory requirements (e.g., Basel III) related to financial risk management.

Leadership and Team Management: Demonstrated leadership capabilities with experience in managing teams, fostering innovation, and driving results in a quantitative finance or financial engineering environment.

Communication: Excellent verbal and written communication skills to convey complex quantitative concepts, present analytical findings, and collaborate effectively with multidisciplinary teams and stakeholders.

Education and Experience:

A Master's degree or Ph.D. in Financial Engineering, Computational Finance, Applied Mathematics, Computer Science, or a related field is typically required; additional certifications (e.g., CFA, FRM) may be advantageous.

Proven experience (typically 5-7 years) in financial engineering, quantitative analysis, algorithmic trading, or software development roles within financial institutions, hedge funds, or asset management firms.

Experience in leadership or managerial roles, overseeing quantitative teams, and driving innovation in financial modeling and technology solutions.


The compensation package for a Financial Engineering Manager typically includes a competitive base salary, performance-based bonuses tied to team and project outcomes, and potentially profit-sharing or incentive compensation.

Additional benefits such as health insurance, retirement plans, and professional development opportunities may also be provided based on the employer's policies.
