is looking for adult female webcam model entertainer/performer ages 18+ and older (19+ in Canada), in Chicago, IL or based ANYWHERE in the United States or Canada to work from home, as a webcam model.
A remote web cam model performer who exhibits from home full-time, working a 40 hour a week schedule can expect to earn a nice six figure income of $100,000 and up to $200,000, every single year.
Webcam models that work a part-time, 20 to 25 hours a week schedule, can expect to earn in the range of $800 to $2,000 per week, every week. Unlike most webcam sites, we do not issue chargebacks against model entertainer earnings, so you get paid for every show.
Payments are issued every week via Bank Check sent via US mail, ACH Direct Deposit, Paxum online payments or Bank Check via FedEx.
You will be classified as an independent contractor and you will be in charge of when you work and how much you work. You will be issued a 1099 form at the end of the year, and you will need to pay taxes on your earnings. We will provide you with certain financial formulas that will assure your taxes will be paid on time. We will also advise you as to certain formulas that will guarantee your financial success on the site, as well as the best times and shifts to work. CamSharks web cam remote work from home jobs provide full free webcam model performer training before you begin working if you are new to the webcam business.
Some of the biggest names in the adult webcam modeling world got their start with CamSharks including Belle Ariel, Jayda Diamonde, Jill Kelly, Noah Bensi, Nikki Bender, Amber Chase, Lucia King and thousands of other TOP income producing webcam stars.
What You Need: A fast computer. A good reliable internet connection. An outgoing personality. A desire to succeed and the discipline and follow through to be your own boss.
About Us: has been serving the worldwide webcam modeling community on a global scale for over 17 years. We are the number one undisputed leader in webcam modeling positions and our models work exclusively on the largest webcam platform in the world, with over 500 million registered viewers and traffic being fed into it from over 3000 of the highest traffic webcam sites in the world.
Fill Out The Quick 2-Minute Cam Model Application at Today and Start Making BIG Money From Home Tomorrow!